Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1615 I will not be so stingy

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The truck is actually a little far away from Ning Ruirui, and she is obviously not worried about her safety. Even before, she could dodge it herself, not to mention now that she is an immortal cultivator, it is easy to avoid the truck.

Taking a step back, even if she can't escape, there is still Xia Xia, Xia Xia is still holding her at this moment, and Ning Ruirui is sure that Xia Xia will not let her be killed by a truck.

According to Xia Xia's logic, once she was killed, it was Xia Xia who suffered the loss.

"Save people!" Ning Ruirui still shouted quickly at this time, because there was an electric car between her and the truck.

On the electric car, a young man is carrying a young girl, and they don't seem to realize that the danger is coming, and the van is obviously out of control and can't stop at all!

"Little long-legged girl, which one to save?" Xia Xia asked casually, "Male or female?"

"Nonsense, of course, it's all saved!" Ning Ruirui wanted to knock Xia Xia's head open to see what was inside. This kind of question can also be asked, how does his brain grow?

After thinking about it, Ning Ruirui added: "The truck driver is also saved."

"Okay." Xia Tian was a little disapproving, but he still acted, and his action was very simple, he charged directly towards the truck, and then stomped on the front of the car.


There were exclamations from all around, and the young men and women on the electric car seemed to have finally reacted at this moment. They stopped the car and turned their heads to look, and then both of them were dumbfounded.

The out-of-control truck stopped just like that, unable to move one centimeter.

The next second, the two of them were even more dumbfounded, because they saw Xia suddenly holding Ning Ruirui to the side of the truck, and then pedaling on the truck again.

The truck that had just stopped suddenly rolled over, and the truck driver rolled off the roadside together with the driver.

If the young couple just now suspected that it was just luck in the summer and the truck just stopped, now they know that it was not luck at all.

But the question is, how is this possible?

"It looks like a fairy." The young man muttered to himself.

Ning Ruirui was a little annoyed: "Hey, why did you overturn the car?"

"Oh, I don't like that idiot who drives a truck." Xia Xia said casually: "Bingbing once told me that I hate people who drink and drive. Well, people who Bingbing hates, I hate too."

"You mean the truck driver drank?" Ning Ruirui understood.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded, "Little long-legged girl, let's go, there's nothing to do here."

"Okay, let's take a taxi from another place." Ning Ruirui decided that it would be better to leave here.

A minute later, the two appeared at another intersection one kilometer away, and Ning Ruirui took out her mobile phone again at this time, and quickly called a special car.

This time, I got into the car quickly and smoothly, and then went to the destination, a small town below Huicheng, which is Qi Qi's house. According to the news that Ning Ruirui just got from the phone, Qi Qi's family is preparing to do it for her. As for how Qi Qi died, Ning Ruirui still doesn't know.

About half an hour's drive from the destination, Ning Ruirui became silent. Many people think that people who like to carry out extreme challenges are people who are not afraid of life and death, but in fact, this is not the case. At least, Ning Ruirui herself is not like this.

Moreover, even if you have been prepared mentally to face life and death, it is mainly for yourself, and it is still not so easy to accept the departure of relatives and friends.

Especially Ning Ruirui is only in her twenties. For a person of her age, things like the death of a friend don't happen often. In fact, Qi Qi's departure is the first time for Ning Ruirui Going through such a thing naturally made it more difficult for her to adapt.

Summer is very boring now, and in the boring summer, I start to stare at Ning Ruirui, trying to study how to make this little long-legged girl look better. Well, if she can become as good-looking as the long-legged girl, then even better.

However, after looking carefully for a while, Xia Tian felt that the long-legged girl had an innate advantage that no one else had. No one else could achieve the proportion of the long-legged girl, even a genius doctor like him. Can't make a new long-legged girl out.

Well, thinking about it this way, the long legs of this little girl with long legs can't be replaced by others.

After a while, Ning Ruirui finally remembered to call grandpa, and over the phone, Ning Wanghai heard that Ning Ruirui was with Xia Xia, and was not worried at all.

Ning Ruirui was a little depressed. She didn't know what the reputation of this rogue Xia Xia was in the past. It seemed that she should also inquire.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Ning Ruirui soon found that Xia Xia's eyes were not right.

"Look at you." Xia Tian admitted honestly, "I see if I can make you more beautiful."

Ning Ruirui finally couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Xia Tian, ​​she really wanted to kick Xia Xia out of the car.

Well, no success.

Also, the legs were caught by Summer.

