Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1510 There will definitely be a lot of people scolding me

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"But she is the richest man." Xia Xia looked at Lan Yiren innocently, "I remember that beautiful sister has been the richest man these years."

"The richest man is Ye Mengying, the president of Shenyi Group..." Lan Yiren said here, suddenly stunned, "You, you don't mean that Ye Mengying is your beautiful sister, right? Don't tell me she is your sister, she is The surname is Ye."

"Of course she's not my sister, she's my wife." Xia Xia smiled, "Little Yiyi wife, I'll tell you a secret, in fact, I'm the major shareholder of Shenyi Group, but now you all only know beautiful women. Sister, so the richest man is her."

"You, you're not kidding?" Lan Yiren was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe this matter. The richest man with a famous beauty is also this guy's wife?

This is too outrageous, right?

"I'm never joking." Xia Xia looked serious, "Because I'm a genius doctor, that's why there's a genius doctor group. Wife Xiao Yiyi, can't you even think of this?"

Lan Yiren complained in her heart, she could only think of a ghost. Seeing that this guy is wearing a pair of slippers now, who would think about his relationship with the richest man?

Besides, she doesn't even believe that this is true.

"If you are really Ye Mengying's husband, why is there no news about you on the Internet?" Lan Yiren thought it was incredible. Before this guy said that he was Zhao Yuji Ankeke's husband. You must know that these people are celebrities. For their private affairs, the media They will be very concerned. If Xia Xia is really related to them, why can't I find any news related to him online?

"It seems that a few years ago, the fairy wife deleted all my information online." Xia Xia said casually: "They said that if I didn't delete it, many people would definitely scold me."

Not to mention, Lan Yiren can still understand this sentence. If Xia Xia was really Zhao Yuji, An Keke, Ye Mengying and their husbands, there would definitely be people who scold him on the Internet every day, and even she would want to scold him.

"Your little goblin wife is so powerful that she can delete all the information on the Internet?" Lan Yiren still didn't believe it, how could anyone be so powerful.

"Little Leprechaun's wife is the most powerful hacker in the world. Of course, you can delete it if you want." Xia Xia smiled, "Little Yiyi wife, if you don't believe it, I can prove it."

"How can you prove it?" Lan Yiren obviously didn't believe it.

"Wife Xiao Yiyi, do you have a computer here?" Xia Tian blinked.

"Yes, there is it over there." Lan Yi pointed to not far away.

"Little Yiyi wife, there is nothing important in your computer, right?" Xia Xia asked again: "When I prove it to you, your computer will be destroyed by the little fairy wife, and nothing will be left in it. of."

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Lan Yiren was a little unconvinced, but still decided to change a computer, "Well, use that computer, that is for playing, nothing important."

Lan Yiren got up and walked to a computer, then looked at Xia Xia: "How do you want to prove it?"

"Little Yiyi's wife, let's make a bet. If I can prove that the little goblin wife is a hacker, you can be my wife." Xia Xia wanted to make a bet with Lan Yiren, thinking that he used betting in those days. I won a Jingjing wife, and now it's not bad to win another one.

"I don't want to bet with you." Lan Yiren was not fooled, "If you don't want to prove it, it's fine."

Xia Xia said to himself: "Why don't you all bet anymore? The same is true for Yiyi's wife. Is it because gambling is banned now?"

"Summer, how are you going to prove it?" Lan Yiren was a little helpless, "The computer is on, you can go straight to it."

"Oh, Mrs. Yiyi, you can do it yourself." Xia Xia said casually: "Actually, it's very simple. You just need to search for a sentence on the Internet. For example, the little goblin is a big idiot, and then you will know the result."

"That's it?" Lan Yiren didn't believe it, but he still opened the search engine and typed in this sentence: "The little goblin is a big idiot."

Enter, search.

After a second.

Computer black screen.

"You are the big idiot, the super big idiot, I am the invincible beautiful girl goblin, your computer is about to be formatted, and the countdown starts now... ten... no nine... formatting in progress..." These words appeared on the computer , and Lan Yiren was immediately stunned, she just watched her computer completely formatted.

After a good freshman year, Lan Yicai turned to look at Xia Xia: "Well, what the hell is going on here?"

"Oh, little Yiyi's wife, I don't really understand it, but the little goblin's wife is very boring. There are various programs set up everywhere on the Internet. As long as someone scolds her or speaks ill of her, these programs will automatically start, and then attack Your computer is basically like this." Although Xia Xia didn't know much about these things, the goblin's wife had told him, so he still knew what was going on.

Lan Yiren felt that she was completely dumbfounded. She actually didn't want to believe Xia Xia's words, but now, she had to believe it, because the truth was right in front of her.

