Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1308 Don't hit me and go

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

But let him kill, he really has to seriously think about it.

"Hey, you idiot, hurry up, come and hit me, don't hit me!" Xia Xia shouted in dissatisfaction.

"I said Sanzi, can't you do this kind of ink? Don't worry, I'll be fine if I say it's fine!" Brother Long became impatient and continued to urge.

But the third son is not Brother Long after all. He knows very well that he really killed someone with a car. When something happens, he must be responsible.

\u0026 It's boring, she greeted Ye Yumei and continued on her way.

Seeing him move forward, Ye Yumei naturally started to act, and when Ye Yumei also acted, Brother Long who was wearing the gold necklace finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Grass, forget it, I'll come by myself!" Brother Long dragged the third son out of the car, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed towards Xia Xia. This guy really dared to kill people on the road, if it wasn't for the If Ye Yumei's charm is too great, it means that this guy has done similar things before.

The speed of the car increased to more than 100 yards in an instant, and Brother Long showed a fierce look in his eyes, and quickly hit Xia Tian who was facing away from the car.


The person was knocked flying, and in the summer, he was knocked out dozens of meters away, and then fell to the ground without moving.

The three sons in the distance were stunned. Brother Long really killed someone?

He looked around, and then heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one passed by at this time, and no one seemed to see the movement here.

Ye Yumei was also stunned, this little bastard was really hit by a car? This is too abnormal!

She tried to listen, and found that she couldn't hear Xia Xia's heartbeat, as if she was really dead.

But Ye Yumei would definitely not believe that Xia Xia was dead. She was sure that this little bastard was playing dead. As for why he was playing dead, in her opinion, it was mostly to delay time.

Seeing that Xia Xia was lying on the side of the road and didn't move, Ye Yumei also stopped, and Brother Long also stopped the car at the moment, with a crazy look: "I'm stupid, dare to go to the top with Laozi, Is he dead now? Is it really him!"

Brother Long didn't go to check whether Xia Xia was dead or not. In his opinion, Xia Xia would definitely not survive. What he is most interested in now is still beautiful women. He immediately walked towards Ye Yumei: "Beauty, can you come with me now?"

Ye Yumei still didn't speak, she felt that it was completely disrespectful to talk to such a humble mortal.

"I mean, don't pretend to be a saint with Lao Tzu. I don't care if that kid is your husband or not. Now that he is dead, if he is interested, come back with me. Lao Tzu will treat you well. You go back, but I won't treat you well!" This brother Long was obviously impatient, and after saying this, he put his hand towards Ye Yumei, trying to catch her, "Follow me!"

"Uh!" It is naturally impossible for Brother Long to meet Ye Yumei. In this world, the only man who really touches Ye Yumei is Xia Xia. This Brother Long, who doesn't know whether to live or die, only feels that a huge force hits him. His chest, and then he let out a scream, flew up, and then slammed down from the air, just hitting his car.


The windshield of the car was smashed to pieces, and Brother Long was also bleeding and silent.

The three sons were stunned again, this, what's going on?

At this moment, he heard a voice: "Hey, big mantou, you have killed another person. After all, you have already killed two people. I can actually imprison you for the rest of your life."

The three sons followed the sound and saw that Xia Tian, ​​who had been hit by a car and lay motionless on the ground, actually got up from the ground, and it seemed that nothing happened.

"Hey, Big Mantou, why don't you kill that guy by the way, you can kill him and we can drive away." Xia Xia said again at this time.

Hearing this, the third son's face changed greatly, his legs softened, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably: "Don't, don't kill me, just drive the car away, I, I didn't see anything. …”

Ye Yumei didn't do anything. Obviously, unless someone provokes her, she would be too lazy to do it. For her, killing a lowly mortal would actually get her hands dirty.

"Okay, let that guy or okay, let's drive!" Xia Xian opened the Audi car and sat in the driving position, regardless of the dead person lying in front of the car, he seemed to be ready to drive.

Ye Yumei couldn't figure it out for a while, this little bastard suddenly lost his mind? Otherwise, why did he walk so slowly before, and now he wants to drive?

"Damantou, are you leaving? If you don't leave, I'll drive away by myself!" Xia Tian urged at this time.

Ye Yumei hesitated for a while, but she opened the rear door and sat up.

After closing the door, Xia slammed on the accelerator, and the car flew out.

The third son, who had just escaped death, was stunned again, because he saw that the white Audi rushed out of the road at a fast speed and flew directly under the road.

This Audi, which is at least 80% new, just fell into the field next to the road. In the summer, at the moment when the car fell, it opened the door and flew out. However, to his disappointment, he found that Ye Yumei also Like him, he got out of the car at about the same time.

"Are you sick?" Ye Yumei finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Do you call that driving?"

"You are sick." Xia Xia stared in dissatisfaction

Ye Yumei said, "I just can't drive."

Ye Yumei was momentarily angry, this little bastard couldn't drive, but he said that he should drive away. Isn't it obvious that he wants to piss her off?

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