Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1361 Be a real master

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Since you know it, why should you ask?" Ye Yumei said coldly.

Han Mingfei stared a few hundred meters away from a distance. Although the spiritual energy was an invisible aura, he could clearly feel that a steady stream of spiritual energy was entering one of the rooms of the house. A situation he had never encountered before.

After a while, Han Mingfei retracted his eyes and landed on Ye Yumei's incomparably beautiful but also extremely cold face, he sighed softly: "Ye Fairy, I'm just curious, this world should be impossible to cultivate, There shouldn't be such a strong spiritual energy, and now, it seems that someone can do this, I want to know, is that person summer?"

"The world is full of wonders." Ye Yumei's tone was still indifferent, "If you want to go there, I won't stop you, but I will also go there to see, your two junior brothers and sisters may be very welcome. mine."

Han Mingfei showed a helpless look on his face: "Fairy Ye, you seem to have misunderstood us deeply, in fact, I really have no hostility towards you, I came to this unfamiliar place with only one purpose, and that is to find Junior Sister Qingya. , As for other things, I really don't care, I have no intention of chasing you and Xia Xia, I'm here tonight, I'm really just curious."

"If you really have no hostility, then go back the same way immediately!" Ye Yumei said coldly.

Han Mingfei pondered for a while, then nodded: "Okay, to show my sincerity, I'll go back now."

After a pause, Han Mingfei added: "Fairy Ye, you should understand that whether it was 20 years ago or now, I have never been hostile to you, and I always believe that you didn't mean to let Junior Sister Qingya come to this place. , I only hope that Fairy Ye will seriously consider it and tell me the whereabouts of Junior Sister Qingya, and then we will return to Xianyun Continent together."

After saying this, Han Mingfei really turned around and left. Although he looked unhappy and a little reluctant, he quickly disappeared from Ye Yumei's sight.

Ye Yumei had a strange look on her face. Obviously, she didn't expect that Han Mingfei would leave just because of her words. She originally thought that tonight, she and Xia Xia would be in trouble.

After standing still for a moment, Ye Yumei turned around and quickly flew back to her room. Then, like before, she continued to sit cross-legged on the bed and began to absorb spiritual energy.


the next day.

Xia Xia knocked on Ye Yumei's door early in the morning.

"What?" Ye Yumei's voice came out quickly, but the door still didn't open.

"Long-legged girl, I bought you breakfast." Xia Tian replied.

Ye Yumei opened the door, quickly took the breakfast from Xia Xia, and then wanted to close the door.

"Hey, long-legged girl, wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you." Xia Xia hurriedly held the door with her hands to prevent Ye Yumei from closing it.

"What's the matter?" Ye Yumei asked indifferently.

"Well, first of all, I want to say that your old lover is really good to you. You didn't do anything last night, and he left. It seems that it is a wise choice for you to help me protect the law." Xia Xia smiled. He said: "Secondly, because of this, I don't think there should be any danger for you to stay here. As for me, I want to leave Yuenan City, but I also need you to help me continue to stare at the three of them, so you stay here. Help me watch for a few days here, how about it?"

"I don't need your nonsense, I will naturally stare at them!" Ye Yumei said coldly.

"Well, that's good." Xia Tian was very satisfied. "And then, I have something else."

"If you have something to say, don't talk nonsense!" Ye Yumei looked impatient.

"Okay, I'll just say it straight, I think you should continue to be the master of the cheapskate wife." Xia Xia said, "When you accepted her as an apprentice, you didn't teach her anything practical, but almost gave the cheapskate to her. Killed, I won't investigate the past, but now, shouldn't you be a real master once and teach her your more powerful kung fu?"

"You first ask her if she dares to continue to be my apprentice!" Ye Yumei said coldly, and then closed the door.

Xia Xia looked at the closed door, feeling a little depressed, then turned to look at Ning Jie not far away: "Stingy wife, don't you dare to be an apprentice to the long-legged girl?"

Ning Jie, who had not slept all night, seemed a little tired. She shook her head lightly and said in a low voice, "Husband, if you want me to continue to be her apprentice, then I will go."

"Stingy wife, I just want to learn something from her. Actually, I don't need to call her master." Xia Xia thought for a while and said.

"Well, then I'll learn from her." Ning Jie nodded lightly, she did have a deep-seated fear of Ye Yumei, but she now understands that Xia Xia's situation is not very good, and she hopes to do her best Your ability to help summer.

"Hey, long-legged girl, did you hear that?" Xia Xia knocked on Ye Yumei's door again.

