Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1658 It's time to see a doctor

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

There is no doubt that in such an instant, everyone's attention shifted from the bride and groom to Yi Xiaoyin. A fairy-like super beauty like Yi Xiaoyin was originally a person who would steal others' limelight no matter what the occasion. , And before, everyone just didn't notice this side, and Yi Xiaoyin himself actually avoided everyone's attention on purpose.

But now, after being yelled at by the young man, even if Yi Xiaoyin wanted to hide, there was nothing she could do, not to mention, Xia Xia seemed to want others to notice her.

"Idiot, who cares if you believe it or not." Xia Xia looked at the young man with some dissatisfaction, and hugged Yi Xiaoyin again, "My wife is my little fairy."

"Who are you calling an idiot? You're an idiot!" The young man glared at Xia Xia, "I've seen a lot of liars, but I've never seen you being such a liar. With the advanced make-up technology these days, you made your girlfriend look like a doctor. It doesn't look like much, but you still appear with her, when did Yixian have a husband?"

Raising his voice, the young man glanced around: "Everyone, this kid claims to be the husband of a medical fairy. Even if a medical fairy really has a husband, he would look for something like him? Do you think so?"

"That's right."

"Yeah, it's impossible for a medical fairy to find such an ordinary man."

"I also think he's right, but that beauty really looks like Miss Doctor Immortal..."

"Look, the photos I just found look like..."

"Yeah, the real person has more temperament, and it doesn't look like it's made of makeup..."

A group of people talked a lot. The wedding banquet, which was already very noisy, became even more noisy now, and hundreds of people in the hall were still in doubt about Yi Xiaoyin's identity.

Although Yi Xiaoyin looks exactly like a fairy, and looks exactly like the legendary medical fairy, no one wants to believe that the legendary medical fairy who has been single all the time has a husband, and he looks very ordinary. man.

"Wife Yiyi, are you full?" Xia Xia ignored these people at all, but smiled at Yi Xiaoyin and asked.

"Have you found someone?" Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly.

"Well, wife Yiyi, there are too many neuropathy here, it's not so easy to find." Xia Xia said seriously.

Yi Xiaoyin really wanted to give Xia Xia a slap in the face, he himself was insane.

"I don't think people will come, let's go." Yi Xiaoyin felt that it was better to leave, and she didn't want to explain whether she was a medical immortal. There is no need to explain this kind of thing.

In her capacity, she doesn't even bother to do such self-identification.

"Haha, do you want to go? I'll say you are liars, I said beauty, you look so beautiful, why don't you be a liar? Even if you are a liar, just to get a meal, you don't think it's too low. "..." The young man looked at Yi Xiaoyin with a sense of accomplishment at the moment, but this time, before he finished speaking, he was smashed in the face by a plate.

"Uh!" The young man let out a scream, with vegetables and soup on his face, looking extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, almost no one saw who smashed the young man.

But the next second, they will know.

"You idiot is so annoying." Xia Xia picked up another dish while talking, and smashed it again according to the young man.

"Uh..." There was another scream, the young man fell on his back, and the wedding banquet hall burst into commotion.

"It's a fight..."

"Don't do it, you have something to say..."

"Quick, security, security!"


Some people watched the fun, some persuaded the fight, some called for security, and some even took out their mobile phones to call the police.

"Do you have to make a fuss to be happy?" Yi Xiaoyin stared at Xia Xia, originally thinking that this person was here to do business, but as a result, this guy has been here for so long and didn't do anything serious.

"Wife Yiyi, I'm not making trouble." Xia Xia looked innocent, "It was that idiot who was jealous of my beautiful wife and insisted on coming to trouble me."

Glancing at everyone, Xia Tian raised his voice: "Hey, don't be noisy, or be careful I'll beat you all up!"

"Shut up for me!" Yi Xiaoyin got angry, this person didn't say anything, but when he said it, he was even more energetic.

While speaking, Yi Xiaoyin had already stood up and pulled Xia Xia up from her seat: "Come with me!"

Yi Xiaoyin decided that it doesn't matter whether there is any business or not, the wedding banquet is almost over, and the mental patient hasn't appeared yet, and most likely won't appear, and she has to get Xia Xia's mental illness away now, otherwise, this guy It is possible to beat all the people attending the wedding to the ground.

At that time, these people were beaten and could not even find a place to reason.

"Wife Yiyi, shall we go back to the bridal chamber now?" Xia Xia looked smiling.

