Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1529 I will not despise you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Lan Yiren had also imagined that special day. In her imagination, she finally found a man she liked, and then, at a very special time, she chose a very quiet place and used a romantic way to complete the important task. moment.

In Lan Yiren's imagination, it would be better if this day was the wedding day. If not, it would be acceptable, but no matter what time it is, there should be a sense of ceremony. She feels that it is something that needs to be taken seriously. time.

But now, what is this?

Although Lan Yiren doesn't really hate Xia Xia, and is quite curious about his mystery and power, but if they like him, it seems to be a long way off. After all, they have only known each other for two days. It's too difficult to make her Lan Yiren like a man. You know, she never believed in love at first sight.

Some scenes flashed through Lan Yiren's mind quickly. There were quite a few things that happened to her and Xia Xia, but all these things, in the final analysis, were very simple, that is, Xia Xia fell in love with her and decided to let her be him His wife, uh, is the concubine, and now he is going to put her to sleep, and she has no say in the whole process.

Should she object?

Lan Yiren's mind was a little confused, and her whole body was a little dazed, until suddenly, Xia Tian's voice sounded in her ear: "Little Yiyi wife, look, your figure has really gotten better."

These words made Lan Yiren wake up suddenly, and then she suddenly found that she could move and speak, and her eyes could be opened.

Then, she saw herself.

To be precise, it is herself in the mirror, because she is standing in front of the mirror at the moment, um, she is wearing nothing, as for Xia, she is standing behind her.

However, Lan Yiren still didn't speak. Looking at herself in the mirror, she was a little dazed. Is this really me?

The face is still the same face, the nose is the same nose, the eyes are still the same pair of eyes, the chest... what are you thinking?

Lan Yiren touched her cheek with her hand, and the person in the mirror also touched her cheek. It seems that she is really herself, but the question is, on the whole, why does she feel like she has changed completely? ?

Oh, by the way, it's the skin. It seems that her skin has improved all of a sudden. Although her skin was pretty good before, when compared with the current one, the previous skin can only be rated 8 points, and it's still a 100-point scale. As for now, that That's one hundred points.


It feels good to the touch.

I want to touch more.

No, when Lan Yiren found the man in the mirror, he couldn't help but touch his face a few more times, and then he also touched his body a few times. Then, Lan Yiren sighed in his heart that he felt so good.

No wonder Xia Xia said that her figure has gotten better. Even she likes this figure very much. It has indeed changed a lot.

oh, no...

Lan Yiren finally remembered that she hadn't dressed yet.

And Lan Yiren immediately found that the clothes were beside him, so he stretched out his hand to get the clothes, and Xia Xia spoke again at this time: "Little Yiyi wife, don't wear that clothes."

Lan Yiren immediately reacted, how could this guy make her put on her clothes again under such circumstances? Unless he's not a man.

"Wife Xiao Yiyi, wear this." Xia Xia handed Lan Yiren a bathrobe at this time.

Lan Yiren was a little stunned. She instinctively took the bathrobe and muttered to herself, is this guy really not a man?

But it doesn't make sense, why is he looking for so many wives if it's not a man?

But how can a man let her wear clothes under such circumstances, is this guy abnormal?

At this thought, Lan Yiren was suddenly relieved. She just remembered that this guy has not been normal since the beginning.

Although she was full of doubts, Lan Yiren hurriedly put on the bathrobe, but she was a little reluctant and wanted to look at herself in the mirror, but she still resisted the urge and managed to put on the clothes. , If the guy beside him suddenly gets up and throws her down here, it will be too late to regret it.

"Why don't you let me wear these clothes..." Lan Yiren decided to change the subject at this time, and asked while picking up his long skirt, "Ah, it smells so bad, I'll wash it first."

There was a washing machine in the suite, and it was in the bathroom. She tucked her skirt into the washing machine, poured some laundry detergent into it, and pressed the power switch of the washing machine.


The washing machine is broken.

Lan Yiren was also dumbfounded, what's going on here?

"Little Yiyi's wife, you just had a relatively powerful power, and you're not used to it, so I want to teach you to control your power first." Xia Xia said at this time, "Otherwise, you will break a lot by accident. It can also kill people accidentally.”

"Well, I broke the washing machine?" Lan Yiren was a little confused, she, does she have such strength?

