Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1683 Do you have a beautiful daughter?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"It doesn't matter who she is, since you don't know little Yiyi's wife, she must not be a good person." Xia Xia didn't care about this, um, he basically forgot about it before.

"Well, it shouldn't be from the company, I don't know how to get into my office." Lan Yiren was a little puzzled, "And sitting next to my computer, I don't know if I want to find some information, maybe it's a commercial spy, husband, I want Shall we ask now?"

"Let's ask tomorrow." Xia Xia was not interested in this, he just wanted to continue sleeping with this little Yiyi wife.

"Okay... um..." Lan Yiren quickly understood that the husband didn't plan to let her sleep tonight.

the next morning.

On the other side of the hotel, Yi Xiaoyin woke up and found that Xia Xia was not by her side, and soon she finally determined that Xia Xia really didn't come back for a night.

"Most of this bastard is with the Lanyi people." Although Yi Xiaoyin told herself not to care, the thought still popped into her mind unconsciously.

Obviously, this time, Yi Xiaoyin guessed right.

At this moment, Xia Xian actually finally got up, um, of course, it was not awake, after all, he hadn't slept at all, but Lan Yiren was already asleep, and that was why Xia Xian got up.

When he walked out of the room, the woman who had been pierced by him was still sitting there. Xia Tian took out the silver needle and pierced her again.

"I said, I said, I'm here to steal information, I..." Xia Xia hadn't spoken yet, the woman had already made a move. Don't say it, Lan Yiren was right, she was really a commercial spy.

After giving this woman an injection last summer, she didn't care about her anymore. For this woman, it was an extremely terrifying torture. After one night, she actually collapsed.

So now that she can speak, she will say everything.

However, this is actually a very ordinary commercial spy, and Xia Xia has no interest in her, so he threw her to the security room and walked away.

After leaving the Divine Doctor Group, Xia Xia returned to the hotel, but at this moment, Yi Xiaoyin hadn't left yet.

In fact, this is quite normal. Before, Yi Xiaoyin still had a little intention of avoiding Xia Xia, so she would leave early, but now that Xia Xia was not around, she naturally did not rush to leave.

"Morning Mrs. Yiyi, I'm going to bed." Xia Xia greeted Yi Xiaoyin, then went into the bedroom and lay down on the bed.

When Yi Xiaoyin walked into the bedroom, she found that Xia Xia had fallen asleep.

There was a faint scent in the air, which was not her scent, and this made Yi Xiaoyin suddenly feel annoyed, but soon, she controlled herself and turned around to leave.

Ding dong.

The sound rang, but Xia Xia's mobile phone received the message, and the next second, Xia Xia opened his eyes, which immediately made Yi Xiaoyin suspect that this guy was just pretending to be asleep.

However, Yi Xiaoyin didn't bother to care about this, and continued to walk outside.

"Wife Yiyi, don't leave yet." Xia Xia shouted at this moment.

As if she didn't hear it, Yi Xiaoyin continued to walk outside, but after taking two steps, she found herself flying, and then she landed on the bed.

Just as he was about to get angry, Xia Xia spoke again: "My dear baby, I have sorted out all the information related to the Eight Needles Against the Sky. I'll sleep for a while, you can take a look."

Xia Tian put his mobile phone in Yi Xiaoyin's hand, and then continued to sleep, but what annoyed Yi Xiaoyin was that this bastard was still holding her in one hand.

She wanted to get rid of Xia Xia first, but Yi Xiaoyin also opened the information at this time. There was indeed a lot of information, and she soon began to immerse herself in the information unconsciously. In this way, slowly, she seemed to have forgotten. He was also embraced by summer.

The information is very messy, Yi Xiaoyin couldn't find anything useful for a while, and she didn't expect to find anything useful immediately, she just planned to read the information first.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it took. The screen of the mobile phone suddenly changed, the bell rang at the same time, but someone called Xia Xia.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyin realized that it was already noon, and at the same time she was shocked that Xia Tian was still holding her.

But at this moment, he is not holding her waist, but holding her one leg, that's fine, his head is still resting on her leg!

"This bastard will enjoy it!" Yi Xiaoyin cursed inwardly, and then shouted: "Hey, your phone!"

Xia Tian didn't respond, and looked like he was still asleep.

Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed, and had the urge to slap or punch Xia Xia directly, but in the end, she still used a method that was more in line with her status as a doctor.

Finding a silver needle, Yi Xiaoyin directly pierced Xia Xia twice, but this time Xia Xia finally woke up.

"Wife Yiyi, don't pierce me, I'll sleep for a while." Xia Tian opened his eyes and took a look, then closed them again.

"Answer the phone." Yi Xiaoyin put the phone in front of him.

