Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1245 Mrs. Yue

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

On the way to Yiren Pavilion, Xia Xia called Song Yumei.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Song Yumei answered the phone quickly, with a coquettish tone in her tone.

"Wife Meimei, I'm going back to Jianghai City, when can you leave?" Xia Tian asked directly.

"Everything on my side has been arranged, and you can leave at any time." Song Yumei replied, and then asked again, "Are you sure about the time to go back? If you are sure, I'll go book the ticket. "

"Then go back tomorrow, I still have something to do today." Xia Xia thought about it, and immediately made a decision, "However, Meimei wife, we don't take the plane, we take the train, I count, there are a total of six people, You just need to buy six train tickets, the kind of soft sleeper tickets."

"Okay, I'll have someone prepare the ticket later." Song Yumei agreed.

After finishing the call with Song Yumei, Xia Xia called Zhao Yuji again, and asked her to tell the little goblin and Princess Sama that they were going to Jianghai tomorrow. After that, Xia Xia called Chu Yao, this Miss Chumen. It's time to return to Jianghai.

After arranging this, Xia Xia also appeared at the gate of Yiren Pavilion, but at this moment, a person came out. This person was not Yi Xiaoyin, nor Ah Jiu, nor the two female agents of the dark group. Eighth sister and nineteenth sister, but a young woman whom she had never seen in the summer.

This woman is about twenty-five or six years old, with a height of about 160 centimeters, a moderate figure, neither fat nor thin. There is no doubt that she is far less than Yi Xiaoyin in terms of appearance and figure. In fact, there are many gaps between her and Ah Jiu, but this woman gave Xia Xia a very dignified feeling.

Although it is not beautiful, but her facial features are correct, and her dignified temperament, in the eyes of ordinary people, this woman is obviously suitable to be a good wife and mother, and because of this, even in summer, I have seen more of this woman. Eye.

However, this dignified woman didn't seem to notice Xia Xian at all, and she quickly walked past Xia Xian and got into a Lincoln sedan parked at the door.

The Lincoln car quickly started to leave, Xia Xia finally retracted his gaze, walked into the Yiren Pavilion, and saw Yi Xiaoyin sitting in the pavilion and Ah Jiu standing behind Yi Xiaoyin at a glance.

And seeing Xia Xia appearing, the two female agents of the dark group were a little bit more sensible, but they slandered Xia Xia a few times in their hearts. This lecherous group leader is still wandering around with this beautiful Taoist nun!

"Wife Yiyi, who is that woman who just went out? It feels a little strange." Xia Xia came to the pavilion and asked.

"A pervert, you care when you see a woman!" Ah Jiu cursed angrily, and looked at Xia Xia with contempt, "I really have no taste at all, even such an ugly woman is interested!"

"Hey, don't slander me, who said I'm interested in that woman?" Xia Xia looked at Jiu dissatisfiedly, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll let my maid beat you!"

Speaking of this, Xia Xia added: "You are Yiyi's wife's maid, I would lose your identity by hitting you, but it is just right for my maid to hit you, and no one will say that I bullied the maid."

"Shameless!" Ah Jiu cursed again angrily.

"What are you doing here?" Yi Xiaoyin finally said at this time, "Do you want to tell me that you have found the real murderer who wants to kill A Jiu?"

"This one, I haven't found it yet." Xia Xian was a little embarrassed, he found that he had forgotten about this matter, so he changed the subject immediately, "Wife Yiyi, in fact, I just came to tell you, I want to You've left the capital, if you don't want me to leave, you can go with me."

Yi Xiaoyin immediately thought of picking up the cup on the table and smashing it on Xia Tian's face. Why doesn't this person have any self-awareness? Will she be reluctant to leave him? She can't wait for him to go far, the farther the better!

"Self-motivated!" Ah Jiu also muttered in a low voice.

But Xia Xia didn't bother with Ah Jiu, and continued: "Wife Yiyi, are you finished with the work in Wanggang City?"

"Thanks to you, we returned to the capital ahead of schedule before we finished!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

Xia Xia felt very innocent: "Wife Yiyi, although I miss you very much, I didn't let you come back this time!"

"Don't pretend, why did Yue Zhifeng die? Do you really think I don't know?" Yi Xiaoyin snorted coldly, "Others don't know that you can hypnotize and control a person, but I know very well!"

Xia Tian smiled and said, "Wife Yiyi, don't worry, I won't hypnotize you. The wife who gets hypnotized is not the real wife."

"You admit it?" Yi Xiaoyin snorted softly.

"Wife Yiyi, I don't seem to admit anything." Xia Xia still had an innocent expression on his face, "However, that idiot Yue Zhifeng died, I'm still very happy, who made that idiot steal my wife from me? ?"

