Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1255 I can't bear it

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The title of the report is quite shocking: "The Miracle of Doctors with Xue!"

"As a company that has created a myth of tens of billions of sales in less than half a year, Shenyi Group is a well-deserved miracle in the history of the enterprise. With respect, I started to investigate this company, but the results surprised me. I found that, The miracle of the genius doctor group was born in the drenched zhengxiang of xue!" At the beginning of the report, there was such a sentence, followed by a lot of so-called truths from the investigation, saying that the genius doctor group is a businessman. It's a fool to kidnap Mabian. It makes du products and the like. The bad consequences caused by those fake products a while ago are naturally also counted on the head of the genius doctor group.

Ye Mengying didn't seem surprised when she saw most of the report, because this was what she had expected before. As the saying goes, starting a business is easy and maintaining a business is difficult. When a company develops to a certain level, it will always encounter various kinds of problems. Opponents and enemies, some opponents are clearly competing with you, and some opponents will make black tricks, so she believes that even without this Zhang Xin, other reporters will attack the genius doctor group in the future, and even if she bought it with money Zhang Xin, others can also use money to buy other reporters. These days, although there are reporters who really sacrifice everything for justice and truth, there are also many reporters who can do anything for money. She never believes in any industry. All are good people.

However, some content in this report made Ye Mengying a little angry, because this report also mentioned two people, one is Ankeke. As the spokesperson of the original product of the Shenyi Group, Ankeke was also criticized by the report, saying that the star was an endorsement. Fees, blind endorsements, and regardless of whether the endorsed products are true or false, in short, Ankeke has become an accomplice of Shenyi Group's sales of fake products.

The other person mentioned is the summer. In the promotion of the Shenyi Group, although the summer is usually not too deliberately promoted, in fact, many people still know that the products of the Shenyi Group are related to the summer. People who know it, especially those in Beijing and Jianghai, also believe in the products of the Shenyi Group. In fact, the products of the Shenyi Group are also the best in these two places.

Ye Mengying is actually very clear that the reason why the products of the genius doctor group are so easy to sell is that people buy them no matter how expensive. It really helps a lot with the product.

However, in the past, although Xia Xia's reputation was spread everywhere, in many people, several different summers did not overlap. There is no complete overlap between people, and some people even regard the summer known in several different circles as different people, but this time, this report has officially told everyone, whether it is a genius doctor or that. The so-called rich generation who had scandals with three big stars, or the summer rumored to be related to the underworld boss, in fact, they were all one person. In this world, there was only one person named Xia Xia!

It wasn't the content that made Ye Mengying angry, because Ye Mengying knew that these rumors about Xia Xia were all true. What really made her angry was that Zhang Xin accused Xia Xia of being a liar in the report and said that there was a magic doctor group. It's the biggest scam. He said that Xia Xia is not a miracle doctor, and he also said that Xia Xia and those three big stars are actually just chaos. All in all, in the report, Xia Xia was almost criticized for nothing!

This makes Ye Mengying very unhappy. She can't allow others to slander her man. Others can say that Xia Xia is fascinated because he is really fascinated, or they can say that he is violent, because he does often use violence to solve problems, but it cannot be said that he is a liar, she I can't understand why Xia Xia's medical skills have been performed in public more than once, so why do some people still doubt it?

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that the burns of sulfuric acid were cured on the spot a few days ago in the summer. Who else has this kind of medical skills except summer? If he is not a real doctor, who else in this world is qualified to be called a doctor?

"Mr. Ye, do you want to contact that reporter?" Zhu Qin was always by her side, seeing the anger on Ye Mengying's face, she took the initiative to ask.

Zhu Qin's question made Ye Mengying calm down, she exhaled slowly, and then shook her head: "No, I believe he will still appear, so let's go and inform all the media, tomorrow morning, we will A press conference will be held at the new headquarters of Shenyi Group, and all reporters are welcome to attend. In addition, please remember to contact all online media, we will broadcast the press conference tomorrow on the Internet."

"New headquarters?" Zhu Qin was stunned.

