Flower Master in the City

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-eight chapters go while playing with your mud

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

A man and a woman appeared at the table. The man was in his twenties. He was dressed a little weirdly. He was wearing a long robe. He looked a bit like the ancient people on TV. He also had long hair. , also tied a small braid.

This dress is very strange, especially in this hot weather, and wearing this robe, it is even more strange.

As for the woman beside the man in the robe, she was also very young, so she was wearing a cheongsam. Although this cheongsam is not suitable for eating crayfish, there are still quite a few people wearing cheongsam these days.

The cheongsam woman is also very beautiful, and her figure is quite good. At least it looks like she can compete with Wanwan.

Of course, compared with Lan Yiren, it would not be the same level at all.

"What a prank!" Qiao Donghai looked at the man in the robe with an impatient face, "I said the boy named Zeng, you would never come to such a place, and you are allergic to shrimp, follow me. What a coincidence? Didn't you just follow me in?"

"Mr. Qiao, you are..." The man in the robe shook his head.

"Okay, don't call me teacher, I'm not your teacher!" Qiao Donghai interrupted impatiently.

"Okay, then, Mr. Qiao, I think you overestimate yourself a bit. I've never been able to follow you. I really don't eat shrimp, but, after all, my family Meimei likes..." The man in the robe didn't say anything this time. After speaking, he was interrupted again.

"Then don't bother me!" Qiao Donghai waved, "Play with your mud!"

"Mr. Qiao seems to be in a very irritable mood now. Is it because the curvy beauty beside you can't satisfy you, or is something wrong with your Qiao family?" disappeared?"

"None of your business?" Qiao Donghai exclaimed, "Don't bother me!"

"Okay, it seems that you are really irritable, Mr. Qiao." The man in the robe looked very satisfied, "Then I won't bother you."

The man in robe hugged the beautiful woman in cheongsam and walked away. After taking two steps, he stopped again and looked back at Wanwan: "By the way, Miss Wanwan, my company welcomes you to join us at any time."

After saying this, the man in the robe hugged the beautiful cheongsam and left, but they went straight out of the restaurant. Obviously, the so-called coincidence is nonsense. He really came in because he found Qiao Donghai here.

"It's been so many years, and you're still not doing well." Xia Xia looked at Qiao Donghai, "There are still people here who want to rob your wife."

Handily handing the freshly peeled shrimp to Lan Yiren's mouth, Xia Xia continued: "Look, no one dares to rob my wife."

"I said in summer, can I compare with you?" Qiao Donghai was a little speechless, "Besides, I'm not afraid of that kid, I just don't bother to toss with that idiot."

After a pause, Qiao Donghai said again: "That guy is from the Zeng family. In recent years, many new families have emerged in Jianghai, and this Zeng family is also one of them. He was originally called Zeng Chao, and then he always called himself Zeng Chao. Superman, of course, he likes to target me, on the one hand, he wants to step on the top of the Qiao family, on the other hand, because that guy also opened a film and television company to compete directly with me."

Having said this, Qiao Donghai frowned: "I am stupid, why is this idiot back?"

Just as he was talking, the man in robe who claimed to be Superman Zeng had already walked towards them, but this time, he actually came in alone, and the beautiful cheongsam who was with him did not come in.

"By the way, this beautiful lady, can we get to know you?" Zeng Chao's target this time was Lan Yiren.

However, it's normal to think about it, after all, Lan Yi people are more beautiful.

"Sorry, I'm not interested... uh." Lan Yiren said a word, and then Xia Tian stuffed the shrimp into her mouth. She ate the shrimp, and then smiled charmingly at Xia Xia, "Husband, you don't need to peel the shrimp for me again. Come on, I want to eat something else."

The speed of peeling shrimp in summer is quite fast. Although I don’t wear gloves, my hands are quite clean. The two pots of shrimp that came up before have already been peeled off by Xia, and the one over there has only eaten a few. only.

"Oh, little Yiyi's wife, then you can eat something else." Xia Tian didn't continue peeling shrimp.

"This lady, I'm Zeng Chao, known as Zeng Chaoman..." Zeng Chao hadn't given up, but before he finished speaking, countless crayfish heads suddenly flew towards him.

"Ah..." Zeng Chao let out a scream and fell on his back.

No one saw Xia Xia do it. In fact, Xia Xian didn't seem to do anything, but the point was that so many crayfish shells he had just peeled off have now disappeared from the table, and they were all covered by Zeng Chao's. face.

"Help...I'm allergic to lobsters...Ah..." Zeng Chao on the ground cried out, and his cheeks instantly became red and swollen, just like a pig's head, it seemed he was really allergic.

"Quick, take him to the hospital." The restaurant owner responded quickly, and immediately asked the two waiters to pick him up and rushed out of the restaurant, and then comforted other guests there, "It's okay, it's okay, this guest suddenly fell ill, everyone, don't panic, Dine with peace of mind…”

In fact, there are still some guests who are quite flustered. No, some of them got up and walked away, but in the summer they were obviously not flustered at all.

