Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1671 It's all your fault anyway

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Yi Xiaoyin didn't scold Xia Xia or struggle this time, because she actually heard what Su Beibei said on the phone, that is, something happened to Su Xiaocan.

Su Xiaocan had a car accident. He stayed at Xu Ru's house last night, and left early this morning to return to Su's house. On the way home, his car was hit by someone, and Su Xiaocan is also said to be seriously injured and is currently being rescued in the hospital. .

Su Beibei just got the news, and then called Xia Xia. At this moment, Su Beibei is also rushing home. As for Xia Xia, she is going to the hospital now.

Speaking of which, it's actually quite a coincidence. Su Xiaocan happened to be sent to Yiren Pavilion Hospital, because this hospital is also the closest hospital to Su Xiaocan's accident site. daze.

Not only because of the sudden appearance of the dean, but also because their beautiful dean, like a fairy, was being put down from his arms by a man.

"You go out first, I'll take over." Yi Xiaoyin's calm voice sounded, but it also had an ordering tone, and the doctors and nurses in the emergency room did not hesitate to hear this and left quickly.

At the moment when they left the emergency room, many people still looked back, but they were even more surprised to find that their beautiful dean was watching at the moment, but it was the man who really took over their work.

"Could it be..." Some doctors murmured to themselves, as employees of Yiren Pavilion Hospital, they actually knew that there were some rumors inside the hospital. Back then, Yiren Pavilion Hospital could directly register for the genius doctor for treatment in the summer. Although it has been cancelled now, there are still some people. Know something about the relationship between Ishinone and Natsu.

Of course, no one dared to say it casually outside, but it was still okay to think about it.

Xia Xia quickly pierced Su Xiaocan with a needle, and Su Xiaocan was seriously injured. To put it simply, if Xia Xia didn't appear, even if Yi Xiaoyin came here, Su Xiaocan would not be saved.

Fortunately, there are still eight needles against the sky in summer. As the saying goes, one needle gives birth to two needles and three needles kill the flesh and bones. In the current situation, the first needle against the sky cannot save Su Xiaocan, but in fact, the second needle against the sky needs to be used. Together with the third needle against the sky, can Su Xiaocan be restored to normal.

Xia Xia didn't have any reservations about this. He performed the second and third needles against the sky in a row, which not only repaired the damaged internal organs in Su Xiaocan's body, but also restored his almost half-disabled body to normal. It's not Yi Xiaoyin, but other ordinary people. I'm afraid I feel like hell when I see this scene.

A burst of noise came from outside, Xia Xia also closed the needle at this time, and then walked out of the emergency room, and Yi Xiaoyin also followed.

A group of people came in a hurry, and the person in the lead looked a little familiar, and then this person recognized Xia Tian at a glance.

"Summer?" The man was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, "You're here? Is the big brother all right?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Xia Xia said lazily: "He's going to sleep for a while, and he'll wake up soon."

Looking at this person, Xia Tian was a little confused: "Who are you here?"

The man was a little depressed, and then finally said his name: "I'm Su Junfeng."

"Oh, it's you, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you getting so old?" Xia Tian remembered.

Su Junfeng was almost killed by Xia Xia's words, what does it mean to become so old? He was only in his thirties.

Also, what do you mean by not seeing for a while, it's been more than ten years, okay?

"Xiao Can, where is Xiao Can? Doctor... ah, Doctor Xia, Miss Yixian, you are here..." Another panicked voice came, it was none other than Xu Ru.

Obviously, Xu Ru also got the news and came here.

"Miss Xu, don't worry, Su Xiaocan is all right." Yi Xiaoyin comforted Xu Ru.

"Hey, did you two play all night last night? But it doesn't matter if you play all night, why don't you play something else and drink all night?" Xia Xia looked at Xu Ru and asked lazily.

"Drinking?" Xu Ru was startled, "Shen Doctor Xia, we didn't drink. Xiao Can and I were discussing the wedding all night. We drank a few cups of coffee, but never drank."

"Well, you really didn't drink." Xia Xia nodded at the moment, "That's a bit strange. I just found out that Su Xiaocan has a lot of alcohol in his body, so he must have drank a lot."

After thinking about it, Xia Xia looked at Xu Ru and asked, "Well, when did Su Xiaocan leave your house?"

"About seven o'clock." Xu Ru replied.

"It's 8:30 now. The car accident should have happened less than half an hour ago. There is still an hour in between. Well, it doesn't seem right." Xia Xia muttered to himself, then took out his mobile phone and started texting the good baby. information.

