Flower Master in the City

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-two chapters have to care about me for such a little mone

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

It's not surprising that a movie was originally called this name. There are many similar movies with similar names, and it's not a big deal to call it the God of Extermination, but the problem is that they are discussing an organization called the God of Extinction, and then someone asks them to watch an organization called the God of Extermination. God's movie, it's a little unusual how you look at it.

"Who is the good baby?" Yi Xiaoyin also saw the nickname on WeChat at this time. Well, I must say that Xia Xia is also called Xia Xia on WeChat. Of course, the good baby is also called the good baby.

"I don't know who the good baby is, maybe it's the apprentice of the goblin's wife or..." Xia Xia thought of a possibility, but didn't say it, "Anyway, she can help me check a lot of information, just follow The goblin wife is the same as the old goblin wife, just not as powerful as the goblin wife."

"You ask her, what does this mean?" Yi Xiaoyin thought for a while and said.

"Good baby, do you want to go to the movies with me?" Xia Xian quickly sent a message to good baby.

"I don't see it, you see it." The good baby replied very quickly.

"Oh, are you the one who asked me and Yiyi's wife to see it?" Xia Tian seemed to understand.

"Yes." The good baby answered simply and succinctly.

"Is this movie related to the organization called God Destroyer?" Xia Xia asked again.

"It may be related, you go to see first." Good baby seems to be not sure about this matter.

"Okay." Xia Tian didn't ask anymore.

Turning his head to look at Yi Xiaoyin, Xia Tian smiled: "Wife Yiyi, let's go to the movies at night, the time for you to watch this movie is 8:10, we can go to dinner first, then go to the movies, watch We just slept together after the movie..."

"I'm not going!" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't bear to interrupt Xia Xia's words, the bastard thought beautifully, "Look at it alone!"

"Wife Yiyi, this matter is very important, why don't you go? You have to see it yourself to know what the idiot organization called Destroyer is trying to do." Xia Xia looked serious, "You How can you not even care about your own safety?"

Yi Xiaoyin stared at Xia Xia, this bastard was still serious about talking nonsense, and all he was thinking about was all those other things!

"I'll go to the movies with you!" An angry voice continued, but it was Ah Jiu, "Don't pester Miss, Miss doesn't like the atmosphere of the movie theater at all. If there are any clues in the movie, I want to know too!"

"Wife Yiyi, do you really not go to the movies?" Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin, "I still like to take my wife to the movies, and watching movies with the maid doesn't seem to fit my identity."

"Summer, you bastard, what do you mean? Will it make you embarrassed if I go to the movies with you?" Ah Jiu was instantly furious. What are these words, what do you call them that don't fit his identity?

"Oh, Jiu girl, you won't make me ashamed, after all, you are quite beautiful now, that is, if I don't bring Yiyi's wife to take you, maybe people will misunderstand that I want to have an affair with the maid, which is not the case. Great." Summer said solemnly.

"You!" Ah Jiu gritted her teeth, "The ghost is having an affair with you, you think beautifully!"

"Want to be beautiful?" Xia Tian said to himself, "Actually, I have never quite understood the meaning of these words, does it mean to want to be beautiful? If it means that, I still want to be beautiful. "

"Xiamen, you are a porn freak!" Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia.

"Wife Yiyi, I think Jiu Yatou has a bad temper. If she goes to the movies with me, she will probably fight with others at the cinema. Why don't you go with me." Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin seriously.

"Are you embarrassed to say that I have a bad temper?" Ah Jiu just wanted to kill Xia Xia. This bastard fights with people everywhere. If he really wants to fight in the movie theater, he will fight with people, right?

"You have a bad temper, you scold and beat people at any time and even want to kill." Xia Xia looked at Ah Jiu, "My temper is much better, you beat me and scold me and want to kill me, I still hug you, look at me How gentle."

"You!" Ah Jiu was angry, this bastard's nonsense made her a little unable to refute, she really scolded him and wanted to beat him, and even wanted to kill him, and he really hugged her!

"Okay, anyway, I'm not going to the movies. You want to go alone or go with Ajiu, it's up to you." Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia and said lightly.

"That's it." Xia Xia was a little disappointed, "Well, I'll just reluctantly go with Jiu Tou."

After thinking about it, Xia Xia said again: "Wife Yiyi, why don't we have dinner together?"

"I'm not going, I want to think about something here." Yi Xiaoyin refused, "You can go to dinner with Ah Jiu and then go to the movies."

"Well, that's fine too." Xia Xia didn't have much objection to this, "Wife Yiyi, then I'll come back to accompany you after watching the movie."

Yi Xiaoyin was too lazy to answer Xia Tian directly, but she was scolding inwardly, who wanted him to come back to accompany her?

"Nine girls, let's go, do you know where this movie theater is?" Xia Xia stood up.

"Miss, then I'll go first." Ah Jiu said to Yi Xiaoyin, and then walked outside.

The reason why she walked so fast was because Ah Jiu felt that it would be better for Xia Xia to stay away from her young lady.