"That's right, it's the new headquarters." Ye Mengying nodded, "The new headquarters is ready and you can move there at any time. I originally planned to move it after a while, but now, let's just move ahead. And let these reporters advertise our new headquarters by the way."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I'll let someone arrange the press conference." Zhu Qin nodded. She also knew about the new headquarters of the Shenyi Group. Ye Mengying bought it when the Shenyi Group was just established. A building located in the urban area, the previous developer of the building ran away due to arrears, leaving a mess for the government, Ye Mengying did the government a favor, and took advantage of the price herself, at a more cost-effective price When I bought this building, the building was only close to being capped at the time. In the past few months, Ye Mengying had someone help the building capped, and after some renovations, it became the new headquarters of Shenyi Group.

When Zhu Qin went out, Ye Mengying picked up her mobile phone and dialed a number, but she did not call Xia Xia, but Qiao Xiaoqiao. She needed this matter.

Qiao Xiaoqiao helped to deal with it together.


I woke up when I slept until noon in the summer and was woken up by the phone.

Sun Xinxin and An Keke were still sound asleep, and Xia Tian didn't want to disturb them, so they quickly got dressed and got up, picked up their mobile phone and went to the living room outside the suite, and answered the phone.

"Husband, have you woken up? Have you surfed the Internet? Have you read the news?" The little goblin called, and she asked several questions as soon as she opened her mouth.

"I got up, I didn't surf the Internet and didn't watch the news." Xia Xia replied quickly, and then asked back, "What happened?"

"Husband husband, some people say that you are a liar, that you are not a genius doctor, anyway, you can go online to see, there is a report called the miracle of the genius doctor group with xue, and a reporter named Zhang Xin attacked you, husband, I I don't know what your temper is, I definitely can't stand it, can I help you black him?" The little goblin said quickly, and it was clear that the last sentence was what she really wanted to say.

"He won't die if it's hacked, so why don't you just kill him." Xia Xia said casually, but he was a little unhappy. It turned out to be that idiot reporter named Zhang Xin again!

"But husband, I think this matter is very strange, it seems that someone is deliberately making trouble with you!" The little goblin said quickly: "If I hack the reporter's cell phone, computer or something, I might know who is going to talk to you. You can't go."

"Oh, then you can hack him. When I meet him, just kill him." Xia Xia said casually, it doesn't matter whether he does it or not.

"Got it, husband, I've hung up!" The little goblin immediately hung up.

Xia Xia turned on the computer, read the news online, and understood the content of the report, but he was not very angry, because he felt that the idiot Zhang Xin would soon become a dead person, and he did not need to go with a dead person. angry.

"Let's go out to eat first." Xia Tian felt a little hungry at this time. Since he ate at noon yesterday, he hadn't eaten anything other than his wife, so it's no wonder he wasn't hungry.

In the summer, he went directly to the hotel restaurant to have a big meal, and then went back to the top-floor suite, only to find that neither An Keke nor Sun Xinxin showed any signs of waking up. After thinking about it, he decided not to disturb them.

\u0026 Xia Xia left the hotel, and then called Liu Yunman, intending to visit Liu Yunman, but Liu Yunman told him on the phone that she had just gone to the small city next door today and might want to I'll be back tomorrow.

"Then let's go and see Jing Jing's wife." Xia Xia thought for a while, then made a decision, and then walked towards the Sports Institute unhurriedly.

Of course, Xia Xia didn't go to the gym, but to the Fenghuo fitness club not far from the gym, because Shu Jing told him that if he wanted to find her, he would just go to this gym.

About ten minutes later, Xia Xia appeared at the door of Fenghuo Fitness Club. A young man who was less than 20 years old stood at the door. When he saw Xia Xia, he reached out and stopped him: "Where's the membership card?"

Xia Xia was suddenly unhappy: "Do you need a beating?"

"Fuck, who do you think deserves a beating? Do you know whose place this is? I tell you, the boss here is Brother Tian's horse, how dare you make trouble... uh, who the hell beat me?" This guy Just as he was talking happily, someone suddenly patted him on the back of the head.

"Looking for death? I don't even know Brother Tian. Go back and take the photo of Brother Tian and watch it for three days and three nights!" Another voice came from a young man. After the young man taught the guy before, he immediately saluted Xia Tian: "I'm sorry, Brother Tian, ​​his eyes are not very good... Uh, Brother Tian, ​​walk slowly..."

Xia Xia ignored this guy and walked in directly, and then he found that the business of this gym is really good, and there are really many people in it.

"Hey, Xia Tian?" A voice came over with a hint of surprise, but it was none other than Jiang Feng, "Are you here to find Shu Jing? She's on the second floor!"

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