Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1306 Do you have to court death?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"How could she be with you?" Yun Qing couldn't help asking.

"Oh, Sister Shenxian asked me to take her somewhere." Xia Xia quickly changed the subject, "Sister Yunqing, don't talk about her, let's continue doing what we like to do!"

Thinking that there may be a few months in the future without a wife to accompany him, Xia Xia felt that tonight must not be wasted, so he soon began to work tirelessly on Yun Qing again.


Noon the next day.

When Xia Xia and Ye Yumei checked out, many people looked at them both with strange eyes, because by now, almost the entire hotel knew that last night Xia Xia actually let Ye Yumei, a beautiful lady, stand at the door all night. Outside, and he actually had a carnival with a beautiful woman inside.

"Even if it's 3P, it's more normal than this!" Everyone thought so, it was really abnormal that Xia Tian left a beautiful woman like Ye Yumei outside the door all night.

"Summer is summer, and there are always beautiful women around you." Some people sighed that at this time, those who didn't know the origin of summer had already heard about summer's deeds from others, and they already knew it now, This is a strong man.

"Husband." Yun Qing was still there at this time, but she just got out of the elevator, "Would you like me to give you a ride in the car?"

"No, I can walk faster." Xia Xia hugged Yunqing, kissed her red lips, and released her after a while, "Sister Yunqing, I'll go first."

Xia Xia walked out of the hotel, and at the same time greeted Ye Yumei: "Damantou, it's time to hit the road!"

Hearing this title, Ye Yumei clenched her silver teeth again, God is pitiful, if she can survive the summer, she will definitely beat this little bastard right away, and then torture it for seven, seven, forty-nine days, even if it is In that case, I am afraid it may not be able to relieve the hatred.

Hate to hate, Ye Yumei still followed Xia out of the hotel, making a group of people envious of Xia Xia, this guy is not only beautiful, but also women are so determined to be so bullied by him, to actually follow him so determinedly God is right, if someone else has such a woman, they must be spoiled to death, how can this guy be so wasteful?

Yunqing stood at the door of the hotel and watched Xia Xia and Ye Yumei leave. She was a little worried for some reason. Xia Xia didn't tell her why she was with Ye Yumei, but she always felt that these two people who were originally enemies were being treated Being together is definitely not a good thing.

"My husband is so powerful now, so he should be fine." Soon, Yun Qing began to comfort himself.

Rubbing the slightly sore waist, Yun Qing remembered the madness last night, her pretty face was slightly hot, and she muttered to herself, "Let's go back and rest first, this husband is really tossing people."

He walked to the car parked in front of the hotel, took out the car key and pressed it, then opened the door and walked in. He was about to drive away, but someone knocked on the door.

Yun Qing turned his head and glanced at it, and saw a handsome man in his thirties, Danfeng glanced slightly, and frowned slightly: "Is something wrong?"

Seeing Yunqing's appearance, the handsome man was stunned, as if he did not expect Yunqing to be so beautiful.

However, the handsome man quickly came back to his senses, and then smiled slightly: "Miss, I want to discuss a business with you."

Yun Qing frowned again. This man's voice was actually quite nice and had a magnetic vibe. Because of this, his voice was easier to remember, and it reminded her quickly that she listened to it by herself last night. After this voice, even though she was trying her best to cater to her man at the time, the voice from outside the door still entered her ears. There was no way. After her husband washed the marrow for her, her hearing was better than ordinary people. many times.

In fact, although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she actually knew what happened at the door last night, so it made her understand at once that this person might have come with bad intentions.

For a while, Yun Qing had a very absurd feeling in his heart, this person really doesn't know whether to live or die, and he actually fell in love with Ye Yumei? The so-called cesium is full of courage, this is really true, this person suffered Ye Yumei's loss last night, and now he still hasn't given up!

However, after thinking about it, Yunqing felt normal. This person did not know Ye Yumei's true identity and origin, nor did he know Ye Yumei's terrifying aspects. The man's crazy appearance and figure, so it is not uncommon for him to be crazy for Ye Yumei.

"What business?" Yun Qing rolled down the car window and asked lightly. Although she already knew that this man was here for Ye Yumei, she really still couldn't understand what the man was looking for her for, could he be? Know her relationship with Xia?

"My name is Cao Zhongtian, I'm from Singapore, this is my business card." The handsome man said, handing in a business card from the car window, "What's your name, miss?"

Yun Qing took the business card, glanced at it casually, and answered lightly, "My name is Yun Qing."

