Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1574 He is also more handsome than you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Wife Yiyi, look, I like you, and you like me, so it's better..." Xia Xia said.

"I don't like you!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

"Wife Yiyi, although you say no, you still like me in your heart." Xia Tian smiled brightly, obviously not caring what Yi Xiaoyin said.

"Speaking of business!" Yi Xiaoyin stared at Xia Tian, ​​"What happened to He Tianhao?"

"Oh, Mrs. Yiyi, I just said, I like you and you like me, so we are all happy, but He Tianhao is different, he likes that Yaner very much, but Yaner doesn't like him, of course he It's miserable." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, "How do you know that Yaner doesn't like He Tianhao? You haven't seen them before."

"But, Yiyi wife, that Yaner slept with other men this morning. If she liked He Tianhao, she would definitely not do it." Xia Xia said lazily.

"What? How is this possible?" Yi Xiaoyin's face changed slightly, "Yan'er has always had a good reputation, it's impossible to mess with people, are you mistaken?"

"Wife Yiyi, how could I be wrong about this kind of thing?" Xia Xia shook his head, "And that man should have been hanging out with Yan'er a lot lately. Well, I think the child in her belly is probably not that one. He Tianhao's, she said it was an accidental pregnancy, most likely it was an accidental pregnancy with someone else's child."

Yi Xiaoyin was speechless for a while. She actually knew that Xia Xia couldn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, because for Xia Xia, it wasn't a big deal, he wouldn't care about it at all, and naturally he wouldn't lie about it.

But the problem is that it is really difficult for her to accept this result. Originally, she thought that it was rare to see a child of a big family and a female star truly love each other. In fact, she was still a little moved, but in the end, she was still a bloody idiot. drama?

"Wife Yiyi, why do you care so much about He Tianhao?" Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin, a little puzzled, "He's not as handsome as me."

"I didn't care about him, and he's more handsome than you!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

After a pause, Yi Xiaoyin added: "He Tianhao's grandfather is very good, and the He family is also a very good family. They often do charity work, and they also set up a treatment fund in our hospital to treat those poor patients. If What you said is true, if Na Yaner's matter is exposed, He Tianhao will most likely become a laughing stock, and it will also have a big impact on the reputation of the He family."

"Oh, that Yan'er should continue to cheat, Mrs. Yiyi, are you going to tell that He Tianhao about this?" Xia Xia asked casually.

Yi Xiaoyin shook her head: "We are doctors. Doctors only treat diseases. Things that have nothing to do with the disease are not what we need to care about."

Looking at Xia Xia, Yi Xiaoyin added: "Don't go out and talk nonsense, maybe Yan'er will take care of it, and Anxin may be with He Tianhao. If this is the case, it's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Wife Yiyi, I think it must be a bad thing, but it has nothing to do with me, I won't care." Xia Xia was obviously not in the mood to go out and talk about it. He just wanted to refute Yi Xiaoyin. That's it.

No, Xia Xia added another sentence at this time: "Wife Yiyi, look, we are true love."

Yi Xiaoyin really wanted to kill Xia Xia, so what did this bastard say about true love in front of her? Doesn't he remember how he got her back then?

However, Yi Xiaoyin finally endured it, and she also decided not to care about He Tianhao and Yaner's affairs. As she just said, she is a doctor and is only responsible for treating diseases. Other things have nothing to do with her. .

The car restarted. It was still early. Naturally, Yi Xiaoyin would not go to have lunch with Xia Xia, but drove back to the hospital first.

When the two came to the door of the dean's office, they found that something was not right, because there were two big men in suits standing at the door, who looked like bodyguards or something.

The door of the dean's office is open. Of course, this is actually normal. When Yi Xiaoyin left, she did not lock the door. She doesn't have any valuables here. The bedroom inside is relatively private, but the bedroom is locked. got up.

"Miss Yi." The two bodyguards at the door obviously knew Yi Xiaoyin and greeted her politely.

Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, and then walked into the office. As she expected, someone was waiting for her inside.

It was a young man in his thirties, in a suit and leather shoes. He looked polite, not particularly handsome, but he had a good temperament. He was standing by the desk, and when he heard the movement, he also raised his head and looked at Yi Xiao at the moment. sound.

"Miss Yi, you're back." The man smiled slightly, "Sorry, because your door is open, I'll come and wait for you on my own initiative."