"Yeah, little Yiyi's wife, anyway, you're more powerful now, uh, come on, let's move to another place, I'll teach you to control your power first." Xia Xia couldn't help but take the Lan Yi person out of the bathroom, of course, this The next time he did not leave the suite, but came to the swimming pool in the suite.

That's right, this presidential suite has a very large indoor swimming pool, and then, in the summer, he threw the Lanyi person into the swimming pool directly, and as for him, he also jumped into the swimming pool.

"Come on, Mrs. Xiao Yiyi, you should try to exercise first. You have already learned the mental method before. You must first be able to control the extra spiritual energy in your body before you can really control the strength..." Xia Xia was already very experienced in this. Although I haven't done this for more than ten years, I am still familiar with it.

Although Lan Yiren had a lot of confusion, she didn't ask much, and soon began to do what Xia Xia said. First, she started to learn to move, and then she learned to control her strength. Xia Xian even taught her some simple moves. , let her attack Xia Xia directly in the pool, which also allows her to learn control faster.

Time passed quickly, Lan Yiren actually learned quite fast. By the time it got dark, she had basically gotten used to it all, and she had already begun to have the basic consciousness of being a cultivator. Well, of course, this She also suffered a lot in the afternoon, and was taken advantage of by Xia Tian.

However, Lan Yiren still suspects that the summer may not be normal. With her current figure, she is wearing nothing in the swimming pool. How does this guy control it?

"Little Yiyi wife, we can do business now." Xia Xia's voice woke Lan Yi from her messy thoughts. Then, she turned around and realized that something was wrong. Xia Xia was watching with a rather fiery look. she.

And this look made her suddenly realize that this abnormal guy seemed to have become a normal man, which also meant that something was likely to happen soon.

"Ah, that, husband, I'm hungry, let's go eat first." Lan Yiren jumped up from the pool, put on his bathrobe again, and ran into the room without turning his head.

In fact, this is not entirely an excuse. She is really hungry, and she feels very hungry at the moment. I don't know if it is because she consumed too much during the afternoon practice.

However, Lan Yiren soon discovered the problem again, that is, her clothes have not been washed, and there is no change of clothes here, and the washing machine is broken, even if she wants to wash it now, it is too late.

However, Lan Yi people are very experienced in dealing with this kind of thing. She called the front desk of the hotel directly, and soon a waiter came to get the clothes to wash. As for the matter of being hungry, she also directly asked the waiter to deliver some Come to eat.

This is the presidential suite, and these basic services are still available.

After making these arrangements, Lan Yiren found that there was another person next to her, and turned around to see that it was Xia Xia sitting there, looking at her with a strange look.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Lan Yiren said with a hint of anger, "Have you not seen enough?"

Inadvertently, the tone of Lan Yiren and Xia Xia has actually become a lot more intimate, and the reason for this is also traced to Anda. Today, she and Xia Xia have had too many intimate physical contacts. This kind of contact Unconsciously, it made her feel closer to Summer psychologically.

"Little Yiyi's wife, I've only watched it for a while, how can I see enough?" Xia Xia shook his head, "I think the fairy sisters and the long-legged sisters haven't seen enough of them for many years."

After a pause, Xia Tian added: "But the fairy sister and the long-legged sister have better figures than you, of course, you don't have to feel inferior, wife Xiao Yiyi, your figure is already very good, and your figure will get better and better. The better, although it's still not as good as the long-legged girl, but I won't despise you either."

Lan Yiren was a little speechless, why did she feel that this guy actually disliked her a bit?

"Who is the girl with long legs? Is she really that good?" Lan Yiren's tone was a little jealous, "Is she better than Yi Xiaoyin?"

"Well, the long-legged girl is my most disobedient wife, but she has the best figure, so she can be so willful." Xia Xia's tone was somewhat depressing. After so many years, the long-legged girl is still like this. Disobedient, cheating on his husband again and again, but he still misses her very much, who made her figure so outrageous.

"Hey, do you have a photo of her?" Lan Yiren really wanted to see what the so-called long-legged girl looked like.

"No." Xia Xia shook his head, then put his arms around Lan Yiren's waist, "Well, to put it simply, the waist of the long-legged girl is one third smaller than your wife's little Yiyi. At least a third bigger, well, it seems more than that."

Lan Yiren roughly imagined, and then found that the long-legged girl in this guy's mouth seems to be a little deformed, and it does not conform to the proportions of normal people!

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