Flower Master in the City

The first thousand six hundred and forty-three chapters

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

No accident, this call was made by Yi Xiaoyin, and it was called Xia Xia.

"Wife Yiyi, you really miss me that much." Xia Xia answered the phone quickly this time, and just after he finished speaking, Lan Yi couldn't help but bite Xia Xia.

Well, Lan Yiren actually eats a little vinegar from time to time. This pervert husband is too bad. He often hugs her like this to flirt with others, and he has no scruples.

"Are you ill? I'm in a hurry to find you, and I'm not in the mood to play with you!" Yi Xiaoyin was very annoyed, this bastard likes to pester her when she's not at all, but when she really has something to look for, he doesn't show up. .

"Wife Yiyi, I'm not sick. I'm in good health now. If you don't believe me, try it." Xia Xia said with a smile.

Lan Yiren expressed her approval in her heart, this husband is really in good health, she just tried it.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, Ah Jiu has been missing for so many days, and there's no news, hurry up and find her!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

"Wife Yiyi, is the urgent thing you said is to find Jiu girl?" Xia Xia was a little puzzled, "Jiu girl went out to play by herself. When she doesn't want to play anymore, she will come back naturally, you don't need to go to her."

"A-Jiu has never heard from her for such a long time. What if something happens to her?" Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed. "In short, you can find a way to find her right away. I have to make sure that A-Jiu is all right now!"

After a pause, Yi Xiaoyin said again: "Also, the trailer in that movie, that sentence, the school season, the war of gods starts, if it is true, then the god-destroying organization should have acted by now. Now, they might also trouble Ah Jiu!"

"Wife Yiyi, it turns out that what you really care about is me." Xia Xia suddenly became happy, "Don't worry, that god-destroying organization is already in action, I'm not afraid of them."

"Anyway, find Ah Jiu quickly!" Yi Xiaoyin hung up the phone after she finished speaking. She didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Well, let's find it then." Xia Xia didn't care about it, and his way to find Ah Jiu was very simple, that is, send a message to the good baby and ask her to find someone.

In the past, when the goblin was around, it was all done by the goblin. As for now, it's fine to let the good baby do it. If he was asked to find someone himself, he actually didn't know how to find it.

After all, the world is so big, and he is not a master of the tribulation period now, so he can't scan the whole world at once.

And after sending the news, Xia Xia continued to prove to Lan Yiren that his physical fitness was excellent.

In fact, Xia Xia was right, Ah Jiu did relax by herself, at least for now, nothing happened to her.

Since the separation from the summer in the snow-capped mountains, Ah Jiu has started a solo trip. For the first few days, she was far away from the world, always walking in the remote mountains, and even eating was solved by birds and beasts, but it didn't take long for Ah Jiu. Nine returned to the crowd.

Ah Jiu found that although she wanted to be quiet, she actually just wanted to stay away from people she knew well, mainly to stay away from summer. At the same time, she also wanted to stay away from her lady who was respected as a medical fairy.

So, Ah Jiu changed her clothes. She threw away the beautiful white dress before. Now Ah Jiu is dressed in a very casual outfit, with a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Not to mention, this dress is actually a bit like summer. picture.

Carrying a small backpack and putting a ball on her head, Ah Jiu started a real tour like this. At first glance, she looks like the kind of person who goes to various places for poor travel, and she only eats, drinks and sleeps without money. poor travel.

Of course, Ah Jiu won't go to find someone to eat or drink, and she won't go to sleep. She doesn't really have no money, she has a lot of money, but she doesn't drive and walks all the time, which will make people mistakenly think that she has no money. money.

No, there are always cars that stop by A Jiu's side and want to take her for a ride. Of course, it's hard to say whether they want to take her with good intentions or for other purposes.

These days, some drivers specialize in rubbing cars for those beautiful girls who travel in poverty, but they are often not in vain. Some people will take the opportunity to do something too extreme and put forward some more extreme conditions. Well, it is rumored that many girls still will agree.

There are many legends about Qianyou, but these legends are obviously not suitable for Ah Jiu. Ah Jiu does not need to take a car, she can walk very fast, and the reason why she looks like an ordinary person is only because she does not have a clear The destination, so she is actually walking around without a purpose, where she goes.

Sometimes she stays in a hotel at night, and sometimes she lives outside. As for eating, she can actually go without eating for a few days now, but at this moment, Ah Jiu is actually eating.

