Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1338 Magical Clothes

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Xia didn't want to suffer, even if he couldn't make Ye Yumei his wife tonight, he couldn't turn Ye Yumei into a maid, at least he had to see the good figure of this dead woman, so he immediately had an idea: "I'm going to use the fourth needle against the sky to cut the hair and wash the marrow for you first. This needs to be undressed."

"Do you think this can deceive me?" Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia with sarcasm in her eyes, "If you are willing to help me repair the golden core, hurry up, otherwise, just kill me, don't. I hope I will beg you, I would rather become a mortal than beg you, let alone be threatened by you."

"Hey, don't always think that I'm trying to take advantage of you. If you don't take off your ragged clothes, my silver needles won't go in at all. How can I use the eight needles against the sky?" Xia Xia said with a little dissatisfaction.

After a pause, Xian Xia added: "Don't ask me to say the name of the acupuncture points. It takes a lot of acupuncture points to perform the eight needles against the sky."

Ye Yumei was silent for a while, and then said lightly, "No matter which acupuncture point on my body is now, you can apply needles."

"Okay, then you lie on the bed, and I'll help you cut the hair and wash the marrow first." Xia Xia decided not to think about taking advantage of this dead woman. After all, the fairy sister is the most important, and he can't take the risk of losing the fairy sister. For these little bargains.

What's more, in fact, performing the eight needles against the sky on Ye Yumei is not only beneficial to Ye Yumei, but also to Xia Xia herself. His skill will definitely increase a lot because of this, in that case. , the next time he faces a master at the level of Baiyun Mountain, the odds of winning will be even greater.

This time, Ye Yumei was cooperating on the bed, and Xia Xian no longer hesitated, took out the silver needle, and pierced her directly.

The fourth needle against the sky, washing the marrow!

Washing the marrow is naturally very simple for Xia Xia. He also quickly discovered that Ye Yumei was right. In her current dress, every acupoint can be pierced, but if the piercing is next to the degree In other positions, this dress has become invulnerable again, which makes Xia Xia feel very magical. What kind of magical dress is this?

After a while, Xia Xian discovered that this dress was even more amazing. Just like every time she washed the marrow before, Ye Yumei naturally exuded countless black silt in her body. What surprised Xia was that these black silts were actually oozing out. After the skin came out, it oozes directly from Ye Yumei's strange black tights!

Originally, he had thought that Ye Yumei would definitely take off her clothes to wash off these black silt in the summer, but suddenly realized that his guess should not become a reality again.

A few minutes later, when the marrow washing was over, Ye Yumei rubbed her hands together, and then brushed her palms over her face. All the black silt on her face and her hands suddenly spent dust and disappeared without a trace.

After being stunned, Xia Xia said a little depressedly: "I'll continue with the fifth needle."


The next morning.

A coffee shop near Moonfall Lake.

In the corner, a man and a woman are sitting, the man is in his forties, dressed in ordinary clothes, and his appearance is relatively ordinary, while the woman is mature and beautiful, exuding a charming style all over her body.

"Miss Cheng, thank you for agreeing to meet me." The middle-aged man looked at the charming woman with a strange look in his eyes. He seemed to have sympathy and admiration.

"Team Leader Tian, ​​you took good care of me back then, and I have always kept it in my heart." The charming woman smiled lightly, and her smile was extraordinarily charming.

These two people are Tian Bofeng and Cheng Ling.

Tian Bofeng and Cheng Ling met five years ago. Five years ago, Tian Bofeng was already the leader of the Yuenan Police Department's serious crime team. Five years ago, there was a traffic accident in Yuenan City. A father and son were here. In the accident, he died on the spot, the driver of the accident escaped, and there was only one person left in the originally happy and happy family of three, and that person was Cheng Ling.

The case of a hit-and-run accident is naturally investigated by a non-critical case team. The reason Tian Bofeng knew about this case was precisely because Cheng Ling went to the police station to report the case, saying that her husband and son were intentionally murdered.

There is no doubt that Cheng Ling is a very attractive woman, and it is precisely because of this that Tian Bofeng took over the case and went to investigate it himself. How could he know that it would be better if he didn't investigate, but he found out that this case was really involved. The problem really wasn't a traffic accident, but someone who deliberately killed the father and son.

But the strange thing is that Tian Bofeng was transferred to a temporary task force within a few days of investigation, to investigate another case, and this case was also handed over to others, but when he came back from the task force, he It was found that the case has been determined to be the cause of the accident, the driver who caused the accident has surrendered himself, everything has been settled, and Cheng Ling is also very strange not to file a lawsuit, and seems to accept the result.

