Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1319 Serial Assassination

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Sister Hua, this Hu Feifei, I heard that he has a lot of background and will be in trouble. "The other policewoman closed the door and whispered.

"What are you afraid of, isn't it that there is a distant uncle in the provincial office?" The policewoman called Sister Hua didn't care at all, "This is Yuenan City, and no one can provoke us in this place, if she doesn't Nosy, we naturally won't take the initiative to provoke her, but since she wants to be nosy, we have to let her know the end of nosy!"

Glancing at the other policewoman, Sister Hua said again: "Peach, you seem to be getting less and less courageous. You used to be very daring, and you almost tied the governor's daughter."

"Sister Hua, didn't I just suffer from that loss and then be cautious?" The policewoman named Taozi shook her head, "Young Master Jun said, we must be careful, if we can handle it, we will let them We can never turn over, we can't hold back, we don't want to mess with them at all, this Hu Feifei, we may not hold back!"

"Peach, that's why you don't understand. It's precisely because she may not be able to restrain her, we must restrain her. Otherwise, what should she do if she goes to the province to talk nonsense?" Sister Hua looked at Hu Feifei on the ground, " It's easy to deal with a woman, come, take off her clothes first, take a few pictures, and then take her away later."

The two policewomen didn't seem to be worried at all that someone would break them, and they actually wanted to start taking nude photos of Hu Feifei in this room. It seems that they usually do this kind of thing.

"Sister Hua, didn't you say there is a man?" Taozi asked at this time.

"Let's deal with the woman first, and the man will deal with it later." Sister Hua started to undress Hu Feifei as she spoke.

Just then, there was another knock on the door.

Sister Hua got up and walked to the door, opened a crack in the door, and handed out a certificate: "** handle the case, don't disturb... uh!"

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Sister Hua was knocked to the ground by the door, making a scream.

The other policewoman named Taozi suddenly changed her face, stretched one hand to her waist, and actually pulled out a gun. Unfortunately, just as she pulled it out and grabbed it, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.

Xia Xia kicked the policewoman named Taozi down, then took out a silver needle and pierced Hu Feifei and Shen Yun twice. Hu Feifei and Shen Yun, who had just passed out, immediately woke up.

"Ah... Leader Xia, this..." Hu Feifei, who woke up, was very surprised, but he calmed down quickly. Looking at the two policewomen on the ground, she could guess what happened. Shen Yun over there is much calmer, it seems that this is already a trivial matter for her.

"You are too easy to be kidnapped, aren't you?" Xia Xia was a little unhappy. He just received a call from Liu Yunying. On the other end of the phone, Liu Yunying and a brother-in-law shouted very affectionately, begging him to help Shen Yun, Xia Xia naturally had to agree, but he didn't put down the phone when he heard something going on here, so he had to come over immediately, and while saving Hu Feifei once, he also saved Shen Yun again.

Hu Feifei was speechless, she was a ** after all, but she was almost tied up, and the other party was obviously the one who kidnapped Shen Yun, which meant that she almost ended up like Shen Yun.

"Team Leader Xia, thank you." While grateful to Xia Xia, Hu Feifei felt extremely angry. These people are simply lawless. Even a policewoman like her dared to kidnap her. What else would they dare to do?

"I really want to thank me for my words, close the door, don't let anyone in, and don't go out either. I just want to get a good night's sleep tonight. I'll talk about it tomorrow, understand?" Xia Xian yawned and said Walking out of the room, obviously, he has no plans to pursue this matter, at least not now.

Xia Xia left soon, Hu Feifei closed the door, first tied the two policewomen on the ground, and then picked up the phone to make a call, this time not to Tian Bofeng, but directly to the provincial department.

"Uncle, those people are simply lawless. Not only do they want to kidnap me, but they also deal with Xia Xia's friends like that. If Xia Xia is angry, I'm afraid none of us can afford it." Hu Feifei is a smart woman. When it comes to Xia Xia, she knows that the provincial department cares about Xia Xia very much, for fear of offending him. As long as this matter is related to Xia Xia, the provincial department will definitely take it seriously.

Hu Feifei's approach was very sensible and effective. Less than half an hour later, Tian Hao, the police chief of Yuenan City, personally brought a group of people to the Yueluo Hotel, and then took away the two policewomen who were said to be fake identities. , they also wanted to take Shen Yun to record the confession, but Hu Feifei kept Shen Yun in the name of Xia Xia. Although she knew that Tian Hao had received an order from the provincial department, she still felt that she would temporarily take Shen Yun Stay safe by staying closer to summer.

