Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1249 Are you threatening reporters?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Oh, since you said that, it's easy. Anyway, it won't end well for those who oppose me. Although I don't know what you're going to do, if you don't want to die, don't come to trouble my wife." Xia Xia said lazily, he really didn't know what this reporter was here for, and he didn't know what trouble Ye Mengying was in right now. Looking for trouble, he will kill the troublemaker.

The smile on Zhang Xin's face finally disappeared. There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, and his eyes became sharper when he looked at Xia Xia: "Mr. Xia, I can understand that you are threatening the reporter?"

"I don't usually threaten people." Xia Xia said lazily: "But what I say will always become the truth, believe it or not."

"Mr. Xia, I came here with great sincerity. When I talked to Mr. Ye on the phone, I also felt that Mr. Ye was very sincere, but now it seems that I misunderstood. Since you are not sincere with me If we discuss this matter seriously, then I have nothing to say." Zhang Xin's voice became low, "I think, I'd better say goodbye first, but before I leave, there is something I think I should tell Mr. Xia, you I have already recorded the threats to me just now, if you don't want these words to be exposed, you'd better show some real sincerity."

"Go away." Xia Xia waved his hand. From the moment this guy walked in, he felt that this guy had bad intentions, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy.

"Mr. Xia, you will regret it!" Zhang Xin stood up, turned and walked outside.

"Reporter Zhang, are you leaving?" Zhu Qin's voice came from the door.

"Miss Zhu, I suggest you change your job!" Zhang Xin snorted coldly, and then heard his footsteps go away.

Zhu Qin walked in with a cup of coffee, her face full of confusion.

"Mr. Xia, how's your talk with reporter Zhang?" Zhu Qin couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, I've already told him, if he goes against me, I'll kill him, he understood, so he left." Xia Xia said lightly.

Zhu Qin's face suddenly turned black, this, this Mr. Xia is really more than a failure. If she knew he would do this, she might as well let Zhang Xin wait until tomorrow!

Although she regretted it in her heart, Zhu Qin didn't dare to say anything, there was no way, who made this guy called Xia Xia's man Ye Mengying's? Even if he did something wrong, it would not be her assistant's turn to teach him a lesson. There was no other way but to wait for Ye Mengying to wake up.

"Mr. Xia, I'm going out first." Zhu Qin left quickly. This time, she will make sure that no one will disturb Ye Mengying in the next time, because she doesn't want anyone to be offended by Xia, there is no doubt , Xia Xia offends people, if Ye Mengying wants to deal with it, it will definitely increase the workload of her assistant.

Xia Xia continued to wait without 13800100 chat. Of course, he was not completely idle. He began to take out his mobile phone to make calls. He first called Song Yumei and asked her whereabouts. He learned that Song Yumei was in Jianghai by herself. Wandering around in the city is euphemistically known as being familiar with the environment in advance, because she will also live in this city in the future.

Later, Xia Xia called Liu Meng, who was filming a movie in Qingfeng Mountain, and told her that he was going to see her in Qingfeng Mountain in a few days. Liu Meng was very happy, but he didn’t talk much with Xia Xia. , just urged him to hurry over.

Then Xia Xia also called Yunqing who was also on Qingfeng Mountain. After chatting for a few minutes, he called Liu Yunman. Liu Yunman is very busy now, and only chatted with Xia on the phone. After a few words, he hurriedly hung up the phone.

Xia Xia didn't care, and immediately called An Keke. Hearing that Xia Xia was in Jianghai City, An Ke Ke wanted to come over to find him. As a result, Xia Xia coaxed her on the phone for half an hour and promised to go there within two days. After looking for her, she was temporarily coaxed.

\u0026 Coaxing An Keke, a big star who likes to act like a spoiled girl, Xia Xia finally called Shu Jing and told her that he had returned to Jianghai. When she learned that Xia Xia was back, Shu Jing had no special reaction, just told her In the summer, she was in the gym basically every day. As long as he went to the gym, he should be able to find her.

After a phone call, Xia Xia finally remembered his little girlfriend, Wang Xiaoya.

"Brother Xia, I'm in class, have you returned to Jianghai City?" Wang Xiaoya answered the phone, but she lowered her voice obviously, as if she was afraid of being heard.

"Yeah, I'm back, then you go to class first, I'll play with you in a few days." Xia Xia quickly said.

"Okay, Brother Xia, then I'll hang up first." Wang Xiaoya agreed softly, and then hung up the phone. It seemed that this girl should have tempered herself and planned to be a good student.

