Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1512 is the most annoying of you idiots

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Lan Yiren has a feeling of going crazy. Can this guy offend people if he doesn't open his mouth? It's not a problem if he doesn't want someone to hug her. She didn't want to hug Shi Yan at all, but can he just not open his mouth? Calling people an idiot!

In fact, Lan Yiren has already discovered that this guy likes to curse people as an idiot. He just says this every time he opens his mouth, and then he directly offends the other party to death.

If it wasn't for this guy fighting so hard, Lan Yiren would have thought that he would have been beaten to death long ago.

"How did you talk?" A cold voice came. It wasn't Shi Yan who spoke, but the man behind him. The man was also tall, but looked a little thin.

"It doesn't matter." Shi Yan smiled, put away his open arms, and still looked at Lan Yiren, "Yiren, is this your boyfriend?"

"It's not a boyfriend, it's a husband!" Xia Xia looked at Shi Yan, "I hate you idiots who like to take advantage of other people's wives. Why don't you take advantage of your wife?"

"I said brother, why are you so angry?" Shi Yan smiled lightly, "I haven't seen Yiren for more than ten years. In foreign countries, hugging is also a kind of etiquette."

"Idiot, this is China!" Xia Xia looked at Shi Yan, "And don't pretend to be an idiot. Idiots all know that you are trying to beat Xiao Yiyi's wife."

"If you curse again, believe it or not I'll break your mouth?" The cold voice sounded again, still from the mouth of the tall and thin man.

"Idiot!" Xia Xia looked at the tall and thin man, "I'll smash your mouth first."


Xia Xia suddenly appeared beside the tall and thin man, and slapped the tall and thin man in the face.

"Uh..." The tall and thin man groaned, and a few teeth flew out of his mouth.

In the next second, the tall and thin man suddenly rushed towards Xia Xia, and his reaction speed was relatively fast.

Unfortunately, in the face of summer, this speed is completely worthless.

"Wait..." Shi Yan hurriedly shouted, but it was too late.

Xia Xia kicked the tall and thin man in the stomach, only to hear a miserable groan, the tall and thin man fell to the ground and passed out directly.

Lan Yiren has the feeling that he wants to cover his face with his hands, this guy is really a violent man, he knocked out another person!

And the whole process was so fast that she didn't have time to stop it.

"Shi Yan, I'm sorry..." Lan Yiren decided to apologize, and it was something she caused.

"Little Yiyi wife, why are you apologizing to that idiot?" Xia Xia interrupted Lan Yiren's words, he appeared beside Lan Yiren in a flash, grabbed Lan Yiren's soft waist, and glared at Shi Yan, " Hey, I'm in a bad mood these two days, so don't bother me, let alone my wife, as an idiot like you!"

"I said brother..." Shi Yan's face was a little ugly.

"Idiot, who is your brother?" Xia Xia looked unhappy, "You are not qualified to be my brother."

"Okay, very good!" The smile on Shi Yan's face finally disappeared completely, "Yiren, no, Miss Lan, it seems that I can't stand up to you, so I will leave first!"

Bending down to pick up the unconscious tall man, Shi Yan turned around and walked towards the Hummer, while the woman gave Xia Xia a cold look, and then followed.

A minute later, the Hummer started, and the three Shi Yan quickly disappeared from the sight of Lan Yiren.

"Xia Tian, ​​are you deliberately trying to offend everyone I know?" Lan Yiren was a little depressed, this guy didn't want her to turn to him, right?

"Little Yiyi wife, I didn't offend them, they offended me." Xia Xia looked innocent, "That idiot actually wants to take advantage of you, that's why he doesn't take me seriously."

"It's just that they just came back from abroad." Lan Yiren was a little speechless. She and Shi Yan knew each other when they were young. Later, I heard that Shi Yan had gone abroad. Judging from Shi Yan's appearance, it was indeed possible that she had just returned from abroad.

Shaking her head, Lan Yiren turned around and walked inside. She couldn't do anything right now. This guy in Xia Tian was too capable of offending people. In just a few minutes, he offended another person severely.

Listening to the meaning of Shi Yan's last sentence, it is obvious that even she has a grudge, but she actually did nothing.

Back in the yard of the clubhouse, Lan Yiren sat down on the sofa, poured herself a glass of wine, drank it all in one gulp, then leaned back and closed her eyes, she really needed silence.

"Little Yiyi's wife, you look very tired. Well, you haven't had a good rest recently. Let me give you a massage and let you have a good night's sleep." Xia Tian's voice sounded in Lan Yiren's ears, and then , she felt two hands fall on her head.

Lan Yiren originally wanted to refuse, but when Xia Xia's fingers really started to massage her head, she found that she didn't want to refuse, because it was really comfortable.

