Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1300 There are really steamed buns

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Hey, do you want to fight? Hurry up, I've always wanted to hit you!" Xia Xia turned to look at Ye Yumei, looking expectantly, "Sister Shenxian has never let me beat you, but if you do it first , If I fight back, the fairy elder sister will definitely not blame me."

The black ribbon danced wildly around Ye Yumei, and a strong icy aura was released around Ye Yumei. Obviously, Xia Tian's words made Ye Yumei even more angry, but the black ribbon was still dancing around Ye Yumei after all. , and did not attack the summer.

"Hurry up if you want to fight, or leave if you don't. I'm not in the mood to play with you!" Xia Tian urged with a little dissatisfaction.

"One day, I'll make you regret it!" Ye Yumei gritted her teeth and looked at Xia Xia angrily. The icy aura suddenly subsided, and the fluttering black ribbon immediately wrapped around her in a normal way.

"One day, I'll let you beg for mercy." Xia Xia also muttered to himself, because Sister Shenxian wouldn't let him beat this dead woman, and he also let him find out that the only way to get revenge was to listen to Sister Shenxian and kill her. A woman coaxes her to be a wife, and then he can take off her clothes and bully her as much as he wants.

The fight didn't start, and the two continued to move forward, but now it was Xia Xia who was walking in front, and Ye Yumei was far behind.

Xia Xia deliberately walked slowly, Ye Yumei had to walk even slower. She felt that if she got too close to the little bastard Xia Xia, she might still be unable to resist, but if she did, she would suffer a loss. It's herself, she is still injured now, and she is also damaged like Yue Qingya, but this little bastard in Xia Tian has made great progress, and his strength has far surpassed her. If she really does it, she will definitely There will be no good results.

The two of them walked forward like a snail. After walking for half an hour, it seemed that they had only walked less than a kilometer. Poor Ye Yumei was about to collapse, but she could only tell herself over and over again, forbearance, Endure, endure!

But when she saw Xia Xia suddenly sitting on the side of the road, she finally couldn't bear it anymore and yelled at him: "What the hell are you doing?"

"Tired of walking, take a rest!" Xia Xia looked at Ye Yumei innocently, and then pretended to be surprised, "Aren't you tired? Your physical strength is really good, I envy you so much. !"

And at this time, Ye Yumei also hated herself a little bit. When she first saw this little bastard, she should have strangled him to death. If she had strangled him at that time, there would not be so much trouble now!

"Hey, Sister Shenxian said that you really want to go back. Why do you want to go back so much? You have an old lover waiting for you to go back?" Xia Xia started to chat with Ye Yumei and wanted to coax her into being a wife, of course. It is necessary to communicate, although he prefers physical communication, but since he can't use strong ones, let's start with verbal communication first, and it will not be too late to have physical communication when she is almost coaxed.

Ye Yumei gave Xia Xia a cold look, her eyes were bone-chilling, but that was all, she didn't speak, obviously she didn't want to talk to Xia Xia.

But Xia Xia obviously won't give up so soon, he continued: "If you don't speak, you will acquiesce. It seems that you really have an old lover waiting for you, but I think it is very strange. Although you are beautiful and have a good figure, you can Even the ice cubes are not as cold as you, how could someone like your ice cubes? It's so tasteless!"

Ye Yumei still didn't speak, but her body unconsciously exuded a slight chill, becoming more like an ice cube.

But Xia Xia seemed to want to turn into a chatterboxer today, but he still kept talking: "Well, no, maybe no one likes you, it's you who likes others, what's that called, unrequited love, or secret love, hey , I said, is it worth it for you to run back for an old lover that you have a crush on? Your old lover must have forgotten you long ago, no, maybe they didn't remember you at all, isn't it boring to run back? "

"Will you die if you don't speak?" Ye Yumei finally couldn't bear it anymore and glared at Xia Xia.

"I won't die, but I just like to talk, don't I?" Xia Xia said lazily: "If you don't want me to talk, there is only one way."

"Did he kill you?" Ye Yumei asked as she gritted her teeth.

"Oh, no one can kill me, so it's not the way you said, the only way is to block my mouth, of course not with tape or with ordinary things." Xia Xia is not in a hurry He said: "Seeing how you want to cover my mouth so much, I will teach you, you can cover my mouth with your mouth, although you are an ice cube, but I don't mind, after all, we are not the first I kissed once, and speaking of this, I remembered that your mouth is not so cold..."

