Flower Master in the City

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-seventh chapters will definitely go to secretly open a r

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

With the cold arrival.

About five minutes later, a police car with a Jianghai City license drove into the Xinghai Community, and then found a public parking space and stopped the car. Then, a beautiful policewoman got out of the car, it was Leng Bingbing.

As soon as Leng Bingbing got out of the car, Xia Xia had already appeared beside her and hugged her soft waist: "Bingbing, did you come alone?"

"No." Leng Bingbing leaned against Xia Xia tightly and shook his head at the same time, "I brought everyone from the contingent, but they have all gone directly to the Starry Sky Hotel. I have already checked, Xue Xiaodao has The son's name is Xue Zigui. Today is Xue Zigui's tenth birthday, and Xue Xiaodao is hosting a birthday banquet for his son. Some officials who have a good relationship with Xue Xiaodao will be present, this opportunity is rare, if possible, I want to catch them all!"

"Okay, Bingbing, I'm going to help you catch all those guys now." Xia Xia wanted to act after saying that.

Leng Bingbing shook his head again: "You don't have to go now, it's only after four o'clock, the birthday party should start at seven o'clock, and it is estimated that they will not expire until around six o'clock. I will let those from the contingent monitor near the hotel first, and wait for confirmation. Those important goals have been reached, and it is not too late for us to start arresting people."

"Well, let's go upstairs first." Xia Xia changed his mind immediately.

Nodding coldly: "Well, let's go up first!"

After a while, the two entered the room.

"Hey, Bingbing, are you here too?" Liu Meng was very happy to see Leng Bingbing.

"Bingbing." Ye Mengying also said hello to Leng Bingbing, but she didn't chat with Leng Bingbing too much, because she still had to teach Su Beibei the inner strength.

\u0026nbs know.

"Bingbing, what are you doing here? Are you here to accompany the little villain on purpose?" Liu Meng asked curiously.

Without waiting for Leng Bingbing's answer, Liu Meng immediately shifted her attention. She stared at Leng Bingbing's lower abdomen, and then touched it with her hand, looking puzzled: "Bingbing, don't you have a baby? Why yours? Is your belly still the same size as before?"

"Sister Meng, the baby is less than three months old, and the stomach has not started to grow." Leng Bingbing explained in a low voice, a little helpless.

"Really?" Liu Meng tilted her head, "but I saw someone a while ago, her baby is less than three months old, but her belly is already very big!"

"Sister Meng, everyone's situation is different." Leng Bingbing had to continue to explain.

\u0026 Meng shouted, then turned her head to look at Xia Xia, "Little bastard, why don't I have a baby yet? I also want to have a baby to make my breasts bigger!"

"Sister Meng, you are already very big here. I like how big you are." Xia Xia said quickly. As for why there was no baby, he did not explain to her.

"Little bastard, do you really like how big I am?" Liu Meng asked immediately.

"Of course, if it gets bigger, it won't look as good now." Xia Xia nodded quickly.

"Oh, then I don't want a baby, I don't want to get bigger!" Liu Meng immediately changed his mind.

Leng Bingbing was a little speechless, but at the same time he was relieved. Whether it was her or Qiao Xiaoqiao and others, they all felt that Liu Meng was really not suitable to have children now. This sister Meng is completely a child herself. If she wants to give birth to a child, that is Big children take small children, the ghost knows what will happen.

"That's right, Bingbing, you haven't told me yet, why are you here!" Liu Meng finally remembered this question again.

"Bingbing came here to catch drug dealers," Xia Xia replied.

"Arrest someone? Do you want help? Bingbing, let me help you, I'm about to beat up a few people!" Liu Meng suddenly became a little excited.

"Sister Meng, my husband can just help me, there aren't many people who can beat me up." She coldly and tactfully rejected Liu Meng's proposal. If Sister Meng went to help, she would definitely mess up the scene. As for the summer, she More assured, although this husband often messes around, but with her by his side, he usually listens to her.

Liu Meng immediately pouted, a little unhappy: "Bingbing, you are too unethical, you two go to play secretly and don't bring me!"

Leng Bingbing is a little dumbfounded, what does this have to do with loyalty? Besides, she is not going to play, but to catch drug dealers!

Every policeman knows that catching a drug dealer is definitely not a good job. Drug trafficking is a more serious crime than murder. Nowadays, people are basically murdered, and it is unlikely that they will be sentenced to death, but if they are drug dealers, it is basically death. It's fixed, and because of this, drug dealers are desperados, and those professional drug police officers are often the easiest to sacrifice.