In addition to Wanwan, she looked at Qiao Donghai: "That Zeng Chao, he won't die, right? The allergy seems to be very serious."

"No." Xia Xia said casually, "That idiot will only turn into a pig's head, and he will definitely not die."

"Summer said no,

Then definitely not. "Qiao Donghai was originally a little doubtful, but now, he is completely relieved.

"Wanwan, hurry up and eat, I'm almost finished." Lan Yiren also spoke at this time, "Don't worry, my husband is a genius doctor, he said he can't die, then it must be fine."

"Yes, I am the number one genius doctor in the world." Xia Xia emphasized.

The best doctor in the world?

Wanwan was a little suspicious, but she didn't continue to ask.

In fact, Lanyi people don't have any special hobbies for eating shrimp, but Wanwan really likes eating shrimp. No, then, Wanwan will keep fighting with shrimps. As for Xia Xia and Lanyi people, they are basically eating other things. thing.

Although they ordered a portion of everything on the menu, it is fortunate that Xia Xia and Lan Yi people are both very hungry now, and in the end, there was basically no waste, and it didn't take too long.

"Little Yiyi wife, are you full?" Xia Xia asked seriously.

"I'm full." Lan Yiren gave Xia Xia a coquettish white eye. If she ate so much, if she wasn't full, wouldn't she be a pig?

However, in the next second, Lan Yiren understood why Xia Xia asked such a question.

Because, Xia Xia has already hugged her directly: "Then let's go home."

"My wife Xiao Yiyi and I went home to sleep, you guys should go back to sleep too." Xia Tian left such a sentence and ran away with Lan Yiren in his arms.

If it wasn't for Qiao Donghai and Wanwan, it is estimated that the restaurant owner would think they were going to eat Bawang meal.

"Boss, pay the bill." Qiao Donghai was very calm, paid the bill and left.

And Xia Xia's last sentence was actually correct. He did go back to the Magic Doctor Group with Lan Yiren to sleep, and similarly, Qiao Donghai and Wanwan also went home to sleep.

The next morning.

The top floor of the Divine Doctor Group, the bedroom.

"Husband, they still have to go to work." Lan Yiren wanted to break free from Xia's embrace, so she had to leave the bedroom and find a place to rest, otherwise she might not be able to work today.

"It's okay, you don't have to go to work." Summer doesn't accept this kind of reason.

"Husband, aren't you going to find Beibei?" Lan Yiren began to use Su Beibei to escape.

"That girl just learned to fly, so she definitely doesn't know where to fly." Xia Xia said casually, since he had Xiao Yiyi's wife in his arms, he wouldn't go to Su Beibei foolishly.

That girl is very stingy now, she doesn't want to let him hug her, she still hugs Xiao Yiyi's wife comfortably, she can do whatever she wants.

Lan Yiren was in a bit of a mess again, and this strengthened her determination that she had to go to work, otherwise the day would be impossible.

The phone rang at this moment, and Lan Yiren was a little happy immediately, because it was Xia's phone, she grabbed the phone as soon as she waved her hand, glanced at it, and said excitedly: "Husband, Yi Xiaoyin is looking for you!"

Xia Xia took a look and found that the call was really from Yi Xiaoyin, so he answered the phone: "Wife Yiyi, did you dream of me last night? Otherwise, why did you call me so early in the morning?"

"You're in Jianghai, right?" Yi Xiaoyin didn't answer Xia Xia's question, but just asked back.

"Yeah, wife Yiyi, are you coming over?" Xia Xia looked a little excited.

Lan Yiren couldn't help but opened his mouth and took a bite from Xia Xia, the pervert still prefers Yi Xiaoyin.

It's a pity that Xia Xia didn't seem to feel anything. Then, Lan Yiren realized that it was a good time to get up, and wanted to break free from Xia Xia's embrace. However, she found that she couldn't move.

"There was an accident at the Yiren Pavilion hospital over there in Jianghai, and a patient died in the hospital." Yi Xiaoyin's tone was still so indifferent, "The patient's name is Zeng Chao, and his family background in Jianghai is also very good..."

"Zeng Chao?" Xia Xia was a little surprised, "Wife Yiyi, isn't she the idiot who calls herself Zeng Chaoman?"

"That's right, it is said that he had a conflict with someone in a restaurant, was splashed with crayfish, and then caused allergies..." When Yi Xiaoyin said this, she suddenly reacted, "Is it you who conflicted with Zeng Chao?"

"I didn't conflict with that idiot, but I threw the crayfish." Xia Xia didn't deny it, "But that idiot can't possibly die, his allergies look serious, but in fact it won't matter. It's a big deal, how can you die?"

"I'm not sure, the police are already investigating, and the Zeng family is also making trouble at the hospital. Recently, Yirenge Hospital has encountered a lot of trouble. If someone did something wrong, go and see if it's against the Zeng family or against us. ." Yi Xiaoyin's tone was faintly tired, "I still have something to do here..."

Yi Xiaoyin was obviously ready to hang up.

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