Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1385 Feed you first

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"That, Brother Zou, those two people ate Bawang's meal, and then smashed other people's stores. We came to stop them, and they beat us too..." The young policeman said cautiously.

"Do you think I have no brains?" Zou Cheng snorted coldly, "What kind of status do they have to come here to eat the overlord's meal? Don't ask, there are people who don't know how to live or die, and kill the guests on their heads, right? And you, don't think that I don't know what you are doing, you don't care if a guest is beaten, if the guest wins, you show up, right?"

"Brother Zou, that's not the case, we just came here..." The young policeman hurriedly explained.

"Don't explain it to me, I don't have time to take care of it right now, but I advise you, it's best to restrain yourself!" Zou Cheng snorted coldly, turned around and left. He also heard some things about this place, but He is a criminal policeman, and he usually doesn't care about it here. Now he is eager to bring Tengqiang back to the bureau, and he doesn't want to waste time here. However, when he is free, he will definitely find someone to repair the mess. come guys.

After Zou Cheng left, everyone quickly dispersed, but they all muttered to themselves, the background of that beauty seems to be really strong!

At this moment, no one really recognized that it was the famous witch Mengmeng.


After ten o'clock in the morning, Zou Cheng came to the provincial office alone, and the person he wanted to meet was none other than the deputy director of the provincial office, Hu Hongguang.

"Director Hu." Zou Cheng quickly came to Hu Hongguang's office. Hu Hongguang was already waiting for him here. In fact, Hu Hongguang personally called Zou Cheng and asked him to come over.

"Sit down." Hu Hongguang's expression was a little haggard, but looking at Zou Cheng was also pleasant.

"Director Hu, do you have anything to do with me?" Zou Cheng sat down and asked politely.

For Hu Hongguang, Zou Cheng actually has a kind of gratitude and respect from the bottom of his heart. Gratitude is because Hu Hongguang has always cared about him, and respect is because he knows that Director Hu is a person who is really doing practical things. Capable minister.

Many people in Xingcheng know that Zou Cheng is not easy to mess with, but many people think it is very strange, because in everyone's opinion, Zou Cheng has no background, but he often offends people, and he can still hang around in the police station. , This is really a miracle, but these people don't know that although Zou Cheng has no family background and no nepotism, he actually has a backstage. His biggest backstage is the deputy director of the provincial department, Hu Hongguang.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Hu Hongguang's help, Zou Cheng would have been unable to get along in the police station.

Of course, Zou Cheng is not doing well now. In fact, Zou Cheng once climbed to the position of the head of the serious crime team of the Xingcheng Police Station, but he is a bit too rigid in investigating cases, no matter what it is. He always wants to investigate the case to the end. In the opinion of some people above, he is the investigation that should be investigated, and the investigation that should not be investigated. In this way, it is inevitable to offend some people. In the end, although there is Hu Hongguang Help, but he couldn't continue to be the leader of the major crime team, and was even transferred out of the major crime team. Now, he is the most ordinary criminal police officer, but he is also a bit special as a criminal police officer, because he is now basically No longer participate in the investigation, but pursue the felons who have not been brought to the case for a long time, such as Teng Qiang, a felon who committed a dozen murders but has been at large.

"Zou Cheng, I said before that I will find an opportunity to reassign you to the position of leader of the serious crime team, but in the past few years, you haven't had any obvious achievements, and I'm not very good at bringing it up, but It's different now, you have caught Teng Qiang, this is a big credit, if I propose to let you return to the serious crime team, I believe that no one will object." Hu Hongguang said straight to the point: "It's just , I heard that you don't seem to want to return to the serious crime team, is there such a thing?"

"Director Hu, I really don't want to go back to the serious crime team to investigate cases. However, I have always wanted to set up a special pursuit team. All along, many cases have been solved, but the criminals have never been caught. I just want to be able to There is a special team to hunt down these people. In the past few years, I have been tracking Tengqiang, and I can say that I have accumulated a lot of experience in this area. I think that if I can have such a team, I will hunt down the next criminal. It definitely doesn't take such a long time." Zou Cheng did not hide his true intentions.

After a pause, Zou Cheng added: "In the past, the bureau has also established a pursuit team, but they were all temporary. I want to establish a long-term and stable pursuit team to hunt down those criminals who are at large with all my heart."

"Your proposal is quite good, but the police station is always understaffed, there are few talents in this area, and the pursuit team is usually very slow to achieve results. I am afraid that many people will disagree." Hu Hongguang pondered.

Zou Cheng hesitated for a while, and then said again: "Director Hu, if you can't set up a pursuit team, then at least give me a partner. I used to think it would be fine to hunt alone, but this time I found out that I am alone. There are still some problems in the pursuit, and this time I almost fell short, if it wasn't for someone to help, I'm afraid I would have died on the train."

"Oh?" Hu Hongguang was a little surprised, "What's going on?"

"I was attacked by Tengqiang, but fortunately I was rescued by Xia Xia..." Zou Cheng did not hide it.

"Xiamen?" Hu Hongguang interrupted Zou Cheng, "You met Xiaxia on the train?"

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