As a road idiot, Xia Xia is actually not sure how long it will take to get from Xu Ru's house to the place of the car accident, but he is basically certain that it will not take an hour, so the question arises, what else did Su Xiaocan do in the middle?

"Me, what's wrong with me?" A somewhat confused voice came at this time, and then everyone saw Su Xiaocan, who was still wearing a surgical gown, standing at the door of the emergency room, looking a little confused.

"Xiao Can!" Xu Ru hurriedly rushed over, "You, are you alright? How are you feeling now?"

"It's okay, I feel pretty good, this, this is the hospital? The emergency room? And why are you all here... I'm here, wait, let's think about it..." Su Xiaocan began to recall, "I, I seem to have had a car accident.

already? "

"Brother, you had a car accident, and it was serious, but fortunately summer has come, otherwise..." Su Junfeng said in a low voice.

"Xia Tian, ​​did you save my life again?" Su Xiaocan looked at Xia Xia and smiled bitterly, "I'm really lucky."

It stands to reason that such a serious car accident is not considered good luck, but now that Su Xiaocan has said this, everyone does not think it is wrong. After all, if it is not for good luck, he is probably dead.

"Xiao Can, did you go anywhere else after you left my house? Xia Tian said that you drank a lot of alcohol, do you have anything to worry about?" Xu Ru couldn't help asking at this time.

No wonder she wanted to ask, Su Xiaocan discussed a one-night wedding with her, and the discussions were almost over, and then he ran to drink, and he got drunk and got into a car accident because of it. It looked like Su Xiaocan didn't really want to marry her. look.

"Drinking?" Su Xiaocan was confused, "No, I shouldn't drink. After I left your house, I was going to go home. After driving for a few minutes, I felt very sleepy, so I parked the car on the side of the road. Then I slept for a while, woke up, and continued to drive home, and then suddenly I had a car accident."

Seeing that Xu Ru seemed to have some doubts, Su Xiaocan quickly said: "Xu Ru, think about it, even if I really drink, why would I still drive? I really didn't drink, I just squinted for a while."

"Well, you are indeed sleeping." At this time in the summer, he had already received a message from the good baby, "But while you were sleeping, you also drank."

After a pause, Xia Xia added: "Hey, it should be said that he drank alcohol, um, still wrong."

"Can you make it clearer?" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help it.

"Oh, wife Yiyi, you can't blame me, it's the good baby who didn't make it clear." Xia Tian looked innocent, "Anyway, Su Xiaocan does have alcohol in his body, but he didn't drink it, but someone gave it to him. It was injected, because he had a lot of injuries in a car accident before, so I didn't notice any traces of the injection."

Everyone was dumbfounded and injected, this, doesn't that mean...

"Well, in other words, your car accident was not accidental. Someone wanted to kill you." Xia Xia looked at Su Xiaocan and said lazily, "As for who is going to kill you, for the time being, I don't either. You know, although the surveillance camera captured this person, this guy wrapped himself up so tightly that he couldn't see what he looked like."

A group of people were stunned when they heard it. For a while, this person has already watched the surveillance?

"Well, I don't seem to have anything to do with me anymore." Xia Xia said to himself, "Why hasn't Bei girl come yet?"

Just as they were talking, everyone heard a voice: "Get out of the way... Hey? Big brother, why are you looking so good, you don't look like you're dying?"

Everyone was speechless, even if this was the case, it was always a bit weird to say that.

And everyone looked at the person who came. At this look, the man was basically stupid, while the woman was a little jealous. As for Yi Xiaoyin, she immediately understood why Xia Xia would never forget Su Beibei.

This Su Beibei's current figure is really a bit foul. She is not very popular. She is also in good shape, but she feels that in some parts, she is not as good as Su Beibei.

"Baby girl, why did you come back now?" Xia Xia also spoke at this time, "Do you know that if I hadn't come quickly, you would never have seen your eldest brother for the last time if you came back at this speed."

A group of people were speechless again, did he say that?

"Hmph, if I don't see my eldest brother for the last time, then this is the last time I will see you!" Su Beibei stared at Xia Xia, "If you can't handle such a thing, don't call yourself a genius doctor. ."

"Girl Bei, you're wrong. If your elder brother dies, I can't save him." Xia Xia stared at Su Beibei, a little unhappy.

"Then I don't care, it's all your fault anyway." Su Beibei looked unreasonable, "I'm unreasonable anyway, what can you do to me... Ah, big pervert, you hit me again!"

Su Beibei showed her teeth and claws, obviously wanting to fight Xia Xia, but it seemed that this fight was impossible because she let Xia Xia hug her whole body.

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