Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1607 He can't be resurrected this time

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"I'm too lazy to stay with that girl Shi Chun!" A Jiu snorted softly, that little girl would attack her when she had something to do with her, and she wouldn't have anything to do with that girl, so she might as well stay away from her.

It's just that Ajiu seems to have forgotten that there are many ways to stay away from Shi Chun. She doesn't have to follow Xia Xia to the snowy mountains, but she still instinctively chooses to follow Xia Xia. Two options, either stay in the villa or go with the summer.

"Well, Chunchun is a little liar, and I don't like to play with her either." Xia Xia said casually and hugged Ah Jiu's waist, "Jiu girl, let's go to Snow Mountain first."

In the night, Xia Xia hugged Ah Jiu in one hand and Hu Jiawei in the other, and flew directly towards the snow-capped mountains.

It is actually quite far from Wanggang to Snow Mountain, but for the current summer, it is not very far. After all, it doesn't take too long to fly in a straight line.

Xia Xia obviously didn't want to waste any time on the road, so this time he flew very fast. In about half an hour, he reached the top of the snow-capped mountain. Then, he threw Hu Jiawei into it again. among the snow mountains.

"Are you just throwing him down like this?" Ah Jiu was a little worried, "What if he comes back to life again?"

"Nine girls, don't worry, he can't be resurrected this time." Xia Xia said casually: "Even if a cultivator's Nascent Soul enters his body, he won't be able to survive."

Ah Jiu immediately understood that Xia Xia must have done something with his medical skills. Of course, Ah Jiu had no sympathy for this person. Whether it was the original Hu Jiawei or that Feng Tianyu, it was obviously not a good thing.

Hu Jiawei actually tried to kill and humiliate Ning Ruirui on the top of the snow-capped mountain before. In A Jiu's mind, it was a crime that deserved death. And Feng Tianyu, who had been reborn from the dead, also tried to betray Ning Ruirui just now at the beach. Obviously, the same It's not a good thing, and letting such a person die completely is the safest way to deal with it for the rest of the world.

However, Ah Jiu was still a little confused.

"Why do you have to bring him here?" Ah Jiu didn't understand, she actually knew that dealing with such immortal cultivators was originally within the scope of the Taoist group in Xia Tian, ​​and there was no need to hide at all, and , Hiding is not this person's style. Take another 10,000 steps and say, even if you really want to hide this matter, with Xia's ability, where can't destroy corpses and destroy traces, do you have to come to the snowy mountains?

"Nine girls, I just brought that idiot here by the way." Xia Xia said casually: "I'm going to check carefully in Snow Mountain to see if anyone else is coming."

After a pause, Xia Xia added: "Well, Jiu girl, although I have always been lucky, but sometimes, we can't bet on luck, this idiot has come, and there may be other people coming too, We'd better be careful."

"Then why don't you hurry up and check?" Ah Jiu snorted softly and muttered to herself, this guy's brain is quite normal when he is doing business.

"Well, nine girls, wait for me here." Xia Xia suddenly disappeared from the top of the snow mountain, apparently to search for signs of other immortal cultivators.

Ah Jiu didn't follow, she just stood on the top of the snow mountain.

At this moment, the wind is strong and there is no snow.

Under the night sky, in the reflection of the snow, Ah Jiuyi stood there in an evening dress, standing proudly, with a peerless youth.

At this moment, Ah Jiu is a real fairy in the world. If there are immortal cultivators from Xianyun Continent at this moment, she will definitely not be regarded as an ordinary person. Even in the eyes of those immortal cultivators in Xianyun Continent, Ah Jiu must have come from A stunning fairy who cultivates a famous sect.

"Why am I here?" Ah Jiu whispered softly, and suddenly, she finally realized one thing, she actually didn't use it at all, she claimed it was to avoid Shi Chun, but she didn't want to avoid it. Is it summer?

Ah Jiu was very tangled. She found that it was not long after she was with Xia Xia, and many things seemed to have changed inadvertently. In the past ten years, she had always felt that Xia Xia was inferior to a beast and deserved death. However, it seems that Now, subconsciously, she no longer thinks so?

What makes Ah Jiu even more uneasy is that she doesn't seem to reject being with Xia Xia at all. Does that bastard really have any magic power that can always make every woman want to be with him?

Otherwise, why would so many amazing and talented women choose to be with him?

At one time, Ah Jiu thought that it was just because the summer would go against the sky, but now, she faintly felt that it was not just that simple.

Just like today, this day, her life seems to be messy and upside down, but it seems to have a different flavor, which is completely different from her past life, but she seems to really like this kind of life.

