Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1345 Is what he said useful to me?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

With two slaps in a row and two people flying, the police station was finally completely quiet, but there were at least dozens of pairs of eyes looking at Xia Xia angrily.

"Hey, those idiots who beat Shen Feng, get out of here!" Xia Xia shouted again at this time.

The police station was still quiet, no one spoke, and naturally no one came out to admit that they had beaten Shen Feng.

At this moment, an unpleasant voice came: "If you don't do anything, what are you doing here?"

"Mr. Xia, why are you here?" Another voice came almost at the same time, but it was a little surprised.

Two middle-aged men walked in with a group of subordinates at this time. The one who was displeased was Tian Hao, the director of the Municipal Bureau, and the one who was surprised was Hu Hongguang from the Provincial Office.

"I'm here to beat up a few people." Xia Xia said lightly.

At this time, a ** also walked to Tian Hao and whispered in his ear what had just happened. Here Hu Feifei also walked to Hu Hongguang and briefly talked about the cause and effect of some things.

Hu Hongguang's expression suddenly became a little dignified, he was a little annoyed, of course not annoyed at Xia Xia, but felt that people like the Municipal Bureau, why do they not know the importance? In the Moonfall Lake Hotel before, they didn't suffer enough? Even now, you still dare to provoke summer, isn't this courting death?

Tian Hao's face is also very ugly. He is also very dissatisfied with Xia Xia, because after this guy came, his police station is completely different from a police station, but he also knows that he can't afford to offend him. It's summer, so he doesn't dare to get angry with summer.

"Team Leader Xia, is there any misunderstanding in this matter?" Tian Hao forced a smile.

"There's no misunderstanding. I came to Yuenan City to have more important things, and I didn't want to worry about your affairs, but you all want to make trouble for me. Since you like to make trouble for me, I will make trouble for you too. Xia Xia said lazily: "Anyway, let those who hit Shen Feng get out immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Team Leader Xia, I just heard from Section Chief Hu that Shen Feng is not sure that it was the **** who did it, right? In fact, I believe that people in our police station would not do such a thing." Tian Hao was very protective. The appearance of the subordinates.

"Oh, it seems that no one wants to stand up on their own. Well, I'll continue to let the *** interrogate you for three days and three nights." Xia Xia turned to look at the Guoan agent behind him, "Call Lu Jinsong. Let him send some people and arrest everyone in the city bureau, men and women, young and old!"



"Is it still reasonable?"


Hearing Xia Xia's words, the police station immediately exploded, and everyone was furious. Some people were even more frightened, and seemed to remember the horror of being interrogated by the ***.

"Leader Xia, let Guoan come to arrest us without any evidence, doesn't that make sense?" Tian Hao's face was also a little ugly.

Xia Xia ignored Tian Hao, and just urged the Guoan agent: "Quickly call to arrange personnel, I'm very busy, and I don't want to waste time with these people."

"Yes, Team Leader Xia." The Guoan agent had already taken out his mobile phone and was dialing now.

"Don't, don't call now!" Hu Hongguang hurriedly chatted, he took two steps forward, "Mr. Xia, give me three minutes, if after three minutes, no one is willing to admit it, how about letting Guoan take over ?"

Xia Tian thought about it and nodded: "Okay, for Hu Tu's sake, I'll give you three minutes."

"Thank you, Team Leader Xia." Hu Hongguang was quite impressed, then turned his head and glanced at everyone in the police station, his expression suddenly became serious, "I don't want to say more, those who retaliate against Shen Feng, if you don't now Stand up and wait for you to be tried by the national security. At that time, you will be the enemy of the entire police station. I believe you will know what the consequences will be!"

"Director Hu is right. If someone really did this, I hope you will admit it right away, and I don't need to pursue it." Tian Hao also said beside him.

"The hall will not be held accountable." Hu Hongguang added.

"I did it!"

"And I."

"I also participated."

The three ** stood up, and they were all still relatively young, which showed that young people were indeed more impulsive.

"You all come here!" Tian Hao shouted.

The three walked to Tian Hao's side and remained silent.

"Apologize to Team Leader Xia and Shen Feng!" Tian Hao continued to order.

"No need to apologize, I know you guys deserve a beating, so I'll just beat you up!" Xia Xia answered, and slapped three slaps with his right hand. Slap print.

There was silence all around again, and countless people scolded in their hearts, this bastard in the summer is really bullying!

One of the **mo's burning cheeks looked at Xia Xia angrily: "Director Tian has already said that he will not be held accountable!"

