Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1570 grabbed a bunch of flowers

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Yi Xiaoyin came back to her senses again, then sat upright, and said in a cold voice, "Come in."

The door was pushed open again, and a nurse appeared at the door, holding a bouquet of bright red roses.

"Miss Yi, someone gave you a bunch of flowers." The nurse said politely.

"Take it." Yi Xiaoyin's tone was still cold, and it was not the first time she received flowers, and she basically gave them to nurses or other girls in the hospital every time.

"Miss Yi, then, that gentleman also asked me to give this to you." The nurse hesitated for a while and lifted the other hand, "He said it was breakfast for you."

"Breakfast?" Yi Xiaoyin was startled, "Is that person wearing a T-shirt, shorts and slippers?"

"Uh, Miss Yi, yes, he seems to say that you are old..." The nurse looked a little weird, and just now someone suddenly appeared with flowers and breakfast for her to give to Yi Xiaoyin, and claimed to be Yi Xiaoyin's husband.

The nurse didn't believe it at all, but she still sent things over just in case, but now, she found out, it seems, that man really has a special relationship with this medical fairy?

Otherwise, how could this Miss Yi know what clothes and shoes the other party is wearing?

"Okay, I see." Yi Xiaoyin interrupted the nurse, but did not let the nurse say the word husband.

After thinking for a while, Yi Xiaoyin said again, "Bring in the stuff."

"Okay, Miss Yi." The nurse hurriedly took the roses and breakfast and put them on the table.

Yi Xiaoyin brought the rose over, and found a card on it. When she saw the card, she was a little speechless. This bastard sent flowers with no sincerity. He didn't even buy them, and grabbed a bunch of flowers from someone else. .

It's okay to rob someone else's flowers, not even their card.

"Look for a patient with this name in our hospital, send the flowers to her, and apologize for me by the way." Yi Xiaoyin handed the card to the nurse with a name on it.

"Okay, Miss Yi." The nurse nodded, but she was a little puzzled. Didn't Miss Yi's husband buy these flowers?

"You go out first." Yi Xiaoyin said again.

The nurse nodded, took the flowers and left, and closed the door.

Yi Xiaoyin opened the bag of breakfast. The breakfast was quite ordinary, just a piece of rice rolls. However, Yi Xiaoyin was basically sure that this breakfast was not stolen from any patient in the hospital.

Because it was bought from the breakfast shop she often went to, and that shop was far away from here. Under normal circumstances, it would take at least half an hour to buy a breakfast to come here.

But this breakfast is obviously freshly baked, so it must have been bought in person in summer.

As for how this bastard knew that she liked to eat breakfast in that place, she didn't pursue it anymore. It was not unusual for him to find out about this kind of thing, and maybe he kept people spying on her all the time. .

A sense of hunger came, and Yi Xiaoyin stopped thinking about it and started to eat breakfast.

In fact, Xia Xia really didn't monitor Yi Xiaoyin. The information he got, to put it bluntly, came from the good baby. When he came to Wanggang before, he first asked about Yi Xiaoyin's whereabouts, and the good baby also stopped by the way. I told Ishino that she likes to have breakfast there.

After leaving Wanggang, he returned to Jianghai in the summer and went to the Jianghai branch of the Yiren Pavilion chain hospital.

The Yiren Pavilion chain hospital currently has only one branch in Jianghai City. Originally, there were several branches, but it was later integrated into one by Yi Xiaoyin. In fact, over the years, Yi Xiaoyin has integrated many branches into one. There is only one hospital, but Wanggang still has several.

It's actually quite early, it's not even nine o'clock, but at this moment, the atmosphere in the Jianghai Branch of Yiren Pavilion Chain Hospital is obviously a little nervous. Although the hospital is still operating normally, the doctors and nurses are in a hurry, and there are obviously more entrances to the hospital. A few security guards and, in addition, the hospital listened to a few police cars.

Well, there are obviously more vehicles outside the hospital than usual.

In fact, many people in the hospital have already received the news that there was a medical accident in the hospital today, the patient has died, and the dead patient has a great background.

Although the patient's family members didn't do anything like blocking the door outside, the reason why they didn't make such a fuss was because they didn't need to make such a fuss at all.

At this moment, in a conference room of the hospital, the atmosphere was a bit tense.

"President Chen, what do you mean by this?" An angry voice sounded, and it was a young man in his thirties who was the eldest master of the Zeng family, Zeng Cong, "My brother died in your hospital, you Until now, there is not even a single statement, do I have to tear down your hospital?"

