Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1587 The maid has no human rights

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"You don't have to worry about where I go. Follow me if you want, don't if you don't want to. We didn't want you to follow anyway." Yi Xiaoyin said lightly.

"That's it." Xia Xia thought for a while, then said, "Wife Yiyi, then I'm not going, you go."

After a pause, Xia Xia said again, "I'll find you when you get off the plane."

"Since that's the case, let's go first." Yi Xiaoyin walked outside, and Ah Jiu naturally followed immediately.

"Wife Yiyi, if you're going out, you should kiss my husband." Xia Xia shouted from behind.

Yi Xiaoyin pretended not to hear, but her steps quickened unconsciously.

The two quickly walked out of the hospital, got into the car, and drove towards the airport.

After driving for several kilometers, Ah Jiu finally couldn't help but ask, "Miss, are you really going abroad?"

"I planned to go again some time ago, but I didn't expect that bastard to be entangled, so let's go ahead." Yi Xiaoyin's tone was a little helpless, "I will really go by plane, so at least on the plane, I If you can have a quiet rest, he is the kind of person who can't sit still and won't accompany me on the plane."

After a pause, Yi Xiaoyin said again: "He doesn't seem to even have an ID card now, so he can't get on the plane."

"But, miss, that bastard knows that you have gone abroad, so maybe he will go abroad to find you directly." Ah Jiu felt a little uneasy.

"Probably not." Yi Xiaoyin shook her head. "He probably doesn't like going abroad very much. Besides, he might get lost and he doesn't understand the language. He definitely wouldn't like to stay in that kind of place."

"That's true." Ah Jiu thought about it, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

"A-Jiu, you don't have to come with me, but you can go back to the hospital later. He should be gone by then, so he won't run to pester you." Yi Xiaoyin said again.

"Got it, miss, I'll take you to the airport first." Ah Jiu nodded.

These days, Ah Jiu had to begin to accept the fact that, whether it was her or her young lady, there was no way to take the summer.

And for so many years, it seems that her young lady has not been attacked by that bastard in Xia Xia again, but it is because there are too many women around Xia Xia, and her young lady has not done anything, the only thing she has done, Just as it is now, that is, escape.

Now, whether it's her or her young lady, all she can do is to escape.

The car arrived at the airport soon, Yi Xiaoyin got out of the car, and Ajiu was about to get off, but was stopped by Yi Xiaoyin.

"Ajiu, you don't need to come down, just go back." Yi Xiaoyin said.

"Okay, miss." Ah Jiu didn't insist.

Yi Xiaoyin closed the car door, walked a few steps, but stopped again and returned to the car.

"Ajiu, if he's still... I mean in case, in case he hasn't left yet." Yi Xiaoyin sighed softly, "Don't make trouble with him."

"Miss, I see." Ah Jiu nodded.

"Also, be careful, recently, we have a lot of enemies." Yi Xiaoyin warned again, and then turned to leave.

It was not until Yi Xiaoyin disappeared from sight that Ah Jiu drove back.

Half an hour later, Ah Jiu returned to the hospital and saw that the office door was closed, she could not help but breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and went in, and then closed the door smoothly.

"Girl Jiu, why are you coming back now?" A voice suddenly sounded from the side, almost making A Jiu scream in fright.

However, Ah Jiu still didn't call. As soon as she turned her head, she found that Xia Xia was sitting on the sofa, and she was a little annoyed: "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Girl Jiu, why am I leaving?" Xia Xia looked at Ajiu in surprise, "I originally came to play with you."

"Miss has left!" Ah Jiu said angrily.

"It doesn't matter, Yiyi's wife is gone, I can still play with you." Xia Xia smiled, "Although you are more disobedient than Yiyi's wife, and you are just a maid, but I don't mind, I think you more fun."

Ah Jiu wanted to slap Xia Xia's face, what kind of nonsense are they talking about? What makes her more fun?

Is this treating her like a toy?

"I don't want to play with you!" Ah Jiu said through gritted teeth.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Xia Tian was bored, "I just want to play with you."

"Xia Tian, ​​you bastard, are you unreasonable?" Ah Jiu was a little bit broken, how could this person be completely unreasonable?

"I'm reasonable." Xia Tian looked innocent, "I've always been reasonable."

"Where are you being reasonable?" Ah Jiu was very angry, "I obviously don't want to accompany you, why do you have to be here?"

"Because you are a maid, maids have no human rights." Xia Xia said solemnly: "So it doesn't matter what you say, it's what I say."

"I'm not your maid!" Ah Jiu gritted her teeth.