"I'll start teaching her tonight." Ye Yumei's cold voice came from inside.

"By the way, long-legged girl, I forgot to say, can you teach one more person by the way?" Xia Tian asked again.

"I don't teach men!" Ye Yumei replied coldly.

"Don't worry, I won't learn from you either." Xia Xia said lazily: "The other person I'm talking about is my Yaoyao wife."

"That's what I taught her, don't bother me again!" Ye Yumei replied coldly.

"Well, by the way, I may be leaving later, you don't have to think about me, I should be back soon." Xia Xia said with a smile.

And this time, there was no response, obviously Ye Yumei was too lazy to pay attention to Xia Tian.

"Husband, are you leaving soon?" Ning Jie was a little surprised, she thought that it would take a few days for the summer to leave.

"Well, when Yaoyao's wife comes out, I will leave temporarily. You and Yaoyao's wife will stay here first, I will come back as soon as possible." Xia Xia nodded and explained.

"Okay." Ning Jie agreed, but still asked curiously, "Husband, where do you want to go?"

"Go to Jianghai City." Xia Tian didn't hide it, but he didn't say what to do when he went back.

Ning Jie didn't ask any more, but she had already vaguely guessed what Xia Xia was going to do.


A sudden rainstorm hit Yuenan City. The rainstorm has not stopped for three consecutive hours, and the street has become quite deserted. Even cars have become less, and there are even fewer pedestrians. In such a heavy rainstorm, even with an umbrella, you will basically get soaked.

Outside Yuenan City, on the national road, there is a shadow running in the rain at a fast speed. This person runs very fast. Occasionally someone sees it, but at most it just feels like a flower in front of him, while most people, And he didn't even notice his existence.

This shadow is summer, and he finally stayed until almost noon before leaving. Although the rainstorm was heavy, it had no effect on him. His clothes were still dry, and no rain could fall on him.

Leaving Yuenan City at this time was actually not a very sudden decision for Xia Xia. Before he made the medicinal pill, he had already decided that if the medicinal pill was effective, he would go back to Jianghai first and help those in Jianghai City who returned to the city. The wife who hasn't reached the golden core stage improves his skills to the golden core stage, and his skills can also be improved a lot. As long as the plan goes smoothly, even if he cannot perform the sixth needle against the sky right away, he can improve his skills to the golden core stage. In the later stage, it is even possible to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

He has no other choice. To protect the immortal elder sister and improve his strength is the only way. As for Yuenan City, he is not worried for the moment. He knew exactly what happened outside Mi. He was sure that Han Mingfei would not do anything to Ye Yumei. With Ye Yumei's temporary protection, Ning Jie and Chu Yao were also safe for the time being.

Xia Xia is not worried about Ye Yumei. The person Ye Yumei hates most is obviously him, but now that she can get along with him peacefully, it is naturally impossible to do anything to Ning Jie and Chu Yao. After all, Ning Jie and Chu Yao, But she didn't do anything bad to Ye Yumei, especially Ning Jie, but Ye Yumei got her in the way.

What really worried Xia Tian was the people from Piaomiao Xianmen. He didn't know if there were actually twelve people in Piaomiao Xianmen, but he believed that there must be more than three people in Piaomiao Xianmen who came to this world. After twenty years, Piaomiao Xianmen sent people to find his immortal sister, it is indeed impossible to send only three people, but, where are the other Piaomiao Xianmen disciples at the moment? If it is true as Ye Yumei said, if there is a group of people near the capital, there may be trouble over there.

Before leaving Yuenan City, he had called both Mu Han and Mei'er to remind them that there might be powerful immortal cultivators in the capital. He now only hopes that the people from the Misty Immortal Sect can give him some time. What he urgently needs now is time. In his opinion, he only needs to give him a month, and he will no longer have to worry about these problems.

Before you know it, the summer has reached the area of ​​Star City, but the rain is still not small. The Star City is also pouring rain. It seems that this rainstorm is a large area.

After passing through Xingcheng and continuing to Jianghai, the rainstorm continued, but in the summer, the speed suddenly slowed down and continued to run for about ten kilometers. Seeing that there was no one around, the summer finally stopped.

"Hey, that idiot who followed me, you can come out!" Although Xia Xia's voice was not loud, it passed through the rain curtain and spread several kilometers away.

In the rain curtain, a figure in white quickly approached here, and in a flash, the figure in white stopped about ten meters away from Xia Xia, looking at Xia Xia coldly.

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