Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1665 is not good at all

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Young Master Su, what kind of bet do you want to bet?" Ma Wei snorted, in fact, he had seen Su Xiaocan long ago, but he just pretended that he hadn't seen it, and he had long known that Su Xiaocan was chasing Xu Ru.

In fact, Ma Wei had long known that Su Xiaocan was more threatening than Lin Hao, so now that he found out that Xia Xia was the person Su Xiaocan found, he naturally wanted to strike mercilessly.

For Ma Wei, this time he was a must for Xu Ru, and he almost succeeded.

As long as Xu Ru can be persuaded to take his daughter to go abroad with him, whether it is Su Xiaocan or Lin Hao, there is no longer a threat to him.

As the eldest young master of the Su family, Su Xiaocan is unlikely to stay abroad for a long time, and Lin Hao is actually in a similar situation to Su Xiaocan, plus Ma Wei is very confident in his appearance, and he also knows that Xu Ru likes him a little more. There are many factors. Taken together, as long as Xu Ru goes abroad with him, he will win.

"It's very simple, if Xia Xia can cure Nana's disease, you will disappear from Xu Ru's side completely, and if Xia Xia can't cure Nana, it's very simple, I won't come to Xu Ru again." Su Xiaocan said.

They all have only one goal, and that is Xu Ru. Now Su Xiaocan puts forward this bet, it is not unusual, because he completely believes in Xia Xia's ability.

Even if Yi Xiaoyin, who was just called a medical fairy, couldn't solve the little girl's problem, Su Xiaocan still had no doubts about Xia Xia's ability. How powerful Xia Xia's medical skills are, he has more personal experience than most people.

"Master Su, I know that you and Awei are all for my own good. No matter whether the doctor you invited can cure Nana, I am very grateful to you, so there is no need for you to bet on this." Xu Ru said at this time.

"Ma Wei, I'm just asking you, do you dare to gamble?" Su Xiaocan continued to ask in a provocative tone as if he hadn't heard Xu Ru's words.

"Master Su, although I don't want to use Xu Rudang as a bet, since you must bet, then go for it." Ma Wei snorted, "It's also a good thing that you can stop harassing Xu Ru. "

"Very good, so be it." Su Xiaocan's tone had a hint of excitement, if he could drive Ma Wei away, he basically won, and now, he was counting on summer.

Turning to look at Xia Xia, Su Xiaocan continued: "Xia Xia, I will trouble you now."

Xia Xia also walked towards the little girl named Nana at this time, and Liu Han also followed, as for Su Xiaocan, he walked to Xu Ru's side.

And Yi Xiaoyin didn't leave. At this time, everyone's attention was on Xia Xia. Many people wanted to know, is this guy a liar, or is he really Yi Xiaoyin's husband?

Of course, there is also a possibility that it is a liar and Yi Xiaoyin's husband, so it is more logical for them to cheat together.

"Wife Yiyi, did you really not see her problem?" Xia Tian looked at Yi Xiaoyin at this time and asked very seriously.

Yi Xiaoyin directly gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes. She was about to see the problem. Should she wait for him to check?

"Well, even my wife Yiyi can't see the problem, so I have to check it carefully." Xia Xia said to himself, "Otherwise, if I can see it at a glance, wouldn't wife Yiyi be too shameless? "

"You can tell if you can see it!" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't bear it anymore, this bastard looked like he was deliberately giving her face, but his voice was still so loud, isn't that burying her?

She doesn't need him to save face for her like this!

"I'll check it out." Xia Xia smiled, and then reached out and grabbed the little girl Nana's wrist, looking like she had a pulse, but the whole process lasted less than three seconds, and he put his hand away came back.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with her?" Hanhan asked curiously at this time.

"This, Xia, Doctor Xia, what's wrong with my daughter?" Xu Ru also asked at this time, she was actually looking forward to it.

Although Xu Ru didn't know Xia Xia at all, and had never heard of the name, but Xia Xia saw that she was wearing nothing at first glance, which actually surprised her, and Xia Xia was the one invited by Su Xiaocan, and she seemed to be following Yi Xiaoyin has a close relationship, so it doesn't seem like an ordinary person.

"Oh, although my wife Yiyi's medical skills are a little worse than mine, she is actually right. Your daughter just has a cold." Xia Xia said lazily.

"Hahaha, I said Young Master Su, are you going to leave here now?" Ma Wei couldn't help laughing. At this moment, he couldn't hide the smugness in his tone.

"What are you anxious about?" Su Xiaocan sneered, "Xia Tian never gets it wrong. If he says that Nana is not sick, then it must be true."

"What? Su Xiaocan, are you trying to cheat?" Ma Wei sneered, "It doesn't matter if you want to cheat, but do you think Xu Ru will still believe you?"

