Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1303 No one asks for a dollar

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

It stands to reason that Xia Xia is also a frequent visitor of Dongsheng Hotel. The waiters and security guards here should know him. However, some time ago, Dongsheng Hotel just replaced half of the waiters and security guards. More and more, many tourists who go to Qingfeng Mountain will choose to live in Muyang County first, and the best hotel in Muyang County is Dongsheng Hotel, so everyone will choose to stay here first. The owner of this hotel feels that this guest The quality of the staff seems to be higher than before, and the quality of the waiters must also be improved, so a large number of people have been replaced, so that now neither the front desk staff nor the security guard at the entrance know Xia.

In fact, seeing the extraordinary Yeyumei of the long and slender waist, they have subconsciously regarded Summer and Yeyumei as tourists from other places.

Seeing Ye Yumei no longer objected, the waiter also started to help Xia Xia check in, and then she asked again, "Do you want a single room or a standard room?"

"Single room, I like to sleep big." Xia Xia said casually.

The waiter glanced at Ye Yumei subconsciously, and found that she didn't object, so she didn't say anything, but she muttered to herself, this is probably a couple who are angry.

Just when Xia Xia was about to go upstairs with the room card, Ye Yumei said again: "Open another room for me."

"Uh, okay." The waiter was stunned, glanced at Xia Xia, nodded, and then said: "Your ID card, and also, need a deposit of 500 yuan."

"I was with him and put it on his account." Ye Yumei has no money and no ID card. She really has nothing except the clothes she wears.

The waiter had a headache. She turned her head to look at Xia Xia, who had not left yet. She was about to ask something, but Xia Xia had already spoken first: "I'm not familiar with her, so don't put it on my account."

Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia fiercely and wanted to get angry, but she finally held back and glanced at the waiter: "I don't want a room!"

"That's good." Xia Xia nodded with satisfaction, and then raised his voice deliberately, "Let's go and sleep with this young master!"

Xia Xia didn't really want Ye Yumei to sleep with him, he just wanted to embarrass her. Since he can't beat her or cause her physical harm directly, it's okay to do some psychological harm, otherwise , he always felt that she was too cheap.

The waiter was very speechless, it looked like some dandy young master was bullying Liangjiamei nv?

Looking at the dandy young master walking towards Xiaxia, and the bullied stunner looking reluctantly, he still moved to follow the past, the waiter felt a little sympathetic to Ye Yu and became charming, this beautiful person, with a body It's so good, how could it be bullied like this by such a bad young master?

"Waiter, charge that lady's expenses to my account." At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

The waiter felt a little surprised for a while, and finally someone couldn't see it, and it was time to save the beautiful nv who was bullied by the unscrupulous young master!

The person who spoke was a tall and handsome man in his thirties, in a suit and leather shoes. He was very personable. He was simply the ideal lover in the mind of Uncle Huai. There were two other people with him, in the same suit and leather shoes. This kind of respectful appearance should be the entourage of this handsome man.

When the handsome man spoke, he had already walked to the front desk and took out his ID card and credit card: "Please, open a business suite for me."

"Okay, sir." The waiter nodded, her face flushed red involuntarily, her heartbeat seemed to be accelerating, while she checked in this person, she compared this person with Xia Xia in her heart, and suddenly felt that the two were one and the same. One is in the sky and the other is underground. Compared with Xia Xia, this ID card shows a handsome man named Cao Zhongtian. Not only is he much more handsome than that guy named Xia Xia, but he is also more graceful.

After completing the formalities quickly, the waiter handed Cao Zhongtian two room cards: "Mr. Cao, this is your business suite, and this is the lady's single room, right across from you."

"Thank you." Cao Zhongtian took the room card, then walked over to Ye Yumei and handed her the room card, "Miss, this is your room card. If you need any help, just say so."

Ye Yumei looked at Cao Zhongtian coldly, didn't take the room card, but didn't say anything.

Feeling the coldness radiating from Ye Yumei's body, Cao Zhongtian smiled slightly: "Don't get me wrong, I have no other intentions, everyone will encounter inconvenience when they are outside, this is just a little effort, not a hope for Miss Cong. What do you get here in return?"

"Who are you cheating, don't you just like her?" Xia Xia continued lazily, and he walked in front of Cao Zhongtian, looking a little dissatisfied, "Hey, do you think you are rich, don't you?"

"Sir, I think you have misunderstood. I don't think I have money, but I can't bear to see a beautiful young lady sleeping on the street because she has no money." Cao Zhongtian said calmly.

