Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1565 Goblin Network

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Xia was a little curious about his goblin wife running to open a killer website, so he continued to chat with the good baby on WeChat, and it didn't take long for him to finally figure out the ins and outs.

In fact, the goblin did not open a killer website, but the gillnet website was indeed made by the goblin.

More than ten years ago, the goblin was keen to break into various websites, but later, she began to discover that there were no websites that she could not break in the world. Found a breakthrough, it is said that many criminal organizations have been eliminated like this.

But here comes the problem. The little goblin finds that she has no more websites to hack, which makes her feel very bored. If she doesn't hack hundreds of websites a day, she will feel uncomfortable, and if the websites are always easy to be hacked , is not too interesting to her, so the boring goblin decides to make a website that no one can break.

Of course, in essence, this is to make a security system that no one can break, and I don't know how much time it took for the little goblin, but she succeeded in the end.

There is just one more website in the world, called the Goblin Network. This Goblin Network is open to everyone. Anyone can open a forum on it, or establish a relatively independent sub-site, and they don't have to worry about being hacked by anyone.

Xia Xia didn't quite understand the specific situation. All he knew was that the Goblin Network has now become a shared network for countless organizations, and the gillnet is one of them. It is said that the Goblin can't hack this website now. I didn't give myself any administrator rights, so now, the good baby can't hack this website.

"My dear, why are you so familiar with the goblin thing? What is your relationship with the goblin wife?" Xia Xia was very curious about this question.

"I won't tell you." This is the baby's response.

This also makes Xia Xia feel again that the good baby is not worthy of the name, and is not good at all.

However, considering that the good baby often helps him with things, he will not pursue this. As for the relationship between the good baby and the goblin, he doesn't care much now.

"Wife Xiao Yiyi, I went to find Beibei's girl, and maybe a killer is looking for her now." Xia Xia said to Lan Yiren at this time: "Also, wife Xiao Yiyi, ask the security guard not to let people go casually. Come in, there should be killers here too, they will think that girl Beibei is still here."

"I know." Lan Yiren replied, she obviously didn't care much about this matter, after all, she is not an ordinary person now, usually, killers are not a threat to her.

Xia Xia walked out of the president's office again. This time he really went out. In fact, he did not leave the genius doctor building immediately, but first walked around the genius doctor group, and then he knocked out four people.

Carrying these four people with both hands to the door of the Divine Doctor Group, Xia Xia threw them on the ground, and then said to the two security guards at the door: "Find a few people to watch them first."

The two security guards looked at each other, and after a while, one of the security guards asked, "This, they, what happened to them?"

"Those two are killers, that one is a thief, and the one who is going to indecently assault the female employee." Xia Xia said casually, "Don't rush to the police, I'll watch it here for a while, there should be a killer coming later."

The two security guards looked at each other, and then quickly reported to the top.

Not long after, a few more security guards appeared, and at this moment, these security guards have been ordered to obey Xia Xia's order.

Afterwards, Xia Xia moved a stool and sat at the door. In fact, he could tell at a glance whether a person was a killer, and he believed that there would be killers coming to the Divine Doctor Group.

The reason is very simple. Everyone can take the task posted on Thorn Online, and the 10 million reward is in US dollars, which is enough to make many killers take heart. The killer codenamed 123 is just an ordinary level, and even he has already arrived. Divine Doctor Group, there must be other killers who have also arrived in Jianghai.

In the previous summer, he found two killers in a circle of the Divine Doctor Group, which proved that his judgment was correct. Now, Xia Xia decided to arrest a few more killers.

Well, it's not actually to deter the killer or anything, it's mainly because he plans to find Su Beibei later and needs something to kill time.

After half an hour.

A woman appeared.

"Two eldest brothers, I'm here to apply for a job..." The woman spoke very nicely, but before she could finish her words, she was knocked down by Xia Xia and thrown into the gate.

"That, Mr. Xia, is this woman also a killer?" a security guard asked suspiciously.

"That's right." Xia Xia said lazily: "She has a knife and a gun on her body, you can look for it."

The security guard really went to search, this search, really found the gun, but not the knife.

"The knife is on the sole." Xia Tian said lazily at this time.

The security did as he was told, and then, really found a knife.

"Mr. Xia, you are really amazing." The security guard immediately accepted.

