Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1342 Is this going to open a pharmacy?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Are you an idiot?" Xia Xia had already left the pharmacy, and he kicked the pharmacy owner down again. "It was obviously me who robbed me. Do you think I look like a police officer?"

Glancing at the few Jingcha who were carrying the medicinal materials, Xia Xia ordered another sentence: "Hey, you arrest this guy as well, and he actually sold me fake medicines, and even took a year's wild ginseng to deceive me that it is a century-old wild ginseng. , I hate fake drugs and liars the most!"

Hearing this, the few police officers said nothing and tortured the pharmacy owner. They just wanted to get things done quickly and stay away from Xia Xia.

"It's too much, why is Jingcha doing this?"

"That's right, instead of catching robbers, you actually catch victims..."

"Don't let the police go away, stop them..."

"Jing Cha has arrested people..."


Everyone in the crowd was filled with righteous indignation, and some people even surrounded the jing car, but at this moment, a sound came into everyone's ears: "Boom...crash...bang..."

Everyone looked at the sound, and they were stunned. This robber is too arrogant, right? Robbed something and smashed the store?

It took less than a minute in the summer to smash the pharmacy to a pulp, and finally kicked down the wall in front of the pharmacy. Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but stunned, even those who wanted to besiege the jing car. People were also stunned.

"Okay, long-legged girl, let's go!" Xia Xia finally felt out of breath, clapped his hands, and got into the car, while the few police officers left quickly while the onlookers were still in shock. They didn't want to. If they are really besieged by the masses, if things get bigger, summer will definitely be fine, but these little police officers will most likely become scapegoats.


Moonfall by the lake.

Temporary residence in summer.

"Brother-in-law, are you going to open a pharmacy?" In the living room, looking at the medicinal materials on the ground, Liu Yunying couldn't help asking, she had just returned to the villa with Hu Feifei.

"I want to refine medicine." Xia Xia said lazily, and then put these medicinal materials on the roof. After a while, all the medicinal materials were taken by him to a relatively empty room on the second floor of the villa, and then he He closed the door and fiddled with it all night, until the next morning, when he came out yawning.

"What kind of medicine are you refining?" Ye Yumei also seemed to have not slept all night. Of course, she seemed to be in good spirits, so she must have been meditating all night.

"Don't worry, it's not Chunyao." Xia Xia said lazily: "I don't need Chunyao to deal with you. One day you'll give me a hug. Hey, this sentence seems to rhyme!"

"Go back to your room and dream!" Ye Yumei said coldly.

"I haven't slept yet." Xia Tian yawned again, "I can't sleep when I'm hungry, long-legged girl, buy me breakfast."

"Why don't you buy it for me?" Ye Yumei snorted coldly, this little bastard still wants her to serve him?

"Okay, I'll buy it for you." Xia Tian replied, and then disappeared into the room.

Ye Yumei was stunned for a moment, and then disappeared in a flash.

ten minutes later.

Back to the villa in summer, Ye Yumei also came back at almost the same time.

"Long-legged girl, here's a steamed bun." Xia Tian threw a bag of steamed buns to Ye Yumei, "I know you like to eat steamed buns."

After a pause, Xian Xia said again: "If you want to go buy breakfast with me, just say it. If you don't say it, how do I know you want to go with me?"

Ye Yumei snorted coldly and went upstairs with a bag of steamed buns.

"Is it true that eating more steamed buns can really make your breasts bigger?" Looking at Ye Yumei's back, Xia Tian said to himself, then shook his head, "No, steamed buns don't seem to have the effect of increasing breasts!"

"Whoosh!" A white shadow flew towards Xia Xia, but Ye Yumei heard his muttering and smashed a steamed bun in anger.

As soon as Xia Xia reached out to catch it, he felt that something was wrong as soon as he started the steamed bun. A huge force suddenly surged in. Under the impact of this force, he took a few steps back and barely stood still. Body.

"I'll break your mouth when I hear you chewing your tongue again!" Ye Yumei said coldly, and then disappeared into the bedroom on the second floor.

"If you want to smash my mouth, I also want to bite your steamed buns!" Xia Xia pouted, he wasn't afraid of Ye Yumei's threat, although Ye Yumei was stronger than him in terms of skill now, but if he really fights, he It's not necessarily that she is really afraid of her, but now he and she don't have to work hard. After all, their biggest enemy now is the disciples of the Misty Immortal Sect who are looking for Yue Qingya's whereabouts.

Thinking of Ye Yumei's deluxe version of the big steamed bun, and then looking at the small steamed bun in her hand, Xia Tian secretly sighed that it was all steamed buns. Why is the gap so big?

With emotion, Xia Tian bit off half of the small steamed bun in his hand.

"Brother-in-law, are you up so early?" Liu Yunying's voice came over, she rubbed her eyes as she went downstairs, apparently just got up.