Yi Xiaoyin stared at Xia Xia and didn't speak for dozens of seconds. She wanted to confirm whether Yue Zhifeng's death had anything to do with Xia Xia, but she found that she couldn't see anything from Xia Xia's face, so even though She suspected that Yue Zhifeng's death was planned by Xia Xia, but she still couldn't be sure. Just like everyone else in the capital, although they were all suspicious, no one was 100% sure about it.

"Wife Yiyi, am I handsome?" Xia Tian asked with a smile.

Yi Xiaoyin almost vomited blood, who is this?

"We still have something to do, we have to go first, if you want to stay here, just keep it!" Yi Xiaoyin

He stood up and looked ready to leave.

"Wife Yiyi, where are you going?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"Yue's family, what's the matter? Are you going?" Yi Xiaoyin's tone contained a hint of sarcasm.

"Wife Yiyi, what are you doing at Yue's house? That Yue Zhifeng has nothing to do with you." Xia Xia was a little unhappy.

"Master Yue is my patient. His health is not very good. I need to take care of him." Yi Xiaoyin said lightly.

"Oh, was that woman just now from the Yue family?" Xia Xia asked after thinking about it.

"Is it someone from the Yue family that has nothing to do with you?" Yi Xiaoyin said with a hint of displeasure, "Do you want to kill them all?"

"Wife Yiyi, I'm just curious to ask." Xia Xia said lazily: "If you don't want to say it, then forget it."

Yi Xiaoyin hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Her name is Lu Xiaoying, and now her identity is Mrs. Yue."

"Mrs. Yue?" Xia Xian was a little puzzled, "Is she the idiot's wife of Yue Zhifeng, or Yue Zhifeng's grandmother?"

"Nonsense, of course it's Yue Zhifeng's wife!" Yi Xiaoyin gave Xia Tian a fierce look, "Her identity was never made public before, and after Yue Zhifeng's death, she came forward as Mrs. Yue to handle the funeral for Yue Zhifeng! "

"Strange, isn't that idiot Yue Zhifeng without a wife?" Xia Xia said to himself, a little puzzled, "Why is there another wife coming out now?"

"If you don't believe me, check it out yourself!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, raised her feet and left, Ajiu glared at Xia Xia, and then followed.

Yi Xiaoyin and A Jiu quickly left the Yiren Pavilion, and the Eighteenth and Nineteenth sisters naturally followed, so only Xia Xia and Gu Hanshuang were left in the Yiren Pavilion.

"I haven't heard that Yue Zhifeng has a wife. I'd better let the blond wife look into this matter." Xia Xia always felt that this matter was a bit strange, and after thinking about it, she still called Mu Han.


The next morning.

On the train from Beijing to Jianghai, in the soft sleeper compartment, Xia Tian was sleeping soundly with Song Yumei's legs on her back.

Song Yumei bought six high-class soft sleeper train tickets, and booked three adjacent boxes, each with two people. This fare is actually more expensive than an air ticket, but it is indeed more enjoyable, just like a mobile senior Same as hotel.

Xia Xia and Song Yumei sat in the middle box, while Gu Hanshuang and Chu Yao lived in one room, and Yaoyao and Princess Sama sat in the other room. However, her salute, it is said that another person sent her to Jianghai. As for Princess Sama, she did not bring any salute, but she was actually more exaggerated. Because she was going to study in Jianghai City, the Dubai royal family decided to specialize in it. Establish an embassy in Jianghai City, so that Princess Sama can be easily taken care of. It is said that the location of the embassy has been confirmed, and it is less than two kilometers away from Jianghai University.

Song Yumei knew that the reason why Xia Xia decided to return to Jianghai now was because of his wives in Jianghai, but it was mainly for her. Otherwise, he might stay in the capital for a while, so she also took the initiative to sit with him. In the same box, ready to let this guy enjoy her tenderness on this comfortable train.

It's a pity that what Song Yumei didn't expect was that this guy fell asleep on top of her as soon as he got on the train, and the journey from Beijing to Jianghai City was not too long, and the train only needed more than ten points. For a few hours, this guy actually slept like this all the way. He didn't wake up until the train arrived at the station around 6 o'clock in the evening. This time, he enjoyed nothing but Song Yumei's thighs.

After walking out of the train station, Song Yumei finally couldn't help but ask Xia Xia, "Hey, what did you do last night? Why are you so sleepy?"

"Meimei wife, in fact, I didn't do anything last night, I just slept with my wife." Xia Tian stretched, and then sighed, "I'm finally back in Jianghai City!"

Song Yumei pouted, she didn't believe that Xia Xia didn't do anything last night.

However, in fact, Xia Xia did not lie. He really only slept with his wife last night, but last night, the big goblin Zhao Yuji and his blond wife Mu Han kept him up all night in order to see him off. He also almost used up his physical strength, so he started sleeping as soon as he got on the train.

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