Flower Master in the City

#1356 pulling the wind team

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"I ordered to go down and let everyone be on guard, just in case." Hu Hongguang always felt that something was wrong. "I will let the provincial government send someone to pick it up. When the provincial government arrives, we will get out of the car and walk over."

"Yes, Director Hu." The man led the way and left.

On Lu Jinsong's side, there has already been action. Several people directly guarded the front and rear of the convoy and for two weeks with Wechat, not to allow any unrelated vehicles to approach. Seeing this battle, some vehicles that were originally waiting in front also disappeared. I was so frightened that I quickly turned around and fled, so the originally crowded national road quickly became empty. When the temporary road was repaired there, all the cars had run away, and only this road was left to escort Xie. Patriotic team.

"Director Hu, the workers said the road is ready to go." After half an hour passed smoothly, Hu Hongguang received another report from his subordinates.

"Let's go then." Hu Hongguang didn't want to stay in this kind of place for a long time. Only when he returned to the provincial capital could he really feel at ease.

A few minutes later, the convoy moved forward again. The temporarily paved road detoured for about a kilometer. There was an existing road in the middle, which could barely pass a car. car.

The police car that cleared the road slowly drove up the temporary road. This section of the road is really difficult to walk. It was only about one kilometer, but it took about ten minutes to drive past. However, no matter what, it finally drove past, and there was no accident. .

Hu Hongguang also breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hand, and the cars behind started to catch up. One, two, the convoy quickly passed halfway, and the car carrying Xie Aiguo finally drove into that one. Small stone arch bridge.

"Boom!" The violent explosion sounded suddenly, the small stone arch bridge was suddenly blown to pieces, and the car that was just driving on it was also blown up, and then fell heavily from the air, smashing on the side. in farmland.

"Bang bang bang!" The gunshots sounded immediately, and the police and Guoan were attacked immediately before they recovered from the explosion.

"Uh!" With a scream, a provincial police officer was pierced by a bullet in his chest.

"Get out of the car and find cover!" Hu Hongguang shouted. He had already opened the door of the truck, crouched on the side of the car, pulled out his gun and started to fight back, but their enemy was none other than the previous road builders. Workers, and now, these workers are no longer holding road repair tools, but all kinds of guns.

"Uh!" Another shot rang out, and a national security agent also screamed in pain, apparently also shot.

"There are snipers on the mountain!" Lu Jinsong yelled. He just climbed out of the car that rolled over. Although the car was blown up, it was a specially modified bulletproof and explosion-proof car from Guoan. , so he was not seriously injured, and Xie Aiguo seemed to be fine.

There is a sniper who is condescending. It is a disaster for the police and the national security people. Their guns can't shoot that far, and the mountain in the bureau has a large area of ​​farmland, just like an open space. If you want to rush over to kill the sniper, you have to kill yourself first. Therefore, although there are more people here and the firepower seems to be stronger, they are suppressed by those attackers.

The scene was once again in a stalemate.


On the way from Xingcheng to Yuenan City, there was a very eye-catching team. There were fourteen cars in this team, almost all brand-new Ferrari convertibles. The whole team looked like a Ferrari team.

The reason why it is said to be almost all Ferrari sports cars is because one of the cars is not a Ferrari, or even a luxury car at all, but a motorcycle, but the problem is that this motorcycle is driving the road ahead. Yes, but the one riding the motorcycle was an unusually beautiful woman, wearing a tight leather suit, long stockings, and black leather boots. She was extremely sexy. She didn't wear a voyeur, and people could see her unusual appearance at a glance. beautiful face.

When thirteen Ferraris followed a motorcycle, the most eye-catching thing was obviously the motorcycle, and if the person riding the motorcycle was a sexy beauty, then the motorcycle beauty would be more attractive, no, Along the way, the team attracted countless eyeballs, and the sexy motorcycle beauty, although only a glimpse, also left a deep impression on countless passers-by.

This motorcycle beauty drives very fast, and seems to want to compare the speed with Ferrari. Of course, although her motorcycle's actual speed is not as fast as that of Ferrari, the Ferrari behind can't be faster than her. No, when she suddenly When the speed slowed down, the Ferrari team behind also slowed down immediately.

"Is the world so chaotic?" The motorcycle beauty suddenly muttered, "In broad daylight, there are also gun battles on the national highway!"

After a little hesitation, the motorcycle beauty accelerated again and drove towards the scene of the shootout ahead.