"Xia Xia, I have been paying attention to Nana's situation for a long time. Her body does not look right. If she is really not sick, is there any other problem?" Su Xiaocan ignored Ma Wei, and It turned to look at summer.

And hearing Su Xiaocan ask this, Xu Ru stopped asking. Obviously, this is also her problem.

"Oh, although she is not sick, she thinks she is sick, so she looks like she is sick." Xia Xia said lazily: "Just like my wife Yiyi, she is obviously my wife, But I thought I was not my wife, not at all

good. "

"What are you talking about?" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't bear it any longer, "Why is she like this?"

"Wife Yiyi, you don't seem to be very smart now. It seems that you still eat less." Xia Xia shook his head, "It's actually very simple, she was just hypnotized."


"Can it really be hypnotized?"

"Is this too nonsense?"

"It seems that most of this person is really a liar..."

"I think so……"


And this time, Ma Wei also sneered: "Joke, hypnosis? As far as I know, short-term hypnosis can barely be done, but long-term hypnosis is impossible!"

"You idiot is quite experienced in hypnosis." Xia Xia said lazily: "Well, you probably hypnotized her. She has been hypnotized for about three years. You idiot appeared three years ago, right? "

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ma Wei was very annoyed, "I think you and Su Xiaocan wanted to deceive Xu Ru together. Now that I see it through, they will start biting people?"

"Hey, brother-in-law and brother-in-law, is this handsome brother actually a hypnotist?" Hanhan asked in surprise at this time: "But if he is really a hypnotist, why didn't he hypnotize Sister Xu Ru directly? He hypnotized Nana too. Is it useless?"

"This, summer, what Hanhan said seems to make sense." Su Xiaocan said with a little hesitation.

Obviously, Su Xiaocan hopes that what Xia Xia said is true, but the problem is, if Ma Wei really hypnotizes Nana, then the goal should also be Xu Ru, then, as Han Han said, why not hypnotize Xu Ru directly Woolen cloth?

"You two are really stupid, just that idiot. The level of hypnosis must be very poor. It is naturally easier to hypnotize children, but it is difficult to hypnotize adults." Xia Xia said lazily.

After a pause, Xia Xia said: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain to you slowly, you don't understand anyway, I'll just hypnotize this idiot."

Taking out a silver needle, Xia Xia quickly stabbed Ma Wei a few times, and then retracted the silver needle.

"Hey, idiot, tell yourself, when did you hypnotize that little girl Nana?" Xia Xia looked at Ma Wei and said lazily.

"Three years ago, I hypnotized Nana three years ago," Ma Wei replied.

"Why did you hypnotize her?" Xia Xia asked again.

"I originally wanted to hypnotize Xu Ru, but I was just going to try it on Nana first, but I didn't expect it to be successful." Ma Wei replied, "Actually, I thought about dehypnotizing her, but I tried several times later. , were unsuccessful, I knew there was still a problem with my hypnotic ability, so I didn't try again."

"What are you doing to hypnotize that Xu Ru? She doesn't look good." Xia Xia asked again.

Su Xiaocan next to him was a little speechless, but now even Xu Ru obviously wouldn't care about this with Xia Xia. For her, it was a trivial matter.

"I just wanted to get a painting from her, and that painting was very valuable, but then I really liked her." Ma Wei is very honest.

"Oh, then you invited that Dr. Smith, is it a real doctor?" Xia Tian asked casually again.

"Yes, I'm friends with Dr. Smith," Marvey replied again.

"Who taught you your hypnotism?" Xia Xia was also quite bored now and asked another question.

"I taught it myself." Ma Wei replied: "There are tutorials on the Internet, I learned it, and then I tried it, and it was successful."

"You're an idiot. You can learn anything you want. No wonder you're so bad at learning." Xia Xia said lazily, then looked at Su Xiaocan, "Okay, you can solve this idiot, I'm too lazy to care."

"Hey, wait, Xia Xia, can you help Nana release the hypnosis?" Su Xiaocan asked hurriedly.

"Oh, that's easy." Xia Tian took out a silver needle and stabbed Nana twice, and then said, "She will be sleepy soon, let her sleep and wake up and it will basically be fine."

As soon as Xia Tian finished speaking, Nana yawned, and then fell on Xu Ru.

"This, that, I..." Xu Rushun hugged Nana, still a little overwhelmed. She was obviously suspicious of Xia Xia before, but now, she can't help but believe it.

"Xu Ru, take Nana back to the room first, and I'll take care of it here." Su Xiaocan said at this time.

"Okay, okay, then, Xiao Can, please trouble you." Xu Ru nodded, and she even changed her name at this moment.

"Come with me." Yi Xiaoyin whispered to Xia Tian at this time, and walked to the other side at the same time.

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