"It's okay." Yi Xiaoyin always looked calm when facing outsiders, "I don't know if President Mo has anything to do with me?"

"It's not a big deal, the main thing is to visit Miss Yi." The man smiled, but his eyes fell on Xia Xia, "This is..."

"This is my assistant, the surname is Xia, just call him Dr. Xia." Yi Xiaoyin's face did not change, "Doctor Xia, I will also introduce to you, this is President Mo Anlun of Wanggang Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. Chang has been promoting traditional medicine and has made great contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Miss Yi has won the prize, I just do what I can." Mo Anlun faintly

With a smile, "Miss Yi, you have really made a great contribution to traditional Chinese medicine."

Mo Anlun walked towards Xia Xia as he spoke, and then extended his hand toward Xia Xia: "Hello, Dr. Xia, it's an honor to meet you."

"Actually, you don't know me yet." Xia Xia didn't shake hands with Mo Anlun. "Otherwise, you must know that I have a habit of cleanliness, so I don't shake hands with people."

"Then, Doctor Xia, I know you a little more now." Mo Anlun retracted his hand, still smiling, and then he looked at Yi Xiaoyin, "Miss Yi, our association has a recent exchange. I don't know if you are willing to attend the event? We haven't set the time yet, because considering that you are very busy, Miss Yi, if you are willing to attend, we will first see which time is suitable for you. "

"President Mo, I have a lot of things going on here recently, and there are often emergencies, so now I can't guarantee when I will have time. I think it's better for you to arrange it first. If I have time, then I will definitely I attended." Yi Xiaoyin thought for a while and said.

"Then, in this case, do you know if Miss Yi has time now?" Mo Anlun pondered a little, "We can have a meal at noon today, and then have a conversation in the afternoon, and we can arrange a dinner party in the evening. I think it is temporary for now. It should be too late to inform everyone.”

"This..." Yi Xiaoyin thought for a while, glanced at Xia Xia next to her, and then she decided, "Okay, President Mo, just today, I can spare some time today."

"Okay, Miss Yi, I'll let you know now. In about half an hour, I'll tell Miss Yi where the lunch will be." Mo Anlun looked very happy, "I'll leave you alone and leave."

Mo Anlun did things quite simply, and then said hello to Xia Xia and left quickly, and naturally there were only Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin left in the office.

"Wife Yiyi, does that guy have bad intentions against you?" Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin and asked very seriously.

"You think too much, he already has a girlfriend." Yi Xiaoyin replied.

"Wife Yiyi, I have a wife back then and I still like you. It's not a conflict." Xia Xia immediately retorted.

Yi Xiaoyin was speechless for a while, this rebuttal sounded quite reasonable.

After all, this is the truth.

After a long while, Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, "Do you think every man is the same as you?"

"Wife Yiyi, I'm unique, and I definitely won't think that every man is the same as me." Xia Xia said seriously: "However, I still think that guy surnamed Mo has bad intentions for you, um, I'll go too later."

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you go." Yi Xiaoyin snorted softly. In fact, she knew that Xia Tian would pester her today, so she agreed to participate in the exchange activity today. After all, she didn't want to be alone with Xia Xia.

Although more than ten years have passed, Yi Xiaoyin still doesn't know how to get along with Xia Xia alone. In fact, she has been choosing to avoid Xia Xia all these years.

But now, under unavoidable circumstances, she really doesn't know what to do. Thinking about it, it's better to go to a place with a lot of people. After all, this guy promised to pretend to be her assistant in front of outsiders today.

"Wife Yiyi, why don't I change my identity and go to that event as your husband." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"You don't have to go." Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, this bastard is really whimsical, and after a while, he wanted to upgrade from assistant to husband.

"Well, a personal assistant is also possible." Xia Xia said to himself, "Well, in fact, my husband is also an assistant. After all, as a husband, I always want to help Yiyi's wife."

Yi Xiaoyin was too lazy to care about Xia Xia's messy explanation. She sat directly at the desk and started to deal with hospital affairs, and almost after she replied a dozen emails, she received a message from Mo Anlun.

The place for the dinner is not in Wanggang City, but on an island. This island is not far from Wanggang, and theoretically, it can be reached at noon.

However, for an exchange activity of a Chinese medicine association, choosing to go to an island is somewhat wrong.

"Wife Yiyi, that guy must have bad intentions against you." Xia Xia came to this conclusion directly.

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