Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1554 Find an opportunity to kill him

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"See for yourself!" Ning Ruirui stretched out her hand in front of Xia Tian.

Xia Tian glanced at it, and then replied: "Long-legged girl, although your hands are pretty good-looking, but your legs are not as good-looking as yours, and I like to look at legs, but I don't like to look at hands, by the way, your hands have suffered hurt."

"Who told you to look at your hands?" Ning Ruirui was annoyed, "Look at your phone!"

"What's so good about a mobile phone?" Xia Xian was a little puzzled, "Your mobile phone is quite broken, and mine is not new."

Ning Ruirui collapsed a little: "I'm letting you watch the news on your phone, just the news I opened, you'll die if you read it?"

"I'm not interested in news." Xia Xia said lazily: "Many beauties on the Internet are fake, not as good-looking as my wife, and a lot of news is also fake, it's all nonsense, and the one named Hu Jiawei Where is the pervert? Just tell me, I can go back to Jianghai after I kill him."

"You want to kill Hu Jiawei?" Ning Ruirui found that it was really difficult to communicate with Xia Xia, and let him watch the news, and he was talking so much nonsense, "Then go and fight, he's home, and his home is abroad!"

"Overseas?" Xia Xian was a little depressed. If it was before, foreign countries were quite close to him. Sometimes he would accompany Sister Shenxian to go shopping abroad, but now it is not easy to go abroad.

"Yes, let you watch the news, but don't watch it!" Ning Ruirui took the phone back, "I just saw the news that Hu Jiawei had returned to his hometown over Xingdao, and now the news is overwhelming, what about Prince of Tennis? He survived the avalanche miraculously, there are photos of him and videos of him in the news, in short, he is really alive now!"

"Is there a video? Open it and show it to me." Xia Xia was really curious about this. It stands to reason that the guy shouldn't be alive. Although he didn't kill the pervert on the spot, the avalanche situation at that time, plus Hu Jiawei's ability should definitely die.

Ning Ruirui opened a video on her mobile phone, it was a press conference, and Hu Jiawei said about three minutes in the press conference, roughly saying that he suffered an avalanche, but God blessed him and survived a miracle, so he later Will no longer participate in the competition, concentrate on charity and the like.

Well, it's like a retirement announcement.

"It's really strange. Not to mention how he survived, he didn't mention me from the beginning to the end. Logically speaking, shouldn't he come to trouble me?" Ning Ruirui was a little puzzled, "Could it be? Is he afraid that I will tell his scandal? But if he slaps him at such a time, it will be very difficult for me to refute."

"Well, this idiot is really alive." Xia Xia also confirmed that the Hu Jiawei in the video is really the pervert he encountered on the snowy mountain, and this pervert is really alive and well.

As for why this person is still alive, Xia Xia can't figure it out, and basically, he has no plans to find out. The reason is very simple. He is not in the mood to go abroad now.

"Hey, what are we going to do now?" Ning Ruirui was very worried about this. "Or if I call the police and arrest him, will you testify for me?"

"Little long-legged girl, why are you still so stupid?" Xia Xia shook his head, "Eat more papaya to boost your IQ."

"You're stupid!" Ning Ruirui was very annoyed, but she even said that eating papaya can boost her IQ. She only heard people say that eating papaya can boost her breasts...

Hey, no, this dead rascal is talking about her small breasts again!

"Little long-legged girl, first, it's useless to call the police, no one believes that I am on the top of that mountain, and second, if I have the time to testify, I can kill that idiot directly, so I came up with such an idea. You are obviously stupid." Xia Xia said lazily: "Well, I don't like to play with beauties with low IQs, I'll go back to Jianghai first, if this idiot named Hu Jiawei comes to China, you can tell me Me, I'll just find a chance to kill him."

Xia Xia disliked Guicheng very much now. Even if Ah Jiu and Ning Ruirui were here, it would not be enough for him to stay, so after saying this, he really turned around and ran away.

Ning Ruirui was helpless, but she could only decide to leave it alone and wait until Hu Jiawei really came to trouble her.

At this moment, the Divine Doctor Group.

Lan Yiren woke up again, and this time, she finally woke up.

Without seeing Summer, Lan Yiren got up and walked into the bathroom, washed his face, and then walked out.

At this moment, a person is walking into the president's office, beautiful and sexy, it is Su Beibei.

Originally, Su Beibei wanted to avoid summer first and stop coming here, but the problem is, this is her office, she still has to come here to deal with some things, no, she still has to come back.

Seeing Lan Yiren, Su Beibei was stunned for a while, and looked around Lan Yiren subconsciously. She breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't see Xia Xia, but she didn't plan to talk to Lan Yiren, so she sat directly in her seat. down.

"Well, hello, Mr. Su." Lan Yiren took the initiative to speak, "I am Lan Yiren, blue Lan, the Yiren from Yiren Pavilion."