"Mr. Zeng, please don't get excited. There are many doubts about Mr. Zeng Chao's death. I have reported it to Miss Yi, and she will send someone to deal with it." A middle-aged man answered, he was the executive deputy of the hospital. Dean Chen Zhongjing, his tone was somewhat helpless. About an hour ago, Miss Yi said that someone would come to deal with it immediately, but up to now, no one has come, and he doesn't know when it will come.

"President Chen, you are the executive vice president here. You are usually responsible for everything here. Can't you handle such a thing?" Zeng Cong snorted coldly, "Don't tell me, that The Doctor Immortal will come here to deal with it in person!"

"Mr. Zeng, in fact, if you can't wait any longer, you can let our police take over, the forensic doctor will take over.

By examining the cause of Mr. Zeng Chao's death, we can also determine the responsibility for the incident at that time. "It was a middle-aged man in uniform who spoke, and he was none other than Huang Anping from the Jianghai City Police Station.

Because the matter was important, Huang Anping decided to take the responsibility personally. He brought a few men to the hospital, but the current situation is that neither the hospital nor the Zeng family would like to have the forensic doctor autopsy the corpse now. The police also cannot force an autopsy if a crime is established.

So, this matter became a deadlock.

"Officer Huang, it's not that I don't believe in your police, but my parents are more traditional. They don't really want my brother to be autopsied, so if there are other ways to solve the problem, we'll take other ways first." Zeng Cong's face was slightly Gloomy, "We just need to figure out who should be responsible for this. As for your police, it's better to investigate the person who attacked my brother first. That's what you should do."

"Mr. Zeng, don't worry, we are already doing what the police should do." Huang Anping said so, but he sighed in his heart. When the incident happened, the surveillance was broken, and there were no witnesses present. The only clue now is Zeng Chao's female companion, an internet celebrity named Meimei who said that Zeng Chao had had a conflict with Qiao Donghai.

Although the police have sent people to question Qiao Donghai, Huang Anping already felt that things were not easy to handle. He vaguely felt that this seemed to be a secret fight between the Qiao family and the Zeng family.

"Where is that idiot Zeng Chao's body?" A lazy voice sounded in the conference room at this moment.

This voice also instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the conference room, everyone looked at the people who came, and then they all saw the summer that was really dressed up.

"What did you say? Who are you calling an idiot?" Zeng Cong glared at Xia Xia.

"Summer?" Huang Anping had a look of disbelief on his face, "You, why don't you look the same?"

"Of course a handsome guy like me has always been so handsome." Xia Xia looked at Huang Anping, "It's just that you're getting old fast."

"Hey, yes, I'm really getting old." Huang Anping sighed with emotion, and then he reacted, "That, summer, you are the one who invited you to deal with this matter?"

"Oh, yes, Yiyi's wife is very busy. I happened to be here, so I'll help her take a look." Xia Xia said casually, "What about the idiot named Zeng Chao? I have to look at his body."

"Are you Xia Shenyi? Xia Shenyi, please come with me." Chen Zhongjing also reacted at this time. When Yi Xiaoyin called him before, he said that the person was called Xia Xia, and he was a genius doctor. The executive vice president of the hospital, he actually heard a little bit about the genius doctor Xia Xia.

"Oh, lead the way." Xia Xia glanced at Chen Zhongjing.

Chen Zhongjing hurriedly led the way, and after that, a group of people came directly to the operating room.

Zeng Chao died in the operating room, and after he died, no one moved the body, only a few people guarded it.

Xia Xia came to the operating table and was preparing for an examination when a voice came from the side: "Wait, who the hell are you?"

It was Zeng Cong who spoke, and he looked at Xia Xia angrily: "You just kept saying that my brother is an idiot, do you know my brother?"

"Is this idiot your brother?" Xia Xia looked at Zeng Cong, "Oh, you both look a bit alike, you all look like idiots."

"What did you say?" Zeng Cong was extremely angry.

"Is there something wrong with your ears?" Xia Tian looked at Zeng Cong strangely, "Otherwise, why do you keep asking me what to say?"

"You..." Zeng Cong was even more annoyed.

"Mr. Zeng, this is Xia Xia's genius doctor. His medical skills are quite superb. Let him check the cause of your brother's death first." Huang Anping said quickly, he didn't want to see Xia Xia and Zeng Cong conflict, because the His understanding of Xia Xia is really about to make trouble, maybe Zeng Cong may be with his younger brother Zeng Chao.

However, Xia Xia ignored Zeng Cong and began to check Zeng Chao's situation. After about a minute, he said to himself, "Oh, that's how he died."

"Xia Xia, what was the cause of Zeng Chao's death?" Huang Anping asked hurriedly.

Although Zeng Cong was angry, he didn't say anything at the moment. He just looked at Xia Xia and obviously wanted to know how Xia Xia would answer.

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