Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1692 Give me the wine bottle

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly, she knew that the two people Xia Xia was talking about were the man and the woman, and she actually saw that the two were a little different.

"I'm Lantian City, Lan Mingcheng is my brother, whoever injured my brother just now, you'd better stand up for me immediately!" The man in his thirties spoke again at this time, his tone full of The taste of threat, "Otherwise, let me find out by myself, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Wife Yiyi, come here, have a drink." Xia Xia had already withdrawn his gaze, picked up the glass of whisky and brought it to Yi Xiaoyin's mouth.

Yi Xiaoyin gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes, but she still opened her mouth and drank the wine.

Although Yi Xiaoyin is not interested in drinking, in fact, as an immortal cultivator, it is not so easy to get drunk. What's more, she is a genius doctor, and there are many ways to get rid of alcohol.

"Sister Doctor Immortal, is this wine delicious?" Lu Wen asked curiously at this time.

"For me, there is no good wine." Yi Xiaoyin smiled calmly.

"That's right, people who like to drink will find it delicious." Lu Wen smiled, "I'll give it a try."

Holding up the glass, Lu Wen drank all her whisky in less than a sip, and then coughed violently: "Cough cough... so choking... cough cough..."

Xia Xia picked up a silver needle and pierced Lu Wen's body, and Lu Wen stopped coughing.

"Sister Yixian, this wine is not good at all." Lu Wen grimaced, obviously she was not interested in drinking it, "I'd better drink some beer, I'm all here, if I don't drink it, I always feel like Never been here."

Lu Wen began to ask the waiter for beer, and then she realized that the situation was not right. It seemed that the whole bar was still drinking here?

The others seemed to be quite nervous. The security captain had already walked to the blue sky city and was whispering something.

After that, Blue Sky City looked towards the summer and them.

"Wife Yiyi, have another drink." Xia Tian poured another glass of wine and handed it to Yi Xiaoyin's mouth.

Yi Xiaoyin took it this time: "You have to finish this bottle, don't you?"

"Yes, wife Yiyi, how can you get drunk if you don't finish drinking?" Xia Xia said seriously.

"I won't get drunk after drinking it." Yi Xiaoyin said angrily, and then she drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

This time, instead of pouring her wine in Summer, she poured herself another glass, then drank it all in one gulp, and continued to pour it. In this way, one glass after another, in less than a minute, Yi Xiaoyin drank the entire bottle of whiskey directly.

"Wow, Elder Sister Doctor Immortal, you drink a lot." Lu Wen looked adoring.

And Jin Shuai, who hasn't left yet, is obviously stunned. The amount of alcohol is too much.

The waiter who brought them the wine was actually a little dazed. It was 880,000, so he drank it so casually? Seeing that people like to drink, that is to drink slowly, but this lady doctor, how can drinking be the same as drinking water?

"I can't think of a famous medical immortal, but the alcohol capacity is quite good." A voice came at this time, and it was none other than the blue sky city.

Lantian City had already walked beside them, and his eyes fell on Yi Xiaoyin's face: "Miss Yixian, let me introduce myself, I am Lantian City of the Lan family. Although Miss Yixian has rarely come to the capital in recent years, I think, You should have heard my name."

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with the capital anymore. Mr. Lan, please speak up if you have something to say." Yi Xiaoyin's voice was still very calm, but her words meant that she indirectly told everyone that she didn't know who the blue sky city was.

In fact, this is not unusual. Although the Lan family does have some fame in the capital, the problem is, for Yi Xiaoyin, the families that the capital can really make her pay attention to are mainly the Zhao family and the Song family. As for other families , she wouldn't pay much attention at all.

She is just a doctor, and she doesn't want to care about the so-called family feud, which has nothing to do with her, and she pays attention to the Zhao family and the Song family only because these two families are related to Xia Xia.

"It seems that our Lan family can't get into the noble eyes of Miss Doctor Immortal." Lantiancheng's tone seemed to be somewhat sarcastic. Obviously, Yi Xiaoyin's answer just made him a little embarrassed.

"Hey, since you idiot knows that you are ugly and shouldn't be seen by my wife Yiyi, why don't you take the initiative to disappear?" The dissatisfied voice continued, and this guy who offended people as soon as he spoke, Of course it won't be anyone else.

Yi Xiaoyin is also a little speechless, when will this person learn to speak well!

"Miss Yixian, no matter what, I still respect you very much, so let me ask you now, who is this person? Are you going to interfere in his affairs?" Blue Sky City was obviously a little annoyed.

"You idiot, of course I'm Yiyi's wife's husband." Xia Xia was a little unhappy, "Don't keep harassing my Yiyi wife, hurry up if you want to fight, I'm too lazy to move, you idiots send it over and beat me up. Just fine."

