Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1710 You are stupid because of picky eaters

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Whoops, the cup is broken.

The red wine was spilled all over Shen Hao's body, Shen Hao was confused, what happened?

"Why?" Ning Ruirui looked at Xia Tian, ​​"Is there a problem with this wine?"

"Oh, it's not a big problem, it's just a bit of poison in it." Xia Xia said lazily.

"Ah?" Lily on the side exclaimed.

"Hey, someone else wants to assassinate me?" Shen Hao's face changed slightly, but, in general, he was still calm at the moment.

After all, it was not the first time he encountered an assassination today, and he was already mentally prepared.

"You are too easy to be assassinated." Xia Xia said lazily.

Shen Hao's face was a little gloomy. He knew that Xia Xia was actually right. He was too careless. In a sense, this carelessness was also a manifestation of incompetence.

And he actually didn't want Xia Xia to feel that he was incompetent, however, I'm afraid he can't change this impression now.

"Mr. Shen, if you need to deal with personal affairs, you can leave now." Ning Ruirui said at this time, "I think you are in a critical period now."

"Shen Doctor Xia, Miss Ning, I'll make a phone call first, you two will look at the menu first." Shen Hao stood up, he quickly walked out of the western restaurant, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"What's wrong?" There was a quick call.

"I was accompanying Xia Shenyi to dinner in the restaurant. Just now, Xia Shenyi saved my life because someone tried to poison my wine." Shen Hao said calmly, "I can go back to deal with this now, But I think, I should stay here to accompany Xia Shenyi, am I right?"

"Yes, maintaining proper contact with that genius doctor Xia is the most important thing." The voice on the other end of the phone was low, "As for the assassination of you, I will handle it."

"Dad, I actually know very well who is going to kill me, and I think you are also very clear, so I believe you can handle it well." After Shen Hao said this, he hung up the phone, and then he turned around Re-enter the restaurant.

At the table, summer is ordering.

"This, this, and this, uh, and these two, both of them." Xia Xian ordered five steak sets in one go, and each of them was double.

"You pig, eat so much!" Ning Ruirui couldn't help but complain.

"Little long-legged girl, why are you scolding yourself? These are all for you." Xia Xia smiled, "You have to eat more to get in shape."

"Hey, I don't eat so much!" Ning Ruirui was a little annoyed, did this dead pervert treat her as a pig?

"Little long-legged girl, don't be picky eaters, picky eaters are not smart, you're stupid because of picky eaters." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"Sir, do you really order so much?" the waiter on the side couldn't help asking at this time.

"It seems to be a little less. The one I ordered just now, three servings of each." Xia Xia said after thinking about it.

"Ah? Okay, okay." The waiter finally stopped talking, and Ning Ruirui was quite speechless. Does this dead pervert really think that she can make her breasts bigger by eating more?

"Wait for you to finish eating alone!" Ning Ruirui snorted, she didn't want to say so much, although she actually eats quite a lot now, she really can't finish it if she wants to.

"Little long-legged girl, I'll feed you later." Xia Tian smiled.

Ning Ruirui was a little depressed all of a sudden, didn't this dead pervert mean that she would force her to eat if she didn't eat it?

Not to mention, she really believed that the neuropathy in the summer could do such a thing.

"Lily, are you a foreigner?" Ning Ruirui decided to ignore Xia Xia and started chatting with Lily.

Lily's Chinese is really not good, but Ning Ruirui's English is actually quite good. No, the two chatted in English, so it was Xia's turn that they couldn't understand.

Fortunately, Xia Xia was not interested in what they were talking about, so he didn't bother to care about them. However, when he was bored, he always had to find something to do. No, he just put his arms around Ning Ruirui's delicate waist. A little not honest.

Ning Ruirui's pretty face blushed, she turned her head and glared at Xia Xia, only to find that Xia Xia didn't even look at her at all. At this moment, this guy's eyes floated a little and drifted to another beautiful woman.

This big beauty is actually Shi Chun. She just walked in with Sun Yun, and it seems that she also came to eat. As for whether she came here on purpose or just by chance, I don't know.

Looking at Xia Xia's eyes, Ning Ruirui was annoyed. This dead pervert used to think that Shi Chun was a liar and said that Shi Chun was not in good shape. No, looking at the way he is now, he can't wait to have Shi Chun for dinner.

Shi Chun found a place to sit down at the moment, and after sitting down, she swept around, and then saw Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui.

"Brother-in-law and brother-in-law!" Shi Chun didn't hide, but ran over immediately, "Hey, brother-in-law, who is this handsome guy?"