Of course, the Xue Xiaodao that she is dealing with today should not be so dangerous, because this Xue Xiaodao is no longer a drug dealer, but a successful businessman. Close, so, generally speaking, when he is arrested, he should not resist on the spot, so the danger should not be too great.

"Sister Meng, you can stay with the beautiful sister at home first. I'll be back after I help Bingbing catch someone." Xia Xia also said at this time.

"I don't believe it." Liu Meng pouted, "After you and Bingbing catch someone, you will definitely go to open the room secretly."

Leng Bingbing's glamorous face couldn't help but float a blush, this unobstructed Meng sister made her a little embarrassed.

"Sister Meng, Bingbing and I will definitely not open a room." Xia Xia replied seriously.

"Little villain, you've become a little liar now, I don't like you anymore!" Liu Mengjiao snorted, "I'll ignore you, I'll go back to sleep!"

Liu Meng seemed to be really angry. After speaking, she actually went into the bedroom inside and threw herself on the bed. After a while, she looked as if she had already fallen asleep.

Leng Bingbing shook his head helplessly, but Xia Xia didn't care much. Sister Meng often did this, but she was just talking about it and wouldn't really ignore him.

The living room became quiet all of a sudden. Xia Tian sat quietly on the sofa with his arms around his cold waist. For a few minutes, no one spoke, but in the study, Ye Mengying was explaining to Su Beibei how to practice the exercises. , her voice kept coming from inside.

"Husband, how is your injury now?" Leng Bingbing finally spoke again.

"It's basically good, and the skill has recovered by almost half. You don't have to worry about Bingbing, I'm fine." Xia Xia comforted Leng Bingbing, but didn't say much. He didn't want to worry about Leng Bingbing because of this.

"Well, I believe that no matter what kind of trouble you encounter, you can solve it." Leng Bingbing did not continue to ask, she believed in her man, she believed that he was omnipotent.

Just then, Summer's cell phone rang again.

Xia Xia took a look at the phone, but it was Hu Feifei's call. After a little hesitation, he still answered the call.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Xia Tian asked.

"Mr. Xia, I'm Hu Feifei." Hu Feifei reported her name first, and then continued: "I heard that your girlfriend, Officer Leng..."

"It's not my girlfriend, it's my wife." Xia Xia corrected.

"Uh, Mr. Xia, I'm sorry, is Officer Leng planning to arrest Xue Xiaodao?" Hu Feifei was stunned, and then asked straight to the point.

"That's right, is there a problem?" Xia Xia didn't deny it, but he muttered to himself, this Hu Feifei's news is quite well-informed.

"That's it, my uncle, the director of the provincial department, Hu, wants to know if Officer Leng needs the cooperation of our provincial department, because he thinks that the manpower brought by Officer Leng may not be enough." Hu Feifei said quickly: "I What Uncle means is that if Officer Leng needs manpower, he will immediately dispatch the manpower from the provincial department to cooperate with Officer Leng's arrest."

"Oh, this, I'll ask Bingbing first." Xia Xia looked at Leng Bing, waiting for her answer.

"No need for now." Naturally, Leng Bingbing heard the content on the phone, she shook her head gently, "Husband, if Jiangnan Province is willing to cooperate, you can dispatch some people to monitor first, and don't let Xue Xiaodao's backbone cadres leave. , my plan is to catch Xue Xiaodao first, and then wait for him to confess, and then wipe out this organization from top to bottom!"

"Hey, Hu Feifei, did you hear what my wife said?" Xia Xia said at this time.

"I hear it, I will tell Director Hu." Hu Feifei replied quickly.

"Then I'll hang up." Xia Tian stopped talking nonsense and hung up the phone directly.

"Husband, this Hu Hongguang gives you a lot of face." Leng Bingbing smiled softly, "I contacted this side before, and neither the provincial department nor the Star City Bureau was very willing to cooperate. Now Hu Hongguang actually offered to directly transfer the province. The staff in the hall help, obviously to give you face."

"Bingbing, giving me face is giving you face. You are my wife, it's all the same." Xia Xia looked at Leng Bingbing very seriously, "No matter who Hu Hongguang gives face, it is still very good for him to take the initiative to help us."

"Well, you are right, it is indeed the same." Leng Bingbing nodded lightly, "This time with the cooperation of Jiangnan Province, things should be smoother, but, hey!"

Leng Bingbing sighed softly, as if remembering something.

"Bingbing, what's the matter?" Xia Tian asked quickly.

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