Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1603 You are also on the list now

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ning Ruirui looked at Shi Chun and muttered to herself, this person is worthy of being the stinky little sister-in-law of Xia Xia, and she really knows him too well.

"Hey, brother-in-law, don't hit me again, I'm helping you, the long-legged sister won't open a room with you now, just let me play with her, we girls have a lot of fun together, if you It's boring, you can ask Sister Ajiu to accompany you to open a room." Shi Chun looked at Xia Xia and giggled, "Anyway, Sister Ajiu has bigger breasts."

"Shi Chun, can you shut up?" Ah Jiu was a little embarrassed.

"No, don't try to hit me, my brother-in-law will help me." Shi Chun giggled, "I look better than you, my sister is better than you, my sister is better than your sister, and I am better than you. You are good."

"Well, Jiu girl, Chunchun is actually right. Although she is a little liar, she is still better than you." Xia Xia said seriously.

"I'm not a liar!" Shi Chun gritted his teeth, but still didn't say it, she didn't want to be targeted by this brother-in-law so early, she still wanted to play for a few years.

"Brother-in-law, just let me play with Sister Ruirui." Shi Chun put his arms around Xia Xia's arm and began to act like a spoiled child, "I won't take advantage of her, we're just going to play some games that girls like to play."

"Okay, let's go play first." Xia Xia thought about it and finally agreed. After all, Shi Chun was right, and this little girl with long legs would not accompany him to open a room.

What's more, he mainly misses the long-legged girl now. Although the little long-legged girl has very good legs and is comparable to the long-legged girl, other places are still a little worse.

After finally reviewing the feel of Ning Ruirui's long legs, Xia Xia finally released Ning Ruirui, and Shi Chun immediately pulled Ning Ruirui away with one hand: "Sister Ruirui, let's go outside to play!"

In fact, Ning Ruirui didn't really want to play with Shi Chun too much. After all, she was not familiar with Shi Chun, and she just met.

However, it is also a good thing for her to be able to get rid of the hooligan Xia Xia temporarily, so she still went with Shi Chun. Of course, Sun Yun, who came with Shi Chun, was also pulled away by Shi Chun.

"Nine girls, let's go play in another place." Xia Xia immediately changed her target.

Staring at Ah Jiu for two seconds, Xia Xia added: "Nine girl, the clothes I bought for you really look much better than the clothes you bought yourself."

Ah Jiu gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes, turned around and left.

"Well, Jiu girl is still relatively good tonight." Xia Xia came to a conclusion, and then chased after Ah Jiu.

So Chen Long and He Ya were left on the third floor.

"This Doctor Xia seems to be a little different." He Ya couldn't help but whispered.

"Yaya, he's not as simple as being different." Chen Long shook his head gently.

"Aaron, do you know his origin?" He Ya was a little surprised.

"I'll tell you later, in short, it's our luck to know him and maintain a good relationship with him." Chen Long said in a low voice.

He Ya nodded, thoughtfully, she knew that Chen Long should have asked someone to inquire about Xia Xia.

At this moment, Xia Xia and Ah Jiu have both walked out of the villa. Speaking of which, no one outside knows what happened on the second floor of the villa. No, the beach is still quite lively at the moment, and a group of men and women are drinking and dancing there.

"Girl Jiu, can you dance?" Xia Xia looked at A Jiu, "Would you like to show me a dance?"

"No!" Ah Jiu said angrily, she really didn't know how.

"Nine girls, a girl who can't dance is not a good girl." Xia Xia was a little depressed, "Shuang girl and crazy girl can dance, um, Shuang girl didn't know how to dance, but she learned it from the blond wife, and now she can dance well. It looks good."

"Go find them." Ah Jiu snorted softly, with a bit of schadenfreude in her tone. Now that this bastard can't find those women, he is frantically looking for substitutes everywhere. She doesn't want to be a substitute for those women.

"Nine girls, I will find them. When I find them, I may not like you anymore, so you have to be good now." Xia Xia said seriously.

"I didn't want you to like it!" Ah Jiu was instantly angry, what kind of person is this, and now it's okay to take advantage of her all day long, but she still says such things!

"Nine girls, it's not right for you to be so duplicitous. If you say you don't want me to like it, why are you throwing yourself into my arms?" Xia Xia smiled.

"Where did I jump into your arms..." Before Ah Jiu could finish her words, she found that she was rushing towards Xia Xia's arms uncontrollably, and then she was hugged by Xia Xia's arms.

Ah Jiu gritted her teeth secretly, this bastard is really shameless, he obviously did the trick, and she has to say that she took the initiative.

