Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1317 Who are you?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Stop!" Hu Feifei ran to the back seat of the car at this time, opened the car door, and her face changed greatly. The man in the car was actually stabbing the girl's chest with a dagger, and the girl's chest was already stained with blood. Obviously before that, she had been stabbed at least once!

Murder and kill!

No matter how stupid people are, they can think of what this man is doing. Hu Feifei is a **, and understands this even more, but Hu Feifei is helpless because she does not have a gun on her body. , she will definitely give this person a bullet without hesitation!

"Uh!" Just when Hu Feifei was nervous, she suddenly heard a muffled groan, and then she found that the man suddenly fainted, and Xia Tian also appeared in her sight.

Seeing Xia Xia, Hu Feifei finally breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became nervous again: "Squad Leader Xia, she is injured, you need to find a way to stop the bleeding first, and I will call an ambulance right away!"

"You don't need to call an ambulance, I'll just do it." Xia Xia took out a silver needle, but without moving the girl's body, she stabbed the needle directly on her body.

Seeing Xia Xia's skillful acupuncture, Hu Feifei was stunned again. Is this mysterious Xia team leader or a doctor?

And when Hu Feifei watched the girl's wound stop bleeding immediately, and then found that the girl's pale face was returning to rosy, she realized that this team leader Xia is obviously not just a doctor, he is obviously a genius doctor!

At this time, Hu Feifei finally understood why before she came here, the elder told her that if she could climb the summer, she would not have to worry about it for the rest of her life. This ordinary looking man is indeed an extraordinary man!

Xia Tian finally put away the silver needle, and then looked at the girl: "Hey, who are you? I don't seem to know anyone here, and I think you look familiar, but I really don't remember who you are. !"

"Me, I'm still alive?" The girl woke up at this time, looked at her chest, touched her hand, and found that she could not feel any pain, and then remembered the rumors about Xia Xia, she suddenly understood, "Xia Xia , thank you for saving me."

"You haven't said who you are!" Xia Xia said a little displeased.

"I'm Shen Yun, Liu Yunying's classmate, we met last year, in Beihu, when you were with Liu Yunying's aunt, do you remember?" The girl looked at Xia Tian with hopeful eyes, a little said eagerly.

Xia Xia stared at the girl who claimed to be Shen Yun for a long time, and then nodded: "It's you, aren't you from that airplane club? But you've changed a lot, and it's not the same as before."

This is Shen Yun, I have only seen it once in the summer, and I have a little impression, but it is only a little impression. Of course, since she is Liu Yunying's classmate, and Liu Yunying is Liu Yunman's sister, she is also a Liu Meng's niece, in terms of this relationship, it's okay for him to help her once, he's just a little strange, why did this Shen Yun come here?

Thinking of this, Xia Xia asked, "Didn't you study in Jianghai City? Why are you here? Also, are these guys trying to kidnap you? Hey, you seem to have changed a lot of boyfriends recently!"

Xia Xia didn't ask, but when he asked, Shen Yun burst into tears.

"What happened?" Hu Feifei, who was beside him, asked at this time.

Shen Yun was still crying, but he still refused to say what happened.

"Team Leader Xia, why don't I call the police station and ask them to send a few people to deal with this matter?" Hu Feifei asked Xia Xia's opinion softly at this time.

"Okay, let them deal with it." Xia Xia nodded, this Shen Yun had nothing to do with him after all, and he didn't bother to care too much.

"No, no, don't call the police!" Shen Yun suddenly raised her head with a look of panic, although there were still tears on her face, but this time she finally stopped crying, "The **** here are with them, I'll go I looked for a chance and called the police once, but the ** didn't show up at all. Instead, I was beaten up by them. They even threatened me. If I dared to call the police again or ask others for help, they would kill me. , I saw with my own eyes a girl was killed by them, if I hadn't seen you, I wouldn't have dared to ask for help."

"What?" Hu Feifei's face changed, "They not only kidnapped, but also murdered?"

"Xia Tian, ​​can you help me and send me back to Jianghai City? I, I don't want to pursue it, I just want to go back, just go back." Shen Yun looked at Xia Xia with a begging look.

"Alright, but I still have something to do. I can find someone else to take you back." Xia Xia said casually, it wasn't his business anyway. Since Shen Yun didn't want to pursue it, he naturally didn't care.

"I, I can wait for you and go back with you." Shen Yun didn't know what to think, with a look of fear on his face, "I, I can't believe other people, that group of people, that group of people do everything come out."

