Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1234 Take yourself too seriously

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Are you really going there to beat people?" Ma Ting was dumbfounded. "Let me tell you, a lot of people must go there to see it, and I think the police will also go there."

"I just want them to go." Xia Xia said lazily, then dragged Gu Hanshuang out of the room.

Ma Ting and Xu Qianqian looked at each other, and then 13800100 said almost in unison, "Let's go have a look too, shall we?"

So, in the end, Ma Ting and Xu Qianqian, plus their two boyfriends, went to Shudu Square with the four of them in the summer. As for Zhang Mingtuo and others, after all, they were older and did not seem to be very interested in this kind of thing, and Xu Qianqian's parents also I was a little worried about getting into trouble, so although they all left the hotel quickly, they went home.

At the same time, Hecheng.

Feng Yuexuan, Yue Zhifeng is playing against himself again.

"Lao Yue, no matter how good you are at chess, you are only talking about soldiers on paper, so don't play chess." A carefree voice suddenly came from the door.

Yue Zhifeng's face suddenly became a little ugly, Lao Yue? It was the first time in his life that he heard this title, and what annoyed him even more was that the other party's tone was obviously not polite at all!

Yue Zhifeng put down the chess piece in his hand, turned his head to look at the door, but his face quickly returned to normal. He smiled lightly at the person who came: "It turned out to be Young Master Zhao, did Gongzi ask you to come?"

The person who came was the young master Zhao, Zhao Xiaozhuo, who had recently become famous in Hecheng. He swaggered into the room and sat down opposite Yue Zhifeng: "Old Yue, I have nothing to do with my eldest brother here. I just wanted to say a few words to you."

"Little Master Zhao, Gong Zi once told me about you, he once told me that he has a very good younger brother, but now it seems that he has exaggerated a bit, or he failed to teach you well, let you I don't even understand some of the most basic etiquette!" Yue Zhifeng's face turned cold again, obviously, Zhao Xiaozhuo's mouthful of old Yue finally made him unable to bear it.

Zhao Xiaozhuo had a look of indifference: "I said Laoyue, I called you Laoyue, it's already to give you face, my elder brother is more polite to everyone, but I'm different, my little Zhao. The young master never plays with others. If your grandfather is here, I will honor him as Father Yue, because he is a respectable figure. As for your Lao Yue, if I call you Lao Yue, it means I look down on you. , or I will call you Yue Zhifeng directly."

Yue Zhifeng's face suddenly became more gloomy: "Little Master Zhao, since you said so, then I will also tell you that I, Feng Yuexuan, do not welcome you, please leave immediately, and give your elder brother a message by the way. Said I was disappointed in him!"

"Are you disappointed with my eldest brother?" Zhao Xiaozhuo laughed, "Old Yue, my eldest brother is also quite disappointed in you. He originally thought that you were a real character, but unfortunately, he was wrong, and he finally knew, You're just an ordinary man who doesn't care about the bigger picture for the sake of a woman."

After a short pause, Zhao Xiaozhuo said again: "By the way, Lao Yue, let me tell you something by the way, my eldest brother has left Hecheng, um, I said leave, not for him to travel or go on a business trip. But if you leave for a long time, it will take at least three or five years to come back, and in the future, there will be no more Master Zhao in this city, only me, Young Master Zhao."

"Really?" Yue Zhifeng sneered, "This is good news for the other families in Hecheng, but for your Zhao family, I'm afraid this is really not a good thing. I think if Gongzi knew the first time he left. One day, if you do something like this, he will definitely regret leaving."

"Old Yue, Lao Yue, your biggest problem is that you always take yourself too seriously." Zhao Xiaozhuo shook his head, "You thought everyone in Hecheng would call you Mr. Yue when they saw you, but it really is. Are you giving you face? You are wrong, they are giving face to Mr. Yue, and at the same time, they are still giving face to my elder brother, because everyone knows that my elder brother still owes you a few favors. If something happens to you, my elder brother will probably help you. ."

"Young Master Zhao, you can leave now!" Yue Zhifeng said coldly.

"Lao Yue, should I leave? It's my little son Zhao's business. When I want to leave, I will naturally leave. If you want to drive me away, that's impossible. If you don't believe me, try it. See who dares to listen. Your words drive me away?" Zhao Xiaozhuo was still sitting there with a golden sword, and then he continued with a comforting look: "However, Lao Yue, don't worry, I won't be here. It's been a long time, and when I finish speaking, I'll naturally leave, there's really nothing to stay in this broken place, I have to say, Lao Yue, your taste is really not bad!"

