Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1290 let you see enough

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Qiao Fenger simply stripped herself off, and then looked at Xia Tian with her chest out: "Don't you just want to watch this rascal? Let's see enough!"

"Oh, then I'll take a look and see." Xia Xia looked at Qiao Feng'er, scanning carefully, and commenting while watching, "Well, the skin is good, it would be better if the waist was thinner, but the legs are very thin, it seems It's too thin, it looks better if it's a little thicker, hey, stand up straight, it looks like the most beautiful breasts, as expected, the ones I've pressed are different..."

Poor Qiao Fenger couldn't take it anymore, and hurriedly protected her key parts with her hands, but her two hands couldn't cover three o'clock, which made her very embarrassed, so she could only stare at Xia Xia fiercely: "Hey, Are you still watching?"

"It's you who let me see enough!" Xia Xia looked innocent and then dissatisfied, "Hey, don't think I really want to see you, but you let me see, if I don't, then I'm afraid you'll feel inferior, but I tell you, girl Shuang is much prettier than you..."

"Hey, you're enough of a pervert, I don't look good and you still look at it with such relish?" Qiao Feng'er was a little broken. She found that what she was most dissatisfied with was not that this hooligan took advantage of her, but that this hooligan took advantage of her in Xia Tian. After that, I disliked this and that. If I touched her breasts, I would dislike her big breasts. Now I look at her body, and I actually dislike her bad shape!

Qiao Huanger, who was on the side, felt that this scene was really embarrassing at first, making her a little uncomfortable, but after listening to the two of them making trouble for a while, she finally couldn't help it, and said, "Hey, can you two? Don't flirt, do business first?"

"Huang'er, don't talk nonsense, who is flirting with him?" Qiao Fenger immediately defended.

"Yes, she's not my wife, why should I flirt with her?" Xia Xia finally agreed with Qiao Fenger.

Glancing at Qiao Huang'er, Xia Xia said again, "But you are right, I'm very busy, so I won't waste my time. Let's start washing the marrow now."

Xia Tian took out the silver needle and stuck it on Qiao Feng'er without warning. Qiao Feng'er suddenly felt her body soften and she could not stand steady, so she fell to the bathroom floor. Fortunately, there was a reclining chair in this bathroom. Let Qiao Fenger fall on the reclining chair, and then he continued to move the needle like a fly, and quickly performed the fourth needle against the sky.

Defying the Sky Fourth is completely pediatric for summer. In less than ten minutes, Qiao Feng'er has already finished washing her marrow. She was naked at first, but now she is still naked, but she put on a dress made of mud and put her The spring light on his body has covered the past.

"You give her a bath first, and then I'll wash the marrow for you." Xia Tian put away the silver needle and said to Qiao Huang'er.

Qiao Huanger did as she was told, and quickly washed Qiao Fenger clean. Then, when Qiao Fenger started getting dressed, Qiao Huanger also consciously prepared to take off her clothes.

At this time, Xia Xia said: "Don't take off your clothes."

"Ah?" Qiao Huang'er was taken aback.

Qiao Feng'er was also stunned: "Hey, what do you mean? Don't you want to wash the marrow for Huang'er? You promise me that you will wash the marrow for both of us."

"Can't you be smarter?" Xia Xian was a little displeased. "I just said that she doesn't need to take off her clothes, and I didn't say that she doesn't need to wash her marrow. She can wash her marrow without taking off her clothes."

"Then why do you want me to take off my clothes?" Qiao Fenger suddenly felt a little sad and angry, who is this? Why don't you have to go with her?

"Oh, since you made me a dinner, I don't think you can get your clothes dirty, so I asked you to take off your clothes." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"You!" Qiao Feng'er was very depressed. She naturally didn't believe Xia Xia's reason. She already understood that Xia Xia's pervert deliberately tricked her into taking off her clothes so that he could see enough.

Qiao Huang'er was dumbfounded. She really didn't know what to think about this summer. With her knowledge as a bystander, she was sure that if Xia Xia climbed into Qiao Feng'er's bed in the middle of the night, Qiao Feng'er might scold Xia Xia, but she would never After kicking him out of bed, she couldn't believe that Xia Xia couldn't see this. If Qiao Fenger didn't care about him, how could he really let him massage his chest and let him watch it with his head held high just now?

It's enough to take off the other party directly to see it if you want to see it, but Xia Xia wants to trick Qiao Fenger to take off her clothes. Does this person really have a quirk?

Doubts turned into doubts. Qiao Huanger was relieved to hear that she didn’t need to take off her clothes. After all, she and Xia didn’t know each other that well, and she didn’t want to have any ambiguity with Xia. She felt that she should keep her duty and be an ordinary person. The maid will do.

"You lie down on the chair." Xia Tian said to Qiao Huang'er at this time.

Qiao Huanger lay down according to the words, and Qiao Fenger didn't say anything anymore, because she was worried that if she made trouble again, Qiao Huanger would lose the opportunity to wash the marrow. It's not too late to scold later.