"I'm going to sleep, wife Yiyi, please answer it for me." Xia Xia was obviously not interested in answering the phone, mainly because he didn't want to let go.

"It's fine if you don't answer!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, she didn't answer the phone for this bastard.

And the phone was also disconnected at this time, apparently the other party finally hung up.

"Take your hand away!" Yi Xiaoyin said again.

Xia Tian didn't hear it again, and looked like he was asleep.


No way, plus she is still looking at the information, so she doesn't care, she continues to open the information and look down, she doesn't seem to want to send the information to her own mobile phone at this time.

After looking at it for less than two minutes, the phone rang again, and it was the phone number just now. It only showed a number, and it belonged to the capital, but it did not show the name.

Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed and immediately refused to answer the call. However, within two seconds, the call came over again, so Yi Xiaoyin finally couldn't bear it any longer and answered the phone directly.

"Which one?" Yi Xiaoyin got angry.

There seemed to be stunned for a while, and then he asked cautiously: "Excuse me, is Xia Xia here?"

"He's sleeping, who are you?" Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, there was a woman on the phone, and her voice was quite nice.

"My name is Gentle, can you please let Xia Xia answer the phone? I have something very important." The woman who claimed to be Gentle was quite polite.

"Gentle?" Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, the name was a bit special, and then she suddenly remembered, "Are you Lu Ren's wife?"

"Yes, yes, my husband is Lu Ren, he used to be Xia Xia's master." Wen Wen nodded quickly, "Excuse me, you, are you Xia Xia's wife?"

Obviously, Gentle still knows something about summer.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, your mistress is calling!" Yi Xiaoyin pierced Xia Tian again with a silver needle.

"Which mistress?" Xia Xia woke up. "Well, the master doesn't seem to have a wife now. I wonder if the second master's wife is still there. Could it be the third master's wife?"

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? Answer the phone quickly." Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

"Wife Yiyi, turn on the speakerphone." Xia Xia said solemnly: "My hands are so busy right now that I can't answer the phone."

Yi Xiaoyin was so angry that she made trouble for a long time, this bastard was reluctant to let go of her leg!

Picking up the silver needle, Yi Xiaoyin slammed into Xia Tian's hand for a while, not to mention, the effect was good, no, Xia Xia finally took his hand away and started to answer the phone.

"Well, Third Sister, do you have a beautiful daughter?" Xia Xia asked immediately.

"Ah?" Wen Rou didn't react for a while, and Yi Xiaoyin, who was on the side, stabbed Xia Xia with a silver needle a few times.

After discovering that silver is useful for summer, Yi Xiaoyin began to like to use this thing for summer.

"Well, forget it, I just remembered that you are still young even if you have a daughter. I'm not interested in little girls. What is the matter with you looking for me, the third master? Did something happen to the third master?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"Actually, something happened to our daughter." Gentle replied.

Xia Tian was a little surprised: "Huh? You really gave birth to a little junior sister for me?"

"Uh, it's not actually, our daughter was adopted by us, and she's not too young." Wen Wen was a little embarrassed, "That, summer, it's like this, we adopted our daughter from an orphanage back then, and she's also fast now. Growing up, it's just that she has some problems with her body, which was not a big problem at first, but it has become a little serious recently."

"Sanshi Niang, if you want me to go and treat that fake junior sister, I'll go there. You don't need to explain so much." Xia Xia didn't care about this. Since she was the adopted daughter of the third master, he would definitely go to treat the disease. .

"No, Xia Tian, ​​it's not just this problem now." The gentle tone was a little disturbed, "I asked your master to find a way to help you two days ago, and then your master asked your phone number, he said he would contact you, but He doesn't know why, he hasn't contacted you all the time. I've been calling your master for the past two days, but he can't get through for some reason, because he also sent me your phone number, so I just I'll call you directly."

"Third Master Niang, what do you mean, Third Master has disappeared?" Xia Tian suddenly understood.

"I'm not too sure, but now your master is gone, and our daughter is in some trouble. Although there are people who are helping now, I'm not at ease. So, if you are free, can you come to the capital?" In a gentle tone There was obvious anxiety, "It's not that I don't believe other people, it's just that your master said that you are the most powerful."

"Oh, that's fine, I'll go there as soon as possible." Xia Xia didn't hesitate, although he basically didn't contact the three masters in recent years, but now that there may be an accident with the three masters, he is still very concerned about it.

Xia Xia quickly hung up the phone, then looked at Yi Xiaoyin: "Wife Yiyi, I'm going to the capital first."

"Wait a minute." Yi Xiaoyin called out Xia Tian.

"Wife Yiyi, do you miss me? I'll be back soon." Xia Xia smiled.

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