There was a lot of movement here, and there was still a good night's sleep over there in the summer. He slept soundly, but in a villa in this city, there was a young man who didn't fall asleep until late at night.

This man, who looked obviously less than 30 years old, was wearing pajamas and sitting by the pool of the villa. Behind him, a beautiful woman in a bikini was massaging his shoulders.

The phone rang suddenly, the bikini beauty stopped the massage and answered the phone. After a few minutes, she put down the phone again, and said softly, "Young Master Jun, I've checked it out, the deputy director of the provincial department, Hu Hongguang, is a distant relative of Hu Feifei. She is her uncle in terms of seniority and takes good care of Hu Feifei. Hu Feifei was able to become the section chief of the propaganda department at a young age, which is the credit of Hu Hongguang, and Hu Feifei's parents are ordinary workers and have no special background. ."

"Sister Hua and Taozi, where are they now?"

The young man named Jun Shao asked, his voice was a little hoarse and a little indifferent.

"I'm still at the police station for now, just waiting for your order, Master Jun." The bikini beauty replied.

"What about Hu Feifei and that Shen Yun?" Jun Shao asked again.

"It's still in the Moonfall Lake Hotel, the original room, they seem to think that nothing will happen, so they didn't leave at all." The bikini beauty still replied softly.

"Have you found out who that man is?" Jun Shao pondered for a while and continued to ask.

The bikini beauty shook her head gently: "I only know that it is called Xia Xia, and I am from Jianghai City. I should know that Shen Yun, but I can't find out the specific background."

"Have you asked someone from Jianghai City?" Jun Shao asked.

"I've asked, and the person over there said that I haven't heard of this person." The bikini beauty replied.

"Really?" Jun Shao slowly got up, turned his head and glanced at the bikini beauty, "So, he really has no reputation at all?"

"It should be." The bikini beauty nodded lightly, "Maybe the people in Jianghai City didn't tell us the truth."

"That's right." Jun Shao nodded slightly, "It's also possible that you didn't tell me the truth."

The bikini beauty suddenly changed her face, and looked at Jun Shao with some panic: "Jun Shao, I, how dare I lie to you? I... uh!"

"Wow!" The bikini beauty fell into the pool, but was kicked by Jun Shao. He grabbed the bikini beauty's hair and pressed her into the water.

The bikini beauty struggled desperately, but unfortunately, Young Master Jun's strength was obviously very strong, and her struggle had no effect. After a few minutes, the bikini beauty in the water was completely silent.

"**, if you want to smack me, there's no way!" Jun Shao snorted coldly, then picked up his phone and dialed a number, "Get rid of people and clean up."


Two in the morning.

The Moonfall Lake Hotel is very quiet. At this time, even if there are guests who want to revel, they will control the sound. In fact, at this time, the whole city is relatively quiet.

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two explosions, but at this moment, the silence of the Yueluohu Hotel was broken, and the entire hotel was shaken. Countless guests hurried to the outside of the hotel without even getting their clothes on. For a time, the hotel was in chaos. group.

Xia Xia was also awakened by the explosion. He was a little angry. He wanted to sleep well, why is it so difficult?

He quickly determined that the explosion site was on his floor. Immediately, he felt a little bad, because the explosion point was actually next to the room where Hu Feifei and Shen Yun lived. Specifically, it was the phase of their room. There were explosions in the two adjacent rooms!

Xia Xia came out of Hu Feifei's room in a flash, kicked the door open and rushed in, and then saw two big holes blasted on both sides of the room. The two walls of this room were blown through. There is no doubt that , This explosion was actually aimed at Hu Feifei and Shen Yun in this room.

And Xia Xia's unpleasant feeling was immediately confirmed. On the bed, Shen Yun was lying motionless and had been bombed beyond recognition. Even he couldn't save her.

This made Xia Xia quite angry. Although Shen Yun had nothing to do with him, he would not be sad because of her death, but he clearly promised Liu Yunying that he would bring Shen Yun back. Now Shen Yun is dead, isn't he? Does it mean that talking doesn't count?

Before Xia Xia didn't think much about this matter, but now, he must find out those idiots and kill them. This hatred is settled!

At the door of the bathroom, Hu Feifei looked pale and thanked her aunt. She suddenly had a stomachache in the middle of the night, so she got up and went to the bathroom, and then she was lucky to survive. Otherwise, the corpse lying on the bed now has her share, but She never expected that the other party would be so maddened!

Xia Tian took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and disappeared. The next second, he appeared in his room, and his face became a little ugly again.

There was no one else in the room except him, Ye Yumei, disappeared!

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