Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1429 I never care about the reason

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Something happened, an idiot wanted to snatch my wife Yiyi." Xia Xia nodded and briefly recounted what had just happened. Finally, he turned his attention to Debena, "Wife Yiyi, Do you have any grudge against this woman?"

"I don't know her." Yi Xiaoyin answered Xia's question very cooperatively this time.

"Wait, you just said that the person in Nangongyan's hands is also a cultivator, and he is still in the Yuan Ying period?" Mei'er looked at Xia Xia anxiously at this time, "You didn't say that Nangongyan would devour others. Is it Yuan Ying? Now that the cultivator of Yuan Ying has fallen into the hands of Nangong Yan, doesn't this make Nangong Yan even more powerful? Why didn't you say it earlier? If you knew this, we should have stopped her. , at least we have to kill the cultivator of the Nascent Soul stage!"

"Mei'er wife, don't worry, I deliberately let that stinky woman take people away." Xia Xia comforted Meier, "It's fine if she doesn't devour Nascent Soul, if she really devours Nascent Soul, she will It's hard to eat."

"You did tricks on that person?" Mei'er suddenly understood.

Xia Xia smiled, but did not answer Meier's question directly. Instead, he turned to look at Yi Xiaoyin and pointed at Dai Beina, "Wife Yiyi, you really don't know that woman?"

"Is it good for me to lie to you?" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

"Xia, Xia Shenyi, I, my name is Dai Beina..." A trembling voice sounded, Dai Beina, who had been afraid to speak before, finally spoke.

"I'm not interested in your name, I just want to know, did you want to hurt my wife or someone else asked you to hurt my wife?" Xia Xia interrupted De Beena, looking at her with a cold look.

Xia Xia is a little annoyed now. Why are there so many people in the capital who don't know how to live or die? There was that Lu Xiaoying before, and now this Dai Beina has appeared. Could it be that he has not killed enough people in this capital?

"Divine Doctor Xia, you, you misunderstood, I, I didn't want to hurt Miss Yi..." Dai Beina now has no regrets in her heart, and the development of things completely deviates from her previous plan.

Under the pressure of Song Weimin, Dai Beina had to agree to help Song Weimin, but she thought that there should be no big risk in this matter, at most it would be humiliated by Guan Jianxiong again.

According to her previous plan, she would not appear in Yiren Pavilion at all, she just had to drive Guan Jianxiong here, and then it would be Guan Jianxiong's business, and Song Weimin's request for her was the same, as long as you do this One step, her mission is complete.

But Dai Beina never expected that things didn't develop as she planned. Guan Jianxiong brought her here directly and didn't let her leave at all, so she was inevitably exposed to Xia Xia.

At the beginning, Dai Beina didn't recognize Xia Xia. She knew Yi Xiaoyin, but she didn't know Xia Xia. She just heard about Xia Xia's deeds in the capital. So when she heard Xia Xia announce her name, She began to have a hunch that things were going to be troublesome.

From that time on, she began to pin her hopes on Guan Jianxiong, because she felt that if Guan Jianxiong could kill Xia Xia, then she would be safe, because Guan Jianxiong would not kill her, but Xia Xia , but it is absolutely possible to kill her.

Dai Beina is indeed a smart woman, and her judgment is correct, but unfortunately, her hopes are pinned on the wrong person. She thought that Guan Jianxiong was an invincible fairy, but in front of Xia Xia, Guan Jianxiong was also arrested. After running away in a hurry, Xia Xia once again became the final victor.

At this time, Dai Beina could only find a way to distance herself from this matter, so although she was very panicked, she continued to explain: "Xia Shenyi, I, I just want to lead Guan Jianxiong, that beast to him. Come here, let you kill him, because that beast not only killed my husband, but also qb me..."

Speaking of this, Dai Beina even cried. She felt that if she pretended to be pitiful, it would make Xia Xia soft-hearted. Even if Xia Xian was not soft-hearted, Yi Xiaoyin, who was present, might also be soft-hearted.

"Dibena, who are you lying to?" Yi Xiaoyin continued coldly at this moment, "How could you know that Xia Xia is here? Also, if you really want Xia Xia to avenge you, you should also ask for it directly. He, instead of finding someone to harm me!"

Yi Xiaoyin won't sympathize with Dai Beina. Although she still doesn't know the whole story, she has realized that it was this woman named Dai Beina who led the powerful tall and thin man here, and if it weren't for Xia Xia here , She is afraid that she will experience a nightmare again, so not only does she not sympathize with Dai Beina, but she hates Dai Beina very much!