"Mr. Lan, I can ignore the matter between you, but before you want to do it, I suggest you ask him what his name is." Yi Xiaoyin smiled lightly.

After a short pause, Yi Xiaoyin said again: "I think I'd better tell you who he is first, his name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one day in the world, if you haven't heard of him, then what do you think? Do what you do, and if you've heard of it, I'm sure you know how to do it too."

The reason why Yi Xiaoyin came to the capital with Xia Xia was mainly because she was afraid

He was messing around here, so although she didn't really want to take care of it, she took the initiative to name Xia Xia.

"Sorry, I've never heard of the name Xia Xia!" Lantian City sneered, "Since Miss Doctor Immortal doesn't care about this matter, that's for the best!"

Turning to look at the summer, Lantiancheng's tone was even colder: "I don't care whether you are summer or winter, now, I will give you a chance, if you apologize to me right away..."

"Idiot, are you annoying?" Xia Xia interrupted Lantian City directly, "If you want to fight, hurry up. They say I'm too lazy to move. It's not because I don't have a bottle in my hand, so I'll just hit you with a bottle."

Speaking of this, Xia Tian suddenly remembered: "Hey, no, wife Yiyi, give me the bottle."

In fact, there is still one bottle, which is the whisky bottle. However, perhaps knowing that in the summer, he wants to use the bottle to smash people, at this moment Yi Xiaoyin actually took the bottle in his hand.

Here, Yi Xiaoyin hasn't given the bottle to Xia Xia, but Blue Sky City over there has been screaming unbearably: "Come on, you two, give me a slap first, slap this kid a few times!"

The pair of men and women looked at each other at the moment, and then took a few steps towards Xia Xia, but they did not start, but looked at Xia Xia, and then the man asked, "You, is it really Xia Xia?"

The man's tone was very polite.

"Huh? Wife Yiyi, he seems to have heard of me." Xia Tian was a little surprised.

"Are you from Jianghai?" The woman also asked, with a more polite tone.

"He is Xia, from Jianghai, he is the Xia you have heard of." Yi Xiaoyin looked at the two and said, "I don't know which family you two are from, but you'd better persuade that one. Mr. Lan, let him take his brother out of the bar now."

"Thank you, Miss Yixian, we know what to do." The woman nodded.

"What are you two doing?" Blue Sky City was a little annoyed at this time, "I told you to do it, didn't you hear?"

"Sorry, Mr. Lan, we can't do it." The man said, "Also, we are not the opponents of this Mr. Xia."

"Mr. Lan, it's better for you to listen to Miss Yixian." The woman followed.

"It's unreasonable, I gave you so much money, just to let you do things for me, not to let you teach me how to do things..." Blue Sky City looked very angry, but before he finished speaking, a bottle flew over and smashed on the ground. on his head.


Blue Sky City fell down.

The whisky bottle in Yi Xiaoyin's hand finally let Xia Xia take it, and now it comes in handy.

"Hey, you two, who taught you martial arts?" Xia Xia asked lazily, looking at the couple.

"Shen Doctor Xia, our teacher's surname is Gu." The woman replied respectfully.

"Oh, those guys in Girl Shuang's house." Xia Tian suddenly understood, "Okay, let's go."

"Yes, Doctor Xia." The pair of men and women left quickly. Of course, when they left, they also took the two brothers from Lanmingcheng, Lantian City, with them.

As for the other people in the bar, looking at Xia Xia's expression at the moment, they are all very exciting. Who is this person? Not to mention a few people who have been beaten away, the people brought by Blue Sky City actually dare not fight him?

But the name Xia Xia is not well-known in the capital, at least they have never heard of it.

"Let's change the place." Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia, she felt that this place was impossible to play, and she watched this guy beat people all night.

"Wife Yiyi, are you going back to the hotel?" Xia Tian said immediately.

"No!" Yi Xiaoyin glared at Xia Tian, ​​then turned to look at the waiter not far away, "Pay the bill."

"Okay, Miss Doctor Immortal." The waiter immediately handed over the list, "A total of 918,500, I can give you a discount..."

"Okay, there's no need for discounts, my elder brother came to my store to drink, where do I need to pay?" A voice came at this moment, and then a person came to Xia Xia, "I said, elder brother, you are here, why don't you? Talk to me?"

This is a man in his thirties, with fairly dark skin and white clothes. Beside him, there are several bodyguards.

"Xiao Hei, did you drive this place?" Xia Xia was really surprised.

little black?

Hearing this, many people are very strange, this white boss is actually called a black? Although Boss Bai looks very dark, he can't shout like that, right?

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