Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1311 I'm pampering you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Standing in the middle of the two cars in the middle of the sky, Xia Xian is calm, proving to Ye Yumei that he likes this world more and that he also cares about the rest of the world, but the van and truck drivers are stupid, they don't even know it happened Something, I just felt dizzy.

But when they woke up, they found that there was no one in front of them, and what just happened was like a dream.

Xia Xia and Ye Yumei are gone, but their argument is not over yet.

"Did you see? I'm different from you. You only want to go back if you have a problem with your brain. Neither the fairy sister nor I want to go to your broken place." Xia Xia stared at Ye Yumei and said.

"Really? Why don't you ask Yue Qingya, if you are willing to go to Xianyun Continent, would she prefer to stay here or stay in Xianyun Continent?" Ye Yumei sneered.

"It's really big and brainless. It's worthy of being called a big steamed bun, and my brain is full of flour." Xia Tian looked at Ye Yumei with a look of contempt, "I already asked Sister Shenxian about this, and I told Sister Shenxian long ago. , No matter where she wants to go, I will go with her, but Sister Shenxian has already told me that she doesn't want to go back to the broken place in Xianyun Continent, she likes to stay in this world with me."

"If she really said that, it's also because she knows that if you go to the Immortal Cloud Continent, you must be dead." Ye Yumei said coldly, "If Xianmen knew that Yue Qingya was being desecrated by a mortal like you. , even if you chase to the ends of the earth, you will be killed!"

"If you say I'm a mortal, I'll blaspheme you!" Xia Xia stared at Ye Yumei, then immediately shook her head, "No, how can you say blasphemy? I'm pampering you."

"You!" Ye Yumei's beautiful eyes shot out an even colder light, as if she wanted to freeze Xia Xia into a popsicle, but soon, she calmed down and stopped talking. Obviously, she already understood and wanted to convince Xia Xia. Hurry up and take her to that place, it's not that easy.

The two of them continued to walk unhurriedly. For the next two hours, the road was very calm, and no one came to chat with Ye Yumei. Although there were many cars passing by, occasionally some cars slowed down a bit. But he just glanced at it and left quickly.

This makes Xia Xia feel a little strange. Has the appeal of this big steamed bun suddenly diminished? However, he soon figured out the reason, because he found that Ye Yumei was very close to him now, and the furthest distance was not more than ten meters, especially when there was a car coming, she seemed to deliberately immediately Walk side by side with him.

A beautiful and sexy woman is walking alone on the road, and someone will come to talk to her, but if there is a man next to this beautiful woman, then most people will be very interested. After all, in the eyes of others, this woman already has a master. The master's woman, that's normal, people clearly have the master, and the man is still beside him, and if he still wants to go to her, then obviously he wants to make trouble, pick a girl and pick a girl, but few people really want to make trouble, Yan Tianlong That kind of person, after all, is still very few.

And Ye Yumei did this, obviously because she found out that Xia Xia was using her to cause trouble and delaying time. She didn't want to give Xia Xia an excuse for delaying time, so every time she saw that someone might want to talk to her, As soon as she got closer to Xia Xia, her method obviously worked, and no one was wasting her time this morning.

This makes Xia Xia a little depressed. It seems that he has to find a new way to delay the time, such as deliberately getting lost or something.

"Would you like to take this dead woman all over the country, and then go to Yuenan City?" Xia Tian suddenly had such an idea, and then he felt that he was really a genius, and he could think of such a genius method. This dead woman, Yu Mei, doesn't know where the exact place is, he can take her wherever he wants!

"Well..." Just when Xia Xia was thinking about when to start implementing this plan, a rather ecstatic Ao Jiao woke him up, and this Ao Jiao immediately became high, "Ah..."

Xia Xia couldn't help being stunned, and then said to himself a little depressed: "The little goblin wife is really harmful, doesn't this make me want the blonde wife more?"

This unusually charming and soul-stirring arrogant is exactly Mu Han's voice, but of course it wasn't Mu Han who appeared here, but Mu Han's phone call. It was recorded and used as a phone ringtone.

In fact, Xia Xia didn't even know what the goblin changed the ringtone of the phone to, but he now believed that the goblin wife, who likes to make trouble, would definitely give him a lot of surprises.

"Wife, I miss you when I hear your voice." Xia Xia naturally answered the phone immediately.

"Husband, I miss you too!" Mu Han's voice was still so charming and moving, and she did not hide her feelings for Xia Tian at all.