"Wife Yiyi, you really deserve to be my wife, you can tell she's lying at a glance." Xia Xia praised Yi Xiaoyin, then looked at Debena, "Actually, I want to tell you, even if what you just said What you said is true, I will not let you go, I never care about the reason, just the result, you bring that idiot to rob my wife, and I will kill you!"

Speaking of this, Xia Xia turned to look at Yi Xiaoyin again: "Wife Yiyi, how do you want her to die? Throw her in the air or throw her into the pond to drown? It's okay to slap her to death, in fact, I prefer a simple death method."

Yi Xiaoyin hasn't answered Xia Xia's question yet, but Dai Beina's face is already pale with fright, and her delicate body can't help but start to tremble.

"Xia, Xia Shenyi, you, you let me go, it's really none of my business, I, I was forced, yes, it's Song Young Master who is mine!" Dai Beina finally planned to sell Song Weimin, because She didn't want to die like this

Injustice, she felt that she was really innocent. She and Xia Tian Yi Xiaoyin had no grievances or hatred. If Song Weimin asked her to do this, she would not want to offend them even if she was crazy.

"Which Young Master Song?" Yi Xiaoyin immediately asked.

"The second young master of the Song family, Song Weimin." Dai Beina answered quickly this time without any hesitation.

"What?" Meier answered, but she was surprised, "How could it be him?"

"Why did Song Weimin want to harm me?" Yi Xiaoyin was also a little puzzled.

"I don't know, I really don't know, I didn't know him at all before, and I was still arrested by him in the police station." Dai Beena said hurriedly.

"If you don't want to die, tell us all the details!" Mei'er ordered coldly.

"Okay, okay, I'll say it!" De Beena didn't dare to hide it at all, and immediately told everything.

Just after listening, Meier and Yi Xiaoyin were even more confused, because they still couldn't understand why Song Weimin wanted to attack Yi Xiaoyin.

"Wife Meier, wife Yiyi, don't think about it, Song Weimin, that idiot, should be coming for me." Xia Xia had probably understood, "I met him before I left the capital last time, and I felt him at the time. It seems that he wants to trouble me, this time, he probably wants to kill with a knife, and wants that idiot Guan Jianxiong to kill me, um, he should also know that I am here."

"Then what are you going to do?" Meier couldn't help asking.

"Of course I killed him." Xia Xia didn't hesitate at all.

"But he is Song Yumei's brother." Meier couldn't help reminding Xia Tian.

"No matter who wants to harm my wife, the end is the same, and that is death." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Then how did you explain to Song Yumei?" Meier couldn't help frowning, "If Song Yumei knew that you killed her brother, I'm afraid there will be problems in the relationship between the two of you."

"Well, I have my own way." Xia Xia was confident, then turned to look at Dai Beina, "You said just now that Guan Jianxiong has a junior brother, right?"

"Yes, his junior brother seems to be surnamed Ge, but when I just went to look for Guan Jianxiong, I didn't see him. I don't know if he is also there." Dai Beina hurriedly replied.

"Do you remember the address of that place?" Xia Tian said lightly, "Tell me the address."

Debena nodded, and immediately gave the address of the villa.

"Mei'er wife, you go and have a look, remember that you only need to look, see if anyone is there, don't do it." Xia Xia thought about it and said to Meier, with Meier's current ability, just go to check the situation , certainly not dangerous.

"Understood." Meier responded, and then disappeared.

"Divine Doctor Xia, me, can I go now?" Dai Beena asked cautiously.

Xia Xia's answer to her was a finger to the wind, and then Debena fell silently to the ground.

Yi Xiaoyin's face changed slightly: "You killed her?"

"Whether she is willing or not, it's damned if she comes to harm my wife." Xia Xia said lightly.

Yi Xiaoyin fell silent. Naturally, she wouldn't sympathize with Dai Beina, but she didn't know if it was her delusion. She found that this bastard really kills people without blinking. He just came to the capital a few days ago, and he has already killed several people lightly.

"What to do with her body?" Yi Xiaoyin asked again after a long time.

Xia Xia didn't speak, and answered her directly with actions. He poured a little corpse powder on Dai Beena's body. Soon, this pretty corpse disappeared completely.

And this scene made Yi Xiaoyin feel a little cold again. I don't know when it started, she found that she had a little more fear of this bastard.

"Wife Yiyi, don't be afraid, I won't treat you like this." Xia Xia suddenly smiled at Yi Xiaoyin, as if seeing through her mind.

Yi Xiaoyin took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it, calming herself down a bit, and then she asked, "What are you going to do with Song Weimin? Kill him directly?"

"Well, Mrs. Yiyi, don't ask." Xia Xia smiled again, "It won't be long before you may understand by yourself."

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