"Are you going?" Yi Xiaoyin was so annoyed that she was still in the bridal chamber. Now she just wanted to knock a hole in his head to see what was inside!

"Well, Mrs. Yiyi, since you're in such a hurry to go to the bridal chamber, let's go." Xia Xia smiled, "But before we go, we have to take the patient away."

Take the patient away?

Yi Xiaoyin wanted to tell Xia Xia that she was taking him as a patient away, but she actually understood Xia Xia's true meaning.

"That person is here?" Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, and at the same time subconsciously looked at the four

Zhou Yiyan, but she still couldn't find the person she was looking for.

"Wife Yiyi, in fact, the patient has always been there." Xia Xia smiled brightly, "Well, although you are my wife, your medical skills still need to be improved. Remember to learn more from me these days."

The surroundings were still messy, and a few people were muttering in their hearts, didn't they say it was a medical fairy? This person actually said that the medical skills of the medical fairy need to be improved?

It seems that these two are really liars.

"Where is the person?" Yi Xiaoyin was even more annoyed. This bastard actually said that her medical skills were not good, but she still couldn't refute it. Who made him really the only person in the world with stronger medical skills than her?

Xia Xia looked at a person at this time, and said lazily: "Hey, I said you should go back to the hospital, right? You escaped from the mental hospital for a few years, and now that you have a husband, and you have enough fun, it's time to go. sick."

A group of people heard inexplicably, who is this guy talking about.

Looking at his line of sight, everyone is even more unconvinced, this, this person seems to be staring at the bride?

"This gentleman, who are you? Today is my wedding. I don't want to make trouble, but if you keep making trouble like this, I really want to call the police." An angry voice sounded, but it was none other than the one who spoke. is today's groom.

"Wife Yiyi, I haven't been out for more than ten years, and no one here knows me anymore." Xia Xia shook his head with emotion, "Okay, let me tell you, my name is Xia, summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter. The number one heaven in the world, the legendary number one genius doctor in the world is me."


"Who is Summer?"

"Wait, I seem to have heard this name before..."

"Isn't it? Is there really such a person as Summer?"

"No, I heard that Xia Xian was in his twenties more than ten years ago, why does he still look twenty years old now?"


This is Jianghai City after all, so the name Xiasum is actually remembered by many people. After all, Xia Xia was famous in Jianghai City more than ten years ago, and even now, Jianghai City actually has legends about summer, although many People regard his legend as a story, but when someone really comes out and says that it is summer, everyone will start to think that the story is true.

"Hey, your husband may not have heard of me, but I think you should know." Xia Tian looked at the bride at this time, "Well, your husband doesn't know who you are, but you do know yourself. , so, do you follow me obediently, or do you want me to do it?"

"Fuck, is this here to rob the bride?"

"What do you mean, that the bride is sick?"

"Why does this feel like the rhythm of grabbing a kiss?"


There was a lot of noise all around again. In fact, few people can confirm the identity of Xia Xia. You must know that this is actually an ordinary wedding. The people who come to the wedding banquet are basically ordinary people. Although there are hundreds of people present, but No one knew Xia Xia before, so naturally it is impossible to confirm Xia Xia's identity now.

"I'll go with you." The bride spoke at this moment, and when she spoke, everyone was a little dumbfounded. So, is this bride really willing to go with him just because of a few words in the summer?

"Ayu, you, do you really want to go with him?" The groom couldn't believe it, and then suddenly became furious, "What is your relationship with him? I don't believe that he is a genius doctor, and I don't believe that you are sick. follow me..."

"Hey, idiot, shut up for me, I have nothing to do with your wife!" Xia Xia interrupted the groom dissatisfied, and hugged Yi Xiaoyin, "My wife Yiyi is tens of thousands of times more beautiful than your wife, but I'm not like you. That's out of style!"

"Speak well, they're getting married!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, but she was also staring at the bride at the moment, her brows slightly frowned, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"He's right, I have nothing to do with him." The bride spoke at this time, but her voice suddenly changed to that of a man, "Hahaha, listen to my voice now, I am Who?"

There was silence all around, and a group of people were completely stupid. What, what is this situation? Why does this bride sound like a man?

"You, you are not Ayu...you, you are Wang Feng..." The groom's face changed greatly, and he stepped back again and again, "This, how is this possible, you, what did you do to Ayu? Where is Ayu?"

"Wife Yiyi, in fact, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of mental illness that transforms herself into plastic surgery and then marries her rival." Xia Xia looked a little emotional at this time, "The world has really changed. More and more perversions.”

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