"Will what he said be of any use to me?" Xia Tian lifted his foot and kicked the man to the ground, "I warn you one last time, please honestly find out the murderer who killed Shen Yun, don't give it to me Looking for trouble, don't think about the people who bullied me to get your face back. I still have something to do today, and I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Next time if someone makes trouble for me, I will tear down your police station and bury you all. It's gone!"

"Mr. Xia, don't be angry, I will educate them seriously.

"Hu Hongguang smoothed the field next to him.

"Brother-in-law, forget it, just teach them a lesson." Liu Yunying also felt that the matter couldn't be too big. Of course, this matter has actually become a big problem.

"Hey, that Shen Feng, do you want to beat them up? Don't worry, I will kill anyone who dares to fight back." Xia Xia glanced at Shen Feng.

"Here, thank you Xia Shenyi, no need." Shen Feng shook his head quickly, although he felt relieved to see these ** being taught by Xia Xia, but how could he really dare to beat people.

"Oh, that's alright, I don't have anything to do for the time being, I'll go back first." Xia Xia still remembered the situation over there, and didn't want to waste too much time here, he glanced at the two Guoan agents, "You should be optimistic about them. ."

"Brother-in-law, why don't you let Brother Feng and the others go to the villa together? There is a room over there, so we can take care of it together." Seeing that Xia Xia was leaving, Liu Yunying hurriedly asked.

"It's up to you, I don't care." Xia Xia said casually, and then disappeared from everyone's sight, and no one present saw how he got out.

Of course, at this time, no one would continue to provoke Liu Yunying and Shen Feng so idiots, but, there is no doubt that these ** of the Municipal Bureau, everyone feels very aggrieved, quite aggrieved, maybe since They have never been so suffocated since they became **.

Hu Feifei couldn't understand. She had already said that people here should not offend Xia Xia. Why do these people just not listen? Are they satisfied only if they have to be taught by Xia Xia again and again?


On the second floor of Old Lilac's villa by the lakeside of the moon, in the largest room, a man in white was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

The white-clothed girl has picturesque brows, and her body has a faint and refined temperament. However, at the moment, her face is not very good-looking. She closed her eyes slightly, and her body occasionally trembled, as if there was some discomfort.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel something. She opened her eyes and landed on the ground at the same time. With a flick of her wrist, a dagger appeared in her palm.

A breeze drifted in, sending a black shadow in, and a black-clothed child whose appearance was a bit better than the white-clothed child appeared in the house like a ghost.

"Ye yùmei, you actually dare to come alone?" Seeing the black-clothed child, the white-clothed child looked surprised.

This black-clothed girl is naturally Ye Yumei, and the white-clothed girl is obviously Huang Jingyi from the misty fairy. Ye Yumei of course dares to come alone. She immediately came here alone, because she wanted to do something while summer was away.

"Whether it is Xianyun Continent or this world, there is no place I dare not go alone." Ye Yumei said coldly.

"Very good, then while that despicable man of yours is away, I will kill you first!" Huang Jingyi said through gritted teeth, as if she hated Xia Xia very much. Come.

There was a trace of disdain in Ye yù's winking eyes, and two black ribbons shuffled out quickly and wrapped around the flying sword. At the same time, her crystal-clear palm slapped Huang Jingyi's mouth like lightning.

There is not much space in the house, so it is not suitable for dodging. Of course, it does not mean that it is impossible to dodge, but Huang Jingyi has no plans to dodge at all, because in her opinion, the current night is so charming that even the cultivation level of Jindan stage is not enough. If not, how could it be her opponent?

Because of this, Huang Jingyi raised her left palm without hesitation, and greeted her with her white palm.

"Bang!" The two palms collided and made a slight muffled sound.

The icy aura rushed in violently, pouring into Huang Jingyi's body instantly, destroying her meridians, Huang Jingyi groaned miserably, flew out, slammed into the wall, and then slid down the wall to the ground, blood gushing out from the corner of her mouth , and her flying sword has been entangled by Ye yù Mei's black ribbon, and it has become Ye yù Mei's trophy!

With just one move, Huang Jingyi suffered a fiasco!

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy will never end in a hundred battles, but if you misestimate your opponent's ability, you will usually fail, and Huang Jingyi's estimation of Ye yùmei's current strength is too far away, and a fiasco is an inevitable outcome.

"You, how could you..." Huang Jingyi looked at Ye Yumei with unbelievable eyes, she couldn't understand, how could Ye Yumei's strength increase so much in just a few short days? A few days ago, she was not yet at the Jindan stage, but now, her powerful infuriating qi shows that she is at least in the late stage of Jindan!

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