The big deal is that she sacrifices a little.

Sacrifice for Miss, she doesn't mind.

Seeing the two disappear at the door of the office, Yi Xiaoyin also let out a sigh of relief, she waved her hand, the door closed, the void twisted gently, and the door opened from the inside

She locked her face, and then she slowly closed her eyes.

It's not sleeping, Yi Xiaoyin really wants to think about something quietly, she needs to sort out what happened recently.

Xia Xia and Ah Jiu had walked out of the hospital at this moment, walking side by side on the road.

"Nine girls, don't you drive?" Xia Xia was a little strange.

"No!" Ah Jiu said angrily.

"Oh, it seems that you admire me very much." Xia Xia giggled, "You actually learned me not to drive."

"The devil worships you!" A Jiu stared at Xia Xia fiercely, "The cinema is only a few kilometers away from here, I'm too lazy to drive!"

"It's okay, it's normal for you to worship me, after all, I'm so handsome." Xia Xia didn't mind, "Although you don't look as good as Yiyi's wife, you're in good shape now, and you're qualified to worship me. ."

Ah Jiu really wants to strangle this narcissistic bastard, and what the hell is this logic? Even admiring him has to be beautiful and in good shape to be eligible?

"A-Jiu, your skirt looks pretty good now." Xia Xia said again at this time.

Ah Jiu is wearing a white dress. From the point of view of her dress, she is actually more like a fairy than Yi Xiaoyin. Well, she actually prefers white dresses in summer. Sister Shenxian wears white dresses for a long time, and Sister Meng also likes to wear white dresses.

In fact, there is nothing special about Ah Jiu's white dress, nor is it sexy. After all, the reason why Ah Jiu's dress looks good in the summer is mainly because Ah Jiu has a good figure.

This skirt just right to bring out the curves of her figure, it looks pleasing to the eye.

"Aren't you wearing that beggar costume?" Ah Jiu asked angrily.

Now Xia Xia is still wearing the clothes that Yi Xiaoyin bought for him. It looks normal, so normal that Ah Jiu is not used to it.

"Nine girls, I'm not wearing a beggar's dress, it's a dress made by the cheapskate wife herself." Xia Xia was a little unhappy.

"Your wife's name is really right." There was obvious sarcasm in Ah Jiu's tone. She actually knew that the cheap wife in Xia Xia's mouth was Ning Jie, but she still couldn't figure it out. Is Ning Jie's brain broken? Make a pair of slippers for summer and let him wear them everywhere?

"The stingy wife is actually very generous now. Anyway, she is much more generous than you and Yiyi's wife." Xia Xia said lazily.

"Does the generosity in your mouth allow you to do whatever you want?" A Jiu sneered, what is generous and not generous, in this bastard's opinion, a woman who wants to sleep with him is generous, otherwise she is stingy.

"Actually not anymore." Xia Xia giggled, "A cheapskate wife can do whatever she wants to me."

"Dirty!" Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia fiercely.

"Nine girls, I can let the cheapskate wife do whatever she wants to me, but you don't let me do whatever she wants to you, which means you are stingy." Xia Tianli is full, "I'm much more generous than you."

After a pause, Xia Xia added: "Well, in order to prove my generosity, I decided to invite you to dinner later."

"I gave you all your credit cards!" Ah Jiu was a little annoyed.

"Ninth girl, you're so stingy, you have to care about me for such a small amount of money." Xia Xia shook her head and sighed.

Ah Jiu was instantly angry, this bastard took her money and invited her to dinner to prove his generosity, and then thought she was stingy because she told this fact?

"Nine girls, in fact, you can also prove that you are more generous, such as learning from the cheapskate wife, let me do whatever I want to you." Xia Xia said again.

"Go and dream!" Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia fiercely.

"Dream?" Xia Tian thought for a while, "Well, I don't like dreaming very much, I prefer to do something else."

"Dirty!" Ah Jiu scolded Xia Xia again.

"Why am I so dirty?" Xia Xia felt a little innocent, "Is it dirty if you don't like to dream?"

Ah Jiu didn't speak. She didn't want to talk to Xia Xia anymore. She began to feel that it was definitely a mistake to choose to go out to see a movie with this bastard!

However, looking at the mall in front, the theater is on the fifth floor of the mall, which means that they have already arrived.

As soon as she comes, let’s be safe, Ah Jiu told herself, besides, if she didn’t pester this satyr, the satyr would definitely pester her young lady, thinking about it, she decided to endure it.

"Hey, it's here!" Ah Jiu gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes, "Let's go in, the theater is on the fifth floor, there is a place to eat on the fourth floor, what would you like to eat?"

"Nine girls, you and Yiyi's wife won't give me what I want to eat anyway, let's see what you want to eat." Xia Xia said casually.

Ah Jiu gritted her teeth secretly, this bastard, can't think of something normal in his mind?

"Let's go upstairs first!" Ah Jiu walked into the mall, she felt that she was full of anger now and didn't want to eat anything.

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