Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1702 They happen to be two pairs

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Little long-legged girl, can't we make conditions when we win?" Xia Xia was a little puzzled, "Can't I ask them to beat someone?"

"Theoretically, yes, but why do you bring up such a messy condition?" Ning Ruirui said angrily, "They didn't offend you!"

"Yeah, I said this handsome guy, why do you want them to beat us?" The red bikini beauty spoke up at this time, "We didn't offend you, did we?"

"Besides, the two of us are also on the winning side. We can also make conditions. Your condition is definitely not acceptable." The blue bikini beauty also said.

"Okay, then I'll change the terms." Xia Xia said lazily: "The two of you sleep with them, um, the one in red pants sleeps with the one in blue bikini, and the one in blue pants is the one in red bikini. sleep together."

"Hey, dead pervert, are you sick?" Ning Ruirui was even more annoyed, what a mess.

And the people around are also speechless. This guy who is suspected to be Ning Ruirui's boyfriend turns out to be a neuropathy?


Xia Xia gave Ning Ruirui a slap. This little wife is so disobedient that she doesn't give face to his husband at all.

"Damn hooligan, what are you doing?" Ning Ruirui was going crazy, but the only good thing was that the hooligan seemed to like her legs too much now, and the slap was also on her legs.

It hurts, it hurts, it's not that shy.

"Little girl with long legs, I asked you to eat more breast supplements, but you have to listen, that's why you have been so small and brainless." Xia Tian was a little unhappy, "You still don't know, those four Is this idiot a gang? They happen to be two pairs, and the swimsuits and swimming trunks are all couples."

"What?" Ning Ruirui was stunned, "are you serious?"

Looking at the two bikini beauties not far away, and the two men on the other side, Ning Ruirui suddenly realized that what Xia Xia said was really possible. Their outfits looked like couples' outfits, but Because there are so many people dressed like this on the beach, she didn't expect this at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We're not with them." The red bikini beauty looked a little annoyed.

"That's right, what kind of couple's clothes? We just bought these things temporarily in a store in front. There are only two colors of bikinis and swimming trunks there." The blue bikini beauty also said angrily.

"Yes, there's a swimsuit shop over there, that's exactly what it is."

"Yeah, I went to see it there too, but I didn't buy it."

"So, this person is obviously talking nonsense..."


Some people were talking, although the voice was not loud, but Ning Ruirui, who was an immortal cultivator, could hear it clearly, so she, who had believed in Xia a little, began to doubt it again.

"Hey, are you mistaken?" Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Xia, she still believed in Xia Xia's ability, after all, this guy is more reliable in ability, not reliable in other places.

"Oh, aren't you wearing a couple's outfit?" Xia Xian was a little surprised, "Then why did you sleep together?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" This time, almost four of them scolded Xia Xia at the same time.

And almost at the same time, the two men were already rushing towards this side.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will beat you..." It was the man in red pants who spoke, but before he finished speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Xia Xia.

"Idiot!" Xia Xia had already stood up with his arms around Ning Ruirui, "You slept with that idiot woman in a red bikini, even at noon today, and you two idiots, slept at six or seven o'clock last night. , but it's a little strange that you don't sleep together at night, but choose to sleep during the day? Oh, it seems that it's still time to eat..."

"You actually slept with him? Shit, you guys said to go to the bathroom at noon today, and they all went together so coincidentally, so you could sleep with us behind your back?"

"You bitch, you went to the toilet for so long during dinner last night, so you were messing around behind your back?"

"What are you yelling about? Didn't you sleep with her too?"

"You're a bitch, can you cheat on the old lady and can't cheat?"


The scene was extremely chaotic for a time, but soon, everyone figured out one thing, it was really two pairs, but Xia Xia obviously got one thing wrong, that is, the two pairs were originally red and blue. Matching, while red, red, blue and blue sleep together, it's just cheating on each other.

No, now the four of them quarreled with each other and fought directly, and this also made Ning Ruirui quite depressed. Dare she thought she was helping, but she was tricked?

"Hey, you idiots, stop arguing." Xia Xia was a little annoyed, and then kicked out a few times, all four of them flew up, and then all fell into the sea.

This time, even Ning Ruirui felt that the summer was doing well, so those people should be thrown into the sea.

The only problem is that she hasn't figured out yet, why did those people act in this scene and ask her to help play ball?

