Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1388 His life is mine

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Seeing that Xia Xia was about to fall into Han Mingfei's hands, Liu Meng couldn't help but feel anxious, but in the next second, she was stunned, because Xia Xia suddenly disappeared from the spot!

At the moment when Xia Xia disappeared, there was a crystal-like jade palm in the sky, and then when he pressed it in the void, an extremely powerful True Qi surged out and met Han Mingfei's hand.

Although Han Mingfei was very fast, this hand appeared equally fast, and it was quite strange. It appeared without warning. Therefore, Han Mingfei didn't have time to react at all, and could only spit out all his true energy. The infuriating qi collided together.


With a muffled sound, his indignation overflowed, Han Mingfei's body swayed a few times, and then he finally took a few steps back uncontrollably. Obviously, in this round of head-to-head confrontation, Han Mingfei actually suffered a loss!

The aftermath dissipated, but there was a stunning woman wearing a green palace dress on the field. Her cold and arrogant face could not hide her peerless elegance. At this moment, even Liu Meng, who was as beautiful as a fairy, was pale because of this. .

"Junior Sister Ji, why are you?" Han Mingfei was surprised.

"I've seen Senior Brother Han." This stunning beauty in the emerald green palace dress is Ji Qingying who has been cursed countless times in her heart by Xia Xia. She bowed slightly to Han Mingfei, but her somewhat indifferent tone made people feel I don't think she has the slightest sincerity in salute.

And at this moment, Xia Xia, who had just escaped the catastrophe, was opening the door with a gloomy expression on her face. Why did this dead demon girl come here? This time it's really over!

"Junior Sister Ji, what do you mean?" Han Mingfei obviously had difficulty understanding Ji Qingying's actions just now. There was obvious dissatisfaction and a hint of anger in his tone, "Do you know who he is? He knows the whereabouts of Junior Sister Qingya!"

"I know." Ji Qingying's tone was still cold, "His name is Xia Xia, and he claims to be Yue Qingya's husband.~"

"Since you know, why do you still help him?" Han Mingfei's tone had a clear questioning flavor.

"His life is mine." Ji Qingying said coldly: "He can only die in my hands!"

"Junior Sister Ji, I need a reason, a reason that can convince me!" Han Mingfei said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, Senior Brother Han, I'm not going to tell you any reason." Ji Qingying obviously didn't give Han Mingfei much face, "I just want to tell you, whether it's to kill him or teach him a lesson, it's my business, whether it's You are still someone else, and you don’t have the qualifications, if Senior Brother Han insists on doing it, then defeat me first!”

"Junior Sister Ji, I hope you understand that we are here to find Junior Sister Qingya and bring her back safely. No matter who it is, if you want to use any means to prevent Junior Sister Qingya from going back, once the Master knows, You should know what the consequences will be!" Han Mingfei said with a sullen face.

"Senior Brother Han, I have my own way of doing things, I don't need you to teach me!" Ji Qingying looked indifferent, "I just hope you don't appear in front of Xia Xia again in the future!"

Han Mingfei's face was a little gloomy. He stared at Ji Qingying's incomparably cold and pretty face. Although he was very annoyed, he really didn't dare to do it, because although Ji Qingying was nominally his junior sister, her status in the Misty Immortal Sect was far from the norm. far higher than him.

Back then, Yue Qingya was the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of Piao Miao Xianmen, and her talent was the most outstanding in Piao Miao Xianmen for thousands of years. In the second year after Yue Qingya disappeared, Ji Qingying came to Piao Miao Xianmen, And she was quickly hailed as the second month Qingya, and her talent was also considered to be only slightly inferior to Yue Qingya. In less than twenty years, she cultivated to Nascent Soul. However, it took Han Mingfei nearly a period of time to barely reach this stage.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Qingying's status in the Misty Immortal Sect is much higher than that of Han Mingfei. After Yue Qingya disappeared, almost everyone felt that Ji Qingying would be the best choice for the next generation of sect masters, but even Han Mingfei. I didn't expect that the sect master would suddenly come here to find Yue Qingya's whereabouts. ~

The reason why Han Mingfei was even more afraid to do it was that he discovered that Ji Qingying's cultivation had suddenly progressed by leaps and bounds. You must know that before coming here, he and Ji Qingying's cultivation were on the same level, both of whom had just reached the early stage of Nascent Soul. However, the palm of his hand just now made him discover that in this short period of time, Ji Qingying's cultivation base seemed to be about to break through the early Nascent Soul, and could enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul at any time.

"Senior Brother Han, do you need me to see off the guests?" Ji Qingying's indifferent voice sounded again.