Xia Xia didn't care about other people's worship. In the next few hours, people still walked into the Divine Doctor Building from time to time. Most of them went in smoothly, but Xia Xia still knocked out two people.

until it's time for get off work.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you can just call the police and let them take people away." Xia Xia also decided to get off work. When he knocked out these killers, he actually detected them at the same time.

The strength of their hands, these killers are very ordinary, not even as good as the previous killer code-named 123.

Xia Xia was sure that these killers would not pose a threat to the Lanyi people.

"Well, maybe the more powerful ones will go to Girl Beibei." Xia Xia thinks so for no reason. A truly qualified killer must at least find out whether the target is inside or not. These people are not sure about Su Bei at all. When Bei was in the Magician's Building, he just wanted to break in, obviously not a good killer.

Those truly qualified killers may have found Su Beibei, and at this moment, they may be looking for an opportunity to attack.

Of course, it may have already started.

However, in fact, Su Beibei has not encountered a killer yet.

In Jianghai International Airport, in the VIP lounge, Su Beibei is reading a fashion magazine.

At this moment, Su Beibei is still a little proud. She thinks that Xia Xia will never think that she will go abroad, and even if she knows, this guy will definitely not go abroad to find her. In this way, she can play slowly abroad.

"Mr. Su, your dinner." A pleasant voice came.

"Thank you." Su Beibei looked up and saw a pretty flight attendant standing in front of her.

The dinner looked quite delicate. Although it was nothing to Su Beibei, she was in a good mood and had a good appetite. In addition, she was really hungry, so she ate quite deliciously.

After having dinner in a happy mood and drinking another glass of juice, Su Beibei continued to read magazines, but just looking at it, her eyes suddenly felt a little flowery.

"What's the matter?" Su Beibei immediately felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly circulated the spiritual energy in his body. Then, his eyes regained clarity, but his stomach hurt a little.

As soon as he looked up, Su Beibei found that the pretty flight attendant was still standing there, and suddenly felt something was wrong: "You seem to be looking at me here all the time?"

You know, it took Su Beibei about half an hour to eat this dinner, and the flight attendant seemed to be standing here for half an hour. Su Beibei didn't think it was strange before, but now, she found that she had dizziness and stomach pain, It started to feel weird.

"Mr. Su, I'm here to serve you." The pretty flight attendant smiled at Su Beibei, "Do you need anything now?"

"Oh, it's okay." Su Beibei took out her mobile phone. She had turned it off before, but now, she decided to turn it on because she had realized that something was wrong.

Since she washed her marrow in the summer, her body has been in good condition, and she has never had a bad stomach or a dizzy stomach.

"Mr. Su, are you really okay?" The pretty flight attendant looked at Su Beibei with strange eyes.

"Do you think I should be okay?" Su Beibei looked at the beautiful flight attendant and asked indifferently.

"It stands to reason that you should have something to do half an hour ago, but you seem to be okay now. It seems that I still have to use a more direct method." Inside, there was a fork. At this moment, she suddenly picked up the fork and stabbed Su Beibei in the neck.

"I knew there was something wrong with you." Su Beibei snorted softly, raised her legs, came first, and kicked the pretty flight attendant, who groaned and fell to the ground.

"Ah..." There were several exclamations in the VIP room.

Su Beibei stood up, but her body shook involuntarily, which made her feel bad. She was basically sure that she was poisoned, and this poison should not be unusual, otherwise, it would not be good for her. She has such a big impact.

"Girl Bei, you are in good health now. After taking so many poisons, you can still stand still." A voice came from the side at this time, and when she heard this voice, Su Beibei suddenly became angry. Come.

"Hey, when did you come?" Su Beibei turned around and saw Xia Xia.

"I came a long time ago." Xia Xia said lazily: "I came when you first started eating."

"Then you know that my food is poisonous, why didn't you tell me?" Su Beibei was very angry.

"I originally wanted to tell you." Xia Xia said solemnly: "Then, I thought about it, when you are poisoned, I can just wash your marrow for you, so I didn't tell you."

"You bastard, lunatic!" Su Beibei was furious, what kind of person, just because he was looking for a reason to wash her marrow, he actually poisoned her on purpose?


A scream rang out at this moment.

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