Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1431 I have more taste than him

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Song Weimin didn't die immediately. The silver needle in Xia Xia was not a life-threatening silver needle, but a hypnotic silver needle.

Five minutes later, Song Weimin was successfully hypnotized by Xia Xia.

Five minutes later, Song Weimin called back to the police station to ask for support, because he had found the murderer and raped.

Less than three minutes after requesting support, Song Weimin rushed into the villa, and when he drew his gun and tried to shoot, he was killed by that Junior Brother Ge.

Ten minutes later, the police support team arrived, but at this time, Brother Ge was nowhere to be seen, they only saw Song Weimin's body, and, from the upstairs bedroom, they found a man who was ravaged and passed out. woman.

The woman was quickly taken to the hospital, and woke up half an hour later. In the woman's confession, Guan Jianxiong and the younger brother Ge were recruited again, and because of Song Weimin's death, the case was finally reported to a higher level.

After another two hours, the Tiandao team received the case report and the Beijing City Bureau's request for help.

At this moment, Xia Tian, ​​the leader of the Tiandao team, was looking at Yi Xiaoyin innocently, because Yi Xiaoyin just said a word.

"Murder with a knife? Your method is really clever. No wonder you said that Guan Jianxiong's junior brother was useful to you. If I guessed correctly, Song Weimin was also manipulated by you. You must have used a silver needle to hypnotize it. Right?" Yi Xiaoyin's news is also quite well-informed. In the summer, before the real team leader of the Tiandao team received the case report handed over, Yi Xiaoyin had already received the news that Song Weimin was killed. At that time, she did not speak, just When she found out that the case ended up here in Xia Xia, she felt ridiculous, but at the same time she had to admire Xia Xia's clever methods.

Undoubtedly, in this way, Xia Xia not only has nothing to do with Song Weimin's death, but he can also kill that Junior Brother Ge in an upright manner. At that time, the Song family might even thank him for avenging Song Weimin.

And Song Weimin's actions against Xia Xia are obviously his personal actions and have nothing to do with the Song family. This means that the Song family does not know what kind of hatred Song Weimin has at all. Since then, it is naturally impossible for the Song family to suspect Xia Xia. on the body.

Of course, Yi Xiaoyin was also suspicious. After all, she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, so she couldn't be sure, so she spoke out to test Xia Tian.

However, Xia Xia looked at her innocently and denied: "Wife Yiyi, this matter really has nothing to do with me, I wanted to let Song Weimin get killed, but that idiot couldn't wait, so he went ahead. I ran into Guan Jianxiong's residence, and before I could find him, he was already gone."

"Do you think I'll believe it?" Yi Xiaoyin snorted softly.

"Wife Yiyi, a wife who doesn't believe in her husband is not a good wife." Xia Xia said solemnly: "You should really learn to be a good wife."

Before Yi Xiaoyin could speak, Xia Xia said: "Actually, Mrs. Yiyi, it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, as long as Mrs. Meimei believes in me, it's ok, um, Mrs. Meimei is much better than you, she You will definitely believe me."

Yi Xiaoyin was stunned for a while, in fact, she really thought about telling Song Yumei about these things, and then let Xia Xia and Song Yumei conflict, but after hearing this, she suddenly found out that she actually did it without any reason. Meaning, now Xia Xia has such a good excuse, and it really has nothing to do with him on the surface, even if Song Yumei has doubts, she will convince herself of Xia Xia's statement.

A woman always believes in the answers she wants, and Song Yumei is no exception.

After a long silence, Yi Xiaoyin asked again, "Since the police have already asked your Tiandao team for help, why haven't you done it yet?"

Yi Xiaoyin knew something about the Tiandao Group, but when Meier and Xia Xia talked about it not long ago, they didn't avoid Yi Xiaoyin.

"Wife Yiyi, you're a little stupid!" Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin a little puzzled, "It is said that women in love will become stupid, um, Mrs Yiyi, you must like me too much, so you become stupid. "

"Why am I stupid?" Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed, this bastard is really narcissistic!

"Don't worry, wife Yiyi, in fact, it's okay for women to be stupid. My other wives are all smart, but if you are stupid, you will be different." Xia Xia smiled, "So, I should like you more. "

"Your liking is really special!" Yi Xiaoyin suddenly burst into anger, "Are you all treating the women you like like me?"

Xia Tian looked at Yi Xiaoyin innocently: "Wife Yiyi, I have always been very kind to you."

"Good to me? You actually said you've always been good to me?" Yi Xiaoyin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and roared at Xia Xia, "You bastard raped me, tortured me all night, and you did that kind of beast to me. After the bad things, how dare you say that you have always been good to me? Do you want to be ashamed?"