"Junior Sister Ji, I hope you don't regret it in the future!" Han Mingfei snorted coldly and finally turned to leave, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Ji Qingying didn't seem to notice him, Xia Xia had the urge to run away, but just as he moved and didn't even take a half step, he heard Ji Qingying's cold voice: "You dare to run away. , I'll take the medicine you gave me and let her take it all!"

"Hey, this is our personal grievance, don't harm others!" Xia Tian didn't dare to run away, he glared at Ji Qingying and said with some dissatisfaction.

"For a despicable and shameless villain like you, it's not too much to use any means!" Ji Qingying looked at Xia Xia coldly, "But you can rest assured that since I haven't killed you yet, I don't plan to kill you immediately. Unless you insist on courting death, and as long as you don't run, I'm not in the mood to deal with other people!"

"Okay, let's go home first and talk about it slowly." Xia Xia looked at Ji Qingying carefully, and then he realized that this dead demon girl really doesn't seem to be right now.

He wanted to kill him, but he didn't know what her purpose was.

Seeing that Ji Qingying didn't seem to object, Xia Xia quickly pulled Liu Meng, and then quickly walked into Xinghai Community.

"Little bastard, is she Ji Qingying? She's so beautiful, she's as beautiful as Sister Yue!" Liu Meng asked in a low voice as she entered the elevator, but no matter how quiet she was, Ji Qingying could clearly hear her, but Ji Qingying didn't say anything. What, just looking at summer with cold eyes.

"She's not as beautiful as the fairy sister." Xia Xia did not agree with Liu Meng's words this time. He always felt that the fairy sister was the most beautiful, whether it was Ye Yumei's long-legged sister or Ji Qingying's dead demon girl, they couldn't compare to him. fairy sister.

"I think she is as beautiful as Sister Yue!" Liu Meng blinked and said, but then became a little unhappy, "Why are there so many people more beautiful than me?"

"Sister Meng, you are also very beautiful." Xia Xia said seriously: "In my opinion, you are more beautiful than her."

When Xia Tian said this, he glanced at Ji Qingying.

"Little rascal, it's not a good boy who tells lies, I don't like little barnyard tares!" Liu Meng pouted, "I won't play with you any longer!"

At this moment, the elevator had reached the eighteenth floor, Xia Xian stopped talking, pulled Liu Meng out of the elevator, and came to Block D, and immediately became depressed, which bastard actually kicked his door open?

"Hey, are you idiots courting death?" Xia Tian walked into the room and found that there were actually four or five people in the room, some in jing clothes and one in casual clothes, and the tidy room was also taken by them. He was in a bad mood because of the mess, so naturally he became even more angry.

"You live here?" The man in casual clothes was in his forties and his eyes were sharp. He looked at Xia Xia and asked in a deep voice.

"Bullshit, of course I live here, you guys immediately tidy up the house for me, or I'll throw you all down from the eighteenth floor!" Xia Xia said angrily.

However, the man in casual clothes sank and shouted: "Get him up!"

As soon as these words fell, the other four men in jing suits in the room rushed towards Xia Xia, but as soon as they pounced in front of Xia Xia, they felt a sharp pain in their lower abdomen at almost the same time, and then at the same time they let out a feeling of stuffiness. Humph, they flew out together, slammed into the wall behind them, and then rolled onto the sofa together.

The man in casual clothes suddenly changed his face, he touched his waist with one hand and wanted to pull out the soy, but his touch was empty, and almost at the same time, he felt a cold metal touch his head, and then Hear Xia Xia's voice: "Get the house tidy for me immediately, or I'll kill you all!"

The other four were trying to stand up from the sofa. When they saw this scene, their faces changed drastically. They also touched their hands to their waists and prepared to pull out the soy. But at this moment, a white shadow flashed, and they all touched one at the same time. null.

"Hey, go clean up!" Liu Meng had four more handkerchiefs in her hands, and she was also very unhappy. The house was so tidy before, but now it's a mess. The most annoying thing is that her bed was messed up. !

"Do you know what you guys are doing now?" The man in plain clothes looked at Xia Xia with cold eyes, "Illegal possession of dummy products is not a felony, you are just possessing pills. The nature is completely different... uh!"

Before the man in casual clothes could finish speaking, he screamed and fell to the ground, but Xia Xian impatiently smashed him on the head.

"Long-winded!" Xia Xia didn't have the mood to talk nonsense with this person, and then looked at the other four people, "Hey, are you still moving? I have limited patience. If you don't clean up the house for me, I will directly kill you all. Throw it down!"

The four inspectors glanced at each other, and then looked at the unconscious casual man on the ground together. Finally, they took action. They first helped the overturned sofa, put it into position, and then started again. After cleaning up the other things in the house, it's just that I don't need to feel aggrieved. What the hell is this? They are also scouts, how can they be reduced to the point of cleaning for others?

Xia Xia ignored these people, but turned to look at Ji Qingying: "Hey, what are you trying to do?"

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