Flower Master in the City

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-two chapters were planted

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

, but there is no doubt that Pang Bo is far better than Zou Cheng, so even if Zou Cheng has such a big backer as Hu Hongguang from the provincial office, he is still a poor policeman, and Pang Bo can become the leader of the serious crime team. Although this position is not very powerful, it is quite good for people who have no background or background to climb to this position.

Fang has caught a drug dealer, who is from Xingcheng. Although the interrogation of Jianghai City police has not yet come to a conclusion, Jianghai police have investigated that Xingcheng is far more than just such a drug dealer, and Jianghai City police are communicating with Xingcheng police. I want to completely destroy this drug gang.

The Star City police naturally don't want the police from other places to help destroy the drug dealers on their own territory, because it will mean their incompetence, so the serious crime team has recently sent more people to start an investigation. It is precisely because of this that when Pang Bo received a report, When it was said that there were drug dealers in Xinghai Community, Pang Bo personally brought them here, and when he found two bags of ecstasy from the house, he was even more excited, thinking that he could follow the vine and catch a big fish.

However, what happened next was completely unexpected to him, and now, when he knew that the person he accused of drug trafficking was actually Summer, he immediately understood that it was a big deal.

Xingcheng City and Yuenan City are not far apart, and the recent events in Yuenan City are actually quite noisy. In addition, it has also alarmed the provincial government. Naturally, many people in Xingcheng have received news. Therefore, now Pang Bo also knew that there was someone like Xia Xia who couldn't be provoked at all, but he never imagined that he was so unlucky to offend him!

"Senior Hu, I did receive a report, and I did find ecstasy here. I believe that Mr. Xia will not sell ecstasy, so I think this should be framed by someone, or else, someone is deliberately trying to frame me. "Pang Bo knew that he had to explain this matter clearly, if it was thought that he was deliberately looking for trouble for Xia Xia, then the matter would be really troublesome.

Speaking of this, Pang Bo looked at Zou Cheng and continued with a pun: "Senior Hu, I didn't know Mr. Xia lived here before, if someone deliberately leads me to trouble Mr. Xia, it must be Someone who knows where Mr. Xia lives."

"Pang Bo, you don't have to look at me, Xia Shenyi is my savior, and I just found out that he lives here. As for you saying that someone deliberately framed the crime, did they directly call the report on your mobile phone? If not If you don't, it means it's not for you!" Zou Cheng said with a light snort.

After a short pause, Zou Cheng turned to look at Xia Xia: "Xia Shenyi, you are here today, who lived here before? Could it be someone who lived here before who left ecstasy here?"

"This is my wife's house, but she hasn't lived here for several months," Xia Xia said casually.

"So, in the last few months, no one lives here at all, but Shenyi Xia and you guys just came in and someone called to report it. It seems that this is really aimed at you." Zou Cheng quickly analyzed, "No If there is an accident, the ecstasy pills should have been put in when Shenyi Xia and you guys were out to eat."

"The ecstasy pills were found under the bed in the bedroom. When we came in, the door was locked. That is to say, if someone deliberately framed things, then that person should have the key here." Pang Bo then said, He also started to think about it seriously at this moment, because he also wanted to get out of this matter.

"Hey, little rascal, do you think that Tang Huijun secretly assigned the key?" Liu Meng shouted at this time, "Did she deliberately harm us?"

"I don't know, I don't want to take care of this." Xia Xia was in no mood to continue to ask the truth. He glanced at Hu Feifei and Zou Cheng, "Anyway, hurry up and tidy me here, and repair the door for me, and then Just stay away from me, just don't bother me."

Xia Xia just wanted to recover his skills as soon as possible, and before he could find another way to recover his skills, his only hope was still Liu Meng. To recover his skills as soon as possible, he needed to spend as much time with Liu Meng as possible. Double cultivation together, so he didn't want anyone to disturb him. As for someone who framed the blame for him, he didn't have much mood to care about it now. Anyway, if someone came to ask for trouble, he would just beat them out. .

Seeing that Xia Xia didn't want to pursue this matter, Hu Feifei was relieved, and Pang Bo naturally couldn't ask for it. As for Zou Cheng, although he had a bad relationship with Pang Bo, he didn't want to make it a big issue at the moment, so they also For the time being, I don't think about who got some ecstasy pills here, but according to Xia's request, I immediately cleaned up the house, and then asked someone to repair the door lock.