This is a small county town, not very famous, and it is not a tourist city, but Ajiu came here by accident and found that this place is actually quite good, with beautiful scenery and fresh air, of course, or it is also because this place is not famous. good air.

The county town is still quite lively, not particularly prosperous, but it is still bustling with people and there are many places to eat. Ah Jiu randomly found a small restaurant, and then ordered a few more casual dishes. Waiting for the food to be served while drinking tea.

Ah Jiu actually thinks the free tea here tastes good. Well, maybe it's because she has never had this kind of tea before. After all, you must know that in the past few years, although Ah Jiu was nominally a maid, her usual living standard, It's no worse than those real wealthy daughters.

Ah Jiu finds that she likes the life she is now, maybe until now, she is her, a Ah Jiu with an independent personality, but before, she was just Yi Xiaoyin's maid.

Even if Yi Xiaoyin didn't treat her as a maid,

But in her own subconscious, she could never get rid of the identity of a maid, like a brand, deeply embedded in her soul.

It seems that she has not really woken up until now. In fact, she has always wanted to have her own life, and she did not want to be just a vassal.

In a word, Ah Jiu likes the current state, being alone, relaxed and free, without having to think about how well the Doctor Immortal is, or who the man named Xia Xian is fooling around with, all that, It seemed that it had nothing to do with her.

The world is so big that she just wants to walk around and see, to use the popular saying, she is looking for her true self.

As for when to go back, Ah Jiu didn't think about it, and she didn't even know whether she would go back or not.

Ah Jiu is in a pretty good mood right now. During this period, it can be said that she has lived the most peaceful time in thirty years, and she enjoys this peace very much.

More appropriately, it is tranquility.

Peace of mind.

However, in the next second, this tranquility was broken.

A person sat quietly opposite Ah Jiu, yes, quietly, even Ah Jiu didn't notice it.

You must know that Ah Jiu is now a cultivator of the Golden Core Stage, let alone an ordinary person, even if she is far away from her, she can perceive it. Even if she is not very alert at the moment, she still will not let her An ordinary person only noticed it when he sat across from it.

This can only show one thing, this is not ordinary people.

But this guy looks quite ordinary.

The facial features are correct, but they are just correct. They are not ugly, but they are definitely not beautiful.

This is a woman, a woman dressed in ordinary clothes, dressed in casual clothes similar to Ah Jiu, but in terms of appearance, she is far from Ah Jiu. However, in terms of body shape, this woman is not bad, at least she has a decent body. Well-proportioned, the basic body curve is also there.

However, the figure is not comparable to Ah Jiu.

However, Ah Jiu didn't consciously tense up. At this moment, she felt an inexplicable danger, and she found that she couldn't see the depth of the other party at all.

Even in front of Xia, she didn't seem to feel this way. At this moment, she even had a feeling that the woman who just appeared was stronger than Xia Xia.

"Miss Ah Jiu, don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions." The woman spoke, her voice was gentle, but her accent was a little strange, and it sounded a little weird, "Introduce myself first, my name is Nangong Xiu, and I have actually followed you. it's been a while."

The woman who claimed to be Nangong Xiu smiled slightly when she said this, and then continued: "Actually, when you and Xia appeared in the snowy mountains, I was already there, and after you left the snowy mountains, I have been following you. Time, I am also adapting to your world, I think you should understand now, I am not from your world, but I am not here to be your enemy."

"You, where are you from?" Ah Jiu's expression changed slightly.

Not from this world?

Ah Jiu actually vaguely knew that some of the women in Xia Xia also seemed to come from other worlds, and now, those women of his seem to have gone to another world. Could it be that this woman named Nangong Xiu also came from that world? ?

"Actually, there are many, many worlds outside of your world, and I am only from one of these worlds. You should never have heard of the name of this world, but the other world, you may have heard of, that The world is called Xianyun Continent, and before I came to your world, I also visited Xianyun Continent." Nangong Xiu smiled lightly, "Miss Ah Jiu, I won't hide from you, the reason why I follow you is because I want to Find the right time to talk to you, specifically, about summer."

"What's the matter?" Ah Jiu's mind trembled slightly, this Nangong Xiu actually knew about Summer?

And the Xianyun Continent in Nangongxiu's mouth should be the world where those women in Xia Xia went?

"Miss Ah Jiu, you may not realize that you, and Xia Xia, are in a very dangerous situation." Nangong Xiu looked at Ah Jiu, her expression became serious, "And I'm actually here to help you. ."

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