It was naturally Shen Hao who Shi Chun asked, but Shen Hao was in a daze at the moment, Shi Chun's beauty and sexy made him a little stunned.

"Hey, handsome guy, wake up, I'm my brother-in-law's future concubine, don't hit me." Shi Chun said while sitting on Xia Tian's lap.

"Ah... I'm sorry..." Shen Hao suddenly woke up, this super beautiful woman also belonged to Xia


"Oh, you don't have to be embarrassed, that's how people love me." Shi Chun giggled, "That's right, handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Uh, this lady, I have a girlfriend." Shen Hao reacted.

"Is this your girlfriend? Oh, it's a blond beauty with a good figure... Well, is it possible for you to break up with her?" Shi Chun asked again.

"This, this..." Shen Hao was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, my name is Shi Chun, the stone of the stone, the very pure one, my brother-in-law calls me Chunchun, you can call me Miss Shi." Shi Chun said with a smile.

"Miss Shi, I'm sorry, this is my girlfriend Lily. If everything goes well, I will officially marry her in a while." Although Shen Hao didn't understand what Shi Chun wanted to do, he still showed his loyalty in front of his girlfriend.

"That's it..." Shi Chun pouted, then turned to look at Xia Xia, "Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, I promise to help Sun Yun find a rich second-generation boyfriend. Do you have any suitable candidates to introduce?"

"Let Shen Hao introduce you, he must know a lot of rich second-generation." Xia Xia said casually.

"Miss Shi, I do know quite a few rich second-generation friends, and I am also a rich second-generation, so if you need my help to find a few suitable rich second-generation, it is not difficult." Shen Hao hurriedly said.

"Oh, you see that is my roommate, her name is Sun Yun, she is not particularly good-looking, but she is also a beautiful woman, and she is quite honest, the most important thing is that she is still my friend of pure beauty, Help her introduce a reliable rich second-generation boyfriend." Shi Chun looked at Shen Hao and pointed to Sun Yun who was not far away.

Shen Hao really looked at Sun Yun and found that Shi Chun was not talking nonsense. That Sun Yun was really good looking, but finding a reliable second-generation wealthy is not an easy task these days.

"Miss Shi, it's no problem, it's all up to me." Shen Hao still agreed, Shi Chun called Xia Xia's brother-in-law, and claimed to be Xia Xia's future concubine. Unusual, Shen Hao naturally wanted to take on this task.

"Yeah, great, I'll let Sun Yun come to you later, I'll go first." Shi Chun said and left Xia Xia, but before leaving, he quickly touched Ning Ruirui.

"Shi Chun, what are you doing?" Ning Ruirui was furious, this female hooligan was too much.

"Sister Ruirui, my brother-in-law took advantage of me just now, of course I want to take advantage of you, otherwise I'll lose too much!" Shi Chun said with a smile, but the person ran away quickly.

Ning Ruirui is suffocated, this Shi Chun is a perfect match for Summer!

"Little long-legged girl, it's alright, I'll go to Chunchun later to collect some interest." Xia Xia seemed to comfort Ning Ruirui.

Ning Ruirui gritted her teeth secretly, is this dead pervert wishing she would be taken advantage of by Shi Chun more?

Shen Hao and Lily on the side were a little stunned. They couldn't understand the situation at all, so they could only say nothing.

Fortunately, the waiter came at this time.

"Hello, this one, we have already made a part of the steak you just ordered. Do you want to send it all together?" The waiter looked at Xia Xia and asked politely, "If you need to send it all, we suggest you Change location, because the table here is too small for so many servings."

"No, you can send it over together." Xia Xia said casually.

"Well, okay." The waiter hesitated for a while, but finally stopped talking.

A few minutes later, the waiter pushed the car over and began to move the steaks to the table in portions. Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui both put one in front of them, and when the waiter began to prepare the third one, Xia Xia took action.

He held a knife in one hand and a fork in one hand, and knocked the fork on the plate, the steak on the plate flew directly, and then the knife began to fly, and then the steak was cut into pieces and fell on the plate in front of Ning Ruirui .

The waiter was stunned, and Xia continued to do this for the rest of the year. In the end, more than a dozen steaks were cut into pieces and piled on the plate in front of Ning Ruirui. What was even more amazing was that they formed a shape.

Well, it's a person.

On this person, there are still two words, summer.

"Little long-legged girl, do you think I'm handsome?" Xia Chao Ning Ruirui giggled, "Hurry up and eat."

"Can you change to a better shape?" Ning Ruirui was not afraid to hit Xia Tian, ​​"I can't eat just looking at your name!"

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