"Little long-legged girl, do you still want your legs to look better?" Xia Tian was a little surprised, "Well, your legs are already perfect, they weren't perfect at first, but after I gave you acupuncture yesterday, basically There's nothing unsightly about it... Well, it seems that the elasticity here is not good enough, so let me give you a massage."

Xia Xia said and pressed it on Ning Ruirui's calf, but it fell down.

It didn't take long, and within ten seconds, he stopped, and then looked very satisfied: "Well, this time is perfect, little girl with long legs, your legs are impeccable."

"Hey, let go, there are still people watching!" Ning Ruirui was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, little girl with long legs, it's okay to let others see your legs, I won't be so stingy." Xia Xia looked very generous.

Ning Ruirui is going crazy again. It's really impossible to be on the same channel with this rogue. They are not talking about the same thing at all!

Speaking of which, Ning Ruirui didn't realize that she was not on the same channel as Xia Xia now, but from time to time she felt that Xia Xia might be able to rescue her, and that the two might be able to chat normally, but every time she finally found out that Xia Xia was not at all at all. Hopeless, no matter when, the two of them are not on the same channel.

So, Ning Ruirui once again decided to give up the plan to rescue Xia Xia's neuropathy, and she was too lazy to chat with Xia Xia. As for Xia Xia putting her legs on him for research, she didn't care, she was almost used to it anyway.

Fortunately, the car still drove relatively fast, and it took less than half an hour to arrive at the destination, a small town called Shahe. Obviously, Ning Ruirui had never been here, so she got off the car and asked someone for directions.

"Hello, eldest brother, do you know how to get to Qi Qi's house?" Ning Ruirui stopped a man in his thirties.

The man stopped and gave Ning Ruirui a look, and then his eyes straightened.

"Are you looking for Qi Qi? The one who is small and a little thin?" the man asked.

"Yes, it's her." Ning Ruirui nodded.

"It's a coincidence, I'm going to her house, I'll take you there." The man seemed very enthusiastic.

"That's great, thank you big brother." Ning Ruirui was still very polite.

"Come on, go this way, it's not far, you'll be there in a few minutes." The man said while leading the way.

"This place looks a bit broken." Xia Xia said to himself at this time, and then put his arms around Ning Ruirui's slender waist, watching the man grit his teeth secretly, envy and hate.

Ning Ruirui pinched Xia Xia's arm fiercely. However, even though she is an immortal cultivator now, this attack power is still useless to Xia Xia, and Xia Xia still hugs her.

"Little long-legged girl, if you pinch me again, I will pinch you too." Xia Xia said seriously.

Ning Ruirui didn't dare to pinch her anymore, because she believed that Xia Xia could do it. The most important thing was that if this rogue wanted to pinch her, it would definitely not be her arm, but other places.

Almost three minutes later.

"Beautiful girl, here it is, that's all." The man who led the way in front said, and then he walked into a yard.

This is a town that looks a bit backward in general. All kinds of houses and buildings are relatively dilapidated, but the house in front of it looks like a luxury villa, and the yard is quite large.

"This is Qi Qi's house?" Ning Ruirui was a little suspicious. Although she had never been to Qi Qi's house, she knew that Qi Qi's family was not good enough to live in such a good place.

However, although she was puzzled, Ning Ruirui still walked in. The so-called master of art is bold, Ning Ruirui herself has the ability now, and someone like Xia Xia is by her side, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of.

"That's right, pretty girl, this is where you should come." The man smiled strangely, and then shouted, "The brothers are all out, a beautiful girl is looking for Qiqi, come and say hello!"

With this shouting, more than a dozen men came out, the young ones were only in their twenties, the older ones looked at least fifty years old, and their eyes soon fell on Ning Rui Rui's body, and then her eyes are straight.

"Beautiful, where did this girl come from?"

"Find Qi Qi? That's right, Qi Qi caused our Weizi to go in, so we'll settle the account with this girl."

"Hey, little girl, what's your name? What's your relationship with Qi Qi?"

"Beautiful girl, you really know how to find a place, is this delivered to your door?"


These people, you said to me, obviously already regarded Ning Ruirui as their belongings.

"Okay, brothers, let's get rid of that kid first." The man who brought Ning Ruirui here pointed at Xia Tian, ​​"This kid is this girl's boyfriend, fix him first, then This girl can play whatever she wants."

"Little long-legged girl, you really need to drink more papaya juice, otherwise, with your IQ, it is really easy to be deceived. Look, you have been deceived to your home when you asked someone for directions. Xia Xia shook his head with emotion, "I'm really worried now that you will lower my wife's average IQ."

Ning Ruirui couldn't refute this time, how did she know that if she asked for a way, she would also be deceived?

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