Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1358 see the miniature bomb again

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Looking at the brown-haired and blue-eyed human-shaped hanger, Xia Xia was very speechless. Is this woman trying to make others feel inferior? She is so tall that she still wears high-heeled shoes, and she still wears high-heeled shoes when she comes to climb the mountain. Even if the mountain is not high, it is still a mountain.

In fact, Ning Jie is tall, but standing with this Caroline, she looks a little short, and Xia Xia also found that he needs to look up at this woman, which makes him have the urge to make this woman shorter .

"Would you like to give her a few needles to make her legs shrink?" Xia Xia muttered to herself, and then felt that this was not good. This woman has beautiful legs.

"Husband, you look stupid!" Seeing Xia Xia staring at Caroline all the time, Ning Jie couldn't help reminding him, but she felt a little helpless. She knew this husband's lust for a long time. This friend seems to be unable to escape the clutches again. Until now, she has never seen any woman that her husband liked can escape, and even her terrifying master is now unclear to her husband.

"Stingy wife, don't you think she's too tall? I think she should be made shorter." Xia Xia said casually.

"Husband, I'm a model, it's normal to be taller!" Ning Jie said helplessly.

Xia Xia disagreed: "But Jingjing's wife has also been a model, and she is not as tall as her. It's outrageous, especially since she is wearing such high heels, isn't she afraid of twisting her feet?"

"Then people like to wear high heels, so don't pursue this." Ning Jie was a little bit dumbfounded, and then she started to change the subject, "Husband, why are you here? Are you waiting for me here?"

"I still think she should be made shorter." With a wave of Xia Xia's hand, two lines of infuriating qi were cut from Caroline's heels like blades, so Caroline's high-heeled shoes suddenly turned into flat heels. The shoes were almost ten centimeters shorter all of a sudden, and they looked normal.

"It's really much better now." Xia Xia was very satisfied with his results, but he was satisfied here, but Caroline was unlucky over there. Suddenly there was something missing on the soles of her feet, and Caroline's center of gravity suddenly became unstable. , and fell directly to the ground. Although Ning Jie had quick eyes and quick hands, she hurried over to support Caroline, but Caroline snorted in pain, and her pretty face showed a painful look. She said something to Ning Jie, and then said something to Ning Jie. Standing on tiptoe, there seems to be something wrong with that foot.

"Husband, Caroline's foot is twisted." Ning Jie looked at Xia Xia with a face full of tears and laughter, this husband is so messed up, he just turned his high heels into flat ones, and he didn't say hello. One, it's alright now, Caroline was fine after walking for a long time in ten-centimeter high heels, and it took less than a minute for her to turn into a flat heel, and she twisted her foot.

"Twisted foot?" Xia Xian was also a little surprised, but then he became happy, "It's good, you don't have to continue shopping here, then let's go back!"

"Husband, it's rare for Caroline to come here once, so let her have fun!" Ning Jie said softly, "I know you can cure her right away."

"But I don't want to help her heal." Xia Xia did not hide her wishes at all.

"Husband, if you don't cure her, then I have to take care of her. You don't want me to take care of her every day, right?" Ning Jie had to change her method.

"That's true." Xia Tian thought about it and found that it was true, "Okay, I'll help her heal her foot. You tell her not to move, and I'll give her two needles."

Ning Jie said a few words to Caroline with the prophecy that Xia Xia couldn't understand. Caroline nodded and stood still. Xia Xia took out the silver needle, squatted down, and pricked her ankle. After a few stitches, and then a few more presses with the hand, a strange expression suddenly appeared on his face: "Huh?"

"Husband, what's the matter?" Ning Jie asked.

Xia Xia didn't speak. One hand was still on Caroline's ankle, but her head was raised. She wanted to see Caroline's expression, but he was squatting on the ground now, and Caroline was wearing a skirt. Looking at it, he naturally saw something that should not be seen, a mysterious and attractive place, and a T-shaped object.

Xia Xia was stunned for a while, and didn't respond for a while, but Ning Jie finally realized that Xia Xia's eyes were looking where they shouldn't be, and she couldn't help but say, "Husband, you are such a big pervert!"

"Oh..." And Caroline seemed to have noticed that her pretty face seemed to turn red, and at the same time she took a few steps back in panic, and her ankles naturally opened Xia's grasp, but after walking like this, she also Immediately, he realized that his twisted foot could no longer feel any pain.

"Stingy wife, keep playing, I'll go back first." Xia Xia suddenly stood up, and then ran away without a trace.