"Shut up for me!" Ye Yumei was on the verge of breaking out again. For her, that incident was simply the biggest shame in her life, yet this little bastard wanted to bring it up!

"I told you all to shut me up. You don't just need to move your mouth like this. You have to put something practical to stop my mouth!" Xia Xia shook his head, "The woman with big breasts is really You're not smart enough, you've grown your breasts!"

Staring at Ye Yumei's unusually tall and majestic part, Xia Tian's eyes were a little hot, and he couldn't help but think of the feeling he had touched there. Although it was through the clothes, the touch was still extremely wonderful. The cost is really good.

"Hey, actually, if you want to stop my mouth, there is another way. You can give me steamed buns, then I will not speak for the time being." Xia Xia said again.

"Whoosh!" A group of white shadows flew towards Xia Tian and went straight to his mouth.

Xia Tian reached out and caught this white shadow

, and then froze.

"Hey, do you really have steamed buns on your body?" Xia Tian was a little speechless, why did this woman really carry a steamed bun on her body?

"Stop talking nonsense, give me some food, stop your mouth!" Ye Yumei said coldly, she was still surprised, how did this little bastard know that she had steamed buns on her body?

"I don't like to eat this kind of steamed buns." Xia Tian smiled, still staring at Ye Yumei's most magnificent part, "I prefer to eat the other kind of big steamed buns. You have two of them on you."

"Fuck me!" Looking at Xia Xia's hot eyes, Ye Yumei finally understood that this little bastard didn't know that she had steamed buns on her body, but was trying to make a dirty idea!

A black ribbon shot towards Xia Xia, and Ye Yumei finally couldn't help it. She had a bad temper, how could she stand Xia Xia's repeated teasing?

The black ribbon arrived in front of Xia Xia in an instant, but Xia Xia looked indifferent and had no intention of dodging. Seeing that the black ribbon was about to hit Xia Xia's chest, it suddenly turned and rubbed Xia Xia's body.

"Boom!" The black ribbon hit a big rock on the side of the road, the rock shattered instantly, and the rocks flew across, like an explosion.

Xia Tian was suddenly disappointed: "Hey, can't you really hit me? If you hit me, I can hit you!"

"If you want to be beaten so much, just hit the stone yourself!" Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia coldly, took back the black ribbon, and then said nothing more, it seemed that just now, she let out a lot of anger.

"I don't want to be beaten, I just want to beat you." Xia Xia didn't hide his thoughts at all, "I've never been bullied before, but I was bullied by you, but Sister Shenxian won't let me bully you, too Depressed!"

After a pause, Xia Xia said again: "Hey, let's have a discussion, let me beat you up, but you can't tell the fairy sister, in this case, I will take you to that place earlier."

"Do it if you want!" Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia coldly, "Even if I die at your hands, I don't need Yue Qingya to do anything for me!"

"So, it looks like I can really beat you." Xia Xian was a little excited, but then a little depressed, "I still can't, I can't lie to Sister Shenxian, if I beat you, I will definitely tell Shenxian myself. Sister's, although Sister Shenxian won't be angry with me, she will definitely not be happy, so it's not good, I'd rather be unhappy than make Sister Shenxian unhappy, forget it, I won't beat you."

"You really can't make her unhappy. For a mere mortal like you, to be favored by a fairy like her is simply a blessing that you can't cultivate in ten lifetimes!" Ye Yumei snorted coldly.

Xia Tian was dissatisfied: "Hey, I hate you the most when you keep saying that I am a mortal person. Do you think you are amazing? It's true that the fairy sister is a fairy, but you are nothing. If I were a mortal person, you would even beat me. But, what are you? Don't think I don't know who you were before, you were just a little beggar."

After a pause, Xia Xia looked suddenly enlightened again: "Oh, I finally know, when you threw me to Wanggang City to be a beggar, it was because you were a beggar too, hey, do you want me to be a beggar? Beggar, then you go to the beggar's wife to express your admiration for me, well, I know many people admire me!"

The chill on Ye Yumei's face suddenly became stronger, and her eyes became colder, but she still did nothing this time, just asked coldly, "You have rested for so long, can you go now?"

Xia Tian raised his hand and looked at his watch, then yawned: "It's only a ten-minute break, don't worry, let's take another ten-minute break."

Ye Yumei gritted her teeth in anger and wanted to walk away, but unfortunately, thinking that her hope of going back was now all on this little bastard, she finally had to endure it.

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