"These bastards actually broke the road. Fortunately, my mother is not afraid!" The motorcycle beauty quickly saw the situation in front of her and cursed, but the speed of the car did not slow down at all, but got faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, the motorcycle beauty rushed into the battlefield. The two sides in the stalemate seemed to be shocked by this uninvited guest. For a few seconds, the two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not shoot, until the motorcycle beauty suddenly disappeared from the group. As the killer, pretending to be a worker, flew over his head, a gunshot rang out.

It was the sniper on the mountain who shot, and those killers seemed to sense the threat of the motorcycle beauty, because the motorcycle beauty flew directly over their heads, so they also shot immediately.

"Don't shoot!" Lu Jinsong suddenly shouted, stopping the people on his side who wanted to take the opportunity to shoot.

Impulsive, because he suddenly recognized the identity of that motorcycle beauty.

"Bang bang bang..." For a while, these killers fired more than a dozen shots at the motorcycle beauty, but the motorcycle had already flown over their heads, and it seemed that they didn't hit either.

"Bastard, you dare to shoot at the old lady, don't you want to live?" The motorcycle beauty shouted, and suddenly jumped up, in mid-air, the people and cars separated.

The motorcycle was still moving forward at high speed, but the beautiful woman swung her body in the air, beautiful and sexy, but at the same time, her hands shot a little bit of cold stars, but dozens of flying knives shot out at a speed that the naked eye couldn't see clearly.

"Uh...ah..." Several screams sounded at almost the same time. Those killers who pretended to be workers fell to the ground at almost the same time, and everyone had a throwing knife stuck in their throats.

The sexy beauty didn't stop moving, and in a blink of an eye, she passed over the heads of Lu Jinsong and the others, and then quickly ran up the mountain.

"Bang Bang..." A few shots were fired, followed by a shrill scream, "Ah..."

The whole process only took a few dozen seconds, and the sexy beauty in black came down the mountain in an instant, swept past the killers, put away all the throwing knives, and then waved to the back: "Give me the car directly to the old lady. Come on, if you can't come, don't come!"

At this moment, the two motorcycles that jumped over before had no ground. The sexy beauty quickly flew forward. At the moment when the motorcycles hit the ground, she jumped on the motorcycle again, and then it seemed that nothing happened, and continued towards Driving forward, and behind, the thirteen Ferraris also flew directly from the collapsed bridge, quickly caught up with the motorcycle, and then immediately slowed down, following the motorcycle unhurriedly. .

It was not until the wind-pulling motorcade had disappeared without a trace that Hu Hongguang, Lu Jinsong and the others came back to their senses.

"What a powerful woman, who is she?" Hu Hongguang said with emotion.

Not only he was amazed, but other people were amazed as well. This is a god-like woman who killed so many killers at once, and killed the sniper who gave everyone a headache. What's even more outrageous is that they only I did this while passing by, and the motorcycle never stopped!

"If I read it correctly, it should be Chu Yao, Chu Yao from Jianghai City." Lu Jinsong said slowly: "She is the eldest lady of the famous underground organization Chumen, and she is still a woman in the summer."

"What? She's also a summer woman?" Hu Hongguang was slightly surprised.

"Yeah, it's not a woman of Xia, how can she be so powerful?" Lu Jinsong sighed with admiration, "In legend, the most magical thing about Xia is not his own martial arts, but his To be able to make every woman very powerful, Mu Han, the leader of our dragon group, and this Chu Yao, are the proofs of this legend."

"It seems that she should be looking for Xia Xia." Hu Hongguang sighed, "I can't believe that Xia Xia would actually help us once in this way. What an amazing young man!"

"Director Hu, let's go quickly. If Xie Aiguo is assassinated like this, then I really have no face to meet our team leader, and I don't dare to meet Xia Xia." Lu Jinsong finally remembered the business.

"Yes, let's go back to Star City!" Hu Hongguang also reacted. Now, it's not the time for them to sigh.


On the Tianshen Peak, a stunning black-clothed woman stood proudly. Although she was magnificent, the icy aura around her was enough to make people daunted, so that now, those tourists who came to the Shenshan Mountain did not dare to go to the Tianshen Peak. .

Of course, just because tourists don't dare to go, doesn't mean no one dares to go. No, now someone has come to this black-clothed woman's side, not afraid of the aura around her, and said lazily. : "Long-legged girl, are you here to see the scenery again? I thought you were going to see the old lover!"

This person is naturally summer. He came to Ye Yumei, but he didn't expect Ye Yumei to be here. He was worried that Ye Yumei went to find Han Mingfei. If Ye Yumei and Han Mingfei cooperated to deal with him, then He was really in trouble.

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