"What I hate the most is a hypocritical person like you. Don't you just like her? If you like her, just say it. If you have money, take it out. I'll give her to you." Xia Tian Staring at Cao Zhongtian, "Hey, give me a dollar, and I'll sell her to you."

"What?" Cao Zhongtian frowned slightly, he thought he had heard it wrong.

And the hotel staff and others also felt that there was something wrong with their ears. This guy was going to sell his nv friend in front of so many people?

Selling is not the biggest problem

, the most incredible thing is that such a beautiful nv, he actually only sells for one dollar? Isn't this ruining other people's nv children?

Ye Yumei's eyes were also spitting fire, and her silver teeth were clenched tightly. This little bastard actually came to humiliate her like this!

An icy aura emanated from her body. In an instant, almost everyone around her felt like falling into an ice cellar. The only thing that seemed normal was summer, and he was not afraid of her coldness. gas.

"Hey, you don't even want a dollar?" Xia Xia stared at Cao Zhongtian with a dissatisfied look.

"Sir, why do you insult a beautiful lady like this?" Cao Zhongtian shuddered slightly, and his tone was also colder.

"If you think she is pitiful, then you can buy her. After you buy it, you can treat her as good as you want, it doesn't matter to me." Xia Xia said lazily.

"I think, you shouldn't be qualified to buy or sell a person, right?" Cao Zhongtian frowned, then he looked at Ye Yumei, "Miss, I don't know what your relationship is, but if you encounter threats or something like that, You can tell me and I can help you call the police."

"It's fine if you don't buy it." Xia Xia turned to look at Ye Yumei, "Look, no one really likes you, no one wants a dollar. Forget it, I'll take you with me, let's go, go upstairs Go to sleep!"

Xia Xia walked towards the elevator again, pressed the elevator en, and walked in.

Ye Yumei wanted to kill Xia Xia with her eyes, but she still followed into the elevator.

"Miss, your room card!" Cao Zhongtian hurriedly chased after him.

Ye Yumei ignored Cao Zhongtian. Obviously, she did not accept Cao Zhongtian's good intentions. In fact, with her character, how could she accept the help of a mortal like Cao Zhongtian? No matter how handsome and handsome Cao Zhongtian is, in Ye Yumei's eyes, he is just a humble mortal.

The elevator en has been closed, and Xia Tian and Ye Yumei disappeared from Cao Zhongtian's sight.

In the elevator, Xia Xian complained: "Hey, I said big steamed buns, you are really worthless, the big steamed buns on the street cost a dollar each, and you are not even worth a dollar, don't you feel inferior? "

"Don't you think this kind of boring method is very low?" Ye Yumei said coldly.

"How can it be low-level?" Xia Xia shook his head, "No matter what means, the means to make you unhappy are the means I want. If you are unhappy now, it means that I have succeeded. If you leave, then I'm even more successful, if you want to fight me, then I can't ask for it, uh, otherwise, hit me now, I've been waiting for you to do it!"

"Mortals are mortals, and they can only use mortal methods!" Ye Yumei's tone was full of ridicule. Speaking of which, Ye Yumei's name for summer has actually changed. In the past, she was a humble mortal when she opened her mouth and shut her mouth. He also said that Xia Tian was a mortal person, so he didn't add the word despicable.

"Anyway, I'm better than you. I'm a mortal, and you're not even a mortal." Xia Xia said lazily.

Ye Yumei snorted coldly and stopped talking, and the elevator had reached the sixth floor at this time. Xia Xia got out of the elevator, went to room 609, and walked in.

"Well, ang is not bad, very soft." Xia Tian lay on ang, "Hey, big steamed bun, do you want to sleep together?"

Ye Yumei ignored Xia Xia, walked to the window, and stood there motionless.

"It's really not interesting at all." Xia Tian pouted, such a cold nv person, it seems that there is no fun in coaxing him to be a wife.

After thinking about it, I took out my mobile phone in summer and charged it first.

As soon as the phone was turned on, the call came in, and this time the ringtone of the phone was equally pleasant, but it was not so messy: "Xiamen, it's me, answer the phone..."

This is Song Yumei's voice, but this sentence was actually synthesized by Xiao Yaojing based on Song Yumei's voice.

Hearing this voice, Ye Yumei's upright body, standing beside the window, seemed to move, but it returned to normal immediately, and Xia Xia also picked up the phone and answered the phone: "Mei Mei wife, you miss me. Is it? Actually, I miss you too, why don't you come to me now!"

"Why is your phone always off? Aunt Mei, is Aunt Mei okay?" Song Yumei asked eagerly.

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