Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1584 The battle of gods is about to start

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"This guy is gay in fights..." Xia Xia looked emotional, and then, with another kick, he kicked the burly man out of the ice cream shop.

The sturdy man fell heavily to the ground, and he didn't seem to be able to get up for a while.

"You still haven't let go of your dirty hands?" Ah Jiu gritted her teeth and whispered.

Xia Xia turned to look at Ah Jiu and smiled: "My hands are not dirty, so I won't let them go."

"Let go of me!" Ah Jiu wanted to slap Xia Tian's face, but the key was that she knew she couldn't hit her.

"Well, that's right." Xia Xia let go of Ah Jiu this time.

After that, Ah Jiu started to fight with ice cream again, and she didn't even want to watch Xia Xia and didn't talk to him.

"Hold on, hold on, you're the one who wants to watch a movie with him!" Ah Jiu told herself that she had to finish her own crimes even when she cried.

Ah Jiu, who didn't want anything else to happen, just sat there all the time. She didn't want to switch places with Xia, nor did she ask Xia to switch to the opposite side, so she stayed with Xia until almost eight o'clock. Go to the cinema upstairs.

After I got the movie tickets, I bought a big bucket of popcorn, and I was almost ready to enter the theater. This time it went smoothly. Nothing happened again. Xia Xia and Ah Jiu also quickly entered the theater and sat there and waited. The movie begins.

This movie seems to be quite popular. At least there are a lot of people in the cinema now, and it is basically full. Of course, now is the prime time period, and this is also the release of a new movie. It is normal for the attendance rate to be high.

At 8:00, the film officially started.

After watching it for a few minutes, Xia Xian felt that the movie was a bit boring, and he was in no mood to watch it, but he turned to look at Ah Jiu and found that Ah Jiu was watching it intently.

"A maid is a maid, my taste is not as good as mine." Xia Tian thought so, and when he was bored, he started to eat popcorn. After eating for a while, he began to feed Ah Jiu.

Originally, the movie was good, but when Xia Xia interrupted it, Ah Jiu was immediately dissatisfied. She glared at him angrily, then closed her mouth and stopped eating his popcorn.

Then, Ah Jiu found out that this guy Xia Xia was really maddening, because he started grabbing popcorn with her hands and feeding him himself!

How can someone be so boring in this world!

Not wanting to use her hands as a tool for Xia, Ajiu started to eat popcorn by herself. However, she soon discovered that it was of no use, because Xia would still feed the popcorn she grabbed into his mouth from time to time. .

Fortunately, the light in the cinema is relatively dark, otherwise Ah Jiu will definitely go crazy, she doesn't want people to think that she has such a good relationship with Xia Xia!

I don't know if it was infected by Xia Xia and Ah Jiu, but the couple sitting behind them started to get tired and crooked. They first spoke in a low voice, and then their voices gradually became louder, whether they still kissed.

"Can your voices be quieter?" Ah Jiu was agitated, and she couldn't help it now.

"What's the matter with you?" The girl immediately snapped back, "If you want to be envious, you can also kiss me with your boyfriend!"

"This is a movie theater. If you don't want to watch a movie, go open a room!" Ah Jiu said angrily, "If you don't have money, I can give you money, don't make trouble here!"

"Don't quarrel, let's watch a movie!"

"Yeah, what are you arguing about? You have to make a noise."

"Really, what kind of people, without any quality..."


In the movie theater, there was a lot of noise, maybe because she didn't want to be the target of public criticism, the girl didn't say anything anymore, and A Jiu naturally wouldn't say anything.

Ah Jiu continued to watch the movie. She was actually quite interested in this movie. In her opinion, this movie was done quite well, no matter the picture or the plot, it was quite good.

Xia Xia still felt very bored. Of course, although he felt bored, because the movie might be related to the God Extinguishing Organization, he actually finished the whole movie.

Even though he was eating popcorn with Ah Jiu, he was actually watching the movie at the same time. He knew the story of the movie very well.

It's just that when the movie was over, Xia Xia still didn't know if the movie had anything to do with the God-destroying organization.

This is actually a fairly simple story, that is, in a certain world, there are some people called gods. These people are powerful, but they can do whatever they want at the same time, and ordinary human beings cannot resist these gods at all.

Most people are content with the status quo and accept the rule of this group of gods, but some people decide to resist, they decide to destroy the gods, and this is the origin of the film's name.

The film ends when the group of people have made plans and are ready to act, and this is the meaning of the start of the war of gods. This is just the beginning. According to the normal situation, there will be many movies about specific battles of gods in the future.

The lights in the theater have been turned on, and many people have begun to stand, but Xia Xia and Ah Jiu have not left at this moment.