It seemed to be a truly free life, free from restraint and without scruples.

She squatted down gently, stretched out her crystal white jade hand, grabbed a mass of white snow, and then gently rubbed it again, the white snow turned into water vapor in her hand, and Ah Jiu let out a long sigh.

In the past ten years, she seemed to be really tired.

She didn't need to be so tired. In fact, all that was not her responsibility.

She has always blamed herself for not protecting the young lady. However, she is not able to protect the young lady at all. Over the years, she has always felt that she has the responsibility to avenge the young lady, but, in fact, the young lady herself has already given up the meaning of revenge. .


Sister, should you get off the plane now? "A Jiu took out her mobile phone and wanted to call the lady, but she soon discovered that there was no signal on the top of the snow-capped mountain.

Ah Jiu subconsciously wanted to fly down the mountain and find a place with a signal at the bottom of the mountain, but just after she took off, she fell back to the same place, because at this moment, she changed her decision.

Don't tell the lady about these things.

"Ninth girl, have you noticed that you have become beautiful?" A familiar voice came, and Xia Tian appeared in front of Ah Jiu, "Well, it should be the effect of the second time washing the marrow before."

"Did you finish the inspection so soon?" Ah Jiu asked.

"Yeah, I searched it again, and I haven't found any traces of anyone coming here. However, in places like the snow-capped mountains, traces can easily be covered up." Xia Xia didn't pay much attention to this, "There's nothing I can do now, um, Nine girls, I'll take you somewhere."

He spread his arms around Ah Jiu again, Xia Xia suddenly disappeared from the top of the snow-capped mountain, and then, he suddenly plunged into the snow-capped mountain.

Just when Ah Jiu didn't know why, the front suddenly lit up, and then, Ah Jiu found that he had entered a snow cave, and this snow cave was obviously decorated. Well, it was actually a house inside.

Inside the house, it can be said that it is fully furnished, with tables and chairs, and of course, the most important thing is the bed, and these things, if you look closely, are actually made of snow.

"Nine girl, this is my house in the snowy mountain. You can play here for a while. I'll go down the mountain and make a phone call first." Xia Xia quickly said, then put Ajiu down and disappeared from the snow cave. .

"This bastard used to fool around with people, right?" Ah Jiu couldn't help but scolded in a low voice, to get a house in this snowy mountain, and even have a bed, except for fooling around, Ah Jiu couldn't think of a summer. Any reason to do this.

Ah Jiu walked to the snow bed and sat down. I don't know how the snow bed was made in summer. When I sat on it, it felt very soft. Of course, it was a little cold at the same time.

This kind of coldness is obviously something that Ah Jiu can bear. After all, she is also a cultivator of Jindan stage now, so a little coldness has no effect on her.

"Ding..." The clear voice sounded, and Ah Jiu subconsciously jumped up from the bed and entered a state of alert.

However, Ah Jiu soon discovered that this was not a sound of warning, but a sound of music.

The music sounded a bit strange, but it was very moving. However, Ah Jiu didn't find where the instrument was. It seemed that the sound appeared automatically.

"Strange, where did this sound come from?" Ah Jiu muttered to herself.

"Nine girls, this sound is from the snow mountain." Xia Xia's voice came at this time, and he obviously came back, "Well, it's actually made by the witch's wife. She prefers some weird music. She is in the snow mountain. I made some holes in the top and so on, anyway, it almost turned the whole snow-capped mountain into a musical instrument, and then when the wind blows, the musical instrument will automatically play."

"Which demon wife are you talking about?" Ah Jiu couldn't help but ask, "Is it Ye Yumei?"

"No, that's the long-legged wife, and the witch's wife is the one who was the queen in Xianyun Continent." Xia Xia explained casually, "Nine girl, you are really unqualified, you don't even know this kind of thing. ."

"Can't you just call them by their names? You have to use so many messy nicknames." Ah Jiu said angrily, and then couldn't help but ask, "Is this the place where you and that Ji Qingying had a tryst?"

"Yeah, the witch wife likes Snow Mountain very much. Well, I actually like it too, but girls with long legs don't usually come here, and she doesn't like the witch wife. They often fight." Xia Xia smiled, "Every time The two of them are tired, so I will go over and beat them both, so they will be obedient."

A thought unconsciously popped into Ah Jiu's mind, isn't this bastard going to beat them up? Mostly doing shit like that.

Not to mention, Ah Jiu really thought it right this time.

"Actually, the demon girl's wife is quite good now, um, I seem to miss her a little bit." Xia Xia muttered to himself, then lay down on the snow bed, and took Ah Jiu onto the bed.

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