However, when Xia Tian finished washing Qiao Huang’er’s marrow, Qiao Feng’er had to stay in the bathroom to give Qiao Huang’er a bath first, and Xia Xia ran away directly. As a result, Qiao Feng’er naturally couldn’t scold Xia Xia for the time being.

The night is deep.

Xia Xia is still sitting on the sofa in the living room, because Gu Hanshuang's luck has not ended, although there should be no problem, but for the sake of safety, he still needs to guard for the time being.

Qiao Fenger and Qiao Huanger had already come out of the bathroom, all dressed neatly, and then went upstairs. Qiao Fenger just glared at Xia Xia before going upstairs and didn't scold him, which was a bit abnormal. Of course, Maybe it was too late, Qiao Fenger was worried that her voice would disturb Qiao Xiaoqiao upstairs, because Qiao Xiaoqiao had already fallen asleep.

This villa is quite deserted tonight, the little goblin and Princess Sama are not there, except for Qiao Xiaoqiao and Phoenix, there are only Xia Xia and Gu Hanshuang.

"I'll have to wait an hour or so." Xia Xia simply closed his eyes and lay on the sofa. With his current skill, he can still know the situation of everyone in the villa, so he knows Qiao Feng'er and Qiao Huang. Er has already gone to bed, but hasn't fallen asleep yet. He also knows that Qiao Xiaoqiao is sleeping soundly at the moment, and he knows even more that Gu Hanshuang still needs to exercise for about an hour before the golden elixir in her body can be completely stabilized, and then, She also became a real Jindan stage master, and truly entered the door of immortality.

Waiting is a very boring thing. After waiting in the summer, he entered a state of half asleep and half awake. I don’t know how long it took, he suddenly felt movement around him, and subconsciously asked: “Shuang Girl, have you achieved your golden core?"

"Husband, it's me." A soft voice entered Xia Xia's ears.

Xia Xia finally came over with complete joy, opened his eyes, sat up straight, and saw Qiao Xiaoqiao in pajamas.

"Wife, didn't you fall asleep?" Xia Tian was a little strange, "Why did you get up again?"

"I'm a little thirsty, get up and drink some water. When I see you sleeping on the sofa, I'll come and have a look." Qiao Xiaoqiao's voice was very gentle, but there was a trace of puzzlement in her eyes, "Husband, why are you sleeping on the sofa? What about the sofa? It's not that there is no room here, besides, you can sleep in my room too."

"I'm protecting girl Shuang." Xia Xia naturally wouldn't hide anything from Qiao Xiaoqiao, so he focused on investigating, and he said, "I gave girl Shuang the fifth needle today, and she still needs half an hour. Only by left and right can the real golden elixir be accomplished, and I have to watch it so as not to be disturbed."

"That's right." Qiao Xiaoqiao walked to the sofa and sat down next to Xia Xia, "Husband, Sister Yunman called me, and I heard from her that you will be going away in a few days?"

"Yeah." Xia Tian felt a little depressed when he thought of this, "Sister Shenxian asked me to coax that dead woman Ye Yumei to be her wife. I think this is really difficult."

"Ye Yumei?" Qiao Xiaoqiao was also a little surprised.

"Yeah, although that dead woman is very beautiful, and she has indeed rescued Sister Shenxian before, and she is also very good with Sister Shenxian, but I always wanted to beat her up, and now Sister Shenxian actually wants me to coax her." Xia Xia said listlessly: "And that dead woman doesn't like me either, and I don't know what that dead woman likes. It must be very troublesome to coax her, and I don't know how long it will take to coax her into a wife."

"Husband, don't worry, there is nothing you can't do, I believe you can do it quickly." Qiao Xiaoqiao encouraged Xia Xia, but just finished speaking, but yawned uncontrollably.

"Wife, you still look sleepy, so go to sleep first." Xia Xia looked at Qiao Xiaoqiao, and then smiled, "You have to sleep well tonight, you may not be able to sleep tomorrow night."

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't react for a while: "Husband, is there something going on tomorrow night?"

"Wife, we got married a few years ago, but we haven't had a wedding candle yet. Tomorrow night will be our wedding night." Xia Xia said with a smile.

Qiao Xiaoqiao blushed slightly, then nodded lightly: "Well, husband, then I'll go to sleep first."

Qiao Xiaoqiao quickly went upstairs again, but Xia Xia didn't stop her. It's not that he didn't want to come to the bridal chamber tonight, but he still had to protect Gu Hanshuang, and the most important reason was that it was already two o'clock in the morning. Now, if we start the bridal candle, isn't this bridal night too short? He and Xiao Qiao's wedding candle can't be so hasty.

Qiao Xiaoqiao was indeed still very sleepy, so not long after she went upstairs, she fell asleep again, and after waiting for a while, Xia Xia got up and went upstairs, pushed the door into Gu Hanshuang's room.

"Master." Gu Hanshuang also opened her eyes at this time. Although it was night and the lights were not turned on, her eyes were still very bright and divine. At this moment, she was already a real golden elixir. Dacheng, step into the real world of immortality!

"Girl Frost, now I'm going to give you an extra reward." Xia Xia walked to the edge of the bed, reached her chest with one hand, and flexibly slipped into her clothes.

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