After the phone call, Ye Mengying was still sleeping inside, but it was almost noon.

"Mr. Xia, do you need me to prepare lunch for you?" Zhu Qin walked in again.

Xia Tian thought about it for a while, then shook his head: "No need, when the beautiful sister wakes up, I'll just go eat with her."

Zhu Qin still didn't say anything, and consciously withdrew, but muttered in her heart that she was quite patient in this busy summer, and she was able to wait for Ye Mengying for so long.

Xia Xia's patience was really good. He continued to wait for about two hours before Ye Mengying finally woke up.

Ye Mengying still had a special feeling in her heart when she realized that although her coat had been taken off, the clothes inside had not been moved.

The old man was remorseful, but in order to let her rest better, he still didn't touch her after all.

"Husband, are you still there?" Ye Mengying was even more surprised when she got dressed, walked out of the rest room, and found that Xia Tian was lying on the table in a boring way. She thought Xia Xian left early.

"Beautiful sister, you're finally awake!" Xia Xia's expression finally cheered up, he stood up, quickly came to Ye Mengying's side, and put his arms around her soft waist, "Of course I'm still here, I'm here Let's go to lunch with you when you wake up!"

"You've been waiting here?" Ye Mengying was stunned, "You didn't eat lunch either?"

"That's right." Xia Tian looked at Ye Mengying a little strangely, "Sister beautiful, you haven't woken up, of course I have to wait here, you haven't eaten, of course I haven't eaten either, we're going to eat together!"

"Husband, you really..." Ye Mengying didn't know what to say for a while, then she decided not to say anything, put her arms around Xia Xia's neck, and sent her red lips directly, a thousand words turned into a kiss.

Ye Mengying, this white and tender and beautiful lamb, took the initiative to send it into the wolf's mouth in the summer. The result can be imagined. Ye Mengying soon found out that what she took the initiative to send was not just a kiss, but also her bumpy body that felt wonderful to the touch. When Xia Xia's hands groped around her body, expressing her desire for her body in the most intuitive way, she began to realize that she might not have the chance to have lunch with her husband today, and she might not have time to go to dinner. eat.

Just when Ye Mengying began to respond to Xia Tian's request and was about to return to the rest room, her stomach suddenly growled uncontrollably. I dared to say that she not only hadn't slept well in the past few days, she also hadn't eaten well, this morning. She barely ate breakfast. After a comfortable sleep, her appetite came and her stomach became even more hungry. No, her stomach had begun to protest on its own.

With Xia Tian's keen hearing, he could naturally hear Ye Mengying's voice, his movements suddenly stopped, and then his lips left Ye Mengying's red lips and said, "Sister beautiful, let's go to dinner first. Bar."

"Can you bear it?" Ye Mengying gave Xia Xia a very charming look, her tone unconsciously more seductive.

"An under-eaten wife is not a delicious wife." Xia Xia grinned, "Beautiful sister, I have to feed you first, and then you can feed me."

Ye Mengying's pretty face turned red again. She could naturally understand the ambiguity in Xia Tian's words, but she was very suspicious. Even if she was full, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to feed her husband, right?

However, if she is not full, I am afraid that she will not be full, so it seems that she really has to go to lunch first.

"Alright then, let's go downstairs to eat." Ye Mengying sorted out her messy clothes, then took Xia Xia's arm and walked out of the office together.

"Mr. Ye." Zhu Qin was outside, she greeted Ye Mengying and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, just watched the two leave.

The two entered the elevator, quickly left the Haijiang Building, and came to the exclusive Ye Mengying restaurant opposite the Haijiang Building, and sat next to a dining table.

"By the way, husband, didn't that reporter come to me?" Ye Mengying finally remembered this matter while waiting for the food to be served.

"Come here, but left again." Xia Xia said casually.

"Ah?" Ye Mengying was stunned, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Sister beautiful, you are sleeping, of course I can't wake you up." Xia Xia took it for granted, and then comforted Ye Mengying, "But don't worry, I have already told that idiot reporter named Zhang Xin, if he If I dare to trouble you, I will kill him."

Ye Mengying was speechless. After a while, she asked, "Husband, can you tell me the details of the meeting with that reporter named Zhang Xin?"

"Okay." Xia Xia quickly told the story. It was a short story, and it was over in one go. After listening to the whole story, Ye Mengying couldn't help laughing and crying. This husband's ability to make enemies with people is absolutely superb. , a few words turned a reporter into an enemy.

After a long while, Ye Mengying asked feebly, "Husband, do you know why the reporter is looking for me?"

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