A dozen people helped together, it took less than ten minutes, the house was completely tidy, and it took a few minutes to clean it, and then it took a while to find someone to repair the door lock, so, after half an hour, everything was done, And Hu Feifei, Zou Cheng and all the other police station people were also kicked out by Xia Xia, so this room finally quieted down again and became the world of Xia Xia and Liu Meng.

"Little bastard, are you hungry now? I'll feed you steamed buns if you're hungry... uh!" Liu Meng began to tempt Xia Tian with her big white-faced steamed buns, but before she finished speaking, Xia Xian nibbled at her. Stop, I can't go on talking anymore.


The next morning.

Looking at Liu Meng who was sleeping in his arms, Xia Xia was in a bad mood again. After a night of double cultivation, his skill was almost standing still, which was completely beyond his expectations. Originally, he thought that even if he recovered his skills now The speed will be much slower, but only slow, and it will still recover, but I don't know why

, he now seems to have made no progress at all. The skill that he increased last night is not even as good as the skill that he naturally increased when he did not double cultivation with Liu Meng!

According to common sense, even if he re-cultivates, he will naturally increase a lot of skills every day, and if he cultivates with Liu Meng, the increased skills will be multiplied many times, and now, his situation has completely subverted common sense, and this also means However, maybe his body had some problems that he didn't know about.

He didn't know what was wrong with his body. No one knew very much about the ice and fire spirit body, whether it was his fairy sister Yue Qingya, his master ghost doctor Zhang Mingtuo, or the number one in the world. As a genius doctor, Xia Tian himself actually had a very limited understanding of the ice and fire spirit bodies.

Xia Xia only knows that if according to the standard of ordinary people, his body has no problems and will only be better than ordinary people, but he also believes that there must be some problems with his ice and fire spirit body, otherwise, no Maybe he and Liu Meng repaired for one night, but their skills hardly increased at all.

"What's the problem?" Xia Xia was puzzled, and after a while, looking at the snow-white seductive body in his arms, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly had an idea.

"It seems that I have to study Sister Meng's body." Xia Xia secretly said that Liu Meng, like him, is also an ice and fire spirit body, and he felt that Liu Meng's ice and fire spirit body should have no problems now. Then, as long as you study Liu Meng's body carefully, you may be able to find out what's wrong with his body.

A ray of ice and fire aura was injected into Liu Meng's body, and Xia Xia began to study Liu Meng's body carefully. It was not the first time he studied Liu Meng's body. He has studied very thoroughly. Every inch of his skin has been visited countless times by him, and the hidden parts of her body have also been studied by him again and again. It's just that kind of study is just a normal man studying a woman, and now, He is a real researcher, studying a magical ice and fire spirit from the perspective of a doctor.

Liu Meng still slept soundly, Xia Xia's research did not disturb her, but, as time passed, Xia Xia's mood became worse again, Liu Meng's incomparably seductive sex seems to be unable to do so at this moment. It brought him joy, because he studied for a long time, but couldn't find any essential difference between Liu Meng's ice and fire spirit body and his current ice and fire spirit body. If there is a difference, it is men and women. The difference, and this, obviously can not solve his current problem.

"It seems that I really have to think of other ways." Xia Xia reluctantly withdraws his hand and no longer investigates Liu Meng's physical condition. He already understands that he must change his strategy and cannot rely on the natural growth of ice and fire aura. He couldn't count on the double cultivation with Liu Meng. The only thing he could count on next might still be eight needles against the sky.

He is still unable to perform the fifth needle against the sky, but there is no problem in performing the fourth needle against the sky to wash the marrow, and although the power that can be increased by washing the marrow is much less than the increase in the power of Dan Cheng, But for now in the summer, the skill that can be increased by one time washing the marrow is quite a lot.

"Perhaps, as long as I wash the marrow once, I can continue to perform the fifth needle against the sky." Xia Xia made a rough estimate and felt that the problem was not a big problem. Once, at most, twice the marrow was washed, and his skill could be restored. In the early stage of Jindan, he can also perform the fifth needle against the sky again, and then he can continue according to the plan a few days ago, and improve his skills to the stage where he can perform the sixth needle against the sky as soon as possible, and then At that time, he was no longer afraid of anyone.

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