"Girl Jiu, do you think this movie is good?" Xia Xia looked at A Jiu and asked strangely.

"It doesn't matter if it looks good or not. What matters is that we have to read all the information in this movie." Ah Jiu said calmly, "Even if it's the subtitles, we have to read it."

Xia Xia thought about it, and felt that Ah Jiu was right, maybe there was some secret in the subtitles.

So, Xia Xia accompanied Ah Jiu to read the subtitles, and then

However, he did not see any abnormal information from the subtitles. Just when he felt that the film was about to end, at the end, the picture appeared again.

"Are there Easter eggs?" There were a few spectators who didn't leave, and they were a little surprised.

"The battle of gods is about to start, September 1st, the school season, the war is coming!"

There are no easter eggs, just this sentence.

Then, the whole movie ended like this.

"Is there something wrong with this sentence?" Ah Jiu looked at Xia Xia with a suspicious expression on her face, "Will this film be just to spread this message?"

"Well, it seems that this is really possible." Xia Xia said to himself, "It's August, and there are still more than ten days until September 1st. Are those idiots going to start in September?"

"Go back and tell the lady first, and you also ask that good baby to check it out." Ah Jiu got up and walked outside.

The two left the cinema and were about to go downstairs to leave, but at this moment, someone blocked their way.

"Hey, stop for me!" A dissatisfied voice sounded, "I was too lazy to care about you in the movie theater before, but now my mother will settle the account with you slowly!"

The speaker was a girl who looked in her twenties with purple hair, and beside her was a young man who also had purple hair.

Xia Xia and A Jiu are actually not unfamiliar with these two people, because they are the couple who sat behind them before. Obviously, A Jiu had scolded them before, and now they are unhappy and come to them to settle accounts.

This girl looks okay, but she dresses herself up in a mess. She is a typical representative of the kind of person who likes makeup but has poor skills. Whether it's the eyeliner or the lipstick, it looks weird.

At this moment, the girl stared at Ah Jiu and seemed a little jealous: "Hey, I don't see how beautiful you are, but you are not too young, at least thirty? Is this an old cow eating tender grass?"

"Well, let me correct it, she's not an old cow eating young grass, and I'm in my thirties. I'm older than her." Xia Xia answered next to her.

"Are you lying to a ghost?" The girl sneered, "Looking at you, you were taken care of by her. You are not handsome, you are not young, she will take care of you?"

The girl looked at Ah Jiu after the summer: "I said you can, you were mostly taken care of when you were young, right? Hey, maybe you are also taken care of now, and then came out to take care of a man, in fact It doesn't matter if you are being cared for, can you stop meddling? You are rich and amazing? My mother has the money to open a house, and she just likes to kiss in the theater?"

"Girl Jiu, in fact, she doesn't seem to be wrong. You see, I'm always swiping your credit card. It seems like I'm being taken care of by you, right?" Xia Xia looked at Ah Jiu and said with a smile.

"Shut up for me!" Ah Jiu was angry, this bastard was just helping outsiders to scold her!

"How is it? Am I right?" The girl was a little proud. "Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you. You apologize to me now, saying that you are a bitch..."

"Crack!" A slap interrupted the girl's words.

"You old bitch dare to hit me..." The girl burst out in an instant, and rushed towards Ah Jiu with her teeth and claws.


Another slap in the face.

"Hey, I hit you." Xia Xia's voice also sounded at this time, "Although our Ah Jiu is very bad, it's not something you can scold."

"You fucking seek death..." The man beside the girl reacted.


Xia Xia slapped the man directly to the ground.

"If I don't hit people, you will think that I have a good temper." Xia Xia said to himself, "Hey, no, I actually have a good temper."

Looking at Ah Jiu, Xia Xia giggled: "Nine girl, do you think so?"

"Let's go!" Ah Jiu glared at Xia Xia, turned and left.

In fact, she originally wanted to hit people a little bit, but since the summer has already hit, she is too lazy to do it again.

The reason why she was in a hurry to leave was very simple. She didn't want to watch a movie or fight a few times. After all, she ate ice cream before, and this bastard beat up two people in the summer.

"I'll never do anything with this bastard again!" Ah Jiu secretly swore in her heart.

Ah Jiu left the mall as quickly as possible, and then walked quickly towards the Yiren Pavilion Hospital. She just wanted to get back to her young lady as soon as possible. However, Ah Jiu soon found out that tonight was doomed to be troublesome. .

No, just at this moment, she was blocked from her way.

"Hey, beauty, where are you in such a hurry to go so late?" A man covered in alcohol stared at Ah Jiu fascinatedly.

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