Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1368 busy in summer

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Fairy Ye, I don't know what your relationship is with Xia Xia, but I believe that you have a way to get in touch with him." Han Mingfei pondered for a while, "I just want to ask Fairy Ye to do me a favor and get in touch with him. I want to know if he has seen my two junior brothers and sisters."

"If he really met your two junior brothers and sisters, I'm afraid he is dead now." Ye Yumei said coldly: "Do you think your two junior brothers and sisters will let him go?"

"Fairy Night, although I haven't seen Xia Xia yet, I know that he is not simple. My two junior brothers and sisters have suffered losses under him, but now, when they go to track Xia Xia, they have never been able to. Coming back, this has to make me a little worried." Han Mingfei said slowly: "I hope Fairy Ye can understand my difficulties and help me contact Xia. We also have the responsibility to take good care of our juniors and seniors.”

After a slight pause, Han Mingfei said again: "If Fairy Ye has news about my two junior brothers and sisters, please let me know, and Fairy Ye must know where I live, so I won't disturb Fairy Ye, so I will leave. "

Just like last night, Han Mingfei simply turned around and left.

This time, Ye Yumei didn't stay too long, and soon came to Tianshen Peak again.

"Now, I'll officially start teaching you Xianmen combat skills!" Ye Yumei looked at Ning Jie and Chu Yao, her tone still cold.


Jianghai City.

More than four in the morning.

Xia Xian finally opened his eyes and let out a long sigh of turbid air. The full of ice and fire aura quickly circulated in his body, completely removing the last trace of the life-saving poison. Then, he turned over and sat up and muttered to himself: "This medicine Eat less!"

Since he learned the fifth needle against the sky, he has never been so embarrassed. Of course, this is the first time he has encountered such a powerful opponent, and he has only two at a time. Thinking of the enemies that threaten the fairy sister, there are already two less. , He felt that the embarrassment this time was worth it.

"Husband?" Leng Bingbing's somewhat surprised voice suddenly sounded, "Are you awake?"

Leng Bingbing also sat up from the bed, turned on the bedside lamp by the way, and asked with some concern: "Husband, are you all right now? What happened to you yesterday?"

"Bingbing, I'm fine. I killed two more powerful guys yesterday, and I got hurt a little bit. Now I'm healed." Xia Xia comforted Leng Bingbing without telling her carefully, he didn't want her because of these things. I'm worried, and I don't want these things to be passed on to other wives, because in that case, the fairy sister will also get the news.

"Is there really nothing wrong?" Although she looked coldly at Xia Tian's complexion, she was still a little worried.

"Bingbing, you'll know right away if I'm really okay." Xia Xia said in a low voice, then lowered her head, buried her in Leng Bing's chest, and at the same time pressed her onto the bed.

Leng Bingbing soon knew that the husband was indeed all right, and she quickly put aside her worries and began to respond enthusiastically.


eight o'clock.

Sister Xin, you are getting more and more beautiful. "Seeing Sun Xinxin dressed neatly and ready to go out, Ding Ling is quite envious. She is also a beautiful woman. She was even called a class flower in school, but every time she saw Sun Xinxin, she felt like an ugly duckling. generally.

Walking with other girls, Ding Ling felt that she was like a daughter of a daughter, but when she appeared with Sun Xinxin, everyone would think that she was Sun Xinxin's little nanny, and what Ding Ling envied even more was, Sun Xinxin seems to be getting prettier and more attractive every day.

"Xiao Ling, you will be as mature and beautiful as me in the future." Sun Xinxin smiled slightly, she still likes Ding Ling, this girl is very sensible. Although she is in school, she comes here whenever she has time. Do housework.

"Sister Xin, I can't be as beautiful as you." Ding Ling was self-aware. Even if she went for plastic surgery, she couldn't be more beautiful and sexy than Sun Xinxin.

Sun Xinxin didn't say anything, but unconsciously remembered Xia Xia, the little pervert who wanted to swallow her completely when he was with her, but he always ran away and disappeared for many days. This time, he disappeared again. It's been a long time, and I don't know when I'll be back.

With a sigh, although Sun Xinxin was a little helpless, she was not too disappointed. She is basically used to this situation now, and she also knows that this situation should improve in a few months. In addition to coming back, I am looking forward to the official completion of Immortal Island.

The phone rang suddenly, Sun Xinxin pulled out the phone from her bag, looked at it, and answered the phone immediately: "Kong Ming, what's the matter? Call me so early in the morning."

"It's nothing, just urging you to see an important guest today, don't forget it!" Kong Ming said quickly.