"You are Yiyi's wife's maid, which means that you are my maid." Xia Xia still looked very reasonable, "Now that Yiyi's wife is not here, you can play with me instead of Yiyi's wife. This is your role as a maid. The obligation, you see, am I very reasonable?"

Although he knew that Xia Xia's logic was quite outrageous, Ah Jiu still felt like he was going crazy, especially looking at Xia Xia, he seemed to really think that he was very talkative.


Ah Jiu worked hard to keep herself from getting angry. She looked at Xia Xia and gradually calmed down. Although Xia Xia was talking nonsense, she found some solutions to the problem from Xia Xia's words.

"If I play with you, won't you bother Miss?" Ah Jiu asked coldly, looking at Xia Xia.

Xia Tian stared at Ah Jiu, looked at it carefully, and then smiled: "Jiu girl, although you are in good shape now, I like you more, but you are still not as good-looking as Yiyi's wife, and I will not be because of you. Not to accompany Yiyi's wife."

Before Ah Jiu could speak, Xia Xia changed the subject again: "However, Jiu girl, Yiyi's wife is not very obedient, if you can be more obedient, I can accompany you more, um, I will be nicer to you. "

Ah Jiu gritted her teeth secretly, she knew that her idea was impossible to achieve. Originally, she wanted to make a deal with Xia Xia and use her to replace her young lady.

If Xia Xia is willing to agree to this condition, she feels that she can endure it and toss with this beast, but now, she finds it impossible. Although this bastard is interested in her, he is even more interested in her young lady.

"The devil wants you bastard to be nice to me!" Ah Jiu thought angrily in her heart.

Anger is anger. However, Ah Jiu has now realized that she really needs to find a way to solve this problem. The relatively peaceful life of the past ten years is obviously over.

The question is, what is she going to do now?

stay away from him?

In fact, this is ok, A Jiu believes that if she hides, this bastard will not have much thought to find her, and if she leaves Miss, then she may be basically free.

However, she can't do this, she can't leave Miss to deal with this situation alone, no matter what happens, she can't leave Miss.

That means, then, that she also has to deal with summer head-on and deal with whatever may happen.

"How do you know that I didn't leave?" Ajiu looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"Jiu girl, you are so stupid, of course the good baby told me." Xia Xia said lazily: "Wife Yiyi bought a plane ticket, but you didn't."

After stretching, Xia Tian stood up: "Nine girls, the hospital is quite boring, let's go out and play."

Xia Xia stretched out her arms and hugged A Jiu while talking. A Jiu almost instinctively wanted to dodge, but she was able to dodge. However, after a change of heart, she did not dodge in the end, and let Xia Xia hug her. 's waist.

Of course, in fact, this wasn't actually the first time Xia Xia hugged her, but this was the first time Ah Jiu didn't dodge when she could dodge it, which was equivalent to allowing Xia Xia's actions.

"Where do you want to play?" Ah Jiu asked.

"Well, actually I don't know either." Xia Xia thought about it, and found that he really didn't know where to go. "Well, by the way, Jiu girl, I seem to have a villa here, why don't we go to the villa."

"Can't you think of another place?" Ah Jiu gritted her teeth secretly, she also knew that villa, she had been there back then, and then something happened that she still hated all her life.

And this guy is going to the villa after leaving the hospital, what does he want to do?

Even if she plans to get closer to this guy now, so that he can stay away from the young lady, it doesn't mean that she can let this bastard do whatever she wants right away.

In fact, she didn't intend to let this guy do whatever he wanted at all, and at most let this bastard take a little advantage, hugging him like this now, she also recognized it, but she couldn't accept the more extreme things.

"Nine girls, I'm here to play with you. If you have a good place, I don't mind going with you." Xia Xia said casually.

"Will you accompany me wherever I say?" Ajiu asked with a light snort as she looked at Xia Xia.

"Well, you are more obedient now, I decided to reward you, and you have the final say today." Xia Xia giggled, but at the same time tightened Ah Jiu's waist. When he said that Ah Jiu was more obedient, he obviously meant that Ah Jiu obeyed obediently. He held it.

"Let's go then." A Jiu suddenly had an idea.

About a quarter of an hour later.

A hair salon.

"Nine girl, it takes you six hours to get your hair done?" Xia Xia was depressed. The ninth girl said that she wanted to get a good hairstyle, and then ran here, and said something to the hair stylist. In the end, she told Xia Xia, It will take about six hours for her hairstyle to be done, and let the summer wait here.

Xia Xia suddenly felt that it would be better to accompany Yiyi's wife on a plane.

"Yeah, don't you know that it takes a long time for women to have their hair done?" Ah Jiu looked at Xia Xia, "I want to make my hair look better, and then go out shopping, is that okay?"

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