In fact, when Yi Xiaoyin saw Xia Xia before, she was not so excited. Even every time Xia Xia called her wife, she didn't object, but the more Xia Xia did for her, the more she couldn't restrain her. Thinking of that nightmarish night, especially when she was about to experience such a nightmare again today, made her unable to calm down any longer, and now it broke out completely.

"Wife Yiyi, I think I've been really good to you." Xia Xia nodded seriously, "You did so many things that were bad for me before, and you almost killed a few of my wives, That night, you threatened me again. Do you know how many people in this world who have threatened me and killed my wife are still alive?

? But you are still alive, and I have kindly turned you into my wife. Don't you know that being my wife is actually a blessing? So, wife Yiyi, I'm really good to you, even better than all my other wives, because none of my other wives have done as many things as you shouldn't. "

"What kind of bastard logic do you have?" Yi Xiaoyin gritted her teeth, "I almost killed your wife, you can kill me, why do you insult me?"

"Wife Yiyi, my logic is actually very simple. Men who want to hurt me will become dead. Women who want to hurt me will also become dead if they are ugly. If they are beautiful, they will become dead. Wife." Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin seriously, "No one can change what I decide, I decided to make you my wife, you are my wife, and my logic is as simple as that."

"In the final analysis, you are just using your powerful abilities to do whatever you want!" Yi Xiaoyin's chest rose and fell rapidly, obviously she was not calm at the moment, "What's the difference between you and Guan Jianxiong?"

"Of course there is a difference." Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin seriously, "I'm better than him, and I'm more tasteful than him."

"You!" Yi Xiaoyin was in a hurry for a while, her chest heaving more violently. In front of Xia Tian, ​​she had never been able to calm down, and today is no exception, and now, she is even less calm than usual.

"Wife Yiyi, you are destined to be my wife, this is something that can't be changed." Xia Tian suddenly held Yi Xiaoyin's hand, and a wisp of ice and fire aura penetrated into her body, making Yi Xiaoyin calm down instantly.

Yi Xiaoyin didn't struggle, she just looked at Xia Xia with a strange look, and didn't speak for a few minutes.

"Wife Yiyi, just a few minutes ago was your best time." Xia Xia first broke the silence.

Yi Xiaoyin suddenly pulled out her hand, but these few minutes made her truly calm down. What she said in the summer just now made her understand that some things cannot be avoided all the time. Now, it is Time to make it clear.

For a long time, although Yi Xiaoyin hated Xia Tian in her heart, in fact, she maintained an ambiguous relationship with Xia Xia. Now everyone in the capital thinks that she Yi Xiaoyin is Xia Xia's real woman, and the reason In this way, the reason is actually very simple. On the one hand, she cannot get rid of Xia Xia's entanglement, and on the other hand, it is because she has been using Xia Xia's ability consciously or unintentionally to help her achieve her goals.

The latter reason can even be said to be the most important reason. She needs to improve the vulva acupuncture method, and she also needs to become the master of yin medicine. To achieve these two goals, she needs Xia Xia's help.

Now, both of her goals have been achieved, and as she expected, they were achieved with the help of Xia Xia, but now, she also understands more that it is not the way to be ambiguous with Xia Xia all the time, she does not know Xia Xia How about patience, but she believes that this bastard who once brought her nightmares will not always have such good patience. He has given her so many benefits, and he must want to repay, and she also knows what he wants in return. , that she willingly threw herself into her arms.

"There are some things, I want to make it clear to you." Yi Xiaoyin didn't want to continue like this. She felt very tired. After the goal was achieved, it did not make her feel relieved, but made her feel very tired, and she seemed to lose it all at once. The motivation, and the other goal, the goal of revenge against Xia Xia, made her see no hope. Xia Xia's current strength has long exceeded the scope of human beings.

"Wife Yiyi, what do you want to say?" Xia Xia asked with a smile.

"I know you have helped me a lot, you have given me a hospital worth tens of billions of dollars, you have also helped me improve the acupuncture method of the vagina, you have also helped me win the position of the master of the doctor, and you have saved Ah Jiu. My life, taught me martial arts, helped me and A Jiufa Mao wash the marrow, and changed my physique. It can be said that any of these things you have done can make another woman willingly commit to you, But I want to tell you that no matter what you do, I will never be willing to be your woman, because I will never forget what you did that night." Yi Xiaoyin's voice was quite calm at the moment, " If you regret doing all this for me, you can take back everything, and if you want me, you have only one way, and that is to do the shameless act you once did again, to make me willing, but It will never be possible."

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