"Hey, dead pervert, do you think they were trying to trouble me on purpose, so they set up a game to make me lose?" Ning Ruirui asked, she thought back carefully, if she had let one of the two women If one partnered with her, if the woman made a few troubles, maybe she would really lose.

"Little long-legged girl, don't worry about what those idiots want to do." Xia Xia said lazily: "We are smart people,

Can't understand the idea of ​​an idiot. "

Ning Ruirui couldn't help giving Xia Xia a roll of eyes. This guy was still saying that she was small and brainless, and now she is smart again?

However, Ning Ruirui gave up on pursuing it. In her opinion, this is not a big deal.

"Hey, little girl with long legs, why don't we go there to buy swimsuits too?" Xia Tian suggested at this time: "I think you should look pretty in a bikini too."

"I want to see myself online!" Ning Ruirui said angrily, "I participated in the swimming competition in the swimsuit that I wore."

"Really?" Xia Tian immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the good baby.

"What are you posting?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help but came over, and after a while, she found out that Xia Xian actually asked the good baby to help him collect her videos and photos.

That's fine. In the end, the guy said, "Send it to me after sorting it out, and then delete all those on the Internet."

"There's something wrong." Ning Ruirui glared at Xia Xia, this guy's monopoly is really not that strong, and he didn't even want others to see some normal photos.

But I don't know if it was because Yi Xiaoyin called her and said that before, which made her mood change a little bit. Now Ning Ruirui is not disgusted with Xia Xia's practice, on the contrary, she seems to be a little happy in her heart?

Ning Ruirui was a little dizzy. She felt that she might not be normal now, otherwise, how could she feel that Xia Xia's neuropathy was sometimes done right?

"Hey, let's change the place, there are too many people here." Ning Ruirui said again at this time, there were originally not many people here, but now there are a lot of people watching.

Although Ning Ruirui was used to being stared at in the past, but now she's here for vacation, and more importantly, the pervert in the summer takes advantage of her from time to time, and she doesn't want to be watched by a bunch of people in this situation.

"Little long-legged girl, in fact, there is nothing fun at the seaside. We can go to the hotel to play." Xia Xia said casually.

"No." Ning Ruirui snorted softly, "Hey, don't you want to know more ordinary people now? Then listen to me."

She didn't go to the hotel. The pervert seemed to have bad intentions against her. Even if she was nominally his now, in fact, she didn't want to cheapen him so quickly.

Hey, not right.

Ning Ruirui suddenly found that there was a serious problem with her thinking. She should never let this pervert take advantage of her.

Could it be that she has now accepted her fate?

Ning Ruirui had a headache again. She felt that she might have been spoiled by Shi Chun. That female hooligan was instilling this kind of thought with her all day long, saying that she couldn't be so cheap as a pervert brother-in-law, which made her seem like this now. an idea.

"Little long-legged girl, I think this is really boring. Look at the few we met just now. They are all idiots." Xia Xian was a little depressed, although he decided to listen to the fairy sister, the problem was that he really didn't I like to continue to be among these ordinary people.

Ning Ruirui was also a little speechless, and she didn't know why those who came to her were not good things.

"Can you be patient?" Ning Ruirui snorted softly.

As soon as she said that, Ning Ruirui heard a shout from not far away: "help! help!"

Ning Ruirui looked at the reputation and found a blonde was shouting, and then she began to change into Chinese: "Help...help..."

Although it was a bit sloppy, her words were still clear. Obviously, the blonde realized that speaking Chinese in this place was easier for people to hear. No, it was the truth. As soon as she shouted, many people watched it.

Then, many people rushed over there, and soon they saw a young man lying on the ground, unconscious, and the blonde started to say something in Chinese and English, it seemed to be Say this young man is drowning or something.

"Let me go, let me go." Ning Ruirui's voice sounded, "I have a doctor here."

Hearing Ning Ruirui's words, everyone stepped aside, and then looked at Ning Ruirui together, only to find that Ning Ruirui was waving to the other side: "Hey, come and save people!"

And when these people saw Xia Xia slowly approaching, they were immediately speechless. The neurotic guy just now was actually a doctor? This is a bit unscientific.

Next, they felt even more unscientific, because Xia Tian actually took out a silver needle, which is really not science!

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