Yunqing is actually not very interested in where Cao Zhongtian is from. As for the suffix of the president on the business card, she doesn't care, but she at least understands one thing now, that is, this person doesn't know her at all, and she doesn't care about her and Xia Xia. The relationship is definitely not clear. He looked for her, maybe just because he saw her with Xia Xia just now.

"Miss Yun, I'm not going to beat around the bush. Can you tell me how much money I give you a month in summer?" Cao Zhongtian asked.

"What?" Yun Qing was taken aback.

"Miss Yun, Mingren don't speak secretly, you don't need to hide your relationship with Xia Xia, I know that the woman in his room last night

It's you, I believe you are Xia Xia's lover, and I believe even more that he should have paid a lot of money to make Miss Yun his lover. Cao Zhongtian talked eloquently, and then threw out his own conditions, "No matter how much money he gives you a month, I can pay twice the price, as long as you can tell me something." "

A burst of anger suddenly rose from the bottom of Yun Qing's heart, but she quickly suppressed the anger, she looked at Cao Zhongtian, her voice was a little cold: "Mr. ?"

"Miss Yun, please don't get me wrong. I respect everyone's choice, and I don't mean to look down on you." Cao Zhongtian smiled lightly. Obviously, he thought so.

After a short pause, Cao Zhongtian continued: "Actually, I am a businessman, I like to talk about everything as a business, and I think that Miss Yun is also a businessman like me, so I think we should Can talk about this business very well."

"Mr. Cao, before discussing business with someone, it's best to find out what the other party is doing, rather than taking it for granted." Yun Qing said coldly: "For your poor sake, I'm too lazy to care about you, and you too Better stay away from me, don't make fun of yourself!"

The smile on Cao Zhongtian's face disappeared immediately: "Miss Yun, you call me pitiful? What qualifications do you have to call me pitiful?"

Yun Qing, however, ignored Cao Zhongtian at all, started the car, started backing up, and prepared to leave.

It's a pity that Cao Zhongtian, who is obviously irrational now, doesn't want to give up like this, he yelled at Yun Qing in the car: "Aren't you a senior girl? I'll give you one million a month, and I'll give you one. moon!"

"Cao Zhongtian, do you insist on courting death?" Yun Qing suddenly stopped the car, no matter how good-tempered she was, it was impossible for her to endure such abuse. She opened the car door and got out from inside, a pair of beautiful and attractive Danfeng's eyes, at this moment, are shooting out two cold rays of light, "Apologize immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Apologize? It's ridiculous, a girl... uh!" Cao Zhongtian sneered, but unfortunately, he immediately understood that it was not Yun Qing, but himself, because he was a dignified man who was kicked by Yun Qing. Kicked to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Cao Zhongtian's two bodyguards were watching not far away, and when they saw that Cao Zhongtian was actually beaten by Yun Qing, they rushed over with an angry shout.

Without saying a word, Yun Qing kicked out two more feet in a row, and directly kicked the two bodyguards to the ground. She was in anger, and her feet were not light at all. Covering his stomach and curling up on the ground, he couldn't get up for a long time.

"Don't show up in front of me, otherwise, next time, your fate will not be so good!" Yun Qing gave the three people on the ground a cold look, then got into the car and left quickly.

Although Yun Qing had already learned about Xia Xia's violence, he was a lawyer after all, so he was not enough to kill these three people in the first place. If Xia Xia was here and Cao Zhongtian dared to scold Yun Qing like this, even if he didn't die, he would have to be disabled.


At this moment in the summer, she has just walked out of the urban area of ​​Muyang County and officially set off towards the goal, that is, Yuenan City, which is about 300 kilometers away from Muyang County. When the fairy sister came to this world for the first time, she appeared on a certain mountain in Yuenan City. , As for the specific location, Sister Shenxian drew a map for Xia Xia. Of course, the map had been destroyed by Xia Xia. He had already memorized the map in his mind. The advantage of this was that Ye Yumei wanted to find that place. Must follow him, now, he is a living map.

In fact, I haven't been to Yuenan City in summer. Of course, it doesn't matter if I haven't been there. As long as you buy a ticket, there is basically a car that can send people there directly. However, the problem now is that there is no car to go there in summer. Meaning, he intends to use the most primitive way, which is to walk there, because in this way, he can put the speed very slowly and slowly, and walk for two or three months.

And when he got to Yuenan City, he could still find the mountain slowly. After finding the mountain, he could continue to find the specific location slowly. He felt that as long as he wanted to, he would be fine for half a year. Of course, the biggest The problem is that he is not very willing to stay with Ye Yumei for so long.

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