Yue Zhifeng's face was ashen, but he did not speak, nor did he call anyone to dare Zhao Xiaozhuo, because he knew that Zhao Xiaozhuo was right, and even his cronies would not dare to chase Zhao Xiaozhuo.

"Lao Yue, that's right, in fact, I'm here today to tell you two things." Zhao Xiaozhuo looked very satisfied, "The first is that my eldest brother doesn't owe you any favors anymore. , Lao Yue, you were quite smart back then. At that time, you knew that you would be inferior to my eldest brother sooner or later, so you retreated bravely, gave your position to my eldest brother, and got a few favors from my eldest brother. , However, this time is different from the past. Although my eldest brother said that he still owes you three favors, but in fact, you are still alive, it is my eldest brother's credit, well, in fact, the more important thing is my eldest sister's credit, that summer guy I took my eldest sister to be my wife, so I promised my eldest sister not to kill you, otherwise you would be dead by now. In a word, now

Our Zhao family and your Lao Yue owe nothing to each other! "

"Little Master Zhao, I can tell you that without your Zhao family, my Yue Zhifeng would still be Yue Zhifeng!" Yue Zhifeng said coldly.

"Well, the second thing is, Lao Yue, you want someone to use missiles to kill my brother-in-law, and you want to kill my brother-in-law. How do you think this account is calculated?" Zhao Xiaozhuo asked lazily.

Yue Zhifeng's face remained unchanged, but his tone was still indifferent: "Little Master Zhao, I don't know what you are talking about."

"I said Lao Yue, it's boring for you, man, if you dare to do it, you have to be brave. Do you think everyone doesn't know about the things you do?" Zhao Xiaozhuo looked a little unhappy, "Do you think everyone is really serious? I would believe that it was a pilot who suddenly went crazy and wanted to rebel, and then went crazy and wanted to kill a civil aviation plane, but didn't expect it to be a special plane in summer? You might as well ask, now who doesn't know, you did this thing ?"

"Young Master Zhao, if there is no evidence, please don't talk nonsense!" Yue Zhifeng said coldly.

"Well, I know you won't admit it, but it doesn't matter, in fact, I didn't expect you to admit it, I just wanted to let you know, now that everyone knows about this, there is also a lot of pressure on the side, right? , Lao Yue, don't you really know how serious the defection of the pilots is in this day and age? , but do you think they will give you face in the future?" Zhao Xiaozhuo said while shaking his head, "Old Yue, Lao Yue, you are pushing the people around you who could have helped you one by one. I see you, the days of betrayal and separation are not far away, well, I dare to say that if Mr. Yue dies, you will be finished, so you should expect Mr. Yue to live a few more years."

Yue Zhifeng's face became even more ugly, but unfortunately, Zhao Xiaozhuo didn't give him a chance to speak, so he continued: "Aiya, Lao Yue, I just remembered something very unfortunate for you, and Mr. Yue is almost dying. He is still alive at an advanced age. It seems that it is all because of one person. By the way, that person is called Yi Xiaoyin. He seems to be a woman in the summer. Well, she is gone now. Will Yi Xiaoyin still help you? Without Yi Xiaoyin, who can help Mr. Yue? In fact, there is another person, but that person happened to be called Xia Xia and was almost killed by you with a missile, right? I said Lao Yue Ah Lao Yue, you are truly speechless!"

Shaking his head, Zhao Xiaozhuo stood up and walked outside: "If you have nothing to say, why don't you say it, Lao Yue, you can do it yourself, if you are wise, it's best to leave Hecheng, so that you can finish your life safely. For the rest of my life, otherwise... um, I won't say it, you know!"

Zhao Xiaozhuo quickly disappeared at the door, and Yue Zhifeng's face became more and more gloomy. In the end, he suddenly lifted the table in front of him, and the chess pieces on the table were scattered.


Shudu Square is the most famous leisure square in Shudu. Usually there are quite a lot of people here, but now, there are even more people. The war on Weibo has finally extended to reality, although it is not on every Weibo. Everyone will come to watch the game in reality, but there are still many people who have the time and the mood. At this moment, in fact, many people are rushing to Shudu Square just like summer.

It is not only the people who rush to the square to watch the excitement, but also reporters from various media. Of course, reporters cannot miss this kind of important event. Besides, there are also people from Jing Fang who also rushed over. The fact that the car was parked near the square also made many people worry that this battle on Weibo will end without a cause due to the interference of the Jing party?

"Come, summer is here..." Xia Xia just came to Shudu Square, and heard some people shouting excitedly there. Although most of these people have only seen Xia Xia's photos before, there is something too obvious around Xia Xia. The symbol of her is Gu Hanshuang, a glamorous Taoist nun, so they can recognize Summer at a glance.

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