Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1402 Why are you not dead yet?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Fear, this seemingly ordinary man, in their hearts at this moment, has been equated with the devil.

Although Xue Xiaodao whom Xia Xia punished last night was actually the real devil, in the eyes of these people, Xia Xia was obviously far more terrifying than Xue Xiaodao.

After seeing Xia Xia and Leng Bing Bing leave, these people let out a sigh of relief almost at the same time, and finally sent a demon away.

Xia Xia and Leng Bingbing have actually woken up for a while, and they still had lunch together here, but now they are not going back to Xinghai Community, but going to the Jiangnan Provincial Police Department first.

\u0026 Continue to manage, but there are still some simple procedures that need to be handled, and Xia Xia is not just to accompany Leng Bingbing to the provincial office, but Hu Hongguang asked him to help interrogate Xie Aiguo. After all, this matter is still somewhat different from Xia Xia. relationship, so he intends to settle it by the way.

Originally, Leng Bingbing planned to return to Jianghai today, but in the summer, he let her stay for a few more days, because he planned to give Leng Bingbing the fifth needle against the sky first, and it would not be too late to let her go back after she became a master of gold elixir.

Leng Bingbing naturally agreed. She is actually very free now. The Bingbing contingent has many privileges, such as not having to go to work every day. Com wanted to stay with Xia Xia for a few more days, so he decided to stay first. As for the rest of the Bing Bing contingent, of course, let them go back first.

After arriving at the provincial office, Xia Xia and Leng Bingbing soon met Hu Hongguang. Although Hu Hongguang was very busy now, when summer came, he still came to receive him in person.

However, Xia Xia didn't stay here for a long time. Naturally, he would not finish like last night. Xia Xia returned to Xinghai Community first. It wasn't that he didn't want to wait for Leng Bingbing, but he needed to do another thing now, which was refining medicine. .

Whether it is Leng Bingbing or Ye Mengying, their skills are still a little lacking, so he still needs to refine the medicinal pills that can increase his skills, and give them to them first, and then he can cast the fifth needle against the sky for them, although Ji Qingying is now secretly protecting them, His time didn't seem so urgent, but he was not afraid of 10,000 just in case, Xia Xia still wanted to improve his skills as soon as possible, he couldn't put all his wives' safety on Ji Qingying, the demon girl.

After returning to the residence in Xinghai Community, Xia Xia just talked to Liu Meng and Ye Mengying, and then locked herself in the study and began to refine medicine pills.

An hour later, Leng Bingbing came back, and the summer still did not come out.

When it comes to dinner time in the evening, summer has not come out either.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Liu Meng shouted to let Xia Xia sleep with her, but Xia Xia still did not come out.

It wasn't until the next morning, when three big, one small and four beauties woke up from a sleep, that Xia Xia actually fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.

"The little villain seems to be exhausted!" Liu Meng felt a little distressed, and carried Xia Xia into the bedroom, and then she didn't come out.

Xia Xia did not come out with Liu Meng until noon, and then took Leng Bingbing, Ye Mengying, and Su Beibei, who had been waiting for a long time, downstairs for dinner, and when they came out of the Hunan restaurant outside the community again, the Hunan restaurant The business hours at noon have already ended ahead of schedule, and it is impossible not to end, because not only the bamboo tube rice has been eaten, but the vegetables have also been eaten up, so I can only go to buy vegetables temporarily, and plan to continue the business until the evening.

Back at the residence, Xia Xia took out three crystal clear and fragrant pills, and gave one to Leng Bing Ye Mengying and Su Beibei. He wanted to add some skills to all three of them at once.

"I want to take this too?" Su Beibei felt very puzzled, why should she take this medicine too?

"Yes, you are the spare tire." Xia Xia said casually.

"Hey, what do you mean? What spare tire? You big pervert, I don't want to be your spare tire, I don't want to be your wife like my cousin!" Su Beibei said angrily.

"Who wants you to be a wife?" Xia Xia stared at Su Beibei, "I just want you to be a spare tire for me to practice Falun Gong, if you don't want to eat it, forget it!"

"Beibei, listen to your husband, this is only good for you and not bad." Ye Mengying said softly.

Su Beibei wanted to say something else, but when she heard Ye Mengying say this, she stopped arguing with Xia Xia, and she was not a fool. She naturally understood that taking this medicine would definitely be of great benefit to her.