"Understood, I'm about to go out." Sun Xinxin said here, suddenly stunned, with a surprised look on her face, and her speech speed suddenly increased, "Kong Ming, I'm not going to the company, you can see that guest yourself! "

"What?" Kong Ming thought he heard it wrong, "I said Sun Xinxin, this woman doesn't change as fast as you, it's less than a second before and after!"

"Anyway, I'm not going, I'll hang up!" Sun Xinxin said quickly, and then hung up the phone, on her beautiful face,

Still can't hide the surprise, "Xiamen, why are you here?"

"Brother Tian." Ding Ling also said hello. She was as surprised as Sun Xinxin, but what surprised her the most was not Xia Xia's appearance, but Xia Xia actually brought a beautiful woman with him, a man with a long sword on his back. Gorgeous Taoist girl.

"Sister Xin, I have something to do with you." Xia Xia hugged Sun Xinxin, "Let's go to the room and talk."

"Yeah." Sun Xinxin replied and followed Xia Xia towards the bedroom upstairs, but her pretty face was a little hot. In her opinion, this pervert probably wanted to do that to her again.

"Girl Frost, you help us protect the law." Xia Xia said again at this time.

"Okay, young master." Gu Hanshuang replied meekly, and then stood in the living room downstairs, motionless, like an incomparably beautiful sculpture.

There was a strange thought in Ding Ling's heart. This thought made her blush a little, but she still didn't understand that when Brother and Sister Xin did that kind of thing, they still had to find a beautiful bodyguard to guard outside?

Ding Ling didn't know that she had misunderstood Xia Xia, but after Sun Xinxin entered the bedroom, she quickly understood that she had misunderstood. Xia Xia came to her not to covet her body, but to continue to transform her body and person. , let her step into the real threshold of immortality, and achieve her golden elixir.

Although Xia Xia prefers exercising with his wife in bed, he also knows what the priorities are. If he really just wants to fight with his wife in bed, at this time, he is probably still in the cold bed.

Xia Xia knew very well that now he must improve his strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, he might not encounter the luck like yesterday. If he encounters such powerful opponents as Huang Jingyi and Bai Yunshan next time, he probably won't have a chance, especially If faced with a stronger opponent like Han Mingfei, his poisons and drugs would probably be useless.

According to Xia Xia's plan, after he helped these wives in Jianghai City to perform the fifth needle against the sky, his strength should be able to increase to the peak of the late Jindan period. At that time, even if he encounters Han Mingfei, he will still be able to do it. He has the ability to fight, but it takes time to perform the fifth needle against the sky, it is not as simple as the fourth needle against the sky, so he can't waste time, so he accompanied Leng Bingbing to fight on the bed for a while, and proved to her After his body was fine, he left the cold and warm body, first found Gu Hanshuang, and then brought Gu Hanshuang to Sun Xinxin.

He came to Gu Hanshuang because it was best to have someone to protect the Dharma when he was giving acupuncture, and the reason why he came to Sun Xinxin first was because he believed that Sun Xinxin's current skill should be regarded as one of the higher among these wives in Jianghai City. It is feasible, but there is an upper limit to the skill that can be increased at one time, just like if he uses drugs to increase his skill on Qiao Xiaoqiao now, even if he can increase Qiao Xiaoqiao a lot of skill, it is probably still not enough to cast her against her. Five needles.

With Chu Yao's previous experiments, Xia Xia's process of increasing Sun Xinxin's skills went smoothly. Then, without any pause, he continued to perform the fifth needle against the sky. For the whole day, Xia Xia and Sun Xinxin did not come out, and Gu Hanshuang was also there. Standing below for a day, poor Ding Ling also stayed in the living room for a day.

It wasn't until Xia Xia walked out of the bedroom at around seven o'clock in the evening that Ding Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Girl Shuang, you continue to stay here. After Sister Xin comes out, you can go to me and I will go to Xiao Qiao's place." Xia Xia instructed Gu Hanshuang, and then left in a hurry.


Summer is very busy now, it's a bit like rushing to the market. Of course, it's not rushing to go on a date with my wife, but rushing to the market to help my wife increase their skills, and then cast the fifth needle against the sky for them.

Sun Xinxin is still stabilizing the golden pill, and she has already come to Qiao Xiaoqiao's villa in the summer, but he is not here to give Qiao Xiaoqiao acupuncture, but to give the little goblin. The goblin's talent in practice is actually quite good, but She is relatively lazy. Although she has worked hard for two periods of time, she has not been able to persist, so until now, she still has to use medicinal herbs to improve her skills.

At this moment, in the bedroom, Xia Xia took out three medicinal pills and handed them to the three beautiful wives in the house. In addition to the little goblin, there were Qiao Xiaoqiao and Princess Sama, who also lived in Qiao's house at the moment.

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