"Leader Xia, why don't we go back to the room first, and then discuss it slowly?" Hu Feifei suggested in a low voice at this time, there were several men who didn't know whether to live or die, and a smashed car. I always feel that such a place is not very suitable for talking about things. Of course, what is even more strange is that no one in the hotel has come to see what happened here.

"Okay, you take her to your room to rest, and you can talk about it tomorrow." Xia Xian yawned. He used up a lot of energy today, and now he wants to rest.

"Leader Xia, I'd better let Tian Bofeng send someone to take these people away." Hu Feifei looked at the comatose murderers and suggested softly.

"Okay, I'll go up first." Xia Xia had no opinion on this, and Shen Yun didn't know who Tian Bofeng was, so he didn't comment either.

Just seeing Xia Xia entering the hotel, Shen Yun immediately followed into the hotel, Hu Feifei followed Tian Bofeng while calling, and when they came to the eighth floor, which is the floor where their rooms were, Shen Yun still followed Xia, Obviously she is not at ease with Hu Feifei.

"Shen Yun, our room is over there." Seeing that Shen Yun actually wanted to follow Xia into the room, Hu Feifei quickly grabbed her, and she, who was good at observing words and expressions, also understood what Shen Yun was worried about, so she immediately said something : "Don't worry, I'm not a local **, I'm specially responsible for entertaining Team Leader Xia. I'm just like Team Leader Xia's subordinates. You are safe with me."

"Hey, I'm right here. If there's something you need to call me, I can hear it." Xia Xia said casually, then entered his room and closed the door by the way. He didn't have that. Interested in being in the same room as this Shen Yun, he prefers to stay with Ye Yumei. Although Ye Yumei hates this dead woman, she has nothing to say about her face and her body is amazing, especially her small waist. It's really comfortable!

Ye Yumei's figure is not slender. Compared with the wives in Xia, even if it is not the plumpest, it is not much different, but the most strange part of her figure is here, she has a big breast and a very good figure. Plump, but her waist is pitifully thin, even thinner than Wang Xiaoya's waist, you know, Wang Xiaoya is not fully developed yet.

The only pity is that Xia Xia can't put her arms around her waist and fall asleep now, because according to what Sister Shenxian said, he can't use force. Before Xia Xia forced her arms around her, it was because he was in a hurry to rush to the scene of the murder, and there was an upright reason. , but now, he can't find such a reason.

Xia Xia was not in the mood to find various reasons to take advantage of it, so when he entered the room, he immediately fell on the bed and fell asleep, and soon fell asleep, which made Ye Yumei relieved, thinking of this little bastard first. The first time she saw her, she shamelessly blasphemed her, and she was really worried that she would be blasphemed by this little bastard again tonight.

Taking a slight breath, Ye Yumei calmed down and sat cross-legged on the ground, trying to release the restraint in her body. She must control her own destiny in her own hands!

At the same time, in another room, Hu Feifei and Shen Yun had not fallen asleep.

"Shen Yun, are you from Jianghai City?" Hu Feifei took the initiative to ask, but she clearly asked this question knowingly.

"Yes, Officer Hu." Shen Yun replied in a low voice, her mood is very low now, her face is uncertain, and she doesn't know what she is thinking about.

"Shen Yun, I'm actually a few years older than you. Since you know Xia Xia, we are not outsiders. You don't need to be so outsiders. You can tell me anything, even if you think I can help you. Can’t you, can’t Xia Xia help you?” Hu Feifei and Shen Yun were close, although she already knew that Xia Xia and Shen Yun had no close relationship, but anyway, there was still a bit of a relationship between them, she felt It is impossible to directly connect with Xia Xia, and it should be more feasible to use a roundabout strategy now.

"Thank you, Officer Hu." Shen Yun didn't know what to think, and tears flowed unconsciously.

Hu Feifei sighed softly: "Shen Yun, it can be seen that you have suffered a lot recently. Did those, those men bully you?"

Shen Yun started to sob, crying and saying, "Officer Hu, can you lend me your cell phone for me to use?"

"Of course." Hu Feifei immediately handed the phone to Shen Yun, she knew that Shen Yun should want to call family or friends.

While sobbing, Shen Yun started dialing the number, and soon, she got through the phone, and as soon as the call got through, she burst into tears: "Liu Yunying, I'm Shen Yun, I, I was sold by that bastard... woohoo woo..."

Hu Feifei has been listening to Shen Yun's phone calls, and while listening to her, her face is also a little ugly, and she finally roughly understands what happened to Shen Yun.

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