Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1656 I can feed you later

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Go play by yourself!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, got up and left, she didn't want to accompany Xia Xia to mess around here, and she really didn't like this kind of noisy environment.

This time, Yi Xiaoyin didn't give Xia Xia a chance to choose. After walking a few hundred meters, she saw a western restaurant and went in immediately.

In fact, this is not a high-end western restaurant, but the environment inside is also good, and at this moment, it is quite clean, and there are only a few people in total.

As soon as Yi Xiaoyin sat down, she felt her waist being hugged. Naturally, Xia Tian sat down next to her.

"You sit opposite." Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

"Wife Yiyi, I like to sit next to you." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"How can I eat when you sit like this?" Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed, can this person stop being so annoying? Fortunately, she hasn't let him do whatever she wants, otherwise she doesn't know what it will be like to be entangled by him.

"Wife Yiyi, don't worry, I can feed you later." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"Anyway, let me go!" Yi Xiaoyin inadvertently raised her voice in annoyance.

A few pairs of eyes looked over, and other guests and waiters in the western restaurant seemed to be looking over, and it was obvious that they were immediately attracted by Yi Xiaoyin's appearance and temperament.

"Who is that, so beautiful."

"It looks familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere."

"Could it be a star?"

"It doesn't seem to be, I think about it... ah, I think about it..."

"Who...hey, where are you going?"


A young couple was whispering there, and then the young man suddenly got up and walked towards Yi Xiaoyin, looking very excited.

"Hello, may I ask, may I ask you, are you the legendary medical fairy?" The young man didn't speak very well.

And his voice is also very loud, this opening, the western restaurant suddenly became a little chaotic.

"Wow, it's really a medical fairy, I remembered."

"Really, it's so beautiful, I feel more beautiful than the photos I see on the Internet."

"No, the real person is too temperamental. Those photos on the Internet do not fully show the temperament."

"Come on, take a picture, I'm so lucky to be able to see the medical fairy in person."

"What kind of photos are you taking? Let the medical immortal help you to see the doctor. I heard that the medical immortal is not easy to treat people now..."

"No, it is said that as long as the medical fairy is free, she will treat people, but she is busy..."


The waiters and guests in the restaurant began to walk towards this side. Some took pictures and some seemed to really want Yi Xiaoyin to help see a doctor. This made Yi Xiaoyin feel helpless. She originally thought it was a clean place with few people. She wouldn't be easily recognized by anyone, but there are so few people in this place, it seems that she is more likely to attract attention.

"Wife Yiyi, I think it's better for us to change to a place with more people, such as the place just now." Xia Xia said with a smile.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyin really can't refute, after all, she was not recognized there just now.

"Wife Yiyi, why don't I give them a shot to make them all quieter?" Xia Xia asked seriously again.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, then raised her voice slightly, looking at the excited young man who was still standing opposite, "I'm Yi Xiaoyin, is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, Miss Yixian, hello, hello, there's nothing to do, I just want to thank you, my grandfather was very ill before and was cured in your hospital." The young man was excited, "In short, we The whole family is very grateful to you. Grandpa said that you performed the operation on him with your own hands, and also said that you are really amazing..."

"Hey, if you really thank my wife Yiyi, don't bother us." Xia Xia spoke at this time.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're right, I shouldn't disturb Miss Yixian to eat..." The young man reacted and began to apologize, but the next second, he suddenly felt wrong, and then stared at Xia Tian in stunned eyes: "You, you, you are Miss Yixian's husband?"

"What, Miss Yixian has a husband?"


"I've never heard of it."

"Didn't you say that Miss Yixian is single?"

"But look, that man is still holding Miss Doctor Immortal."

"Even if it's not a husband, it must be a boyfriend..."


Everyone in the restaurant was shocked, but seeing the intimacy of Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin, they couldn't help but believe it. After all, as Yi Xiaoyin, unless the man was really her husband or boyfriend, otherwise, she wouldn't. be so close to people.

"That's right, I'm her husband." Xia Xia looked serious, "Well, seeing that you are so discerning, I'll tell you good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"What, what bad news?" The young man was a little confused.

"Don't make a fool of yourself." Yi Xiaoyin vaguely felt that what Xia Xia was about to say was not a good thing.

"Oh, the bad news is that your girlfriend is pregnant." Xia Xia said casually.

"What?" The young man turned to look at his girlfriend, "This, is this true?"