"You're all boring, you bastard?" Ah Jiu didn't bother to struggle, because it was useless, she just couldn't figure it out, this bastard is also a person with status, and he is also in his thirties, why is he still acting like a child Rogue!

Could he be more mature?

"Well, it's quite boring, so, girl nine, let's dance." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"I said I can't dance..." As soon as Ah Jiu finished speaking, she found herself suddenly leaving Xia Xia's embrace, and then began to dance uncontrollably.

Well, of course, she didn't dance alone, Xia Xia took her by the hand, and the two danced tango.

"Nine girls, you are really not good, look at you, you dance very well." Xia Xia said seriously.


I feel like I'm going crazy, this bastard is so boring!

It's okay if he's bored, maybe he can't treat her like a remote control toy?

"Miss Ajiu is really in good spirits." A voice came at this moment, and there was obvious irony in that voice, "I heard that Miss Ajiu just escaped, is this celebrating with her lover?"

Ah Jiu was pulled by Xia Xia to turn around, and then leaned back against Xia Xia and fell into his arms. After that, she also saw the source of the sound. Not far away, stood a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man has actually met Ah Jiu in the summer. Even today, in the shopping mall, it is the richest man in Wanggang, who is not expensive.

"Mr. Mo is really well-informed." A Jiu looked at Mo Bugui with suspicion in her tone, "Could it be that Mr. Mo already knew about this?"

It’s not unusual for someone like Mo Bugui to be well informed. The problem is that Mo Bugui didn’t come to the party, and now, the police have not even arrived here, but Mo Bugui appeared first, which is too fast, right?

Unless, you were nearby before, maybe, waiting for the explosion?

Originally, Ah Jiu didn't know what kind of hatred the woman who wanted to detonate had against Yiren Pavilion, but now, Mo Bugui's appearance made her feel that perhaps this matter was planned behind the scenes by Mo Bugui?

With the most expensive financial resources, it is actually easy to plan such an event.

"Miss Ah Jiu, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence, otherwise, I can sue you for slander." Mo Bugui's tone was very strange, "Like my son died, I can't say it was the doctor. Miss Xian did the harm, right? Everyone knows a lot of things, but it's just a matter of knowing. If you want to accuse others, you need to tell evidence."

Hearing this, Ah Jiu was stunned for a moment. Could it be that you are acknowledging that?

"By the way, Miss Ajiu, I think I have to tell you something. Miss Yixian seems to be going abroad by plane, right? I don't know if you've heard that planes are very unsafe now, and accidents are easy to happen." Mo Bugui spoke again, "Miss Ah Jiu has a good luck tonight, but it's hard to say whether the luck of that Doctor Immortal is as good as yours."

"Mo Bugui, what do you mean?" A Jiu's face changed suddenly, and her tone became cold. She didn't care much about other people's affairs, even her own affairs, she didn't particularly care, but it was at stake. Miss her, that's another story.

"Miss Ah Jiu, I just kindly remind you. After all, these days, if there is a bomb or something on the plane, it will be a big problem. Even if Miss Doctor Immortal has amazing medical skills, I'm afraid I can't save myself at this time, right?" Mo Bugui said unhurriedly, with a somewhat complacent look in that tone.

However, no one is actually paying attention to the situation here, after all, everyone else is partying.

"Mo Bugui, what have you done?" Ah Jiu was not stupid, she was immediately certain that the bomb incident just now was planned by Mo Bugui.

Obviously, Mo Bugui did not just attack her, but also her young lady.

"Miss Ah Jiu, I didn't do anything, even if something happened to that Doctor Immortal, it has nothing to do with me. After all, you can't find any evidence, oh, by the way, Miss Ah Jiu, I suggest You should also be careful, after all, your luck will not always be so good, and things like bombs will not always be bad, hahaha..." When Mo Bugui finally said, he actually laughed, as if proud, as if There is a trace of grief.

After laughing for ten seconds, Mo Bugui stopped laughing, and his tone suddenly turned cold: "Miss Ah Jiu, I said, my son, Mo Bugui, will not die in vain, everyone, everyone who killed him, will pay the price!"

"What an idiot, your son is an idiot, and you are also an idiot, how dare you threaten my wife in front of me." Xia Xia's voice finally rang out, "It's okay for you to threaten Jiu-tou, but you actually harassed me. Wife Yi also dares to do it, um, you are dead."

"I'm dead? Hahaha, what can you do to me? I tell you, as long as you are still alive, there will be endless killers looking for you, and I will have nothing to do with this matter, you will always be There will be no evidence, what can you do to me?" Mo Bugui looked at Xia Xia, "Boy, just be your little white face, now, if you insist on courting death, that's great, you are on the list now too. !"

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