Ning Jie couldn't help being stunned, what happened to this husband today? It's not the first time for him to be lecherous. He used to look at beautiful women before, and he was always upright. Even if he was caught peeping, he would definitely not run away.

Although she didn't know the reason, Ning Jie didn't think about it. She smiled at Caroline: "Caroline, let's continue shopping."

"Ning Jie, your Chinese medical skills are really amazing!" Caroline didn't seem to care much about being peeped at, perhaps because of the magical medical skills that Xia Xia showed just now, she temporarily forgot about it. .

"Carolyn, Chinese medicine is really amazing, but the most amazing thing is not Chinese medicine, but my husband." Ning Jie was quite proud, but she couldn't help but muttered, her husband suddenly ran away, is there something urgent?

Ning Jie really guessed right, there is indeed an urgent matter in the summer.

He quickly returned to the villa, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Mu Han's number.

"Husband, I was just about to call you." As soon as the call was connected, Mu Han's coquettish voice came over, "Lu Jinsong just reported to me that he and Hu Hongguang from the Jiangnan Provincial Office have brought Xie Aiguo to the star. City……"

"Wife, don't worry about that, check that Caroline again, she must have a problem!" Xia Xia interrupted Mu Han's words.

"Husband, you mean the seventeen-year-old Brazilian supermodel?" Mu Han said with a hint of surprise, "Is there really something wrong with her?"

"There is definitely a problem!" Xia Xian was very sure, "She just twisted her foot. When I was helping her with the treatment, I found something was wrong, and then I probed carefully and asked me to find a miniature bomb in her body, which is the same as the one I used to do. The one found in the princess' wife's body is very similar, but it is more hidden than the bomb, it looks like a normal muscle, and it can almost be integrated with the body, so I almost got tricked."

"Micro bombs? This cutting-edge product must come from the CIA." Mu Han's tone also changed, "If it doesn't seem surprising, the CIA wants to deal with you again, but it's normal, the CIA has been hit unprecedentedly because of you. , Now the CIA has regarded you as the worst enemy, but, it seems that Caroline is not willing to do it, you must know that if this kind of miniature bomb really explodes, she herself will surely die."

"It's the CIA again!" Xia Xia was a little upset. "When I go to the United States next time, I will demolish the CIA building and kill all those idiots!"

"Husband, we'll talk about dealing with the CIA later. You should solve the problem of Caroline as soon as possible." Mu Han quickly said, "Can you take out the bomb in her body?"

"Of course I can, wife, have you forgotten? I am omnipotent." Xia Xia quickly said.

"Husband, take out the bomb quietly, don't disturb Caroline for the time being, and then just destroy the bomb. I will continue to investigate Caroline's situation. If there is any news, I will inform you." Mu Han said a little. After pondering for a while, he said: "Now we can't be sure that Caroline's target is you, but if her target is really you, then she should find a way to get close to you, and she will definitely not leave Yue in a short time. South City."

"Okay, I'll go get the bomb out now." Xia Xia agreed, then hung up the phone and disappeared into the house in an instant.

Soon, Xia Xia appeared on the mountain again, and he soon discovered the traces of Caroline. He came behind Caroline like a ghost, and a needle stuck on Caroline, and Caroline passed out. .

"Husband, what's the matter?" Ning Jie looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled face.

"Stingy wife, go back first, I'll tell you later." Xia Xia picked up Caroline and flew towards Yueluo Lake at an unseen speed before returning to the villa in an instant. .

"Husband, what's going on?" Ning Jie couldn't help but ask another question when she saw Xia Xia put Caroline on the bed with a serious look.

Xia Xia didn't hide it, and simply told Ning Jie about it.

"She, has a bomb in her body?" Ning Jie opened her mouth wide, looking incredulous.

"Yeah, but I don't know if she wants to kill you or me, or someone else. Anyway, I'll get the bomb out of her body first." Xia Xia said quickly, and then stabbed a needle into it. Inside Caroline's body, when the silver needle was stirred, a soybean was like an object made of human flesh. Don't appear in Xia Tian's hand.

"Stingy wife, look, this is a bomb..." Xia Xia didn't finish his words, and suddenly his face changed, "Oops, the air will explode, I'll throw it away first!"

After saying this, Xia Xia disappeared into the villa. At the same time, in the palm of his hand, the bean-sized miniature bomb had exploded, but it was temporarily enveloped by a mass of gas, but the power of the explosion, It is rapidly expanding this mass of gas, all of which are exactly the same as when the miniature bomb in Princess Sama's body exploded!

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