"I, I'm not completely sure..." The young woman

Leng, obviously did not expect to be seen.

"That doctor's husband, his girlfriend is pregnant, why is it bad news?" a waitress couldn't help but ask, and she was still muttering in her heart, the doctor's husband is very ordinary, just looking at his age smaller.

"Yeah, how could this be bad news?" The young man also looked at Xia Xia.

"Do you want to hear good news now?" Xia Xia asked seriously.

"Uh, you, you said." The young man was still polite to Xia Xia, but this was obviously because of Yi Xiaoyin's presence.

"The good news is that the child in her belly is not yours." Xia Xia smiled.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The young woman was a little angry. "Who are you? Don't talk nonsense here."

"Miss Yixian, this, is this really your husband?" The young man looked at Yi Xiaoyin and seemed to want to get angry, but he was still worried about Yi Xiaoyin.

Yi Xiaoyin hesitated and wanted to deny it, but found it difficult to deny it. If she said no, then why would she be held by Xia Xia, but if she said yes, she didn't want to admit it.

And she didn't deny it, everyone obviously regarded it as the default.

"It's really the husband of Doctor Immortal, who is this person? It's just shit luck!"

"That's hard to say. Maybe they are hiding the rich second generation."

"After all, being young is an advantage..."


Several waiters whispered there, and the questioning waiter spoke again this time: "The doctor's husband, the child in his girlfriend's womb is not his, how can this be good news again? "

"Why are you so stupid?" Xia Xia was a little displeased. "Now that he knows that the child is not his, he doesn't need to be a father. Isn't that good news?"

Everyone was stunned, and then thought about it, it seems that this is the truth.

Of course, the premise is that what this person said is true, but why does this person know that the child in his girlfriend's womb belongs to someone else?

"Wife Yiyi, the chefs here seem to have gone on strike. Let's eat in another place." Xia Xia said again at this time.

"Okay." Yi Xiaoyin finally spoke, she also felt that there was no way to eat here.

And as soon as Yi Xiaoyin agreed, Xia Tian hugged her directly.

After a minute.

Yi Xiaoyin was speechless. She found that she had returned to the previous wedding banquet hall. What made Yi Xiaoyin speechless was that she sat directly at the wedding banquet this summer!

"Do you know it's called rubbing rice?" Yi Xiaoyin whispered to Xia Xia.

"Wife Yiyi, how can this be called a meal? We are here for them to save face. We are not going to the wedding banquet for ordinary people." Xia Xia said seriously.

Yi Xiaoyin is quite speechless, let's say it, it's actually true, no matter who she and Xia Tian want to go to the wedding banquet, the other party will feel more face, the key is that they didn't invite them at all.

In the end, it's still a meal.

Not far away, the bride and groom seem to be making the final preparations before the wedding ceremony. Yi Xiaoyin looked at the two of them and found that they looked very ordinary, which made Yi Xiaoyin wonder why she had to come here in the summer. What about dinner?

Although it seemed that Xia Xia was just a temporary idea, and wanted her to play some kind of wedding room game with him, she actually doubted whether Xia Xia had another purpose, because she always felt that in fact, Xia Xia did a lot of things at random.

Maybe it's because she suffered a big loss in conspiracy in front of Xia, so now, she always feels that Xia is actually a more conspirator than she is.

"This lady looks familiar, is your surname Yi?" A voice came from the side.

Yi Xiaoyin turned her head to look and found that it was another guest sitting at the same table. This was a man in his thirties, slightly fat and wearing a pair of glasses.

"Wife Yiyi, a person as beautiful as you is really only suitable for me to hide at home, and will be recognized as soon as I go outside." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"It turns out it's really that Miss Yi." The slightly fat man's tone was obviously more respectful, "I don't know if you are a friend of the bride or the groom?"

"My wife Yiyi came with me." Xia Xia said lazily.

"You are..." The slightly fat man looked at Xia Xia with inquiring eyes.

"It's none of your business." Xia Xia was a little impatient, "Don't bother my wife."

"Can't you talk well?" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help but speak.

"Wife Yiyi, I don't like talking to men, and I don't like talking to ugly people." Xia Xia said casually, "This fat fat guy is ugly, and he came to chat with you. It's good that I didn't beat him. "

Having said that, he stared at the slightly fat man: "Hey, stay away from my wife, or I will beat you!"

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