But Tian Bofeng is still investigating. This time, he is secretly investigating, and this investigation has led him to discover a lot of secrets, an organization called Baihualou, a man named Jun Shao, and Yue Yue. Many cases in Nanshi are inextricably linked to this organization.

But just when he was about to dig deeper, he was under pressure from above and unknown threats. In the end, he had to give up, because he was just an ordinary ** without power and background, especially when he was that After his son in middle school was inexplicably beaten with a sap on the way from school, Tian Bofeng never dared to investigate the matter.

But he never forgot these things, the organization called Baihualou, and now, when he was hypnotized by Xia Xia and began to re-investigate the case, he thought of Cheng Ling

, He felt that Cheng Ling should still know a lot of inside information, otherwise, she would not have been so sure that her husband was murdered.

Having not seen Cheng Ling for five years, Cheng Ling seems to be more mature and beautiful, which makes Tian Bofeng feel a little dazed. He recalls the sad and panicked expression of Cheng Ling five years ago, but now Cheng Ling has neither sadness nor panic on her face. , She is very calm now, and her smile is very sweet. It seems that she has been living quite well in the past few years.

"Team Leader Tian, ​​you told me on the phone yesterday that you wanted to ask about my husband's case back then, didn't you?" Cheng Ling's question awakened Tian Bofeng.

"Ah, yes." Tian Bofeng nodded quickly, "Miss Cheng, I remember that you seemed to have told me that someone had threatened you, right?"

"Team Leader Tian, ​​I don't remember exactly what happened five years ago." Cheng Ling's face darkened slightly, with a hint of obvious sadness on her face, and her voice lowered, "I really don't want to remember those things. The thing, for me, was that it was a nightmare."

"Miss Cheng, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up these things that made you sad. It's just that there were many doubts in that case. You also said that it was not a traffic accident. I know you may have been threatened. I am also unable to investigate due to some pressure, but I can guarantee that this time, I will definitely seek justice for you, I just need some clues, I believe you still know a lot of inside information, Miss Cheng." Tian Bofeng looked sincerely. For Cheng Ling, although he is now strictly controlled by Xia Xia, deep in his heart, he actually wants justice for Cheng Ling.

Cheng Ling picked up the coffee, took a sip, then fell silent, and didn't speak for a long time.

Tian Bofeng didn't rush. He knew that Cheng Ling was thinking about it, or rather, she was hesitating.

"It's useless, we can't fight them." After a long while, Cheng Ling said in a low voice, with a painful expression on her face.

"Miss Cheng, believe me, no matter who they are this time, they won't be able to escape." Tian Bofeng said quickly: "This time, someone from the capital will be personally responsible for the investigation, regardless of the background of those who harmed you back then. Shen, you don't have to worry."

"Emperor Tiangao is far away, the capital is too far away." Cheng Ling smiled bitterly, "Team Leader Tian, ​​I'm still alive because I didn't say anything, but if I say something, I'm afraid you will be tomorrow. When I saw me, I was already a corpse."

"Miss Cheng, as long as you are willing to say it, I will protect you." Tian Bofeng looked at Cheng Ling sincerely, "Trust me, I will protect your safety."

Cheng Ling shook her head: "Team Leader Tian, ​​when the time comes, I'm afraid you won't be able to protect your own safety, so how can you protect my safety?"

Seeing what Tian Bofeng wanted to say, Cheng Ling shook her head again and sighed softly: "Team Leader Tian, ​​I'm really sorry, I'm just an ordinary woman, like other ordinary women, I'm also very timid. Chang has taken good care of me, if you invite me to have a coffee and chat, I would be very willing, but I really don't want to talk about what happened five years ago."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Tian Bofeng's mouth. Cheng Ling said so, and it seemed meaningless for him to continue. Fortunately, Cheng Ling did not refuse to continue to meet in the future. In the future, maybe Cheng Ling would say something after all.

Cheng Ling picked up the coffee, drank all the coffee in the cup in one breath, then put down the cup gently, and got up gracefully: "Team Leader Tian, ​​I should go, thank you for your coffee."

After saying these words, Cheng Ling turned around and walked out of the cafe.

Looking at Cheng Ling's beautiful back, Tian Bofeng had another special taste in his eyes.


In the villa next to Yueluo Lake, he sat in the living room in the summer, yawned, and didn't sleep all night. He was a little sleepy, but now, it was not the time to sleep, because Liu Yunying, the thin bamboo pole, came as her daughter. Brother-in-law, he can't ignore it, especially just now, Liu Yunman made a special call to ask him to take care of Liu Yunying. Naturally, he has to take care of this sister-in-law more carefully.

"Brother-in-law, have you hired another policewoman?" Liu Yunying was looking at Hu Feifei at the moment, and asked Xia Tian in surprise.

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