"Wife, where are you now? I'm so bored now!" Xia Xia is really boring, because what he is doing now is not what he wants to do, and doing things he doesn't want to do will most likely be boring .

"I'm still in the capital." Mu Han said gruffly, "That's right, husband, I want to tell you that the special group has been officially established, and its name is Tiandao Group. On the one hand, um, it has the meaning of pursuing the way of heaven, what do you think of this name?"

"It's good, just this name." Xia Tian felt that it didn't matter.

"Although the Heavenly Dao Group has just been established, there are already a lot of problems that have been sent to us. Meier and I have selected them and found that most of them should have nothing to do with immortal cultivators, but..." Mu Han said this Wei Wei After pondering for a while,

Then he exclaimed in a low voice, "Hey, husband, looking at your whereabouts these two days, you seem to be heading towards Yuenan City?"

"Yes, in that direction, what's the matter?" Xia Xia faintly felt that something was wrong.

"It's those cases, many of them are from Yuenan City, um, there are some rumors there recently, more mysterious rumors, some people say that they have seen immortals, and some people say that they have seen ghosts. There are also some unknown murder cases there, people who kill people The method is rather bizarre, and Meier and I began to suspect that there may really be immortal cultivators doing evil there." Naturally, Mu Han would not hide Xia Xia and told the truth, "It's just that you told us about the other two immortal cultivators. The place where they stayed is very far away. It stands to reason that there is no reason for them to run so far to kill people. Meier can't figure out the specific situation now, so she wants to go there and ask me what you mean. "

Xia Xia's mood suddenly turned bad. He suddenly remembered a possibility, a possibility that would cause him great trouble. He turned his head and glanced at Ye Yumei, who was not far away, but found that it was always colder than ice cubes. Ye Yumei's face actually had a smile on her face!

There is no doubt that Ye Yumei's smile is very beautiful, so beautiful that it can make people suffocate, but her smile is definitely not a good thing for Xia Xia, because Xia Xia knows that Ye Yumei can definitely hear what Mu Han just said. Of those words, she must have known something, and even, like him, she thought of the same possibility!

"Husband, what's the matter? Why don't you speak?" Hearing that there was no sound here, Mu Han was a little puzzled for a while.

"Wife, tell Meier's wife not to go to Yuenan City. I'll handle this matter." Xia Xia said after thinking about it.

Mu Han said in a somewhat uneasy tone: "Husband, is there something wrong?"

"I'm not sure yet. I'll tell you when there is news. I'll go to Yuenan City right away." Xia Xia quickly said.

"Well, okay, husband, then I'll wait for your news." Mu Han agreed.

Xia Xia thought for a while, and then said, "Wife, send the case information about Yuenan City to my website."

"Well, okay, I'll send you all the information right away." Mu Han agreed.

Hanging up the phone, putting away the phone, Xia Xia glanced at Ye Yumei: "Hey, Damantou, we have to hurry, hurry up!"

Without waiting for Ye Yumei's response, Xia Xia turned into a faint shadow and dashed forward, while Ye Yumei's face showed a faint mockery, but she did not move slowly, and also turned into a shadow, Chasing summer.

"Damantou, why are you so happy? Is your old lover here?" Xia Xia ran for a while, and finally said something dissatisfied.

Seeing beautiful women smiling was a good thing, but seeing Ye Yu smiling, it was definitely a bad thing, at least, Xia Tian thought so.

"I'm afraid it's Yue Qingya's old lover here!" Ye Yumei was still smiling, her smile was captivating, and then it was all over the country. It's no exaggeration to use this sentence to describe Ye Yumei's smile. , if a person who doesn't know Ye Yumei's origins sees her smile now, she will definitely be fascinated and go crazy, and even have no interest in other women in the rest of her life, but Xia Xia sees her extremely beautiful smile. , but only felt that his heart was cold and cold, he would rather this dead woman look at her with the cold expression she used to, and he didn't want to see her smile so coquettishly.

"Don't slander the immortal sister, she only has my husband and no old lover." Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly, he really wanted to beat the dead woman, but in case she was injured, he would have to treat her. Otherwise, he would have to take a burden to Yuenan City, so he decided to settle accounts with this dead woman in the future.

Ye Yumei stopped talking, but was still smiling. She had been in this world for 20 years. She didn't remember laughing, but now, she couldn't stop laughing, just because she finally saw the light, not only Back at the dawn of Xianyun Continent, and the dawn of revenge against Xia Xia, she seems to have seen Xia Xia's tragic future!

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