And Hu Feifei came out of the bathroom. It seems that Hu Feifei got up a little earlier. When he just went to buy breakfast, she was already up.

"I haven't slept yet." Xia Xia said casually, and then started to attack the breakfast he just bought.

After a while, he eliminated 90% of the breakfast he bought, and finally said to Liu Yunying: "I've left some breakfast for you guys.

, I'll go to sleep for a while, don't call me if you're okay! "

Xia Xia jumped directly to the second floor, plunged into the bedroom, fell on the bed and fell asleep.


Yuenan City Jing Bureau.

The bureau is very busy now, but it is not only the local police who are busy, but also the case handling team from the provincial department. Hu Hongguang personally led the case investigators from the provincial department to follow up the old cases that were suddenly brought to trial by the state. , and the local police are currently busy with two cases, one is the bombing of the Moonfall Lake Hotel, and the other is the dozen or so homicides.

However, in these two cases, the local government is no longer in charge. Now the local government is only responsible for assisting in the handling of the case. The person in charge of the murder case was the so-called Tiandao team in the summer. As for the bombing case, it was taken over by Guoan. , claiming that the case is related to national security.

Although these people from the Municipal Bureau no longer have the right to host these two cases, they are still very busy, and the most busy of them are Tian Bofeng and his serious crime team, because the direct helper of these two cases is Tian Bofeng's heavy duty team. members of the case team.

However, being busy is just in name only. They look busy, but in fact they don't do anything serious, because now the entire city bureau's Jingjing inspectors are almost all sabotaged, because they have complaints about Xia Xia and Guoan, These people from the serious crime team were all arrested by Guoan for interrogation, and the reason why they were interrogated was because of Xia Xia's order. Although they are now forced by Xia Xia's strong background, they said what they said in person, but wanted them to Seriously handling the case, that is impossible.

Of course, Tian Bofeng is an exception. He has been seriously investigating Baihualou, but because of Chen Shaojun's disappearance, the clues have been interrupted, and it seems that he can no longer pursue it.

"Team leader, you can ask Guoan and the others to check." Seeing that Tian Bofeng was busy there, Wang Xia couldn't help saying.

"What are you talking about? This is our case, let others investigate it, and if it spreads out later, will our Yuenan City Jingfang still have a face?" Tian Bofeng was a little angry, "Don't you hope that the news will be reported in Yuenan City after a while? Solved two major cases, but neither was done by Jing Fang of Yuenan City? At that time, everyone will accuse us of being incompetent!"

Wang Xia hesitated, although she felt that Tian Bofeng was right, but she didn't want to deal with this case with all her heart.

Tian Bofeng didn't say anything, just sat there thinking seriously, thinking about what to do next.

"DiDi!" The phone suddenly rang with a new text message.

Tian Bofeng took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The text message was sent from an unfamiliar number, but it was obviously not a spam text message, but an anonymous tip: "Xie Youcai is hiding in his hometown in the countryside. He is not the real owner of Moonfall Lake Hotel."

Tian Bofeng tried to call the number that sent the text message, but found that the other party had turned off the phone, which made Tian Bofeng a little puzzled, who gave him the clue? Is this clue reliable?

"Could it be her?" A sexy and charming figure suddenly appeared in Tian Bofeng's mind.


He didn't sleep for long in the summer. At ten o'clock in the morning, he received a call from Lu Jinsong of the Dragon Group.

Although he was woken up by Lu Jinsong, Xia Xia was a little excited because, on Guoan's side, he finally found the trace of Huang Jingyi.

However, what surprised Xia a little is that Huang Jingyi's current foothold is also by the Yueluo Lake. In fact, Huang Jingyi also lives in a villa by the Yueluo Lake. Of course, the Yueluo Lake is very big, so , although the two villas are by the Moonfall Lake, the distance is still a bit far.

But this distance, for Xia Xia, is not a distance at all. The only problem is that when he was about to kill him now, he heard Mu Han's ecstasy and seductive arrogance.

"Husband, is the murderer hiding in the villa also an immortal cultivator?" The phone was connected, and Mu Han asked directly. Obviously she already knew that Guoan had found someone. This is normal. Before Lu Jinsong told Xia Xia, most of the time It has already been reported to Mu Han, the leader of the dragon group.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Xia Tian asked a little strangely.

"Husband, I hope that the affairs of the immortal cultivators can be kept as secret as possible, and when the Tiandao group takes action, it is best not to disturb too many people." Mu Han quickly said: "How about, husband, you will act later? At night, at night, it is not easy for ordinary citizens to discover."

"Wife, I'll go over and watch first. If the woman doesn't run, I can wait until the night, but if she wants to run during the day, I definitely can't wait." Xia Xia said after thinking.

"Well, good." Mu Han agreed, "By the way, husband, there may be hostages in the villa. If the hostages can be rescued, then try to rescue the hostages first."

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