A few minutes later, in the bedroom, Bingbing, Ye Mengying, and Su Beibei were all sitting cross-legged on the ground. They had already swallowed the medicine pill, while Xia Tian was moving needles like flying, using silver needles to help them absorb their **.

Xia Xia really didn't really want to increase Su Beibei's skills, but as he said, Su Beibei is indeed a spare tire. According to Xia Xia's original plan, he only needed to give all wives a fifth shot against the sky, and then he It should be able to use the sixth needle against the sky, but the problem is that the appearance of Ji Qingying disrupted his plan.

In the past period of time, he had given many wives the fifth needle against the sky. In addition to his fairy sister Yue Qingya, there were Liu Meng, Song Yumei, Gu Hanshuang, Ye Yumei, and those who had just given the needle a while ago. Ning Jie, Chu Yao, Sun Xinxin, the little goblin, after careful calculation, there are already ten people who have been cast the fifth needle against the sky by him. In the early stage of Jindan, he rose to the late stage of Jindan. However, Ji Qingying sucked up so much of his increased skill, and now, he has returned to the cultivation level in the early stage of Jindan, that is to say, the ten times of acupuncture , it has no effect on him, which means that if he only needs to give all his wives the needle once, it can be used

If the sixth needle against the sky is given, then he must find another ten people to give the needle.

Although that is just an estimate and not completely accurate, Xia Xia can now be sure that just giving the remaining wives who have not reached the Golden Core period is definitely not enough to make his skill reach the sixth-highest level of usefulness. The level of needles means that he must find a few more people who can apply needles.

Now the time is more urgent, and Xia Xia doesn't have so much time to find a beautiful wife again, so Xia Xia decided to use those people who were not his wives but who had also been washed by him as candidates, the so-called spare tires. In fact, if you do the math, there are not too many of them, such as Shi Chun's little girl, Qiao Feng'er and Qiao Huang'er, and Yi Xiaoyin's girl, Ah Jiu, and Su Beibei here, Xia Xia thinks It should be almost there.

Undoubtedly, because Ji Qingying sucked up the summer, the world has to have a few more Jindan stage masters, so Ji Qingying has made a lot of contributions to the world.

After helping the three girls to fully absorb the medicinal power of the medicinal pill, Xia Xia also determined that both Leng Bingbing and Ye Mengying could withstand the fifth needle against the sky.

The next morning, Ye Mengying successfully became another gold elixir master. After taking a break for an hour in the summer, she continued to give Leng Bingbing acupuncture. Because Leng Bingbing was pregnant, she was a little more cautious in the acupuncture. This time, it took longer to apply the needle, but it was still very smooth. In the next morning, Leng Bingbing was also promoted to Jindan master, and he was not disturbed in the whole process.

She was busy for days and nights in the summer, but she didn't have to rest, because Liu Meng felt that he was very busy these days, and then decided to treat him with her big steamed buns, but she quickly felt that it was too hard to treat the summer alone, so she Pulling both Ye Mengying and Leng Bingbing to help, then this reward turned into a carnival.


In the evening of the next day, Yuenan City.

By the Moon Falling Lake, a woman wearing a black tights stood quietly, with long legs and a slender waist, with unusually prominent twin peaks. dare not approach.

"Long-legged girl, what about handsome guys?" A lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind her. After all, there were still men who dared to approach her. In this world, there is only one person who calls her that.

This stunning beauty in black is naturally Ye Yumei, she didn't turn around, she knew that the person behind her was Xia Xia, that hateful little bastard Xia Xia.

"Why aren't you dead yet?" Ye Yumei asked coldly, still looking at the mountain in the distance.

"Long-legged girl, don't I miss you?" Xia Xia said with a smile.

Seeing Ye Yumei again, Xia Xia actually felt like she had passed away. Although the period of separation was not long, what happened during this time made Xia Xia meet Ye Yumei again. , with a completely different mood.

Once upon a time, the person he wanted to beat up the most was Ye Yumei, but the appearance of Ji Qingying made him not want to beat Ye Yumei so much now, because Ji Qingying was really too bad, and through the comparison with Ji Qingying, Xia Xia also It was found that Ye Yumei was really far from being as bad as Ji Qingying, so unknowingly, Xia Xia's feelings for Ye Yumei seemed to have changed.

"Long-legged girl, do you miss me?" Xia Xia asked again with a smile: "Actually, I miss you a little bit, too. I miss the long-legged girl, and I also miss the small slender waist a little. The thing I miss the most is the big steamed bun! "

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