Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1591 I think you are quite pitiful

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"You don't need to do the surgery, so what do you care about?" Ah Jiu said angrily. In her opinion, it's not a big deal. What's the big deal in doing someone a favor?

In fact, in Wanggang, both the Chen family and the He family are big families. Although on the surface, they are not the richest family, and they seem to be inferior to the richest man, but in fact, the background of these big families, is it Most of the expensive is not comparable.

"Shen Doctor Xia, don't you want us to do this operation in Yiren Pavilion Hospital?" Chen Long couldn't help but ask: "If you don't want to, of course we won't force it."

"Yes, Doctor Xia, but can you tell us the reason?" He Ya looked at Xia Xia, "Seriously, domestic hospitals can truly convince us that they will keep 100% confidentiality. Only your hospital, other hospitals. , there is always the possibility of leaking the news.”

"Actually, no one can keep it 100% secret." Xia Xia said lazily: "Even I can't keep it 100% secret. For example, as long as our parents and sisters coax me, I will tell her everything. Well, of course, she's definitely not interested in your affairs, I just want to tell you that no one can absolutely keep it a secret."

Ah Jiu really wants to beat Xia Xia, but who can understand what this bastard is talking about? Who knows who the long-legged girl in his mouth is?

"This, Xia Shenyi, what do you mean, what should we do?" Chen Long really didn't understand much, but he could understand Xia Xia's final conclusion.

In fact, he actually quite agrees with this conclusion, because theoretically, no one can absolutely keep secrets.

"It's very simple, I'll let you two really have a baby together, no need for surgery." Xia Xia said casually: "You can sleep together for a few nights."

"What are you talking about?" Ah Jiu was a little annoyed.

"Divine Doctor Xia, Yaya she..." Chen Long couldn't help but wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xia Xia.

"Okay, I know what you mean, let me ask you, you actually really like her, right?" Xia Xia looked at Chen Long and asked lazily.

"Yes, I like Yaya, and Yaya knows this, but she can't do anything about it." Chen Long was a little helpless, he really liked He Ya, and because of this, he could accept the way of pretending to be with her , get married, have a child with surgery, and live like this for the rest of your life.

"Actually, you also really like him, don't you?" Xia Xia looked at He Ya again, "It's just that you have a natural rejection of men, and even holding hands with men would be uncomfortable, but with women , even kissing or something is fine, in the end you choose to like women, right?"

"This, it's true." He Ya was stunned, "Actually, I've known Aaron for a long time, and it can even be said that they were childhood sweethearts. When I was a child, I thought that I would marry Aaron. If I could give Aaron to him without surgery Having a baby, I really don't mind, but I really can't."

"Oh, you can do it." Xia Xia smiled, "I'm the number one genius doctor in the world, so there is nothing I can't do, even if you are really gay, I can let you both sleep together, not to mention you Neither is true."

"What?" He Ya was startled, "Shen Doctor Xia, you, you said I'm not really gay?"

"This, Doctor Xia, are you serious?" Chen Long was also a little unbelievable.

Ah Jiu didn't speak, but looked at Xia Xia suspiciously, isn't this bastard fooling people?

"Of course it's true, I'm the number one genius doctor in the world." Xia Xia looked at He Ya, "You're just sick, because this disease makes you reject men, um, there are hormones in men that you can't adapt to, this It's more complicated to explain things, so I'm too lazy to explain, I'll cure you directly, and then you can see the effect."

After Xia Tian finished saying this, he took out a silver needle and stabbed He Ya a few times at a speed unseen by the naked eye, then retracted the silver needle and looked at Chen Long: "Hey, give her a try. I know, um, a kiss is better."

"This..." Chen Long hesitated. He looked at He Ya, obviously not daring to act lightly.

"I, I'll try." He Ya was suspicious, stretched out her hand, hesitated for a moment, and then gently placed it on Chen Long's hand, and then held it gently.

"This, Yaya, you, how are you feeling now?" Chen Long looked at He Ya, a little uneasy.

"It feels pretty good." He Ya was a little stunned and looked a little unbelievable, "Aaron, it seems, it seems that I really don't have that feeling of rejection and disgust anymore."

"Well, is that really good?" Chen Long was still a little unbelievable.

"Well, I think, I should be true... ah!" He Ya suddenly let out a coquettish cry, but Chen Long suddenly picked her up.

"Hahaha, that's great, that's great!" Chen Long held He Ya and spun around there for a few times, then put her on the ground, "Yaya, look, you're really fine, I'll hug her. You've been fine for so long."

"Yeah, it's alright, I... um!" He Ya's mouth was blocked.