However, it is impossible for her to completely believe in Xia Xia, because she has always found it hard to believe that Xia Xia can have so many wives. The key is that every wife sounds quite powerful, whether it is Zhao Yuji An Keke or Witch Mengmeng You. Or the richest man Ye Mengying, and Yi Xiaoyin, each of them is the dream of every man, but now, it seems that they are all summer wives?

But the Lanyi people actually found something in common from these women, that is, they did

They are actually quite beautiful, and even she has no advantage in front of them, and, amazingly, according to public information, none of them seem to be married.

In fact, considering their age, they are not too young. In my impression, they are basically in their thirties. Although they look young, most of the normal women have another half when they reach this age. , but they did not have an affair with anyone.

Yes, especially a big star like Ankeke Zhao Yuji didn't have any scandals with anyone. This is really not normal, because for a star, even if there is no other half, there will be a lot of scandals in life. .

Now it seems that it is normal for their scandals to be deliberately suppressed. For example, this little goblin, she just searched for a bad word, and the computer was hacked. If she didn't let others talk about Zhao Yuji and their scandals, Should be able to do it.

"Hey, wait, you call Zhao Yuji the big goblin wife, so what does this little goblin wife have to do with Zhao Yuji?" Lan Yiren suddenly discovered the problem with this title.

"Little Yiyi wife, you are really stupid, of course the little goblin wife is the big goblin wife's sister." Xia Xia looked at Lan Yiren like a fool.

Lan Yiren was a little speechless, this guy took some random names, can you blame her? He also called her Xiao Yiyi's wife, but she was not Yi Xiaoyin's sister!

After thinking for a while, Lan Yiren took out her mobile phone again and started to search the magic doctor group on the Internet. She still couldn't believe everything Xia Xia said. Although many things seemed to be true, she always thought it was too bizarre.

"Huh?" With this search, Lan Yiren found big news about the Divine Doctor Group, "Hey, Ye Mengying resigned as the president of the Divine Doctor Group."

"The beautiful sister also went out to play with them, so of course she can't continue to be the president." Xia Xia was not surprised by this.

"The new president is her cousin..." Lan Yiren said to himself there.

"Cousin?" Xia Tian was a little surprised, "Let me see, is that girl Su Beibei?"

"You know this new president?" Lan Yiren opened Su Beibei's profile on the Internet, and exclaimed, "Wow, it's beautiful!"

"Well, this girl is a lot more beautiful when she grows up." Xia Xia looked at the photo, "She always wanted to be my wife before, but she has a bad figure and a bad temper, so I didn't want her."

Lan Yiren stared at Xia Xia, wondering whether to laugh or cry, can this guy stop bragging like this?

"Didn't you say you're short of a wife?" Lan Yiren snorted, "Su Beibei is also very beautiful, looks prettier than me, and has a good figure, since she wants to be your wife so much, what are you doing? Why don't you go find her?"

"Huh? Wife Xiao Yiyi, you are right." Xia Xia looked like she had just reacted, "Well, just right, I will call her and ask her if she wants to be my wife."

"Do you have her phone number?" Lan Yiren was a little disbelieving.

"I think about it, um, I seem to remember her phone number." Xia Xia really remembered Su Beibei's phone number, and then she really picked up her phone and dialed Su Beibei's number.

"I'm Su Beibei." The call was quickly connected over there, and the voice was cold and moving.

"Baby girl, I'm short of a wife right now, you can be my wife." Xia Xia said immediately.

"Go away!" The phone hung up.

Xia Xia was depressed. She obviously wanted to be his wife before, why is it different now?

At this moment, Jianghai City, Divine Doctor Group.

In the president's office, Su Beibei is also in a bad mood. Su Beibei, who is 27 years old this year, has just graduated from the university. She only got her doctorate degree a month ago.

Originally, she planned to go out to play for a while, but just a week ago, her richest cousin found her and said that she wanted to make her the new president of the Magic Doctor Group.

At first, she thought that her cousin was just joking, but then she found out that it was true. At that time, she didn't care too much. Even if she wanted to be the president, it wouldn't be a big deal to have her help. However, just yesterday, her cousin disappeared, and then, What made her even more panic was that she learned that the entire Immortal Island had disappeared, and the people on the Immortal Island had also disappeared!

"That pervert in Xia Xia won't take his cousin... Wait!" Su Beibei was scolding Xia Xia in her heart, when she suddenly felt wrong. In the call just now, the other party's voice seemed to be Xia Xia?

She thought it was a harassing call, but suddenly realized that it was not right. The voice was very familiar, and that sentence...

Didn't that dead pervert in the summer go missing?

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