After another minute, Lan Yiren will not refuse, because she is already asleep by this time.

Lan Yiren really didn't rest well recently. After being massaged by Xia Xia, she went straight into a deep sleep, and when she woke up, she found that it was already dark.

This made Lan Yiren startled. He looked down at his clothes subconsciously, and found that they were complete, while he was still on the sofa. It's already past nine o'clock in the evening.

"Wife Xiao Yiyi, are you awake?" A voice suddenly sounded from the side, but it was

It didn't frighten Lan Yiren, because that was the sound of summer.

"Wake up, I'll make a call first." Lan Yiren found that there were several missed calls on her phone, all from her brother Lan Junfeng, so she dialed the number first.

The call was quickly connected, and Lan Junfeng's eager voice came: "Eldest sister, where are you? Why haven't you answered the phone? You're going home soon, something big has happened!"

"What happened?" Lan Yiren asked hurriedly.

"The old man is dying. Come back quickly. They all say that you are so angry with the old man. If he really dies, you will be in big trouble." Lan Junfeng said anxiously, "Anyway, hurry home!"

"Okay, then I'll go back right away." Lan Yiren also knew that this was a big deal.

After hanging up the phone, Lan Yiren hurriedly walked outside. Her Porsche was damaged before, but she still had a BMW, which was also parked outside.

After walking a few steps, Lan Yiren remembered that Xia Xia was still here, and turned to say something, but found that Xia Xia had come to her side, and immediately said nothing.

Lan Yiren quickly drove home in a BMW, and Xia Tian was also in the car. Along the way, Lan Yi person did not speak, nor did Xia Xia speak.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lan Yiren stopped at the entrance of a mansion, got out of the car, and walked inside.

"Eldest sister, come with me..." Lan Junfeng walked towards him, and then saw Xia Xia, and was stunned for a moment, "Eldest sister, why are you still with him..."

"Don't talk about this, go to Grandpa's place." Lan Yiren interrupted Lan Junfeng's words.

Lan Junfeng glanced at Xia Xia and seemed a little dissatisfied, but didn't say anything.

Under the leadership of Lan Junfeng, the three of them quickly came to a large room. This is a bedroom. Although it is very large, it seems a little crowded at the moment, because there are a lot of people in it, men and women, young and old, at least dozens of people.

As soon as the Lan Yi people appeared, these people immediately looked at her, and then they started to speak coldly.

"Yo, isn't this Yiren? Do you know how to come back?"

"Yeah, I'm so angry with the old man, how dare you come back?"

"Yiren, you can see for yourself what you have done. The good Miss Lan family is inappropriate. You have to go to a club. Are you alright now?"

"Lan Yiren, don't say I'm ugly, if the old man really goes, you have to be responsible..."

"That's right, you can't escape the responsibility of being mad at the old man!"


This person, you said to me, it seems that no one really cares about the life and death of the old man on the bed, and the old man lying on the bed is indeed dying at the moment, and it seems that he is not far from death.

"Enough, I don't want to rob you of the inheritance!" Lan Yiren said coldly: "Isn't that what you said so much? I don't want any other property except my Yiren Pavilion at that time. !"

"Eldest sister, how does this work?" Lan Junfeng said quickly.

"Lan Yiren, don't talk about property. Our Lan family is being suppressed by the other three families. This can't be solved if you don't need property." A young man continued, "The old man is also angry because of this As your condition worsens, do you think it's alright if you just don't want property?"

"Lan Junjie, what else do you want?" Lan Yiren said coldly, this Lan Junjie is her cousin, and he doesn't usually have a good relationship with her.

Lan Yiren is the oldest among the younger generation, but her status in the Lan family is actually not high. Before, the family expected her to marry a good man, so on the surface, no one treated her, but now, everyone I will no longer be so polite to Lan Yi people.

Of course, there is another reason for this, that is, Lan Yiren's parents have been dead for many years. As Lan Junfeng said before, the one who really cares about her in this family is actually his younger brother.

"Lan Yiren, I advise you to marry Qin Haiyue. He has already said that as long as you go to his house tonight, you will not care about other things." Lan Junjie snorted softly, "You are really married, but you are still the same. Our eldest lady of the Lan family... uh!"

Before Lan Junjie finished speaking, he let out a scream, but Xia Tian suddenly appeared in front of him and kicked him to the ground.

"It bothers you idiots the most." Xia Xia was a little displeased, and then looked at Lan Yiren, "Little Yiyi wife, that old man was obviously poisoned, and these idiots have wronged you. They are all idiots."

"What?" Lan Yiren's pretty face changed, "You said that grandpa was poisoned?"

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