"Nine girls, shouldn't we celebrate too?" Xia Xia said after looking at the two kissing each other.

"I have nothing to celebrate with you!" Ah Jiu said angrily, but there was an indescribable feeling in her heart, this bastard's medical skills are really amazing.

"Nine girls, I suddenly remembered something, how do I charge people for medical treatment now?" Xia Xia looked serious, "My standard back then was to save one million lives, and save half of the deaths.

Later, it was changed to 10 million for life saving and 10,000 for saving death. Should I change to a new standard now? "

"What new standard do you want to change?" Ah Jiu said angrily, "Can't you just be a little bit better and do something good? You're not short of money anyway."

"Well, girl nine, you're actually quite reasonable." Xia Xia nodded, "I'm so rich now, I can't treat diseases for money anymore, then I'll treat diseases according to my mood, and treat diseases when I'm in a good mood. , if you are in a bad mood, you will be cured."

Looking at Chen Long and He Ya who were still kissing together, Xia Tian raised his voice: "Hey, you two, go open a room now."

The sound obviously alarmed the two of them, Chen Long and He Ya hurriedly separated, and then looked at Xia Xia together.

"Xia Shenyi, I'm sorry..." Chen Long quickly apologized, "I'm happy for a while..."

"Don't be embarrassed, you really should go to open a room now." Xia Xia looked serious, "Well, I think you are quite pitiful, because she hasn't slept with a woman for so many years, now hurry up and make up for yourself. "

"Ah?" He Ya looked at Chen Long, "Aaron, you, you actually..."

"Also, go to bed now, and you can get pregnant today." Xia Xia said again.

"But, Doctor Xia..." Chen Long was obviously still very moved, but it was obviously not good to leave the guests here.

"Don't think it's bad to leave us here, in fact, I also want to live a two-person world with our nine girls." Xia Xia said again.

"Well, Xia Shenyi, Yaya and I will not disturb you." Chen Long finally made a decision, "I will visit you at Yirenge Hospital next time."

After a pause, Chen Long said again: "Xia Shenyi, Miss Ajiu, you are free here, I will explain it, and the waiter will meet any of your requirements."

"Mr. Chen, you are busy, don't worry about us..." Ah Jiu suddenly felt wrong when she said this. At this time, the word busy seems to be inappropriate.

"Miss Ah Jiu, you and Xia Shenyi are also slowly passing through the two-person world." He Ya blushed slightly and said with a slight smile.

Chen Long and He Ya finally left the private room, and then, only Xia Xia and Ah Jiu were left here.

"Why did you suddenly do something good today?" Ah Jiu looked at Xia Xia and always felt that this guy was abnormal today. This kind of thing that benefits others and not oneself seems to be rarely done by this bastard.

"I do good deeds every day." Xia Xia looked serious, "I used to play with my wife every day to make her happy. This is the greatest good thing in the world."

Ah Jiu decided not to talk about this topic with Xia Xia, there is absolutely no way to communicate!

"Well, girl nine, in fact, I'm doing good things right now, I'm playing with you." Xia Xia smiled, and then reached out and hugged Ah Jiu and put it on his lap.

"Let go of me!" A Jiu struggled violently. There were outsiders in the past, and she gave this bastard some face. Now that there is no one, she will not let this bastard do whatever he wants.

"Nine girls, you really didn't eat, you have such little strength." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"When did your bastard's skill recover again?" A Jiu gritted her teeth. When she was in Guicheng, her skill was stronger than Xia Xia's. Although she couldn't beat him, it was easy to break free from his embrace.

But now, she found that her struggles had no effect at all.

"Oh, I found a wife, of course I will restore my skill." Xia Xia said lazily: "Nine girls, do you want to make your skill higher? Actually, I can help you."

"I don't want to!" Ah Jiu said angrily. In fact, she still wanted to, but she was sure that if she wanted to strengthen her skills, this bastard would definitely take the opportunity to make a condition.

"Nine girl, you really have no enterprising spirit at all." Xia Xia shook his head and sighed, "You see that girl Qingqing has been working hard for more than ten years, just to become my little wife, and that girl Beibei is also working hard, She finally got her figure into a good shape, but why don't you know how to work harder? If you work harder, you can upgrade from a maid to a wife."

"I'm not your maid, and I don't want to be upgraded to a concubine!" A Jiu glared at Xia Xia, "Hurry up and let me go!"

"There's really no pursuit." Xia Tian murmured to himself, "Okay, then let go of you..."

dong dong dong.

The knock on the door interrupted Xia Xia's words, and the knock was heavy, obviously not like the knock on the door by the waiter.

The next second, the door was kicked open.

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