"Oh?" Su Beibei was a little interested in Lan Yiren's self-introduction. "That Yiren in Yiren Pavilion, no wonder that satyr in Xia Xian is interested in you."

After a pause, Su Beibei said again: "But forget it, I'm not interested in chatting with you. Go and accompany the dead pervert, lest the pervert just run away and harass me."

"Well, in fact, I went to Guicheng in the summer. It seems that Yi Xiaoyin has something to do with him." Lan Yiren was a little helpless, "I'm not too familiar with this place, if you don't mind, Mr. Su

, I'll sit here for a while. "

"What opinion can I have?" Su Beibei looked at Lan Yiren with strange eyes. "You are his wife, but I am not. This company belongs to him. If you want to drive me away, you can."

Su Beibei said this very directly, which is actually a fact.

"Here, Mr. Su, you seem to have some opinions on me?" Lan Yiren was not stupid, so he naturally saw that Su Beibei didn't like her very much.

"No, I'm just not happy with that dead satyr, and I'm also not happy with you women who are foolishly taken advantage of by him, just like my cousin, busy helping the dead satyr make money, and being bullied by him from time to time!" Su Beibei snorted softly one sound.

After a pause, Su Beibei looked at Lan Yiren: "Hey, this Miss Lan Yiren, I'm a little curious, haven't you known him for a long time? Did he succeed so quickly?"

"Mr. Su, not long ago, I was the eldest lady of the Lan family in Guicheng, and our Lan family is also one of the four major families in Guicheng. I was also crowned as the first beauty in Guicheng by those people, and I looked very beautiful. But after that, it didn't take long for me to say that I lost everything, was driven away by my family, and my younger brother betrayed me." Lan Yiren smiled lightly, "It's true that I didn't know my husband for a long time, and I never thought that I would be like this. Let a man succeed soon, but it is actually quite interesting to be with him."

"Oh, in fact, I'm just a little curious, didn't that satyr use force against you?" Su Beibei looked serious.

"Uh, this, I really don't." Lan Yiren was stunned. "He likes to take advantage, but he doesn't use force."

After a little hesitation, Lan Yiren couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Su, why are you asking this question?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just ask casually." Su Beibei naturally wouldn't tell Lan Yiren that she was actually a little worried about Xia Xia's use of force on her. What should she do if the bastard was really hard on her?

The reason why Su Beibei is so worried is that Su Beibei always feels that Xia Xia's eyes are not right now.

"Well, no, I have to think of a way." Su Beibei felt that she was very unsafe now, so she didn't want to be so cheap as the dead pervert in the summer, she wanted the pervert to see that he couldn't eat it, or he wouldn't be able to vent his anger!

But the problem is, if the pervert is really crazy, it will be troublesome, so Su Beibei thinks he should find some protection for himself.

Looking at Lan Yiren, Su Beibei muttered to herself, this is worthy of the number one beauty in Guicheng. She has a pretty good face and figure, especially her figure, which doesn't seem to be worse than her, and her charming aura seems to be more attractive than her.

"There seems to be a way." Su Beibei suddenly had an idea, and then said, "Miss Lan, have you been to Jianghai before?"

"This is my first time here." Lan Yiren shook his head.

"Miss Lan, you just said you lost everything, so, I think, you don't have a job now, do you?" Su Beibei asked again.

"This, really not." Lan Yiren nodded, a little confused, what is Su Beibei trying to do?

"Then, Miss Lan, do you want to work?" Su Beibei asked again.

"Mr. Su, of course I still want to work. After all, I can't do nothing every day." Lan Yiren is sincere about this, and she doesn't want to accompany Xia in bed every day.

"Then, Miss Lan, would you be willing to let you be my special assistant and manage the Divine Doctor Group together?" Su Beibei asked.

"Ah?" Lan Yiren stayed for a while, she really didn't expect Su Beibei to give her a job.

"Miss Lan, in fact, I told you just now that the Divine Doctor Group belongs to the summer in essence, and it can also be said to belong to you. Of course, it used to be managed by my cousin, but now I can't say anything casual. Transfer it to someone else, but in fact I don't have enough management experience, if you can help me, that would be great." Su Beibei said quickly, "I originally wanted you to be a vice president, but I feel , it would be better for the two of us to handle things together."

Su Beibei naturally wouldn't let Lan Yiren become the vice president, because she really needed Lan Yiren to stay with her for a long time. In this case, if the dead pervert in the summer was in heat, she could also let Lanyiren be the shield, and This is what she just came up with.

As for whether Lan Yiren is capable and reliable, in fact, Su Beibei is not too worried. Anyway, Lan Yiren is the wife whom Xia Xia found. Even if something goes wrong, it is Xia Xia's problem.

"This, Mr. Su, I, should I ask my husband first?" Lan Yiren was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

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